Blob Blame Raw

// TnzQt includes
#include "toonzqt/menubarcommand.h"
#include "docklayout.h"

// Qt includes
#include <QEvent>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDesktopWidget>

// STD includes
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>


//    Dock Lock Check

DockingCheck *DockingCheck::instance()
	static DockingCheck _instance;
	return &_instance;


void DockingCheck::setToggle(QAction *toggle)
	m_toggle = toggle;


void DockingCheck::setIsEnabled(bool on)
	m_enabled = on;
	if (m_toggle)


class DockingToggleCommand : public MenuItemHandler
	DockingToggleCommand() : MenuItemHandler("MI_DockingCheck") {}

	void execute()
		DockingCheck *dc = DockingCheck::instance();

} dockingToggleCommand;


//    Geometry inlines

//!Calculates infinite-norm distance between points \b a and \b b.
inline int absoluteDistance(const QPoint &a, const QPoint &b)
	return std::max(abs(a.x() - b.x()), abs(a.y() - b.y()));


//Il metodo QRectF::toRect pare che faccia la cosa commentata. Ovviamente non e' la cosa piu' simpatica - considera
//che in questo modo i bordi del rect di input *non vengono approssimati alle piu' vicine coordinate intere*!
//  es:   topLeft= (1/3, 1/3); width= 4/3, height= 4/3 => left= top= right= bottom= 0.
inline QRect toRect(const QRectF &rect)
	//return QRect(qRound(rect.left()), qRound(, qRound(rect.width()), qRound(rect.height()));
	return QRect(rect.topLeft().toPoint(), rect.bottomRight().toPoint() -= QPoint(1, 1));


//Forward declaration
QDesktopWidget *desktop;
void getClosestAvailableMousePosition(QPoint &globalPos);


//    Layout inlines

inline void DockLayout::update()
	//E' necessario?


//    My Dock Widget Methods

//!Constructs a dock Widget; every newly constructed dock widget is floating (i.e. not docked
//!into the layout).
DockWidget::DockWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags)
	: QWidget(parent, flags), m_dragging(false), m_resizing(false), m_floating(true), m_undocking(false),
	  m_parentLayout(0), m_selectedPlace(0), m_maximized(0)
	//Don't let this widget inherit the parent's backround color

	//setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);   //Since Toonz just hides panels...

	//Set default minimum and maximum sizes.
	setMinimumSize(QSize(50, 50));
	setMaximumSize(QSize(10000, 10000));

	m_decoAllocator = new DockDecoAllocator;

	//Make sure the desktop is initialized and known
	desktop = qApp->desktop();


	//Since close button lies on the title bar, make sure mouse is released if that is pressed.
	if (QWidget::mouseGrabber() == this)

	//Delete deco allocator
	delete m_decoAllocator;


//!Clears dock placeholders for this dockwidget. This is automatically called at drag ends.
void DockWidget::clearDockPlaceholders()
	unsigned int i;
	for (i = 0; i < m_placeholders.size(); ++i)
		delete m_placeholders[i];


//!Shows dock widget in docked mode.

//!Returns true or false whether input \b QPoint is inside the dragging grip for \b this DockWidget, or not.
//!Typically (and by default), true is returned whenever p lies inside the widget's title bar when floating;
//!however, you are free to place the drag grip anywhere reimplementing this method in custom dockwidgets.
bool DockWidget::isDragGrip(QPoint p)
	if (isFloating()) {
		QRect frame = frameGeometry();
		QRect conts = geometry();
		int margin = conts.left() - frame.left();
		int titleBarHeight = -;

		QRect titleArea(QPoint(0, margin - titleBarHeight), QPoint(width() - 1, -1));

		return titleArea.contains(p);

	return 0;


bool DockWidget::event(QEvent *e)
	//qDebug("Dock Widget - Event type: %d", e->type());

	//Little deviation or type specifications for received events
	switch (e->type()) {
	//Dock widgets are hover widgets - since their cursor may change on resize grips.
	case QEvent::HoverMove:
		hoverMoveEvent(static_cast<QHoverEvent *>(e));
		return true;

	//Native titlebar press events must be redirected to common ones
	// - and, in this case mouse has to grabbed
	case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress:
		//grabMouse();  //Cannot not go here or resizes cannot be natively handled
		mousePressEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(e));
		return true;

