#pragma once
#include "toonz/tcenterlinevectorizer.h"
// TnzCore includes
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "tcolorstyles.h"
#include "trastercm.h"
#include "ttoonzimage.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
// STD includes
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
// Preliminary geometric helpers
inline TPointD planeProjection(const T3DPointD &p)
return TPointD(p.x, p.y);
//! Returns distance of \p P from line of direction \p v that touches \p B
inline double tdistance2(const T3DPointD &P, const T3DPointD &v, const T3DPointD &B)
double t = P * v - B * v;
T3DPointD Q = B + t * v - P;
return Q * Q;
inline double tdistance(TPointD P, TPointD v, TPointD B)
return fabs(cross(P - B, normalize(v)));
inline double tdistance(T3DPointD P, T3DPointD v, T3DPointD B)
double vv = norm2(v);
if (vv < 0.01)
return -1;
double t = (P * v - B * v) / vv;
T3DPointD Q = B + t * v - P;
return norm(Q);
inline double planeDistance(const T3DPointD &P, const T3DPointD &Q)
return sqrt((P.x - Q.x) * (P.x - Q.x) + (P.y - Q.y) * (P.y - Q.y));
inline double crossZ(const T3DPointD &p, const T3DPointD &q)
return p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x;
// a, b assumed normalized
inline bool angleLess(const TPointD &a, const TPointD &b)
return a.y >= 0 ? b.y >= 0 ? a.x > b.x : 1 : b.y < 0 ? a.x < b.x : 0;
// a, b, ref assumed normalized
inline bool angleLess(const TPointD &a, const TPointD &b, const TPointD &ref)
return angleLess(a, ref) ? angleLess(b, ref) ? angleLess(a, b) : 0 : angleLess(b, ref) ? 1 : angleLess(a, b);
// STL auxiliaries
// Container append (needs reverse iterators)
// NOTE: Merge could be used... but it requires operator< and we don't...
//! warning: must be I == T::Reverse_iterator; explicited because on Mac it was not compiling!
template <class T, class I>
void append(T &cont1, T &cont2)
I i, j;
cont1.resize(cont1.size() + cont2.size());
for (i = cont2.rbegin(), j = cont1.rbegin(); i != cont2.rend(); ++i, ++j)
*j = *i;
// Traversable Graphs
typedef unsigned int UINT;
\brief Graph class used by the centerline vectorization process.
\details Introducing a directed graph structure that allows local access: main feature is that a graph edge
physically belongs to the node that emitted it, by storing it in a 'link vector' inside the node.
No full-scale edge search method is therefore needed to find node neighbours.
No specific iterator class is needed, just use unsigned ints to perform random access to nodes and
links vectors.
template <typename NodeContentType, typename ArcType>
class Graph
class Link
UINT m_next; //!< Index of the node pointed by this link.
ArcType m_arc; //!< Edge data associated to this link.
int m_access; //!< Whether access to a node is allowed
//! through this link.
Link() : m_access(1) {}
Link(UINT _next) : m_next(_next), m_access(1) {}
Link(UINT _next, ArcType _arc)
: m_next(_next), m_arc(_arc), m_access(1) {}
~Link() {}
ArcType &operator*() { return m_arc; }
const ArcType &operator*() const { return m_arc; }
ArcType *operator->() { return &m_arc; }
const ArcType *operator->() const { return &m_arc; }
UINT getNext() const { return m_next; }
void setNext(UINT _next) { m_next = _next; }
int getAccess() const { return m_access; }
void setAccess(int acc) { m_access = acc; }
class Node
friend class Graph; // Grant Graph access to m_links
std::vector<Link> m_links; //!< Links to neighbouring nodes.
NodeContentType m_content; //!< The node's content.
int m_attributes; //!< Node attributes.
Node() : m_attributes(0) {}
Node(const NodeContentType &_cont) : m_content(_cont), m_attributes(0) {}
~Node() {}
Link &link(UINT i) { return m_links[i]; }
const Link &getLink(UINT i) const { return m_links[i]; }
UINT getLinksCount() const { return m_links.size(); }
NodeContentType &operator*() { return m_content; }
const NodeContentType &operator*() const { return m_content; }
NodeContentType *operator->() { return &m_content; }
const NodeContentType *operator->() const { return &m_content; }
// Attributes
int hasAttribute(int attr) const { return m_attributes & attr; }
void setAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes |= attr; }
void clearAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes &= ~attr; }
// Others
int degree() const { return int(m_links.size()); }
\warning If more links can be set between the same nodes, the
returned link index will be ambiguous.
