Blob Blame Raw

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Truevision Targa Reader/Writer
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Emil Mikulic.
 * Source and binary redistribution of this code, with or without changes, for
 * free or for profit, is allowed as long as this copyright notice is kept
 * intact.  Modified versions must be clearly marked as modified.
 * This code is provided without any warranty.  The copyright holder is
 * not liable for anything bad that might happen as a result of the
 * code.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

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/*@unused@*/ static const char rcsid[] =
    "$Id: targa.c,v 1.7 2003/06/21 09:30:53 emikulic Exp $";

#define TGA_KEEP_MACROS /* BIT, htole16, letoh16 */
#include "targa.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* memcpy, memcmp */

#define SANE_DEPTH(x) ((x) == 8 || (x) == 16 || (x) == 24 || (x) == 32)
#define UNMAP_DEPTH(x) ((x) == 16 || (x) == 24 || (x) == 32)

static const char tga_id[] =
    "\0\0\0\0" /* extension area offset */
    "\0\0\0\0" /* developer directory offset */

static const size_t tga_id_length = 26; /* tga_id + \0 */

/* helpers */
static tga_result tga_read_rle(tga_image *dest, FILE *fp);
static tga_result tga_write_row_RLE(FILE *fp, const tga_image *src,
                                    const uint8_t *row);
typedef enum { RAW, RLE } packet_type;
static packet_type rle_packet_type(const uint8_t *row, const uint16_t pos,
                                   const uint16_t width, const uint16_t bpp);
static uint8_t rle_packet_len(const uint8_t *row, const uint16_t pos,
                              const uint16_t width, const uint16_t bpp,
                              const packet_type type);

uint8_t tga_get_attribute_bits(const tga_image *tga) {
  return tga->image_descriptor & TGA_ATTRIB_BITS;

int tga_is_right_to_left(const tga_image *tga) {
  return (tga->image_descriptor & TGA_R_TO_L_BIT) != 0;

int tga_is_top_to_bottom(const tga_image *tga) {
  return (tga->image_descriptor & TGA_T_TO_B_BIT) != 0;

int tga_is_colormapped(const tga_image *tga) {
  return (tga->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_COLORMAP ||
          tga->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_COLORMAP_RLE);

int tga_is_rle(const tga_image *tga) {
  return (tga->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_COLORMAP_RLE ||
          tga->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR_RLE ||
          tga->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO_RLE);

int tga_is_mono(const tga_image *tga) {
  return (tga->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO ||
          tga->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO_RLE);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Convert the numerical <errcode> into a verbose error string.
 * Returns: an error string
const char *tga_error(const tga_result errcode) {
  switch (errcode) {
  case TGA_NOERR:
    return "no error";
    return "error opening file";
  case TGAERR_EOF:
    return "premature end of file";
    return "error writing to file";
    return "invalid color map type";
    return "invalid image type";
    return "no image data included";
    return "color-mapped image without color map";
    return "non-color-mapped image with extraneous color map";
    return "color map has zero length";
    return "invalid color map depth";
    return "the image dimensions are zero";
    return "invalid pixel depth";
    return "out of memory";
    return "image is not color mapped";
  case TGAERR_RLE:
    return "RLE data is corrupt";
    return "color map index out of range";
    return "image is mono";
    return "unknown error code";

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Read a Targa image from a file named <filename> to <dest>.  This is just a
 * wrapper around tga_read_from_FILE().
 * Returns: TGA_NOERR on success, or a matching TGAERR_* code on failure.
tga_result tga_read(tga_image *dest, const char *filename) {
  tga_result result;
  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
  if (fp == NULL) return TGAERR_FOPEN;
  result = tga_read_from_FILE(dest, fp);
  return result;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Read a Targa image from <fp> to <dest>.
 * Returns: TGA_NOERR on success, or a TGAERR_* code on failure.  In the
 *          case of failure, the contents of dest are not guaranteed to be
 *          valid.
tga_result tga_read_from_FILE(tga_image *dest, FILE *fp) {
#define BARF(errcode)                                                          \
  {                                                                            \
    tga_free_buffers(dest);                                                    \
    return errcode;                                                            \

#define READ(destptr, size)                                                    \
  if (fread(destptr, size, 1, fp) != 1) BARF(TGAERR_EOF)