	//Titlebars are not natively handled in this raw class - their responsibility falls
	//to user implementation of DockWidget class
	case QEvent::WindowTitleChange:
		return true;

		return QWidget::event(e);


//!Adjusts widget cursor depending on \b isResizeGrip()
//NOTA: Da migliorare: ricordare il cursor settato o se era unset e riapplicare
//quando fuori dal resize grip.
void DockWidget::hoverMoveEvent(QHoverEvent *he)
	if (m_floating && !m_resizing && !m_undocking) {
		QCursor newCursor = Qt::ArrowCursor;

		if ((m_marginType = isResizeGrip(he->pos()))) {
			//Hovering a margin - update cursor shape
			if (m_marginType & leftMargin) {
				if (m_marginType & topMargin)
					newCursor = Qt::SizeFDiagCursor;
				else if (m_marginType & bottomMargin)
					newCursor = Qt::SizeBDiagCursor;
					newCursor = Qt::SizeHorCursor;
			} else if (m_marginType & rightMargin) {
				if (m_marginType & topMargin)
					newCursor = Qt::SizeBDiagCursor;
				else if (m_marginType & bottomMargin)
					newCursor = Qt::SizeFDiagCursor;
					newCursor = Qt::SizeHorCursor;
			} else
				newCursor = Qt::SizeVerCursor;

		if (newCursor.shape() != cursor().shape())


//!Dispatches mouse presses for particular purposes...

//!a)  Trigger a window resize (or none with native deco)
//!    if press is over a resize grip

//!b)  Trigger a window drag if press is over a drag grip
void DockWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
	if ((m_marginType = m_floating ? isResizeGrip(me->pos()) : 0)) {
		//Resize begins

		//NOTE: It is better to assume that resize grips dominate over drag grips: this ensures
		//that mouse cursor changes are always consistent with resize events.

		m_resizing = true;
		m_dragMouseInitialPos = me->globalPos(); //Re-used as old position
	} else if (isDragGrip(me->pos())) {
		//Dragging begins
		DockingCheck *lock = DockingCheck::instance(); //Docking system lock

		m_dragMouseInitialPos = me->globalPos();
		m_dragInitialPos = pos();
		//Grab mouse inputs - useful if widget gets under placeholders
		if (me->type() == QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress)
			//If can receive double-clicks, avoid grabbing mouse

		if (m_floating) {
			m_dragging = true;
			//Do not allow docking if there is a maximized widget or the layout is locked
			if (m_parentLayout && !m_parentLayout->getMaximized() && !lock->isEnabled())
		} else {
			if (!lock->isEnabled())
				m_undocking = true;
			m_dragInitialPos = parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(m_dragInitialPos);


void DockWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
	QPoint correctedGlobalPos(me->globalPos());

	if (m_resizing) {
		//m_dragMouseInitialPos re-used as old position
		int dx = correctedGlobalPos.x() - m_dragMouseInitialPos.x();
		int dy = correctedGlobalPos.y() - m_dragMouseInitialPos.y();

		QRect geom = geometry();

		if (m_marginType & leftMargin) {
			int newWidth = geom.width() - dx;
			if (newWidth >= minimumWidth() && newWidth <= maximumWidth())
				geom.setLeft(geom.left() + dx);
		} else if (m_marginType & rightMargin)
			geom.setRight(geom.right() + dx);

		if (m_marginType & topMargin) {
			int newHeight = geom.height() - dy;
			if (newHeight >= minimumHeight() && newHeight <= maximumHeight())
				geom.setTop( + dy);
		} else if (m_marginType & bottomMargin)
			geom.setBottom(geom.bottom() + dy);


		m_dragMouseInitialPos = correctedGlobalPos;
	} else if (m_dragging) {
		move(m_dragInitialPos + correctedGlobalPos - m_dragMouseInitialPos);
	} else if (m_undocking) {
		int distance = absoluteDistance(me->globalPos(), m_dragMouseInitialPos);
		if (distance > 8) {
			m_undocking = false;

			//Attempt undocking
			if (m_parentLayout->undockItem(this)) {
				m_dragging = true;

				//Then, move dock widget under cursor, as if drag actually begun at button press.
				move(m_dragInitialPos + correctedGlobalPos - m_dragMouseInitialPos);
				show(); //Dock widget is not automatically shown after undock.

