#include "trop.h"
#include "tfxparam.h"
#include "tofflinegl.h"
//#include "tstroke.h"
//#include "drawutil.h"
#include "tstopwatch.h"
//#include "tpalette.h"
//#include "tvectorrenderdata.h"
#include "tsystem.h"
#include "timagecache.h"
#include "tconvert.h"
#include "tflash.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "timage_io.h"
#include "tcolorfunctions.h"
#include "toonz/tcolumnfx.h"
#include "particlesmanager.h"
#include "particlesengine.h"
#include "trenderer.h"
#include <strstream>
Particles_Engine::Particles_Engine(ParticlesFx *parent, double frame)
: m_parent(parent), m_frame(frame)
void printTime(TStopWatch &sw, std::string name)
std::ostrstream ss;
ss << name << " : ";
ss << '\n' << '\0';
void Particles_Engine::scramble_particles(std::list <Particle*> &myParticles)
double size=myParticles.size()
for(i=0; i<myParticles.size();i++)
void Particles_Engine::fill_value_struct(struct particles_values &myvalues, double frame)
myvalues.source_ctrl_val = m_parent->source_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.bright_thres_val = m_parent->bright_thres_val->getValue();
myvalues.multi_source_val = m_parent->multi_source_val->getValue();
myvalues.x_pos_val = m_parent->center_val->getValue(frame).x;
myvalues.y_pos_val = m_parent->center_val->getValue(frame).y;
// myvalues.unit_val=m_parent->unit_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.length_val = m_parent->length_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.height_val = m_parent->height_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.maxnum_val = m_parent->maxnum_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.lifetime_val = m_parent->lifetime_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.lifetime_ctrl_val = m_parent->lifetime_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.column_lifetime_val = m_parent->column_lifetime_val->getValue();
myvalues.startpos_val = m_parent->startpos_val->getValue();
myvalues.randseed_val = m_parent->randseed_val->getValue();
myvalues.gravity_val = m_parent->gravity_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.g_angle_val = m_parent->g_angle_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.gravity_ctrl_val = m_parent->gravity_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.friction_val = m_parent->friction_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.friction_ctrl_val = m_parent->friction_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.windint_val = m_parent->windint_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.windangle_val = m_parent->windangle_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.swingmode_val = m_parent->swingmode_val->getValue();
myvalues.randomx_val = m_parent->randomx_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.randomy_val = m_parent->randomy_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.randomx_ctrl_val = m_parent->randomx_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.randomy_ctrl_val = m_parent->randomy_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.swing_val = m_parent->swing_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.speed_val = m_parent->speed_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.speed_ctrl_val = m_parent->speed_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.speeda_val = m_parent->speeda_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.speeda_ctrl_val = m_parent->speeda_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.speeda_use_gradient_val = m_parent->speeda_use_gradient_val->getValue();
myvalues.speedscale_val = m_parent->speedscale_val->getValue();
myvalues.toplayer_val = m_parent->toplayer_val->getValue();
myvalues.mass_val = m_parent->mass_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.scale_val = m_parent->scale_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.scale_ctrl_val = m_parent->scale_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.scale_ctrl_all_val = m_parent->scale_ctrl_all_val->getValue();
myvalues.rot_val = m_parent->rot_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.rot_ctrl_val = m_parent->rot_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.trail_val = m_parent->trail_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.trailstep_val = m_parent->trailstep_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.rotswingmode_val = m_parent->rotswingmode_val->getValue();
myvalues.rotspeed_val = m_parent->rotspeed_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.rotsca_val = m_parent->rotsca_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.rotswing_val = m_parent->rotswing_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.pathaim_val = m_parent->pathaim_val->getValue();
myvalues.opacity_val = m_parent->opacity_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.opacity_ctrl_val = m_parent->opacity_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.trailopacity_val = m_parent->trailopacity_val->getValue(frame);