#define READ16(dest)                                                           \
  {                                                                            \
    if (fread(&(dest), 2, 1, fp) != 1) BARF(TGAERR_EOF);                       \
    dest = letoh16(dest);                                                      \

  dest->image_id       = NULL;
  dest->color_map_data = NULL;
  dest->image_data     = NULL;

  READ(&dest->image_id_length, 1);
  READ(&dest->color_map_type, 1);
  if (dest->color_map_type != TGA_COLOR_MAP_ABSENT &&
      dest->color_map_type != TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT)

  READ(&dest->image_type, 1);
  if (dest->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_NONE) BARF(TGAERR_NO_IMG);

  if (dest->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_COLORMAP &&
      dest->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR &&
      dest->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO &&
      dest->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_COLORMAP_RLE &&
      dest->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR_RLE &&
      dest->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO_RLE)

  if (tga_is_colormapped(dest) && dest->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_ABSENT)

  if (!tga_is_colormapped(dest) &&
      dest->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT)

  READ(&dest->color_map_depth, 1);
  if (dest->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT) {
    if (dest->color_map_length == 0) BARF(TGAERR_CMAP_LENGTH);

    if (!UNMAP_DEPTH(dest->color_map_depth)) BARF(TGAERR_CMAP_DEPTH);


  if (dest->width == 0 || dest->height == 0) BARF(TGAERR_ZERO_SIZE);

  READ(&dest->pixel_depth, 1);
  if (!SANE_DEPTH(dest->pixel_depth) ||
      (dest->pixel_depth != 8 && tga_is_colormapped(dest)))

  READ(&dest->image_descriptor, 1);

  if (dest->image_id_length > 0) {
    dest->image_id = (uint8_t *)malloc(dest->image_id_length);
    if (dest->image_id == NULL) BARF(TGAERR_NO_MEM);
    READ(dest->image_id, dest->image_id_length);

  if (dest->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT) {
    dest->color_map_data =
        (uint8_t *)malloc((dest->color_map_origin + dest->color_map_length) *
                          dest->color_map_depth / 8);
    if (dest->color_map_data == NULL) BARF(TGAERR_NO_MEM);
    READ(dest->color_map_data +
             (dest->color_map_origin * dest->color_map_depth / 8),
         dest->color_map_length * dest->color_map_depth / 8);

  dest->image_data =
      (uint8_t *)malloc(dest->width * dest->height * dest->pixel_depth / 8);
  if (dest->image_data == NULL) BARF(TGAERR_NO_MEM);

  if (tga_is_rle(dest)) {
    /* read RLE */
    tga_result result = tga_read_rle(dest, fp);
    if (result != TGA_NOERR) BARF(result);
  } else {
    /* uncompressed */
    READ(dest->image_data, dest->width * dest->height * dest->pixel_depth / 8);

  return TGA_NOERR;
#undef BARF
#undef READ
#undef READ16

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Helper function for tga_read_from_FILE().  Decompresses RLE image data from
 * <fp>.  Assumes <dest> header fields are set correctly.
static tga_result tga_read_rle(tga_image *dest, FILE *fp) {
#define RLE_BIT BIT(7)
#define READ(dest, size)                                                       \
  if (fread(dest, size, 1, fp) != 1) return TGAERR_EOF

  uint8_t *pos;
  uint32_t p_loaded = 0, p_expected = dest->width * dest->height;
  uint8_t bpp = dest->pixel_depth / 8; /* bytes per pixel */

  pos = dest->image_data;

  while ((p_loaded < p_expected) && !feof(fp)) {
    uint8_t b;
    READ(&b, 1);
    if (b & RLE_BIT) {
      /* is an RLE packet */
      uint8_t count, tmp[4], i;

      count = (b & ~RLE_BIT) + 1;
      READ(tmp, bpp);

      for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (p_loaded > p_expected) return TGAERR_RLE;
        memcpy(pos, tmp, bpp);
        pos += bpp;
    } else /* RAW packet */
      uint8_t count;

      count = (b & ~RLE_BIT) + 1;
      if (p_loaded + count > p_expected) return TGAERR_RLE;

      p_loaded += count;
      READ(pos, bpp * count);
      pos += count * bpp;
  return TGA_NOERR;
#undef RLE_BIT
#undef READ

