#pragma once
#include "toonz/tcenterlinevectorizer.h"
// TnzCore includes
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "tcolorstyles.h"
#include "trastercm.h"
#include "ttoonzimage.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
// STD includes
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
// Preliminary geometric helpers
inline TPointD planeProjection(const T3DPointD &p) { return TPointD(p.x, p.y); }
//! Returns distance of \p P from line of direction \p v that touches \p B
inline double tdistance2(const T3DPointD &P, const T3DPointD &v,
const T3DPointD &B) {
double t = P * v - B * v;
T3DPointD Q = B + t * v - P;
return Q * Q;
inline double tdistance(TPointD P, TPointD v, TPointD B) {
return fabs(cross(P - B, normalize(v)));
inline double tdistance(T3DPointD P, T3DPointD v, T3DPointD B) {
double vv = norm2(v);
if (vv < 0.01) return -1;
double t = (P * v - B * v) / vv;
T3DPointD Q = B + t * v - P;
return norm(Q);
inline double planeDistance(const T3DPointD &P, const T3DPointD &Q) {
return sqrt((P.x - Q.x) * (P.x - Q.x) + (P.y - Q.y) * (P.y - Q.y));
inline double crossZ(const T3DPointD &p, const T3DPointD &q) {
return p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x;
// a, b assumed normalized
inline bool angleLess(const TPointD &a, const TPointD &b) {
return a.y >= 0 ? b.y >= 0 ? a.x > b.x : 1 : b.y < 0 ? a.x < b.x : 0;
// a, b, ref assumed normalized
inline bool angleLess(const TPointD &a, const TPointD &b, const TPointD &ref) {
return angleLess(a, ref) ? angleLess(b, ref) ? angleLess(a, b) : 0
: angleLess(b, ref) ? 1 : angleLess(a, b);
// STL auxiliaries
// Container append (needs reverse iterators)
// NOTE: Merge could be used... but it requires operator< and we don't...
//! warning: must be I == T::Reverse_iterator; explicited because on Mac it was
//! not compiling!
template <class T, class I>
void append(T &cont1, T &cont2) {
I i, j;
cont1.resize(cont1.size() + cont2.size());
for (i = cont2.rbegin(), j = cont1.rbegin(); i != cont2.rend(); ++i, ++j)
*j = *i;
// Traversable Graphs
typedef unsigned int UINT;
\brief Graph class used by the centerline vectorization process.
\details Introducing a directed graph structure that allows local access:
main feature is that a graph edge
physically belongs to the node that emitted it, by storing it in a
'link vector' inside the node.
No full-scale edge search method is therefore needed to find node
No specific iterator class is needed, just use unsigned ints to
perform random access to nodes and
links vectors.
template <typename NodeContentType, typename ArcType>
class Graph {
class Link {
UINT m_next; //!< Index of the node pointed by this link.
ArcType m_arc; //!< Edge data associated to this link.
int m_access; //!< Whether access to a node is allowed
//! through this link.
Link() : m_access(1) {}
Link(UINT _next) : m_next(_next), m_access(1) {}
Link(UINT _next, ArcType _arc) : m_next(_next), m_arc(_arc), m_access(1) {}
~Link() {}
ArcType &operator*() { return m_arc; }
const ArcType &operator*() const { return m_arc; }
ArcType *operator->() { return &m_arc; }
const ArcType *operator->() const { return &m_arc; }
UINT getNext() const { return m_next; }
void setNext(UINT _next) { m_next = _next; }
int getAccess() const { return m_access; }
void setAccess(int acc) { m_access = acc; }
class Node {
friend class Graph; // Grant Graph access to m_links
std::vector<Link> m_links; //!< Links to neighbouring nodes.
NodeContentType m_content; //!< The node's content.
int m_attributes; //!< Node attributes.