				//Re-grab mouse inputs. Seems that making the window float (i.e.: reparenting) breaks old grab.
				//NOTE: mouse *must* be grabbed only when visible - see Qt manual.

				//After undocking takes place, docking possibilities have to be recalculated


void DockWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
	//Ensure mouse is released

	if (m_dragging) {
		m_dragging = false;

		if (m_floating && m_selectedPlace) {
			m_parentLayout->dockItem(this, m_selectedPlace);
		} else {
			//qDebug("Dock failed");

		//Clear dock placeholders
		m_selectedPlace = 0;
	} else if (m_undocking) {
		//qDebug("Undock failed");
		m_undocking = false;
	} else if (m_resizing) {
		m_resizing = false;


//!DockWidgets respond to title bar double clicks maximizing the widget in
//!layout's contents rect.
void DockWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
	if (!m_floating && isDragGrip(me->pos())) {
		parentLayout()->setMaximized(this, !m_maximized);


//!Switch in selected dock placeholder's hierarchy.
void DockWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *we)
	if (m_dragging) {
		if (m_selectedPlace) {
			DockPlaceholder *newSelected = (we->delta() > 0) ? m_selectedPlace->parentPlaceholder() : m_selectedPlace->childPlaceholder(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(we->globalPos()));

			if (newSelected != m_selectedPlace) {
				m_selectedPlace = newSelected;


//!Returns widget (separator or docked widget) containing input \point, or 0 if none.
//!Convenience function combining parentLayout() and containerOf(\b point).

//!\b NOTE: Observe that, in any case, the use of QEnterEvents is discouraged for this purpose:
//!remember that we forcedly remain within its boundaries when dragging a dock widget;
//!instead, we are rather interested about entering the dock widgets *below*.
QWidget *DockWidget::hoveredWidget(QMouseEvent *me)
	if (!m_parentLayout)
		return 0;

	QPoint point = parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(me->globalPos());
	return m_parentLayout->containerOf(point);


//!Returns adjacent placeholders to hovered widget. If hovered is a separator,
//!just return associated placeholder.
DockPlaceholder *DockWidget::placeAdjacentTo(DockWidget *dockWidget, int boundary)
	Region *r = parentLayout()->find(dockWidget);

	if (((boundary == DockPlaceholder::left || boundary == DockPlaceholder::right) && r->getOrientation() == Region::horizontal) || ((boundary == DockPlaceholder::top || boundary == DockPlaceholder::bottom) && r->getOrientation() == Region::vertical)) {
		//Placeholder is coherent with region orientation
		return r->placeholders().size() ? r->placeholder(boundary % 2) : 0;
	} else {
		//Search in parent region
		Region *parent = r->getParent();
		if (parent) {
			unsigned int i = parent->find(r);
			return parent->placeholders().size() ? parent->placeholder(i + (boundary % 2)) : 0;
		} else {
			//No parent region - dockWidget is the only widget of the whole layout;
			//Then check the first 2 elements of placeholders vector.
			if (!m_placeholders[boundary % 2]->getParentRegion()) {
				return m_placeholders.size() ? m_placeholders[boundary % 2] : 0;

	return 0;


//!Returns placeholder associated with input separator.
DockPlaceholder *DockWidget::placeOfSeparator(DockSeparator *sep)
	Region *r = sep->getParentRegion();
	int idx = sep->getIndex();

	return r->placeholders().size() ? r->placeholder(idx + 1) : 0;


//!Processes an input mouse event to select the active placeholder among the possible ones
//!for \b this dock widget. The selected placeholder is also evidenced with respect to the
//!other (or these are kept hidden) according to the body of this function.
void DockWidget::selectDockPlaceholder(QMouseEvent *me)
	//const int inf= 1000000;
	DockPlaceholder *selected = 0;

	//Search placeholders cotaining muose position
	unsigned int i;
	for (i = 0; i < m_placeholders.size(); ++i) {
		if (m_placeholders[i]->geometry().contains(me->globalPos())) {
			selected = m_placeholders[i];

	//In order to avoid flickering
	if (m_selectedPlace != selected) {
		if (m_selectedPlace)
		if (selected)

	m_selectedPlace = selected;


//    Dock Placeholders

inline QRect DockPlaceholder::parentGeometry() const
	return m_region ? toRect(m_region->getGeometry()) : m_owner->parentLayout()->contentsRect();


//!Assigns the geometry of \b this placeholder.