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Write a Targa image to a file named <filename> from <src>.  This is just a
 * wrapper around tga_write_to_FILE().
 * Returns: TGA_NOERR on success, or a matching TGAERR_* code on failure.
tga_result tga_write(const char *filename, const tga_image *src) {
  tga_result result;
  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
  if (fp == NULL) return TGAERR_FOPEN;
  result = tga_write_to_FILE(fp, src);
  return result;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Write one row of an image to <fp> using RLE.  This is a helper function
 * called from tga_write_to_FILE().  It assumes that <src> has its header
 * fields set up correctly.
#define PIXEL(ofs) (row + (ofs)*bpp)
static tga_result tga_write_row_RLE(FILE *fp, const tga_image *src,
                                    const uint8_t *row) {
#define WRITE(src, size)                                                       \
  if (fwrite(src, size, 1, fp) != 1) return TGAERR_WRITE

  uint16_t pos = 0;
  uint16_t bpp = src->pixel_depth / 8;

  while (pos < src->width) {
    packet_type type = rle_packet_type(row, pos, src->width, bpp);
    uint8_t len      = rle_packet_len(row, pos, src->width, bpp, type);
    uint8_t packet_header;

    packet_header = len - 1;
    if (type == RLE) packet_header |= BIT(7);

    WRITE(&packet_header, 1);
    if (type == RLE) {
      WRITE(PIXEL(pos), bpp);
    } else /* type == RAW */
      WRITE(PIXEL(pos), bpp * len);

    pos += len;

  return TGA_NOERR;
#undef WRITE

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Determine whether the next packet should be RAW or RLE for maximum
 * efficiency.  This is a helper function called from rle_packet_len() and
 * tga_write_row_RLE().
#define SAME(ofs1, ofs2) (memcmp(PIXEL(ofs1), PIXEL(ofs2), bpp) == 0)

static packet_type rle_packet_type(const uint8_t *row, const uint16_t pos,
                                   const uint16_t width, const uint16_t bpp) {
  if (pos == width - 1) return RAW; /* one pixel */
  if (SAME(pos, pos + 1))           /* dupe pixel */
    if (bpp > 1) return RLE; /* inefficient for bpp=1 */

    /* three repeats makes the bpp=1 case efficient enough */
    if ((pos < width - 2) && SAME(pos + 1, pos + 2)) return RLE;
  return RAW;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Find the length of the current RLE packet.  This is a helper function
 * called from tga_write_row_RLE().
static uint8_t rle_packet_len(const uint8_t *row, const uint16_t pos,
                              const uint16_t width, const uint16_t bpp,
                              const packet_type type) {
  uint8_t len = 2;

  if (pos == width - 1) return 1;
  if (pos == width - 2) return 2;

  if (type == RLE) {
    while (pos + len < width) {
      if (SAME(pos, pos + len))
        return len;

      if (len == 128) return 128;
  } else /* type == RAW */
    while (pos + len < width) {
      if (rle_packet_type(row, pos + len, width, bpp) == RAW)
        return len;
      if (len == 128) return 128;
  return len; /* hit end of row (width) */
#undef SAME
#undef PIXEL

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Writes a Targa image to <fp> from <src>.
 * Returns: TGA_NOERR on success, or a TGAERR_* code on failure.
 *          On failure, the contents of the file are not guaranteed
 *          to be valid.
tga_result tga_write_to_FILE(FILE *fp, const tga_image *src) {
#define WRITE(srcptr, size)                                                    \
  if (fwrite(srcptr, size, 1, fp) != 1) return TGAERR_WRITE

#define WRITE16(src)                                                           \
  {                                                                            \
    uint16_t _temp = htole16(src);                                             \
    if (fwrite(&_temp, 2, 1, fp) != 1) return TGAERR_WRITE;                    \