// myvalues.mblur_val=m_parent->mblur_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.scalestep_val = m_parent->scalestep_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.scalestep_ctrl_val = m_parent->scalestep_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.fadein_val = m_parent->fadein_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.fadeout_val = m_parent->fadeout_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.animation_val = m_parent->animation_val->getValue();
myvalues.step_val = m_parent->step_val->getValue();
myvalues.gencol_val = m_parent->gencol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.gencol_ctrl_val = m_parent->gencol_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.gencol_spread_val = m_parent->gencol_spread_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.genfadecol_val = m_parent->genfadecol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.fincol_val = m_parent->fincol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.fincol_ctrl_val = m_parent->fincol_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.fincol_spread_val = m_parent->fincol_spread_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.finrangecol_val = m_parent->finrangecol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.finfadecol_val = m_parent->finfadecol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.foutcol_val = m_parent->foutcol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.foutcol_ctrl_val = m_parent->foutcol_ctrl_val->getValue();
myvalues.foutcol_spread_val = m_parent->foutcol_spread_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.foutrangecol_val = m_parent->foutrangecol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.foutfadecol_val = m_parent->foutfadecol_val->getValue(frame);
myvalues.source_gradation_val = m_parent->source_gradation_val->getValue();
myvalues.pick_color_for_every_frame_val = m_parent->pick_color_for_every_frame_val->getValue();
myvalues.perspective_distribution_val = m_parent->perspective_distribution_val->getValue();
void Particles_Engine::fill_range_struct(struct particles_values &values,
struct particles_ranges &ranges)
ranges.swing_range = values.swing_val.second - values.swing_val.first;
ranges.rotswing_range = values.rotswing_val.second - values.rotswing_val.first;
ranges.randomx_range = values.randomx_val.second - values.randomx_val.first;
ranges.randomy_range = values.randomy_val.second - values.randomy_val.first;
ranges.rotsca_range = values.rotsca_val.second - values.rotsca_val.first;
ranges.rot_range = values.rot_val.second - values.rot_val.first;
ranges.speed_range = values.speed_val.second - values.speed_val.first;
ranges.speeda_range = values.speeda_val.second - values.speeda_val.first;
ranges.mass_range = values.mass_val.second - values.mass_val.first;
ranges.scale_range = values.scale_val.second - values.scale_val.first;
ranges.lifetime_range = values.lifetime_val.second - values.lifetime_val.first;
ranges.scalestep_range = values.scalestep_val.second - values.scalestep_val.first;
ranges.trail_range = (int)(values.trail_val.second - values.trail_val.first);
bool Particles_Engine::port_is_used(int i, struct particles_values &values)
return values.fincol_ctrl_val == i ||
values.foutcol_ctrl_val == i ||
values.friction_ctrl_val == i ||
values.gencol_ctrl_val == i ||
values.gravity_ctrl_val == i ||
values.opacity_ctrl_val == i ||
values.rot_ctrl_val == i ||
values.scale_ctrl_val == i ||
values.scalestep_ctrl_val == i ||
values.source_ctrl_val == i ||
values.speed_ctrl_val == i ||
values.speeda_ctrl_val == i ||
values.lifetime_ctrl_val == i ||
values.randomx_ctrl_val == i ||
values.randomy_ctrl_val == i;
/*-- Startフレームからカレントフレームまで順番に回す関数 --*/
void Particles_Engine::roll_particles(
TTile *tile, std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles,
const TRenderSettings &ri, std::list<Particle> &myParticles, struct particles_values &values,
float cx, float cy, int frame, int curr_frame, int level_n, bool *random_level,
float dpi, std::vector<int> lastframe, int &totalparticles)
particles_ranges ranges;
int i, newparticles;
float xgravity, ygravity, windx, windy;
/*-- 風の強さ/重力の強さをX,Y成分に分ける --*/
windx = values.windint_val * sin(values.windangle_val);
windy = values.windint_val * cos(values.windangle_val);
xgravity = values.gravity_val * sin(values.g_angle_val);
ygravity = values.gravity_val * cos(values.g_angle_val);
fill_range_struct(values, ranges);
std::vector<std::vector<TPointD>> myregions;
/*-- [1〜255] そのIndexに対応するアルファ値を持つピクセルのインデックス値を保存。 [0] 使用せず --*/
std::vector<std::vector<int>> myHistogram;
/*-- アルファ値255から下がっていき、ピクセル数×重み又はアルファ値を次々足した値を格納 --*/
std::vector<float> myWeight;
std::map<int, TTile *>::iterator it = porttiles.find(values.source_ctrl_val);
/*-- Perspective DistributionがONのとき、Sizeに刺さったControlImageが粒子の発生分布を決める --*/
std::map<int, TTile *>::iterator sizeIt = porttiles.find(values.scale_ctrl_val);
if (values.perspective_distribution_val && (sizeIt != porttiles.end())) {
