Blob Blame Raw
*  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) --
*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
*     June 30, 1999
*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      INTEGER            INCX, K1, K2, LDA, N
*     ..
*     .. Array Arguments ..
      INTEGER            IPIV( * )
      REAL               A( LDA, * )
*     ..
*  Purpose
*  =======
*  SLASWP performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix A.
*  One row interchange is initiated for each of rows K1 through K2 of A.
*  Arguments
*  =========
*  N       (input) INTEGER
*          The number of columns of the matrix A.
*  A       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDA,N)
*          On entry, the matrix of column dimension N to which the row
*          interchanges will be applied.
*          On exit, the permuted matrix.
*  LDA     (input) INTEGER
*          The leading dimension of the array A.
*  K1      (input) INTEGER
*          The first element of IPIV for which a row interchange will
*          be done.
*  K2      (input) INTEGER
*          The last element of IPIV for which a row interchange will
*          be done.
*  IPIV    (input) INTEGER array, dimension (M*abs(INCX))
*          The vector of pivot indices.  Only the elements in positions
*          K1 through K2 of IPIV are accessed.
*          IPIV(K) = L implies rows K and L are to be interchanged.
*  INCX    (input) INTEGER
*          The increment between successive values of IPIV.  If IPIV
*          is negative, the pivots are applied in reverse order.
*  Further Details
*  ===============
*  Modified by
*   R. C. Whaley, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, USA
* =====================================================================
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      INTEGER            I, I1, I2, INC, IP, IX, IX0, J, K, N32
      REAL               TEMP
*     ..
*     .. Executable Statements ..
*     Interchange row I with row IPIV(I) for each of rows K1 through K2.
      IF( INCX.GT.0 ) THEN
         IX0 = K1
         I1 = K1
         I2 = K2
         INC = 1
         IX0 = 1 + ( 1-K2 )*INCX
         I1 = K2
         I2 = K1
         INC = -1
      END IF
      N32 = ( N / 32 )*32
      IF( N32.NE.0 ) THEN
         DO 30 J = 1, N32, 32
            IX = IX0
            DO 20 I = I1, I2, INC
               IP = IPIV( IX )
               IF( IP.NE.I ) THEN
                  DO 10 K = J, J + 31
                     TEMP = A( I, K )
                     A( I, K ) = A( IP, K )
                     A( IP, K ) = TEMP
   10             CONTINUE
               END IF
               IX = IX + INCX
   20       CONTINUE
   30    CONTINUE
      END IF
      IF( N32.NE.N ) THEN
         N32 = N32 + 1
         IX = IX0
         DO 50 I = I1, I2, INC
            IP = IPIV( IX )
            IF( IP.NE.I ) THEN
               DO 40 K = N32, N
                  TEMP = A( I, K )
                  A( I, K ) = A( IP, K )
                  A( IP, K ) = TEMP
   40          CONTINUE
            END IF
            IX = IX + INCX
   50    CONTINUE
      END IF
*     End of SLASWP