  WRITE(&src->image_id_length, 1);

  if (src->color_map_type != TGA_COLOR_MAP_ABSENT &&
      src->color_map_type != TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT)
    return TGAERR_CMAP_TYPE;
  WRITE(&src->color_map_type, 1);

  if (src->image_type == TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_NONE) return TGAERR_NO_IMG;
  if (src->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_COLORMAP &&
      src->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR &&
      src->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO &&
      src->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_COLORMAP_RLE &&
      src->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR_RLE &&
      src->image_type != TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO_RLE)
    return TGAERR_IMG_TYPE;
  WRITE(&src->image_type, 1);

  if (tga_is_colormapped(src) && src->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_ABSENT)
  if (!tga_is_colormapped(src) && src->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT)
  if (src->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT) {
    if (src->color_map_length == 0) return TGAERR_CMAP_LENGTH;

    if (!UNMAP_DEPTH(src->color_map_depth)) return TGAERR_CMAP_DEPTH;
  WRITE(&src->color_map_depth, 1);


  if (src->width == 0 || src->height == 0) return TGAERR_ZERO_SIZE;

  if (!SANE_DEPTH(src->pixel_depth) ||
      (src->pixel_depth != 8 && tga_is_colormapped(src)))
  WRITE(&src->pixel_depth, 1);

  WRITE(&src->image_descriptor, 1);

  if (src->image_id_length > 0) WRITE(&src->image_id, src->image_id_length);

  if (src->color_map_type == TGA_COLOR_MAP_PRESENT)
    WRITE(src->color_map_data +
              (src->color_map_origin * src->color_map_depth / 8),
          src->color_map_length * src->color_map_depth / 8);

  if (tga_is_rle(src)) {
    uint16_t row;
    for (row = 0; row < src->height; row++) {
      tga_result result = tga_write_row_RLE(
          fp, src, src->image_data + row * src->width * src->pixel_depth / 8);
      if (result != TGA_NOERR) return result;
  } else {
    /* uncompressed */
    WRITE(src->image_data, src->width * src->height * src->pixel_depth / 8);

  WRITE(tga_id, tga_id_length);

  return TGA_NOERR;
#undef WRITE
#undef WRITE16

/* Convenient writing functions --------------------------------------------*/

 * This is just a helper function to initialise the header fields in a
 * tga_image struct.
static void init_tga_image(tga_image *img, uint8_t *image, const uint16_t width,
                           const uint16_t height, const uint8_t depth) {
  img->image_id_length  = 0;
  img->color_map_type   = TGA_COLOR_MAP_ABSENT;
  img->image_type       = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_NONE; /* override this below! */
  img->color_map_origin = 0;
  img->color_map_length = 0;
  img->color_map_depth  = 0;
  img->origin_x         = 0;
  img->origin_y         = 0;
  img->width            = width;
  img->height           = height;
  img->pixel_depth      = depth;
  img->image_descriptor = TGA_T_TO_B_BIT;
  img->image_id         = NULL;
  img->color_map_data   = NULL;
  img->image_data       = image;

tga_result tga_write_mono(const char *filename, uint8_t *image,
                          const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height) {
  tga_image img;
  init_tga_image(&img, image, width, height, 8);
  img.image_type = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO;
  return tga_write(filename, &img);

tga_result tga_write_mono_rle(const char *filename, uint8_t *image,
                              const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height) {
  tga_image img;
  init_tga_image(&img, image, width, height, 8);
  img.image_type = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO_RLE;
  return tga_write(filename, &img);

tga_result tga_write_bgr(const char *filename, uint8_t *image,
                         const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height,
                         const uint8_t depth) {
  tga_image img;
  init_tga_image(&img, image, width, height, depth);
  img.image_type = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR;
  return tga_write(filename, &img);

tga_result tga_write_bgr_rle(const char *filename, uint8_t *image,
                             const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height,
                             const uint8_t depth) {
  tga_image img;
  init_tga_image(&img, image, width, height, depth);
  img.image_type = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR_RLE;
  return tga_write(filename, &img);

/* Note: this function will MODIFY <image> */
tga_result tga_write_rgb(const char *filename, uint8_t *image,
                         const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height,
                         const uint8_t depth) {
  tga_image img;
  init_tga_image(&img, image, width, height, depth);
  img.image_type = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR;
  return tga_write(filename, &img);

/* Note: this function will MODIFY <image> */
tga_result tga_write_rgb_rle(const char *filename, uint8_t *image,
                             const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height,
                             const uint8_t depth) {
  tga_image img;
  init_tga_image(&img, image, width, height, depth);
  img.image_type = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR_RLE;
  return tga_write(filename, &img);

