Blob Blame Raw


#include "assert.h"

#include "tlin_basicops.h"

namespace tlin


  The tlin::matrix class represents matrices in tlin-compatible algorithms.
  This implementation both serves as a reference to other would-be matrix types,
  specifying the core methods they must provide to work in place of a tcg::matrix;
  plus, it provides the naive, universal dense-format of a matrix type.
  Please, observe that a tlin::matrix is stored in column-major order, unlike common
  C matrices, since it has to comply with the usual Fortran-style matrices supported
  by every BLAS implementation. In practice, this means that the values() array
  stores \b columns in consecutive data blocks.

template <typename T>
class matrix
	int m_rows;
	int m_cols;

	T *m_entries;

	matrix() : m_rows(0), m_cols(0), m_entries(0) {}
	matrix(int rows, int cols) : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_entries(new T[rows * cols])
		memset(m_entries, 0, m_rows * m_cols * sizeof(T));
	~matrix() { delete[] m_entries; }

	matrix(const matrix &mat)
		: m_rows(mat.m_rows), m_cols(mat.m_cols), m_entries(new T[m_rows * m_cols])
		memcpy(m_entries, mat.m_entries, m_rows * m_cols * sizeof(T));

	matrix &operator=(const matrix &mat)
		if (m_rows != mat.m_rows || m_cols != mat.m_cols) {
			delete[] m_entries;
			m_rows = mat.m_rows, m_cols = mat.m_cols, m_entries = new T[m_rows * m_cols];

		memcpy(m_entries, mat.m_entries, m_rows * m_cols * sizeof(T));
		return *this;

	int rows() const { return m_rows; }
	int cols() const { return m_cols; }

	T &at(int row, int col) { return m_entries[m_rows * col + row]; }
	const T &get(int row, int col) const { return m_entries[m_rows * col + row]; }
	const T &operator()(int row, int col) const { return get(row, col); }


	//  Dense-specific methods
	matrix(int rows, int cols, T val) : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_entries(new T[rows * cols])

	T *values() { return m_entries; }
	const T *values() const { return m_entries; }

	void fill(const T &val)
		memset(m_entries, val, m_rows * m_cols * sizeof(T));


//  The Standard matrix data type in tlin is double

typedef tlin::matrix<double> mat;

} //namespace tlin

#endif //TLIN_MATRIX_H