/*-- ソース画像にコントロールが付いていた場合、そのアルファ値をマスクに使う --*/
if (values.source_ctrl_val && (it != porttiles.end()))
fill_regions_with_size_map(myregions, myHistogram, sizeIt->second, it->second, values.bright_thres_val);
fill_regions_with_size_map(myregions, myHistogram, sizeIt->second, 0, values.bright_thres_val);
/*- パーティクルを作る前に myregion内の候補数を合計する--*/
if ((int)myHistogram.size() == 256) {
for (int m = 255; m >= 0; m--) {
/*-- 明度からサイズ サイズから重みを出す --*/
float scale = values.scale_val.first + ranges.scale_range * (float)m / 255.0f;
float weight = 1.0f / (scale * scale);
float tmpSum = weight * (float)myHistogram[m].size();
int index = 255 - m;
if (index > 0) /*-- これまでの合計に追加する --*/
tmpSum += myWeight[index - 1];
} else {
/*- ソース画像にコントロールが付いていた場合 -*/
if (values.source_ctrl_val && (it != porttiles.end()))
/*-- 入力画像のアルファ値に比例して発生濃度を変える --*/
fill_regions(1, myregions, it->second, values.multi_source_val, values.bright_thres_val, values.source_gradation_val, myHistogram);
/*- パーティクルを作る前に myregion内の候補数を合計する--*/
/*-- myWeight の中には、アルファ255から0まで、各アルファ値×ポイント数を足しこんでいったものが格納される。--*/
if ((int)myHistogram.size() == 256) {
for (int m = 255; m > 0; m--) {
float tmpSum = (float)(m * (int)myHistogram[m].size());
int index = 255 - m;
if (index > 0)
tmpSum += myWeight[index - 1];
/*- birth rate を格納 -*/
newparticles = (int)values.maxnum_val;
if (myParticles.empty() && newparticles) // Initial creation
/*- 新たに作るパーティクルの数だけ繰り返す -*/
for (i = 0; i < newparticles; i++) {
int seed = (int)((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)() * values.random_val->getFloat());
int level = (int)(values.random_val->getFloat() * level_n);
int lifetime = 0;
if (values.column_lifetime_val)
lifetime = lastframe[level];
lifetime = (int)(values.lifetime_val.first + ranges.lifetime_range * values.random_val->getFloat());
if (lifetime > curr_frame - frame)
myParticles.push_back(Particle(lifetime, seed, porttiles, values, ranges, myregions, totalparticles, 0, level, lastframe[level], myHistogram, myWeight));
} else {
std::list<Particle>::iterator it;
for (it = myParticles.begin(); it != myParticles.end();) {
std::list<Particle>::iterator current = it;
Particle &part = (*current);
if (part.lifetime <= 0) // Note: This is in line with the above "lifetime>curr_frame-frame"
myParticles.erase(current); // insertion counterpart
part.move(porttiles, values, ranges, windx, windy, xgravity, ygravity, dpi, lastframe[part.level]);
int oldparticles = myParticles.size();
switch (values.toplayer_val) {
case ParticlesFx::TOP_YOUNGER:
for (i = 0; i < newparticles; i++) {
int seed = (int)((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)() * values.random_val->getFloat());
int level = (int)(values.random_val->getFloat() * level_n);
int lifetime = 0;
if (values.column_lifetime_val)
lifetime = lastframe[level];
lifetime = (int)(values.lifetime_val.first + ranges.lifetime_range * values.random_val->getFloat());
if (lifetime > curr_frame - frame)
myParticles.push_front(Particle(lifetime, seed, porttiles, values, ranges, myregions, totalparticles, 0, level, lastframe[level], myHistogram, myWeight));
case ParticlesFx::TOP_RANDOM:
for (i = 0; i < newparticles; i++) {
double tmp = values.random_val->getFloat() * myParticles.size();
std::list<Particle>::iterator it = myParticles.begin();
for (int j = 0; j < tmp; j++, it++)
int seed = (int)((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)() * values.random_val->getFloat());
int level = (int)(values.random_val->getFloat() * level_n);
int lifetime = 0;
if (values.column_lifetime_val)
lifetime = lastframe[level];
lifetime = (int)(values.lifetime_val.first + ranges.lifetime_range * values.random_val->getFloat());
if (lifetime > curr_frame - frame)
myParticles.insert(it, Particle(lifetime, seed, porttiles, values, ranges, myregions, totalparticles, 0, level, lastframe[level], myHistogram, myWeight));
for (i = 0; i < newparticles; i++) {
int seed = (int)((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)() * values.random_val->getFloat());
int level = (int)(values.random_val->getFloat() * level_n);
int lifetime = 0;
if (values.column_lifetime_val)
lifetime = lastframe[level];
lifetime = (int)(values.lifetime_val.first + ranges.lifetime_range * values.random_val->getFloat());
if (lifetime > curr_frame - frame)
myParticles.push_back(Particle(lifetime, seed, porttiles, values, ranges, myregions, totalparticles, 0, level, lastframe[level], myHistogram, myWeight));
void Particles_Engine::normalize_values(struct particles_values &values,
const TRenderSettings &ri)
double dpicorr = 1;
TPointD pos(values.x_pos_val, values.y_pos_val);
(values.x_pos_val) = pos.x;
(values.y_pos_val) = pos.y;
(values.length_val) = (values.length_val) * dpicorr;
(values.height_val) = (values.height_val) * dpicorr;
(values.gravity_val) = (values.gravity_val) * dpicorr * 0.1;
(values.windint_val) = (values.windint_val) * dpicorr;
(values.speed_val.first) = (values.speed_val.first) * dpicorr;
(values.speed_val.second) = (values.speed_val.second) * dpicorr;
