Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include "tcommon.h"

#include <QWidget>
#include <QAction>

#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QFrame>
#include "docklayout.h"

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR


//Forward Declarations
class DockLayout;
class DockWidget;

class DockPlaceholder;
class DockSeparator;
class DockDecoAllocator;

class Region;


//    Docking Lock Check

//!Singleton for docking system lock.
class DVAPI DockingCheck
	bool m_enabled;
	QAction *m_toggle;
	DockingCheck() : m_enabled(false), m_toggle(0) {}

	static DockingCheck *instance();
	void setToggle(QAction *toggle);
	bool isEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
	void setIsEnabled(bool on);


//    Dock Layout

//!DockLayout inherits the abstract QLayout to provide a docking system for widgets.
  \b IMPORTANT NOTE: Observe that the addWidget() method expects only widgets of type DockWidget, so any other
  widget type added to this kind of Layout will cause a run-time error.

  \sa DockWidget and DockSeparator classes.
class DVAPI DockLayout : public QLayout
	std::vector<QLayoutItem *> m_items;
	std::deque<Region *> m_regions;

	DockWidget *m_maximizedDock; //Let the layout know if there is a maximized widget

	//Decoration-related allocator (separators)
	DockDecoAllocator *m_decoAllocator;

	virtual ~DockLayout();

	//QLayout item handling (see Qt reference)
	int count(void) const;
	void addItem(QLayoutItem *item);
	QSize sizeHint() const;
	QSize minimumSize() const;
	QSize maximumSize() const;
	QLayoutItem *itemAt(int) const;
	QWidget *widgetAt(int) const;
	QLayoutItem *takeAt(int);
	void setGeometry(const QRect &rect);

	void update();									  //Re-applies partition found
	void redistribute();							  //Calculates partition
	void applyTransform(const QTransform &transform); //Applies tranformation to known parition - Da rimuovere, non serve...

	DockWidget *getMaximized() { return m_maximizedDock; }
	void setMaximized(DockWidget *item, bool state = true); //Let DockLayout handle maximization requests

	//Docking and undocking methods.
	Region *dockItem(DockWidget *item, Region *r = 0, int idx = 0);
	void dockItem(DockWidget *item, DockPlaceholder *place);
	void dockItem(DockWidget *item, DockWidget *target, int regionSide);
	bool undockItem(DockWidget *item);
	void calculateDockPlaceholders(DockWidget *item);

	//Query methods
	Region *rootRegion() const { return m_regions.size() ? m_regions.front() : 0; }
	const std::deque<Region *> &regions() const { return m_regions; }
	Region *region(int i) const { return m_regions[i]; }
	Region *find(DockWidget *item) const;
	QWidget *containerOf(QPoint point) const;

	//Save and load DockLayout states
	typedef std::pair<std::vector<QRect>, QString> State;

	State saveState();
	bool restoreState(const State &state);

	//Decorations allocator
	void setDecoAllocator(DockDecoAllocator *decoAllocator);

	void applyGeometry();
	inline void updateSeparatorCursors();
	Region *dockItemPrivate(DockWidget *item, Region *r, int idx);

	//Insertion and removal check - called internally by dock/undockItem
	bool isPossibleInsertion(DockWidget *item, Region *parentRegion, int insertionIdx);
	bool isPossibleRemoval(DockWidget *item, Region *parentRegion, int removalIdx);

	//Internal save function
	void writeRegion(Region *r, QString &hierarchy);


//    Dock Widget

//!Dockable widgets are widget containers handled by DockLayout class.
  DockLayouts accept only dock widgets of this class; so if you want to
  place a given widget under this kind of layout, a DockWidget shell for
  it must be allocated first. The following class implements base dock
  widgets, with native floating decorations and no docked title bar.
  It is encouraged to reimplement all the essential functions for custom aspect
  and behaviour.

  \sa DockLayout and DockPlaceholder classes.
class DVAPI DockWidget : public QWidget
	friend class DockLayout;	  //DockLayout is granted access to placeholders' privates
	friend class DockPlaceholder; //As above.
								  //friend Region;          //Regions need access to m_saveIndex field.