Node() : m_attributes(0) {}
Node(const NodeContentType &_cont) : m_content(_cont), m_attributes(0) {}
~Node() {}
Link &link(UINT i) { return m_links[i]; }
const Link &getLink(UINT i) const { return m_links[i]; }
UINT getLinksCount() const { return m_links.size(); }
NodeContentType &operator*() { return m_content; }
const NodeContentType &operator*() const { return m_content; }
NodeContentType *operator->() { return &m_content; }
const NodeContentType *operator->() const { return &m_content; }
// Attributes
int hasAttribute(int attr) const { return m_attributes & attr; }
void setAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes |= attr; }
void clearAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes &= ~attr; }
// Others
int degree() const { return int(m_links.size()); }
\warning If more links can be set between the same nodes, the
returned link index will be ambiguous.
UINT linkOfNode(UINT next) const {
UINT i = 0;
for (; i < m_links.size() && m_links[i].getNext() != next; ++i)
return i;
std::vector<Node> m_nodes; //!< Nodes container.
UINT m_linksCount; //!< Links counter.
Graph() : m_linksCount(0) {}
virtual ~Graph() {}
Node &node(UINT i) { return m_nodes[i]; }
const Node &getNode(UINT i) const { return m_nodes[i]; }
UINT getNodesCount() const { return m_nodes.size(); }
UINT getLinksCount() const { return m_linksCount; }
// Nodes/Links insertions
UINT newNode() {
return m_nodes.size() - 1;
UINT newNode(const NodeContentType &content) {
return m_nodes.size() - 1;
UINT newLink(UINT first, UINT last) {
assert(first < m_nodes.size() && last < m_nodes.size());
return m_nodes[first].m_links.size() - 1;
UINT newLink(UINT first, UINT last, const ArcType &arc) {
assert(first < m_nodes.size() && last < m_nodes.size());
m_nodes[first].m_links.push_back(Link(last, arc));
return m_nodes[first].m_links.size() - 1;
void insert(UINT inserted, UINT afterNode, UINT onLink) {
newLink(inserted, getNode(afterNode).getLink(onLink).getNext());
//* Polygonization classes *
// Of course we don't want RawBorders to be entirely copied whenever STL
// requires to resize a BorderFamily...
class RawBorder;
typedef std::vector<RawBorder *> BorderFamily;
typedef std::vector<BorderFamily> BorderList;
// Output Polygon Classes
class ContourEdge;
// NOTE: The following class is mainly used in the later 'straight skeleton
// computation'
// - for polygonization purposes, consider it like a TPointD class.
class ContourNode {
enum Attributes //! Node attributes
{ HEAD = 0x1, //!< Node is the 'first' of a nodes ring.
ELIMINATED = 0x4, //!< Node was eliminated by the SS process.
AMBIGUOUS_LEFT = 0x10, //!< Node represents an ambiguous \a left turn in
//! the original image.
AMBIGUOUS_RIGHT = 0x20, //!< Node represents an ambiguous \a right turn in
//! the original image.
JR_RESERVED = 0x40, //!< Reserved for joints recovery.
LINEAR_ADDED = 0x80 //!< Node was added by the linear skeleton technique.
// Node kinematics infos
T3DPointD m_position, //!< Node's position.
m_direction, //!< Node's direction.
m_AngularMomentum, //!< Angular momentum with the next node's edge.
m_AuxiliaryMomentum1, // Used only when this vertex is convex
m_AuxiliaryMomentum2; // Used only when this vertex is convex
// Further node properties
bool m_concave; //!< Whether the node represents a concave angle.
unsigned int m_attributes, //!< Bitwise signatures of this node
m_updateTime, //!< \a Algoritmic time in which the node was updated.
m_ancestor, //!< Index of the original node from which this one evolved.
m_ancestorContour; //!< Contour index of the original node from which
//!this one evolved.
std::vector<ContourEdge *> m_notOpposites; //!< List of edges \a not to be
//!used as possible opposites.
int m_outputNode; //!< Skeleton node produced by this ContourNode.