(values.randomx_val.first) = (values.randomx_val.first) * dpicorr;
(values.randomx_val.second) = (values.randomx_val.second) * dpicorr;
(values.randomy_val.first) = (values.randomy_val.first) * dpicorr;
(values.randomy_val.second) = (values.randomy_val.second) * dpicorr;
(values.scale_val.first) = (values.scale_val.first) * 0.01;
(values.scale_val.second) = (values.scale_val.second) * 0.01;
(values.scalestep_val.first) = (values.scalestep_val.first) * 0.01;
(values.scalestep_val.second) = (values.scalestep_val.second) * 0.01;
(values.opacity_val.first) = (values.opacity_val.first) * 0.01;
(values.opacity_val.second) = (values.opacity_val.second) * 0.01;
(values.trailopacity_val.first) = (values.trailopacity_val.first) * 0.01;
(values.trailopacity_val.second) = (values.trailopacity_val.second) * 0.01;
(values.mblur_val) = (values.mblur_val) * 0.01;
(values.friction_val) = -(values.friction_val) * 0.01;
(values.windangle_val) = (values.windangle_val) * (TConsts::pi / 180);
(values.g_angle_val) = (values.g_angle_val + 180) * (TConsts::pi / 180);
(values.speeda_val.first) = (values.speeda_val.first) * (TConsts::pi / 180);
(values.speeda_val.second) = (values.speeda_val.second) * (TConsts::pi / 180);
if (values.step_val < 1)
values.step_val = 1;
values.genfadecol_val = (values.genfadecol_val) * 0.01;
values.finfadecol_val = (values.finfadecol_val) * 0.01;
values.foutfadecol_val = (values.foutfadecol_val) * 0.01;
void Particles_Engine::render_particles(
TFlash *flash, TTile *tile, std::vector<TRasterFxPort *> part_ports,
const TRenderSettings &ri, TDimension &p_size,
TPointD &p_offset,
std::map<int, TRasterFxPort *> ctrl_ports,
std::vector<TLevelP> partLevel,
float dpi,
int curr_frame, int shrink, double startx, double starty,
double endx, double endy, std::vector<int> last_frame,
unsigned long fxId)
int frame, startframe, intpart = 0, level_n = 0;
struct particles_values values;
double dpicorr = dpi * 0.01, fractpart = 0, dpicorr_shrinked = 0, opacity_range = 0;
bool random_level = false;
level_n = part_ports.size();
bool isPrecomputingEnabled = false;
TRenderer renderer(TRenderer::instance());
isPrecomputingEnabled = (renderer && renderer.isPrecomputingEnabled()) ? true : false;
memset(&values, 0, sizeof(values));
/*- 現在のフレームでの各種パラメータを得る -*/
fill_value_struct(values, m_frame);
/*- 不透明度の範囲(透明〜不透明を 0〜1 に正規化)-*/
opacity_range = (values.opacity_val.second - values.opacity_val.first) * 0.01;
/*- 開始フレーム -*/
startframe = (int)values.startpos_val;
if (values.unit_val == ParticlesFx::UNIT_SMALL_INCH)
dpicorr_shrinked = dpicorr / shrink;
dpicorr_shrinked = dpi / shrink;
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double> partScales;
curr_frame = curr_frame / values.step_val;
ParticlesManager *pc = ParticlesManager::instance();
// Retrieve the last rolled frame
ParticlesManager::FrameData *particlesData = pc->data(fxId);
std::list<Particle> myParticles;
TRandom myRandom;
values.random_val = &myRandom;
myRandom = m_parent->randseed_val->getValue();
int totalparticles = 0;
int pcFrame = particlesData->m_frame;
if (pcFrame > curr_frame) {
// Clear stored particlesData
pcFrame = particlesData->m_frame;
} else if (pcFrame >= startframe - 1) {
myParticles = particlesData->m_particles;
myRandom = particlesData->m_random;
totalparticles = particlesData->m_totalParticles;
/*- スタートからカレントフレームまでループ -*/
for (frame = startframe - 1; frame <= curr_frame; ++frame) {
int dist_frame = curr_frame - frame;
/*- ループ内の現在のフレームでのパラメータを取得。スタートが負ならフレーム=0のときの値を格納 -*/
fill_value_struct(values, frame < 0 ? 0 : frame * values.step_val);
/*- パラメータの正規化 -*/
normalize_values(values, ri);
/*- maxnum_valは"birth_rate"のパラメータ -*/
intpart = (int)values.maxnum_val;
/*- /birth_rateが小数だったとき、各フレームの小数部分を足しこんだ結果の整数部分をintpartに渡す。 -*/
fractpart = fractpart + values.maxnum_val - intpart;
if ((int)fractpart) {
values.maxnum_val += (int)fractpart;
fractpart = fractpart - (int)fractpart;
std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles;
// Perform the roll
/*- RenderSettingsを複製して現在のフレームの計算用にする -*/
TRenderSettings riAux(ri);
riAux.m_affine = TAffine();
riAux.m_bpp = 32;
int r_frame; // Useful in case of negative roll frames
if (frame < 0)
r_frame = 0;
r_frame = frame;
/*- 出力画像のバウンディングボックス -*/
TRectD outTileBBox(tile->m_pos, TDimensionD(tile->getRaster()->getLx(), tile->getRaster()->getLy()));
/*- Controlに刺さっている各ポートについて -*/
for (std::map<int, TRasterFxPort *>::iterator it = ctrl_ports.begin(); it != ctrl_ports.end(); ++it) {
TTile *tmp;
/*- ポートが接続されていて、Fx内で実際に使用されていたら -*/
if ((it->second)->isConnected() && port_is_used(it->first, values)) {
TRectD bbox;
(*(it->second))->getBBox(r_frame, bbox, riAux);
/*- 素材が存在する場合、portTilesにコントロール画像タイルを格納 -*/
if (!bbox.isEmpty()) {
if (bbox == TConsts::infiniteRectD) // There could be an infinite bbox - deal with it
bbox = ri.m_affine.inv() * outTileBBox;
if (frame <= pcFrame) {
// This frame will not actually be rolled. However, it was dryComputed - so, declare the same here.