	//Private attributes for dragging purposes
	bool m_floating;  //Whether this window is floating or docked
	bool m_dragging;  //Whether this window is being dragged
	bool m_undocking; //Still docked, but after a mouse button press on a title bar.
	//NOTE: m_dragging ==> !m_undocking; m_dragging=>m_floating.

	//Private infos for resizing purposes
	bool m_resizing;  //Whether this window is being resized
	int m_marginType; //Type of resize to consider

	bool m_maximized;

	QPoint m_dragInitialPos;
	QPoint m_dragMouseInitialPos;

	//Widget and Layout links
	DockLayout *m_parentLayout;

	//Decoration-related allocator (placeholders)
	DockDecoAllocator *m_decoAllocator;

	int m_saveIndex;

	//Protected infos for docking purposes
	std::vector<DockPlaceholder *> m_placeholders;
	DockPlaceholder *m_selectedPlace;

	DockWidget(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::Tool);
	virtual ~DockWidget();

	//Returns the DockLayout owning \b this dock widget
	DockLayout *parentLayout() const { return m_parentLayout; }

	bool isFloating() const { return m_floating; }
	bool isMaximized() const { return m_maximized; }

	//Query functions
	QWidget *hoveredWidget(QMouseEvent *me);
	DockPlaceholder *placeAdjacentTo(DockWidget *dockWidget, int boundary);
	DockPlaceholder *placeOfSeparator(DockSeparator *);
	const std::vector<DockPlaceholder *> &placeholders() const { return m_placeholders; }

	//Re-implementable functions for custom dock widgets.

	//!Returns the minimum size of the dock widget when docked. This function should be
	//!reimlemented whenever minimum size changes between floating and docked appearance.
	virtual QSize getDockedMinimumSize() { return minimumSize(); }

	//!Returns the maximum size of the dock widget when docked. This function should be
	//!reimlemented whenever minimum size changes between floating and docked appearance.
	virtual QSize getDockedMaximumSize() { return maximumSize(); }

	//!This function is called in order to show the dock widget in its floating status. No show() or update()
	//!is needed in its body.
	//!It can be reimplemented to build custom-styled dock widgets.
	virtual void setFloatingAppearance() { setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool); }

	//!This function is called in order to show the dock widget in its docked status. No show() or update()
	//!is needed in its body.
	//!It can be reimplemented to build custom-styled dock widgets.
	virtual void setDockedAppearance() {}

	virtual bool isDragGrip(QPoint p);
	virtual int isResizeGrip(QPoint)
		return 0; //Native deco widgets handle margins and resizes on their own

	enum { leftMargin = 0x1,
		   rightMargin = 0x2,
		   topMargin = 0x4,
		   bottomMargin = 0x8 };

	//Placeholders-related methods
	virtual void selectDockPlaceholder(QMouseEvent *me);
	void clearDockPlaceholders();

	//Decorations allocator
	void setDecoAllocator(DockDecoAllocator *decoAllocator);

	//reimpremented in FlipbookPanel
	virtual void onDock(bool docked) {}

	//Event handling
	//Basic events
	bool event(QEvent *e);
	void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me);
	void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *me);
	void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *me);
	void hoverMoveEvent(QHoverEvent *he);

	//Customizable events
	virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *we);
	virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *me);
	virtual void windowTitleEvent(QEvent *) {}


//    DockSeparator

//!Separators are interposition widgets among docked DockWidgets of a DockLayout.
  A DockSeparator has the role of separating sister Regions; it is always owned by a parent
  Region and inherits its subdivision (here separation) direction. It also provides basical
  interaction with the user, allowing itself to be shifted along separation direction until
  geometric constraints are met.
  DockSeparator class can be inherited to build custom separators - in that case, a
  heir of DockDecoAllocator class allocating the new separator class must be assigned to
  the DockLayout.
  It is also possible to specify the Separators' thickness used in a DockLayout through the
  QLayout::setSpacing(int) method.

  \b NOTE: Observe that Separators' geometry is owned by the DockLayout to which it belongs; it
  is discouraged (but not forbidden) to manually modify it. You may, for example, modify the
  geometry of a DockSeparator when dragging a dock widget over it.
  In any case, the layout will automatically regenerate Separators' geometry at each update of
  the layout.