UINT linkOfNode(UINT next) const
UINT i = 0;
for (; i < m_links.size() && m_links[i].getNext() != next; ++i)
return i;
std::vector<Node> m_nodes; //!< Nodes container.
UINT m_linksCount; //!< Links counter.
Graph() : m_linksCount(0) {}
virtual ~Graph() {}
Node &node(UINT i) { return m_nodes[i]; }
const Node &getNode(UINT i) const { return m_nodes[i]; }
UINT getNodesCount() const { return m_nodes.size(); }
UINT getLinksCount() const { return m_linksCount; }
// Nodes/Links insertions
UINT newNode()
return m_nodes.size() - 1;
UINT newNode(const NodeContentType &content)
return m_nodes.size() - 1;
UINT newLink(UINT first, UINT last)
assert(first < m_nodes.size() && last < m_nodes.size());
return m_nodes[first].m_links.size() - 1;
UINT newLink(UINT first, UINT last, const ArcType &arc)
assert(first < m_nodes.size() && last < m_nodes.size());
m_nodes[first].m_links.push_back(Link(last, arc));
return m_nodes[first].m_links.size() - 1;
void insert(UINT inserted, UINT afterNode, UINT onLink)
newLink(inserted, getNode(afterNode).getLink(onLink).getNext());
//* Polygonization classes *
// Of course we don't want RawBorders to be entirely copied whenever STL
// requires to resize a BorderFamily...
class RawBorder;
typedef std::vector<RawBorder *> BorderFamily;
typedef std::vector<BorderFamily> BorderList;
// Output Polygon Classes
class ContourEdge;
// NOTE: The following class is mainly used in the later 'straight skeleton computation'
// - for polygonization purposes, consider it like a TPointD class.
class ContourNode
enum Attributes //! Node attributes
HEAD = 0x1, //!< Node is the 'first' of a nodes ring.
ELIMINATED = 0x4, //!< Node was eliminated by the SS process.
AMBIGUOUS_LEFT = 0x10, //!< Node represents an ambiguous \a left turn in
//! the original image.
AMBIGUOUS_RIGHT = 0x20, //!< Node represents an ambiguous \a right turn in
//! the original image.
JR_RESERVED = 0x40, //!< Reserved for joints recovery.
LINEAR_ADDED = 0x80 //!< Node was added by the linear skeleton technique.
// Node kinematics infos
T3DPointD m_position, //!< Node's position.
m_direction, //!< Node's direction.
m_AngularMomentum, //!< Angular momentum with the next node's edge.
m_AuxiliaryMomentum1, // Used only when this vertex is convex
m_AuxiliaryMomentum2; // Used only when this vertex is convex
// Further node properties
bool m_concave; //!< Whether the node represents a concave angle.
unsigned int m_attributes, //!< Bitwise signatures of this node
m_updateTime, //!< \a Algoritmic time in which the node was updated.
m_ancestor, //!< Index of the original node from which this one evolved.
m_ancestorContour; //!< Contour index of the original node from which this one evolved.
std::vector<ContourEdge *> m_notOpposites; //!< List of edges \a not to be used as possible opposites.
int m_outputNode; //!< Skeleton node produced by this ContourNode.
// Connective data
ContourEdge *m_edge; //!< Edge departing from this, keeping adjacent black
//! region on the right
// Node neighbours
ContourNode *m_next; //!< Next node on the contour.
ContourNode *m_prev; //!< Previous node on the contour.
ContourNode() : m_attributes(0) {}
ContourNode(double x, double y) : m_position(x, y, 0), m_attributes(0) {}
ContourNode(const TPointD &P) : m_position(P.x, P.y, 0), m_attributes(0) {}
ContourNode(double x, double y, unsigned short attrib)
: m_position(x, y, 0), m_attributes(attrib) {}
int hasAttribute(int attr) const { return m_attributes & attr; }
void setAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes |= attr; }
void clearAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes &= ~attr; }
// Private Node Methods
inline void buildNodeInfos(bool forceConvex = false);
typedef std::vector<ContourNode> Contour;
typedef std::vector<Contour> ContourFamily;
typedef std::vector<ContourFamily> Contours;
// Straight Skeleton Classes
class SkeletonArc
double m_slope;
unsigned int m_leftGeneratingNode,
int m_attributes;
// NOTE: Typically an arc is generated by a couple of *edges* of the original
// contours; but we store instead the *nodes* which address those edges.