//!Once a placeholder is created, in response to a user window drag,
//!dock placeholders are calculated. After a placeholder is created,
//!its geometry is built according to this function. It is possible to
//!reimplement it in order to build custom placeholder styles.
inline void DockPlaceholder::buildGeometry()
	QRect relativeToMainRect;

	if (m_separator)
		relativeToMainRect = m_separator->geometry();
	else {
		QRect parentRect = parentGeometry();
		DockLayout *layout = m_owner->parentLayout();
		QRect mainRect = layout->contentsRect();
		int sepWidth = layout->spacing();
		int margin = 6; //layout->margin();   //Purtroppo questa info e' assegnata prima delle Room...

		if (isRoot()) {
			//Set the whole contents rect
			relativeToMainRect = parentRect;

			//Set a square at middle of parent geometry
			//QPoint center=;
			//relativeToMainRect= QRect(center - QPoint(50,50), center + QPoint(50,50));
		} else if (getParentRegion() == 0 || getParentRegion() == layout->rootRegion()) {
			//Outer insertion case
			switch (getAttribute()) {
				int leftBound, upperBound;

			case left:
				leftBound = parentRect.left() - margin;
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(leftBound,, margin, parentRect.height());
			case right:
				leftBound = parentRect.right() + 1;
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(leftBound,, margin, parentRect.height());
			case top:
				upperBound = - margin;
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(parentRect.left(), upperBound, parentRect.width(), margin);
				upperBound = parentRect.bottom() + 1;
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(parentRect.left(), upperBound, parentRect.width(), margin);
		} else
			switch (getAttribute()) {
				int leftBound, upperBound;

			case left:
				leftBound = parentRect.left();
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(leftBound,, sepWidth, parentRect.height());
			case right:
				leftBound = parentRect.right() - sepWidth + 1;
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(leftBound,, sepWidth, parentRect.height());
			case top:
				upperBound =;
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(parentRect.left(), upperBound, parentRect.width(), sepWidth);
				upperBound = parentRect.bottom() - sepWidth + 1;
				relativeToMainRect = QRect(parentRect.left(), upperBound, parentRect.width(), sepWidth);

	QPoint topLeft = m_owner->parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(relativeToMainRect.topLeft());
	QPoint bottomRight = m_owner->parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(relativeToMainRect.bottomRight());
	setGeometry(QRect(topLeft, bottomRight));


DockPlaceholder::DockPlaceholder(DockWidget *owner, Region *r, int idx, int attributes)
	: QWidget(owner), m_owner(owner), m_separator(0),
	  m_region(r), m_idx(idx), m_attributes(attributes)
	setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);

	//Set separators
	if (r && idx && idx < (int)r->getChildList().size()) {
		m_separator = r->separators()[idx - 1];


inline DockSeparator *DockPlaceholder::getSeparator() const
	return m_separator;


//!Find the 'parent' of this placeholder (same side/orientation, on grandParent region)

//!NOTE: If no grandParent exists \b this is the root, which is then returned.
DockPlaceholder *DockPlaceholder::parentPlaceholder()
	//Placeholders covering a whole separator or roots have no parent (return itself)
	if (m_attributes == sepHor || m_attributes == sepVert || isRoot())
		return this;

	//Now, check if owner Region has a parent.
	Region *grandParent;
	if (!m_region || !m_region->getParent())
		return this;

	if ((grandParent = m_region->getParent()->getParent())) {
		//Good, we finally have to search in grandParent's region our direct parent.
		unsigned int idx = grandParent->find(m_region->getParent());