/* Convenient manipulation functions ---------------------------------------*/

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Horizontally flip the image in place.  Reverses the right-to-left bit in
 * the image descriptor.
tga_result tga_flip_horiz(tga_image *img) {
  uint16_t row;
  size_t bpp;
  uint8_t *left, *right;
  int r_to_l;

  if (!SANE_DEPTH(img->pixel_depth)) return TGAERR_PIXEL_DEPTH;
  bpp = (size_t)(img->pixel_depth / 8); /* bytes per pixel */

  for (row = 0; row < img->height; row++) {
    left  = img->image_data + row * img->width * bpp;
    right = left + (img->width - 1) * bpp;

    /* reverse from left to right */
    while (left < right) {
      uint8_t buffer[4];

      /* swap */
      memcpy(buffer, left, bpp);
      memcpy(left, right, bpp);
      memcpy(right, buffer, bpp);

      left += bpp;
      right -= bpp;

  /* Correct image_descriptor's left-to-right-ness. */
  r_to_l = tga_is_right_to_left(img);
  img->image_descriptor &= ~TGA_R_TO_L_BIT; /* mask out r-to-l bit */
  if (!r_to_l)                              /* was l-to-r, need to set r_to_l */
    img->image_descriptor |= TGA_R_TO_L_BIT;
  /* else bit is already rubbed out */

  return TGA_NOERR;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Vertically flip the image in place.  Reverses the top-to-bottom bit in
 * the image descriptor.
tga_result tga_flip_vert(tga_image *img) {
  uint16_t col;
  size_t bpp, line;
  uint8_t *top, *bottom;
  int t_to_b;

  if (!SANE_DEPTH(img->pixel_depth)) return TGAERR_PIXEL_DEPTH;
  bpp  = (size_t)(img->pixel_depth / 8); /* bytes per pixel */
  line = bpp * img->width;               /* bytes per line */

  for (col = 0; col < img->width; col++) {
    top    = img->image_data + col * bpp;
    bottom = top + (img->height - 1) * line;

    /* reverse from top to bottom */
    while (top < bottom) {
      uint8_t buffer[4];

      /* swap */
      memcpy(buffer, top, bpp);
      memcpy(top, bottom, bpp);
      memcpy(bottom, buffer, bpp);

      top += line;
      bottom -= line;

  /* Correct image_descriptor's top-to-bottom-ness. */
  t_to_b = tga_is_top_to_bottom(img);
  img->image_descriptor &= ~TGA_T_TO_B_BIT; /* mask out t-to-b bit */
  if (!t_to_b)                              /* was b-to-t, need to set t_to_b */
    img->image_descriptor |= TGA_T_TO_B_BIT;
  /* else bit is already rubbed out */

  return TGA_NOERR;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Convert a color-mapped image to unmapped BGR.  Reallocates image_data to a
 * bigger size, then converts the image backwards to avoid using a secondary
 * buffer.  Alters the necessary header fields and deallocates the color map.
tga_result tga_color_unmap(tga_image *img) {
  uint8_t bpp = img->color_map_depth / 8; /* bytes per pixel */
  int pos;
  void *tmp;

  if (!tga_is_colormapped(img)) return TGAERR_NOT_CMAP;
  if (img->pixel_depth != 8) return TGAERR_PIXEL_DEPTH;
  if (!SANE_DEPTH(img->color_map_depth)) return TGAERR_CMAP_DEPTH;

  tmp = realloc(img->image_data, img->width * img->height * bpp);
  if (tmp == NULL) return TGAERR_NO_MEM;
  img->image_data = (uint8_t *)tmp;

  for (pos = img->width * img->height - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
    uint8_t c_index = img->image_data[pos];
    uint8_t *c_bgr  = img->color_map_data + (c_index * bpp);

    if (c_index >= img->color_map_origin + img->color_map_length)
      return TGAERR_INDEX_RANGE;

    memcpy(img->image_data + (pos * bpp), c_bgr, (size_t)bpp);