(*it->second)->dryCompute(bbox, r_frame, riAux);
} else {
tmp = new TTile;
if (isPrecomputingEnabled)
(*it->second)->allocateAndCompute(*tmp, bbox.getP00(), convert(bbox).getSize(), 0, r_frame, riAux);
else {
std::string alias = "CTRL: " + (*(it->second))->getAlias(r_frame, riAux);
TRasterImageP rimg = TImageCache::instance()->get(alias, false);
if (rimg) {
tmp->m_pos = bbox.getP00();
} else {
(*it->second)->allocateAndCompute(*tmp, bbox.getP00(), convert(bbox).getSize(), 0, r_frame, riAux);
addRenderCache(alias, TRasterImageP(tmp->getRaster()));
porttiles[it->first] = tmp;
if (frame > pcFrame) {
// Invoke the actual rolling procedure
roll_particles(tile, porttiles, riAux, myParticles, values, 0, 0, frame, curr_frame, level_n, &random_level, 1, last_frame, totalparticles);
// Store the rolled data in the particles manager
if (!particlesData->m_calculated || particlesData->m_frame + particlesData->m_maxTrail < frame) {
particlesData->m_frame = frame;
particlesData->m_particles = myParticles;
particlesData->m_random = myRandom;
particlesData->m_calculated = true;
particlesData->m_totalParticles = totalparticles;
// Render the particles if the distance from current frame is a trail multiple
if (frame >= startframe - 1 &&
!(dist_frame % (values.trailstep_val > 1.0 ? (int)values.trailstep_val : 1))) {
// Store the maximum particle size before the do_render cycle
std::list<Particle>::iterator pt;
for (pt = myParticles.begin(); pt != myParticles.end(); ++pt) {
Particle &part = *pt;
int ndx = part.frame % last_frame[part.level];
std::pair<int, int> ndxPair(part.level, ndx);
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double>::iterator it =
if (it != partScales.end())
it->second = std::max(part.scale, it->second);
partScales[ndxPair] = part.scale;
if (values.toplayer_val == ParticlesFx::TOP_SMALLER || values.toplayer_val == ParticlesFx::TOP_BIGGER)
if (values.toplayer_val == ParticlesFx::TOP_SMALLER) {
std::list<Particle>::iterator pt;
for (pt = myParticles.begin(); pt != myParticles.end(); ++pt) {
Particle &part = *pt;
if (dist_frame <= part.trail && part.scale && part.lifetime > 0 &&
part.lifetime <= part.genlifetime) // This last... shouldn't always be?
do_render(flash, &part, tile, part_ports, porttiles, ri, p_size, p_offset, last_frame[part.level], partLevel, values, opacity_range, dist_frame, partScales);
} else {
std::list<Particle>::reverse_iterator pt;
for (pt = myParticles.rbegin(); pt != myParticles.rend(); ++pt) {
Particle &part = *pt;
if (dist_frame <= part.trail && part.scale && part.lifetime > 0 &&
part.lifetime <= part.genlifetime) // Same here..?
do_render(flash, &part, tile, part_ports, porttiles, ri, p_size, p_offset, last_frame[part.level], partLevel, values, opacity_range, dist_frame, partScales);
std::map<int, TTile *>::iterator it;
for (it = porttiles.begin(); it != porttiles.end(); ++it)
delete it->second;
/*- render_particles から呼ばれる。粒子の数だけ繰り返し -*/
void Particles_Engine::do_render(TFlash *flash, Particle *part, TTile *tile,
std::vector<TRasterFxPort *> part_ports,
std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles,
const TRenderSettings &ri,
TDimension &p_size, TPointD &p_offset, int lastframe, std::vector<TLevelP> partLevel,
struct particles_values &values, double opacity_range, int dist_frame,
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double> &partScales)
// Retrieve the particle frame - that is, the *column frame* from which we are picking
// the particle to be rendered.