		//Since placeholders are built ordered, just use the found idx.
		if (m_attributes == left || m_attributes == top)
			return grandParent->placeholders().size() ? grandParent->placeholder(idx) : this;
			return grandParent->placeholders().size() ? grandParent->placeholder(idx + 1) : this;
	} else {
		//GrandParent would be a new root. Then, take the first two possible placeholders
		//of the entire dockWidget.
		if (m_owner->m_placeholders.size()) {
			DockPlaceholder *result = m_owner->m_placeholders[m_attributes % 2];
			if (!result->m_region)
				return result;

		return this;


//!The opposite of parentPlaceholder() - but a point belonging to the child
//!region to be selected is requested as univoque key among all children.
DockPlaceholder *DockPlaceholder::childPlaceholder(QPoint p)
	//Ensure this is not a root placeholder
	if (m_attributes == root)
		return this;

	//Define children list and ensure it is not void.
	Region *r;
	unsigned int i;
	bool lastExtremity;

	if (m_region) {
		if (!m_region->getChildList().size())
			return this;

		//Search the subregion containing p
		for (i = 0; i < m_region->getChildList().size(); ++i)
			if (m_region->childRegion(i)->getGeometry().contains(p))

		if (i == m_region->getChildList().size())
			return this; //No subregion found...

		lastExtremity = (m_idx > (int)i);

		//Ensure it has subRegions.
		r = m_region->childRegion(i);
		if (!r->getChildList().size())
			return this;
	} else {
		r = m_owner->parentLayout()->rootRegion();
		lastExtremity = m_attributes % 2;

	//Now, take the 'grandson' region as above.
	for (i = 0; i < r->getChildList().size(); ++i)
		if (r->childRegion(i)->getGeometry().contains(p))

	if (i == r->getChildList().size())
		return this; //No subregion found...

	r = r->childRegion(i);

	//Finally, return child placeholder found.
	return r->placeholders().size() ? lastExtremity ? r->placeholders().back() : r->placeholders().front() : this;


//!Returns greatest placeholder which contains this one.
inline DockPlaceholder *DockPlaceholder::greatestPlaceholder()
	DockPlaceholder *old = this, *current = parentPlaceholder();

	while (current != old) {
		old = current;
		current = old->parentPlaceholder();

	return current;


//!Returns smallest placeholder contained by this one - a point belonging to the child
//!region to be selected is requested as univoque key among all children.
inline DockPlaceholder *DockPlaceholder::smallestPlaceholder(QPoint p)
	DockPlaceholder *old = this, *current = childPlaceholder(p);

	while (current != old) {
		old = current;
		current = old->childPlaceholder(p);

	return current;


//    Separators

DockSeparator::DockSeparator(DockLayout *owner, bool orientation, Region *parentRegion)
	: QWidget(owner->parentWidget()), m_owner(owner), m_orientation(orientation),
	  m_parentRegion(parentRegion), m_pressed(false)

	//Set appropriate widget cursor
	if (m_orientation == Region::horizontal)



void DockSeparator::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
	m_pressed = true;

	m_oldPos = me->globalPos();

	const std::deque<DockSeparator *> &sepList = m_parentRegion->separators();
	const std::deque<Region *> &childList = m_parentRegion->getChildList();

	//Find separated Regions (separator index)
	unsigned int i;

	for (i = 0; i < sepList.size(); ++i)
		if (sepList[i] == this)

	//Calculate bounds for separator shift
	//First ensure extremal sizes are recalculated

	int sepWidth = m_owner->spacing();
	Region *r = getParentRegion();
	double parentLeft, parentRight;
	int leftSepCount = m_index;
	int rightSepCount = r->separators().size() - leftSepCount; //This sep included

	if (m_orientation == Region::horizontal) {
		parentLeft = r->getGeometry().left();
		parentRight = r->getGeometry().right();
	} else {
		parentLeft = r->getGeometry().top();
		parentRight = r->getGeometry().bottom();

	//Calculate left and right extremal sizes
	int j, leftMinSize = 0, rightMinSize = 0, leftMaxSize = 0, rightMaxSize = 0;

	for (j = 0; j <= m_index; ++j) {
		leftMinSize += r->childRegion(j)->getMinimumSize(m_orientation);
		leftMaxSize += r->childRegion(j)->getMaximumSize(m_orientation);

	int size = r->getChildList().size();
	for (j = m_index + 1; j < size; ++j) {
		rightMinSize += r->childRegion(j)->getMinimumSize(m_orientation);
		rightMaxSize += r->childRegion(j)->getMaximumSize(m_orientation);