  /* clean up */
  img->image_type  = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_BGR;
  img->pixel_depth = img->color_map_depth;

  img->color_map_data   = NULL;
  img->color_map_type   = TGA_COLOR_MAP_ABSENT;
  img->color_map_origin = 0;
  img->color_map_length = 0;
  img->color_map_depth  = 0;

  return TGA_NOERR;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Return a pointer to a given pixel.  Accounts for image orientation (T_TO_B,
 * R_TO_L, etc).  Returns NULL if the pixel is out of range.
uint8_t *tga_find_pixel(const tga_image *img, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
  if (x >= img->width || y >= img->height) return NULL;

  if (!tga_is_top_to_bottom(img)) y = img->height - 1 - y;
  if (tga_is_right_to_left(img)) x  = img->width - 1 - x;
  return img->image_data + (x + y * img->width) * img->pixel_depth / 8;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Unpack the pixel at the src pointer according to bits.  Any of b,g,r,a can
 * be set to NULL if not wanted.  Returns TGAERR_PIXEL_DEPTH if a stupid
 * number of bits is given.
tga_result tga_unpack_pixel(const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t bits, uint8_t *b,
                            uint8_t *g, uint8_t *r, uint8_t *a) {
  switch (bits) {
  case 32:
    if (b) *b = src[0];
    if (g) *g = src[1];
    if (r) *r = src[2];
    if (a) *a = src[3];

  case 24:
    if (b) *b = src[0];
    if (g) *g = src[1];
    if (r) *r = src[2];
    if (a) *a = 0;

  case 16: {
    uint16_t src16 = (uint16_t)(src[1] << 8) | (uint16_t)src[0];

#define FIVE_BITS (BIT(0) | BIT(1) | BIT(2) | BIT(3) | BIT(4))
    if (b) *b = ((src16)&FIVE_BITS) << 3;
    if (g) *g = ((src16 >> 5) & FIVE_BITS) << 3;
    if (r) *r = ((src16 >> 10) & FIVE_BITS) << 3;
    if (a) *a = (uint8_t)((src16 & BIT(15)) ? 255 : 0);
#undef FIVE_BITS

  case 8:
    if (b) *b = *src;
    if (g) *g = *src;
    if (r) *r = *src;
    if (a) *a = 0;

  return TGA_NOERR;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Pack the pixel at the dest pointer according to bits.  Returns
 * TGAERR_PIXEL_DEPTH if a stupid number of bits is given.
tga_result tga_pack_pixel(uint8_t *dest, const uint8_t bits, const uint8_t b,
                          const uint8_t g, const uint8_t r, const uint8_t a) {
  switch (bits) {
  case 32:
    dest[0] = b;
    dest[1] = g;
    dest[2] = r;
    dest[3] = a;

  case 24:
    dest[0] = b;
    dest[1] = g;
    dest[2] = r;

  case 16: {
    uint16_t tmp;

#define FIVE_BITS (BIT(0) | BIT(1) | BIT(2) | BIT(3) | BIT(4))
    tmp = (b >> 3) & FIVE_BITS;
    tmp |= ((g >> 3) & FIVE_BITS) << 5;
    tmp |= ((r >> 3) & FIVE_BITS) << 10;
    if (a > 127) tmp |= BIT(15);
#undef FIVE_BITS

    dest[0] = (uint8_t)(tmp & 0x00FF);
    dest[1] = (uint8_t)((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8);

  return TGA_NOERR;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Desaturate the specified Targa using the specified coefficients:
 *      output = ( red * cr + green * cg + blue * cb ) / dv
tga_result tga_desaturate(tga_image *img, const int cr, const int cg,
                          const int cb, const int dv) {
  uint8_t bpp = img->pixel_depth / 8; /* bytes per pixel */
  uint8_t *dest, *src, *tmp;

  if (tga_is_mono(img)) return TGAERR_MONO;
  if (tga_is_colormapped(img)) {
    tga_result result = tga_color_unmap(img);
    if (result != TGA_NOERR) return result;
  if (!UNMAP_DEPTH(img->pixel_depth)) return TGAERR_PIXEL_DEPTH;

  dest = img->image_data;
  for (src = img->image_data;
       src < img->image_data + img->width * img->height * bpp; src += bpp) {
    uint8_t b, g, r;
    (void)tga_unpack_pixel(src, img->pixel_depth, &b, &g, &r, NULL);

    *dest = (uint8_t)(((int)b * cb + (int)g * cg + (int)r * cr) / dv);