int ndx = part->frame % lastframe;
TRasterP tileRas(tile->getRaster());
std::string levelid;
double aim_angle = 0;
if (values.pathaim_val) {
double arctan = atan2(part->vy, part->vx);
aim_angle = (180 / TConsts::pi) * arctan;
// Calculate the rotational and scale components we have to apply on the particle
TRotation rotM(part->angle + aim_angle);
TScale scaleM(part->scale);
TAffine M(rotM * scaleM);
// Particles deal with dpi affines on their own
TAffine scaleAff(m_parent->handledAffine(ri, m_frame));
double partScale = scaleAff.a11 * partScales[std::pair<int, int>(part->level, ndx)];
TDimensionD partResolution(0, 0);
TRenderSettings riNew(ri);
// Retrieve the bounding box in the standard reference
TRectD bbox(-5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0), standardRefBBox;
if (part->level < (int)part_ports.size() && //Not the default levelless cases
part_ports[part->level]->isConnected()) {
TRenderSettings riIdentity(ri);
riIdentity.m_affine = TAffine();
(*part_ports[part->level])->getBBox(ndx, bbox, riIdentity);
// A particle's bbox MUST be finite. Gradients and such which have an infinite bbox
// are just NOT rendered.
// NOTE: No fx returns half-planes or similar (ie if any coordinate is either
// (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)() or its opposite, then the rect IS THE infiniteRectD)
if (bbox == TConsts::infiniteRectD)
// Now, these are the particle rendering specifications
bbox = bbox.enlarge(3);
standardRefBBox = bbox;
riNew.m_affine = TScale(partScale);
bbox = riNew.m_affine * bbox;
/*- 縮小済みのParticleのサイズ -*/
partResolution = TDimensionD(tceil(bbox.getLx()), tceil(bbox.getLy()));
if (flash) {
if (!partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx)) {
if (part_ports[0]->isConnected()) {
TTile auxTile;
TRaster32P tmp;
tmp = TRaster32P(p_size);
(*part_ports[0])->allocateAndCompute(auxTile, p_offset, p_size, tmp, ndx, ri);
partLevel[part->level]->setFrame(ndx, TRasterImageP(auxTile.getRaster()));
const TAffine aff;
flash->multMatrix(scaleM * aff.place(0, 0, part->x, part->y));
//if(curr_opacity!=1.0 || part->gencol.fadecol || part->fincol.fadecol || part->foutcol.fadecol)
TColorFader cf(TPixel32::Red, .5);
flash->draw(partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx), &cf);
//flash->draw(partLevel->frame(ndx), 0);
} else {
TRasterP ras;
std::string alias;
TRasterImageP rimg;
if (rimg = partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx)) {
ras = rimg->getRaster();
} else {
alias = "PART: " + (*part_ports[part->level])->getAlias(ndx, riNew);
if (rimg = TImageCache::instance()->get(alias, false)) {
ras = rimg->getRaster();
// Check that the raster resolution is sufficient for our purposes
if (ras->getLx() < partResolution.lx ||
ras->getLy() < partResolution.ly)
ras = 0;
partResolution = TDimensionD(ras->getLx(), ras->getLy());
// We are interested in making the relation between scale and (integer) resolution
// bijective - since we shall cache by using resolution as a partial identification parameter.
// Therefore, we find the current bbox Lx and take a unique scale out of it.
partScale = partResolution.lx / standardRefBBox.getLx();
riNew.m_affine = TScale(partScale);
bbox = riNew.m_affine * standardRefBBox;
// If no image was retrieved from the cache (or it was not scaled enough), calculate it
if (!ras) {
TTile auxTile;
(*part_ports[part->level])->allocateAndCompute(auxTile, bbox.getP00(), TDimension(partResolution.lx, partResolution.ly), tile->getRaster(), ndx, riNew);
ras = auxTile.getRaster();
// For now, we'll just use 32 bit particles
TRaster32P rcachepart;
rcachepart = ras;
if (!rcachepart) {
rcachepart = TRaster32P(ras->getSize());
TRop::convert(rcachepart, ras);
ras = rcachepart;
// Finally, cache the particle
addRenderCache(alias, TRasterImageP(ras));
if (!ras)
return; //At this point, it should never happen anyway...
// Deal with particle colors/opacity
TRaster32P rfinalpart;
double curr_opacity = part->set_Opacity(porttiles, values, opacity_range, dist_frame);
if (curr_opacity != 1.0 || part->gencol.fadecol || part->fincol.fadecol || part->foutcol.fadecol) {
/*- 毎フレーム現在位置のピクセル色を参照 -*/
if (values.pick_color_for_every_frame_val &&
values.gencol_ctrl_val && (porttiles.find(values.gencol_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end()))
part->get_image_reference(porttiles[values.gencol_ctrl_val], values, part->gencol.col);
rfinalpart = ras->clone();
part->modify_colors_and_opacity(values, curr_opacity, dist_frame, rfinalpart);
} else
rfinalpart = ras;
// Now, let's build the particle transform before it is overed on the output tile
// First, complete the transform by adding the rotational and scale components from
// Particles parameters
M = ri.m_affine * M * TScale(1.0 / partScale);
// Then, retrieve the particle position in current reference.