  \sa DockLayout and DockWidget classes.

class DockSeparator : public QWidget
	friend class DockLayout; //Layout updates each DockSeparator during DockLayout::applyGeometry()
	friend class Region;	 //Region may update a DockSeparator's parent during removeItem()

	DockLayout *m_owner;

	//Event-related infos
	bool m_pressed;
	QPoint m_oldOrigin;
	QPoint m_oldPos;

	//Structural infos
	Region *m_parentRegion;
	int m_index;
	bool m_orientation;

	//Constraint infos
	double m_leftBound;
	double m_rightBound;

	DockSeparator(DockLayout *owner, bool orientation, Region *parentRegion);
	virtual ~DockSeparator() {}

	//Structural getters
	bool getOrientation() const { return m_orientation; }
	Region *getParentRegion() const { return m_parentRegion; }
	int getIndex() const { return m_index; }

	//Public setters
	void shift(int dx);

	void calculateBounds();

	void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me);
	void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *me);
	void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *me);


//    Dock Placeholder

//!A dock placeholder contains the necessary informations about a possible
//!docking solution.

  Dock placeholders are top-level widgets used by a DockLayout to draw docking
  solutions for a dragged DockWidget. They are actually generated when
  dragging of a DockWidget begins: if it belongs to a parent DockLayout, docking
  possibilities are calculated and stored into the layout.
  Placeholders selection and activation depend on the dragged dock window and therefore
  are of its own responsibility.
  You may, however, inherit this class to provide custom placeholders; in this case,
  a DockDecoAllocator class reimplementing allocation of placeholders must be assigned to
  the owner dock widget.

  \sa DockLayout and DockWidget classes
class DockPlaceholder : public QWidget
	friend class DockLayout; //DockLayout is granted access to placeholders' privates

	//Docking informations - private
	Region *m_region;
	int m_idx;

	//Docking informations - public
	int m_attributes;

	DockSeparator *m_separator;
	DockWidget *m_owner;

	DockPlaceholder(DockWidget *owner, Region *r, int idx, int attributes = 0);
	virtual ~DockPlaceholder() {}

	//Member access methods

	//!Returns DockSeparator on which docking takes place (if any)
	DockSeparator *getSeparator() const;
	//!Returns dockWidget owner
	DockWidget *getDockWidget() const { return m_owner; }
	//!Returns Region owner
	Region *getParentRegion() const { return m_region; }
	//!Returns insertion index into parent region
	int getInsertionIdx() const { return m_idx; }

	enum { left = 0,
		   right = 1,
		   top = 2,
		   bottom = 3,
		   sepHor = 4,
		   sepVert = 5,
		   root = 6 };
	int getAttribute() const { return m_attributes; }
	void setAttribute(int attribute) { m_attributes = attribute; }

	//Geometry functions
	QRect parentGeometry() const;
	virtual void buildGeometry();

	//Query functions
	//!A root placeholder is passed only if no item is currently docked (special case)
	bool isRoot() const { return m_attributes == root; }
	DockPlaceholder *parentPlaceholder();
	DockPlaceholder *greatestPlaceholder();
	DockPlaceholder *childPlaceholder(QPoint p);
	DockPlaceholder *smallestPlaceholder(QPoint p);

	//!Let wheel events also be propagated to owner dock widget
	void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *we) { m_owner->wheelEvent(we); }


//    Class Region

//!Regions represent any rectangular space inside a DockLayout.
//!Normally there is no reason to deal with Regions, unless you want to
//!build complex docking systems or manually dock widgets into your code.

  Regions are rectangular areas of the DockLayout's contentsRect() which
  can be either subdiveded into subRegions (all in a given \b subdivision
  \b direction) or contain a DockWidget.
  Every subRegion, if present, has opposite subdivision direction with
  respect to parent one. In addition, regions possess lists of separators
  and placeholders found along its subdivision direction.
  Region informations are owned by the DockLayout who allocates it; however,
  they are read-only accessible by the user.