  /* shrink */
  tmp = realloc(img->image_data, img->width * img->height);
  if (tmp == NULL) return TGAERR_NO_MEM;
  img->image_data = tmp;

  img->pixel_depth = 8;
  img->image_type  = TGA_IMAGE_TYPE_MONO;
  return TGA_NOERR;

tga_result tga_desaturate_rec_601_1(tga_image *img) {
  return tga_desaturate(img, 2989, 5866, 1145, 10000);

tga_result tga_desaturate_rec_709(tga_image *img) {
  return tga_desaturate(img, 2126, 7152, 722, 10000);

tga_result tga_desaturate_itu(tga_image *img) {
  return tga_desaturate(img, 2220, 7067, 713, 10000);

tga_result tga_desaturate_avg(tga_image *img) {
  return tga_desaturate(img, 1, 1, 1, 3);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Convert an image to the given pixel depth. (one of 32, 24, 16)  Avoids
 * using a secondary buffer to do the conversion.
tga_result tga_convert_depth(tga_image *img, const uint8_t bits) {
  size_t src_size, dest_size;
  uint8_t src_bpp, dest_bpp;
  uint8_t *src, *dest;

  if (!UNMAP_DEPTH(bits) || !SANE_DEPTH(img->pixel_depth))

  if (tga_is_colormapped(img)) {
    tga_result result = tga_color_unmap(img);
    if (result != TGA_NOERR) return result;

  if (img->pixel_depth == bits) return TGA_NOERR; /* no op, no err */

  src_bpp  = img->pixel_depth / 8;
  dest_bpp = bits / 8;

  src_size  = (size_t)(img->width * img->height * src_bpp);
  dest_size = (size_t)(img->width * img->height * dest_bpp);

  if (src_size > dest_size) {
    void *tmp;

    /* convert forwards */
    dest = img->image_data;
    for (src = img->image_data;
         src < img->image_data + img->width * img->height * src_bpp;
         src += src_bpp) {
      uint8_t r, g, b, a;
      (void)tga_unpack_pixel(src, img->pixel_depth, &r, &g, &b, &a);
      (void)tga_pack_pixel(dest, bits, r, g, b, a);
      dest += dest_bpp;

    /* shrink */
    tmp = realloc(img->image_data, img->width * img->height * dest_bpp);
    if (tmp == NULL) return TGAERR_NO_MEM;
    img->image_data = tmp;
  } else {
    /* expand */
    void *tmp = realloc(img->image_data, img->width * img->height * dest_bpp);
    if (tmp == NULL) return TGAERR_NO_MEM;
    img->image_data = (uint8_t *)tmp;

    /* convert backwards */
    dest = img->image_data + (img->width * img->height - 1) * dest_bpp;
    for (src = img->image_data + (img->width * img->height - 1) * src_bpp;
         src >= img->image_data; src -= src_bpp) {
      uint8_t r, g, b, a;
      (void)tga_unpack_pixel(src, img->pixel_depth, &r, &g, &b, &a);
      (void)tga_pack_pixel(dest, bits, r, g, b, a);
      dest -= dest_bpp;

  img->pixel_depth = bits;
  return TGA_NOERR;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Swap red and blue (RGB becomes BGR and vice verse).  (in-place)
tga_result tga_swap_red_blue(tga_image *img) {
  uint8_t *ptr;
  uint8_t bpp = img->pixel_depth / 8;

  if (!UNMAP_DEPTH(img->pixel_depth)) return TGAERR_PIXEL_DEPTH;

  for (ptr = img->image_data;
       ptr < img->image_data + (img->width * img->height - 1) * bpp;
       ptr += bpp) {
    uint8_t r, g, b, a;
    (void)tga_unpack_pixel(ptr, img->pixel_depth, &b, &g, &r, &a);
    (void)tga_pack_pixel(ptr, img->pixel_depth, r, g, b, a);
  return TGA_NOERR;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Free the image_id, color_map_data and image_data buffers of the specified
 * tga_image, if they're not already NULL.
void tga_free_buffers(tga_image *img) {
  if (img->image_id != NULL) {
    img->image_id = NULL;
  if (img->color_map_data != NULL) {
    img->color_map_data = NULL;
  if (img->image_data != NULL) {
    img->image_data = NULL;

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