TPointD pos(part->x, part->y);
pos = ri.m_affine * pos;
// Finally, add the translational component to the particle
// NOTE: p_offset is added to account for the particle relative position inside its level's bbox
M = TTranslation(pos - tile->m_pos) * M * TTranslation(bbox.getP00());
if (TRaster32P myras32 = tile->getRaster())
TRop::over(tileRas, rfinalpart, M);
else if (TRaster64P myras64 = tile->getRaster())
TRop::over(tileRas, rfinalpart, M);
throw TException("ParticlesFx: unsupported Pixel Type");
void Particles_Engine::fill_array(TTile *ctrl1, int ®ioncount,
std::vector<int> &myarray, std::vector<int> &lista, std::vector<int> &listb, int threshold)
int pr = 0;
int i, j;
int lx, ly;
lx = ctrl1->getRaster()->getLx();
ly = ctrl1->getRaster()->getLy();
/*prima riga*/
TRaster32P raster32 = ctrl1->getRaster();
TPixel32 *pix = raster32->pixels(0);
for (i = 0; i < lx; i++) {
if (pix->m > threshold) {
if (!i) {
myarray[i] = (regioncount);
} else {
if (myarray[i - 1])
myarray[i] = myarray[i - 1];
for (j = 1; j < ly; j++) {
for (i = 0, pix = raster32->pixels(j); i < lx; i++, pix++) {
/*TMSG_INFO("j=%d i=%d\n", j, i);*/
if (pix->m > threshold) {
std::vector<int> mask(4);
/* l,ul,u,ur;*/
if (i) {
mask[0] = myarray[i - 1 + lx * j];
mask[1] = myarray[i - 1 + lx * (j - 1)];
if (i != lx - 1)
mask[3] = myarray[i + 1 + lx * (j - 1)];
mask[2] = myarray[i + lx * (j - 1)];
if (!mask[0] && !mask[1] && !mask[2] && !mask[3]) {
myarray[i + lx * j] = (regioncount);
} else {
int mc, firsttime = 1;
for (mc = 0; mc < 4; mc++) {
if (mask[mc]) {
if (firsttime) {
myarray[i + lx * j] = mask[mc];
firsttime = 0;
} else {
if (myarray[i + lx * j] != mask[mc]) {
lista.push_back(myarray[i + lx * j]);
/*TMSG_INFO("j=%d i=%d mc=%d, mask=%d\n", j, i, mc, mask[mc]);*/
void Particles_Engine::normalize_array(std::vector<std::vector<TPointD>> &myregions, TPointD pos, int lx, int ly, int regioncounter,
std::vector<int> &myarray, std::vector<int> &lista, std::vector<int> &listb, std::vector<int> &final)
int i, j, k, l;
std::vector<int> tmp;
int maxregioncounter = 0;
int listsize = (int)lista.size();
//TMSG_INFO("regioncounter %d, eqcount=%d\n", regioncounter, eqcount);
for (k = 1; k <= regioncounter; k++)
final[k] = k;
for (l = 0; l < listsize; l++) {
j = lista[l];
/*TMSG_INFO("j vale %d\n", j);*/
while (final[j] != j)
j = final[j];
k = listb[l];
/*TMSG_INFO("k vale %d\n", k);*/
while (final[k] != k)
k = final[k];
if (j != k)
final[j] = k;
//TMSG_INFO("esco dal for\n");
for (j = 1; j <= regioncounter; j++)
while (final[j] != final[final[j]])
final[j] = final[final[j]];
/*conto quante cavolo di regioni sono*/
maxregioncounter = 1;
for (i = 2; i <= regioncounter; i++) {
int diff = 1;
for (j = 0; j < maxregioncounter; j++) {
if (tmp[j] == final[i]) {
diff = 0;
if (diff) {
for (j = 0; j < ly; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < lx; i++) {
int tmpindex;
if (myarray[i + lx * j]) {
tmpindex = final[myarray[i + lx * j]];
/*TMSG_INFO("tmpindex=%d\n", tmpindex);*/
for (k = 0; k < maxregioncounter; k++) {
if (tmp[k] == tmpindex)
/*TMSG_INFO("k=%d\n", k);*/
TPointD tmppoint;
tmppoint.x = i;
tmppoint.y = j;
tmppoint += pos;
/*- multiがONのときのSource画像(ctrl1)の領域を分析 -*/
void Particles_Engine::fill_subregions(int cont_index, std::vector<std::vector<TPointD>> &myregions, TTile *ctrl1, int thres)
int regioncounter = 0;
int lx = ctrl1->getRaster()->getLx();
int ly = ctrl1->getRaster()->getLy();