	//Sull'intera regione padre
	m_leftBound = std::max(parentLeft + leftMinSize + leftSepCount * sepWidth,
						   parentRight - rightMaxSize - rightSepCount * sepWidth);

	m_rightBound = std::min(parentLeft + leftMaxSize + leftSepCount * sepWidth,
							parentRight - rightMinSize - rightSepCount * sepWidth);


inline void DockSeparator::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
	m_pressed = false;


void DockSeparator::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
	if (m_pressed) {
		double movedPosition, newPosition;

		if (m_orientation == Region::horizontal) {
			double dx = me->globalX() - m_oldPos.x();
			movedPosition = getParentRegion()->childRegion(m_index)->getGeometry().right() + dx;
			newPosition = std::min(std::max(movedPosition, m_leftBound), m_rightBound);
			dx += newPosition - movedPosition;

			if (dx) {
				Region *r;
				QRectF newGeometry;
				double newWidth, dxTemp = dx;
				int i;

				//Propagate dx in left-adjacent regions
				for (i = m_index; dx != 0 && i >= 0; --i) {
					r = getParentRegion()->childRegion(i);
					newGeometry = r->getGeometry();

					//Right margin is shifted by dx
					newGeometry.adjust(0, 0, dx, 0);
					newWidth = newGeometry.width();
					//New width absorbs part of dx according to constraints
					newWidth = std::min(std::max(newWidth,
					newGeometry.adjust(dx = newGeometry.width() - newWidth, 0, 0, 0);

				dx = dxTemp;
				int size = getParentRegion()->getChildList().size();
				//Propagate dx in right-adjacent regions
				for (i = m_index + 1; dx != 0 && i < size; ++i) {
					r = getParentRegion()->childRegion(i);
					newGeometry = r->getGeometry();

					newGeometry.adjust(dx, 0, 0, 0);
					newWidth = newGeometry.width();
					newWidth = std::min(std::max(newWidth,
					newGeometry.adjust(0, 0, dx = newWidth - newGeometry.width(), 0);

		} else {
			double dy = me->globalY() - m_oldPos.y();
			movedPosition = getParentRegion()->childRegion(m_index)->getGeometry().bottom() + dy;
			newPosition = std::min(std::max(movedPosition, m_leftBound), m_rightBound);
			dy += newPosition - movedPosition;

			if (dy) {
				Region *r;
				QRectF newGeometry;
				double newHeight, dyTemp = dy;
				int i;

				for (i = m_index; dy != 0 && i >= 0; --i) {
					r = getParentRegion()->childRegion(i);
					newGeometry = r->getGeometry();
					QRectF oldGeometry = newGeometry;

					newGeometry.adjust(0, 0, 0, dy);
					newHeight = newGeometry.height();
					newHeight = std::min(std::max(newHeight,
					newGeometry.adjust(0, dy = newGeometry.height() - newHeight, 0, 0);

				dy = dyTemp;
				int size = getParentRegion()->getChildList().size();
				for (i = m_index + 1; dy != 0 && i < size; ++i) {
					r = getParentRegion()->childRegion(i);
					newGeometry = r->getGeometry();

					newGeometry.adjust(0, dy, 0, 0);
					newHeight = newGeometry.height();
					newHeight = std::min(std::max(newHeight,
					newGeometry.adjust(0, 0, 0, dy = newHeight - newGeometry.height());


		m_oldPos = QPoint(me->globalX(), me->globalY());


//    Available geometries code



//Finds the closest mouse point belonging to some available geometry.
void getClosestAvailableMousePosition(QPoint &globalPos)
	//Search the screen rect containing the mouse position
	int i, screens = desktop->numScreens();
	for (i = 0; i < screens; ++i)
		if (desktop->screenGeometry(i).contains(globalPos))

	//Find the closest point to the corresponding available region
	QRect rect(desktop->availableGeometry(i));
	if (rect.contains(globalPos))

	//Return the closest point to the available geometry
	QPoint result;
	if (globalPos.x() < rect.left())
	else if (globalPos.x() > rect.right())

	if (globalPos.y() <
	else if (globalPos.y() > rect.bottom())

} //Local namespace