  \sa DockLayout, DockWidget, DockSeparator and DockPlaceholder classes.

class Region
	friend class DockLayout;	//Layout is the main operating class over rectangular regions - need full access
	friend class DockSeparator; //Separators need access to extremal sizes methods when moving themselves

	DockLayout *m_owner;
	DockWidget *m_item;
	Region *m_parent;
	std::deque<Region *> m_childList;
	std::deque<DockSeparator *> m_separators;

	std::vector<DockPlaceholder *> m_placeholders;

	QRectF m_rect;
	bool m_orientation;

	int m_minimumSize[2];
	int m_maximumSize[2];

	int m_saveIndex;

	Region(DockLayout *owner, DockWidget *item = 0)
		: m_owner(owner), m_item(item), m_parent(0), m_orientation(0) {}

	enum { inf = 1000000 };
	enum { horizontal = 0,
		   vertical = 1 };
	enum { left = 0x1,
		   right = 0x2,
		   top = 0x4,
		   bottom = 0x8 };

	//Getters - public
	bool getOrientation() const { return m_orientation; }
	QRectF getGeometry() const { return m_rect; }
	QSizeF getSize() const { return QSizeF(m_rect.width(), m_rect.height()); }
	Region *getParent() const { return m_parent; }
	DockWidget *getItem() const { return m_item; }

	const std::deque<Region *> &getChildList() const { return m_childList; }
	Region *childRegion(int i) const { return m_childList[i]; }

	const std::deque<DockSeparator *> &separators() const { return m_separators; }
	DockSeparator *separator(int i) const { return m_separators[i]; }

	std::vector<DockPlaceholder *> &placeholders() { return m_placeholders; }
	DockPlaceholder *placeholder(int i) const { return m_placeholders[i]; }

	unsigned int find(const Region *subRegion) const;

	//Setters - private
	void setOrientation(bool orientation) { m_orientation = orientation; }
	void setGeometry(const QRectF &rect) { m_rect = rect; }
	void setSize(const QSizeF &size) { m_rect.setSize(size); }
	void setParent(Region *parent) { m_parent = parent; }
	void setItem(DockWidget *item) { m_item = item; }

	//Insertion and removal methods
	void insertSubRegion(Region *subregion, int idx);
	Region *insertItem(DockWidget *item, int idx);
	void removeItem(DockWidget *item);
	void insertSeparator(DockSeparator *sep);
	void removeSeparator();

	//Extremal region sizes
	//!Returns cached occupied space in \b this region along given \b direction.
	inline int getMaximumSize(bool direction) const
		return m_maximumSize[direction];
	//!Returns cached occupied space in \b this region along given \b direction.
	inline int getMinimumSize(bool direction) const
		return m_minimumSize[direction];

	bool addItemSize(DockWidget *item);
	bool subItemSize(DockWidget *item);
	void calculateExtremalSizes();
	int calculateMinimumSize(bool direction, bool recalcChildren);
	int calculateMaximumSize(bool direction, bool recalcChildren);

	//Redistribution function.
	//The main feature of a Region consists of the redistribute() method, which
	//extracts the optimal layout among the branching regions with \b this
	//root. However, only the full redistribute() method in DockLayout is made public.
	void redistribute();
	void restoreGeometry();
	//void updateSeparators();


//    Dock Allocator

//!DockDecoAllocator class handles the allocation of decoration elements used
//!by our dock manager.
  In order to implement custom appearances for the docking system, it
  is possible to customize both DockSeparator and DockPlaceholder classes. Since
  allocation of such objects is handled internally by the docking system,
  it is necessary to reimplement allocator functions whenever decoration
  classes change.
  In order to assign a DockDecoAllocator to a DockLayout or DockWidget, the
  respective 'setDecoAllocator' methods are provided.

  \sa DockLayout, DockWidget, DockSeparator and DockPlaceholder classes.
class DockDecoAllocator
	friend class DockLayout;

	DockDecoAllocator() {}
	virtual ~DockDecoAllocator() {}

	//Customizabile allocators
	virtual DockSeparator *newSeparator(DockLayout *owner, bool orientation, Region *parentRegion);
	virtual DockPlaceholder *newPlaceholder(DockWidget *owner, Region *r, int idx, int attributes);

	DockPlaceholder *newPlaceBuilt(DockWidget *owner, Region *r, int idx, int attributes);