SkeletonArc() : m_attributes(0) {}
SkeletonArc(ContourNode *node)
: m_slope(node->m_direction.z),
m_attributes(0) {}
enum { ROAD = 0x1 };
double getSlope() const { return m_slope; }
unsigned int getLeftGenerator() const { return m_leftGeneratingNode; }
unsigned int getRightGenerator() const { return m_rightGeneratingNode; }
unsigned int getLeftContour() const { return m_leftContour; }
unsigned int getRightContour() const { return m_rightContour; }
enum { SS_OUTLINE = 0x10,
int hasAttribute(int attr) const { return m_attributes & attr; }
void setAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes |= attr; }
void turn()
m_slope = -m_slope;
std::swap(m_leftGeneratingNode, m_rightGeneratingNode);
std::swap(m_leftContour, m_rightContour);
typedef Graph<T3DPointD, SkeletonArc> SkeletonGraph;
typedef std::vector<SkeletonGraph *> SkeletonList;
// Joints and Sequences definition
class Sequence
UINT m_head;
UINT m_headLink;
UINT m_tail;
UINT m_tailLink;
SkeletonGraph *m_graphHolder;
// Stroke color-sensible data
int m_color;
int m_strokeIndex;
int m_strokeHeight;
Sequence() : m_graphHolder(0) {}
~Sequence() {}
//Impose a property dependant only on the extremity we consider first
// - so that the same sequence is not considered twice when head and tail
// are exchanged
bool isForward() const
return (m_head < m_tail) ||
(m_head == m_tail && m_headLink < m_tailLink);
//Advances a couple (old, current) of sequence nodes
void advance(UINT &old, UINT ¤t) const
UINT temp = current;
current = m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(0).getNext() == old ? m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(1).getNext() : m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(0).getNext();
old = temp;
//Advances a couple (current, link) of a sequence node plus its link direction
void next(UINT ¤t, UINT &link) const
UINT temp = current;
current = m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(link).getNext();
link = m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(0).getNext() == temp ? 1 : 0;
class JointSequenceGraph : public Graph<UINT, Sequence>
JointSequenceGraph() {}
~JointSequenceGraph() {}
enum { REACHED = 0x1,
//Extracts JSG tail link of input node-link
inline UINT tailLinkOf(UINT node, UINT link)
UINT i, next = getNode(node).getLink(link).getNext();
for (i = 0; getNode(next).getLink(i)->m_tail != getNode(node).getLink(link)->m_head ||
getNode(next).getLink(i)->m_tailLink != getNode(node).getLink(link)->m_headLink;
return i;
typedef std::vector<JointSequenceGraph> JointSequenceGraphList;
typedef std::vector<Sequence> SequenceList;
typedef std::vector<T3DPointD> PointList;
// Globals
//!\b FOR \b INTERNAL \b USE \b ONLY!
//!EXPLANATION: Some variables are used widely used and shared by all the "tcenterline*.cpp"
//sources. Instead than passing each variable repeatedly, it is easier to define a Global
//class passed to each file, which gets immediatly pointed in an anonymous namespace.
class VectorizerCoreGlobals
const CenterlineConfiguration *currConfig;
JointSequenceGraphList organizedGraphs;
SequenceList singleSequences;
PointList singlePoints;
VectorizerCoreGlobals() {}
~VectorizerCoreGlobals() {}
//SkeletonGraph nodes global signatures - used for various purposes
const int infinity = 1000000; //just a great enough number
// Function prototypes
void polygonize(const TRasterP &ras, Contours &polygons, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
SkeletonList *skeletonize(Contours &contours, VectorizerCore *thisVectorizer,
VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void organizeGraphs(SkeletonList *skeleton, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void junctionRecovery(Contours *polygons, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void conversionToStrokes(std::vector<TStroke *> &strokes, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void calculateSequenceColors(const TRasterP &ras, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void applyStrokeColors(std::vector<TStroke *> &strokes, const TRasterP &ras, TPalette *palette,
VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);