std::vector<int> myarray(lx * ly);
std::vector<int> lista;
std::vector<int> listb;
fill_array(ctrl1, regioncounter, myarray, lista, listb, thres);
if (regioncounter) {
std::vector<int> final(regioncounter + 1);
normalize_array(myregions, ctrl1->m_pos, lx, ly, regioncounter, myarray, lista, listb, final);
/*- 入力画像のアルファ値に比例して発生濃度を変える。各Pointにウェイトを持たせる -*/
void Particles_Engine::fill_single_region(std::vector<std::vector<TPointD>> &myregions, TTile *ctrl1, int threshold,
bool do_source_gradation, std::vector<std::vector<int>> &myHistogram)
TRaster32P raster32 = ctrl1->getRaster();
assert(raster32); // per ora gestisco solo i Raster32
// int lx=raster32->getLx();
// int ly=raster32->getLy();
int j;
int cc = 0;
int icc = 0;
if (!do_source_gradation) /*- 2階調の場合 -*/
for (j = 0; j < raster32->getLy(); j++) {
TPixel32 *pix = raster32->pixels(j);
TPixel32 *endPix = pix + raster32->getLx();
int i = 0;
while (pix < endPix) {
if (pix->m > threshold) {
TPointD tmp;
tmp.y = j;
tmp.x = i;
tmp += ctrl1->m_pos;
/*TMSG_INFO("total=%d\n", Region[0].total);*/
} else {
// int a=0;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
TRandom rand = TRandom(1);
for (j = 0; j < raster32->getLy(); j++) {
TPixel32 *pix = raster32->pixels(j);
TPixel32 *endPix = pix + raster32->getLx();
int i = 0;
while (pix < endPix) {
/*-- アルファの濃度に比例してパーティクルを発生させるための、
if (pix->m > 0) {
TPointD tmp;
tmp.y = j;
tmp.x = i;
tmp += ctrl1->m_pos;
/*- Histogramの登録 -*/
/*- 各Pointにウェイトを持たせる -*/
} else {
if (myregions[0].size() == 0)
/*- 入力画像のアルファ値に比例して発生濃度を変える。Histogramを格納しながら領域を登録 -*/
void Particles_Engine::fill_regions(int frame, std::vector<std::vector<TPointD>> &myregions, TTile *ctrl1, bool multi, int thres,
bool do_source_gradation, std::vector<std::vector<int>> &myHistogram)
TRaster32P ctrl1ras = ctrl1->getRaster();
if (!ctrl1ras)
int i;
if (frame <= 0)
i = 0;
i = frame;
if (multi) {
fill_subregions(i, myregions, ctrl1, thres);
} else {
fill_single_region(myregions, ctrl1, thres, do_source_gradation, myHistogram);
/*-- Perspective DistributionがONのとき、Sizeに刺さったControlImageが粒子の発生分布を決める。
void Particles_Engine::fill_regions_with_size_map(std::vector<std::vector<TPointD>> &myregions,
std::vector<std::vector<int>> &myHistogram,
TTile *sizeTile,
TTile *sourceTile,
int thres)
TRaster32P sizeRas = sizeTile->getRaster();
if (!sizeRas)
TRaster32P sourceRas;
if (sourceTile)
sourceRas = sourceTile->getRaster();
if (sourceRas)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < sizeRas->getLy(); j++) {
TPixel32 *pix = sizeRas->pixels(j);
TPixel32 *endPix = pix + sizeRas->getLx();
TPixel32 *sourcePixHead = 0;
if (sourceRas) {
int sourceYPos = troundp(j + sizeTile->m_pos.y - sourceTile->m_pos.y);
if (sourceYPos >= 0 && sourceYPos < sourceRas->getLy())
sourcePixHead = sourceRas->pixels(sourceYPos);
int i = 0;
TPixel32 *sourcePix = 0;
while (pix < endPix) {
if (sourceRas) {
int sourceXPos = (int)(i + sizeTile->m_pos.x - sourceTile->m_pos.x);
if (sourcePixHead && sourceXPos >= 0 && sourceXPos < sourceRas->getLx())
sourcePix = sourcePixHead + sourceXPos;
sourcePix = 0;
} else
sourcePix = 0;
/*- Source画像があって、ピクセルがバウンディング外またはアルファが0なら抜かす。 -*/
if (sourceRas && (!sourcePix || sourcePix->m <= thres)) {
/*- 明度に比例してパーティクルを発生させる。そのピクセルのアルファ値の数だけ「立候補」させる。-*/
else {
TPointD tmp;
tmp.y = j;
tmp.x = i;
tmp += sizeTile->m_pos;
int val = (int)TPixelGR8::from(*pix).value;
/*- Histogramの登録 -*/
/*- 各Pointにウェイトを持たせる -*/
if (myregions[0].size() == 0)
if (sourceRas)