// Connective data
ContourEdge *m_edge; //!< Edge departing from this, keeping adjacent black
//! region on the right
// Node neighbours
ContourNode *m_next; //!< Next node on the contour.
ContourNode *m_prev; //!< Previous node on the contour.
ContourNode() : m_attributes(0) {}
ContourNode(double x, double y) : m_position(x, y, 0), m_attributes(0) {}
ContourNode(const TPointD &P) : m_position(P.x, P.y, 0), m_attributes(0) {}
ContourNode(double x, double y, unsigned short attrib)
: m_position(x, y, 0), m_attributes(attrib) {}
int hasAttribute(int attr) const { return m_attributes & attr; }
void setAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes |= attr; }
void clearAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes &= ~attr; }
// Private Node Methods
inline void buildNodeInfos(bool forceConvex = false);
typedef std::vector<ContourNode> Contour;
typedef std::vector<Contour> ContourFamily;
typedef std::vector<ContourFamily> Contours;
// Straight Skeleton Classes
class SkeletonArc {
double m_slope;
unsigned int m_leftGeneratingNode, m_leftContour, m_rightGeneratingNode,
int m_attributes;
// NOTE: Typically an arc is generated by a couple of *edges* of the original
// contours; but we store instead the *nodes* which address those
// edges.
SkeletonArc() : m_attributes(0) {}
SkeletonArc(ContourNode *node)
: m_slope(node->m_direction.z)
, m_leftGeneratingNode(node->m_ancestor)
, m_leftContour(node->m_ancestorContour)
, m_rightGeneratingNode(node->m_prev->m_ancestor)
, m_rightContour(node->m_prev->m_ancestorContour)
, m_attributes(0) {}
enum { ROAD = 0x1 };
double getSlope() const { return m_slope; }
unsigned int getLeftGenerator() const { return m_leftGeneratingNode; }
unsigned int getRightGenerator() const { return m_rightGeneratingNode; }
unsigned int getLeftContour() const { return m_leftContour; }
unsigned int getRightContour() const { return m_rightContour; }
enum { SS_OUTLINE = 0x10, SS_OUTLINE_REVERSED = 0x20 };
int hasAttribute(int attr) const { return m_attributes & attr; }
void setAttribute(int attr) { m_attributes |= attr; }
void turn() {
m_slope = -m_slope;
std::swap(m_leftGeneratingNode, m_rightGeneratingNode);
std::swap(m_leftContour, m_rightContour);
typedef Graph<T3DPointD, SkeletonArc> SkeletonGraph;
typedef std::vector<SkeletonGraph *> SkeletonList;
// Joints and Sequences definition
class Sequence {
UINT m_head;
UINT m_headLink;
UINT m_tail;
UINT m_tailLink;
SkeletonGraph *m_graphHolder;
// Stroke color-sensible data
int m_color;
int m_strokeIndex;
int m_strokeHeight;
Sequence() : m_graphHolder(0) {}
~Sequence() {}
// Impose a property dependant only on the extremity we consider first
// - so that the same sequence is not considered twice when head and tail
// are exchanged
bool isForward() const {
return (m_head < m_tail) || (m_head == m_tail && m_headLink < m_tailLink);
// Advances a couple (old, current) of sequence nodes
void advance(UINT &old, UINT ¤t) const {
UINT temp = current;
current = m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(0).getNext() == old
? m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(1).getNext()
: m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(0).getNext();
old = temp;
// Advances a couple (current, link) of a sequence node plus its link
// direction
void next(UINT ¤t, UINT &link) const {
UINT temp = current;
current = m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(link).getNext();
link = m_graphHolder->getNode(current).getLink(0).getNext() == temp ? 1 : 0;
class JointSequenceGraph : public Graph<UINT, Sequence> {
JointSequenceGraph() {}
~JointSequenceGraph() {}
enum { REACHED = 0x1, ELIMINATED = 0x2 };
// Extracts JSG tail link of input node-link
inline UINT tailLinkOf(UINT node, UINT link) {
UINT i, next = getNode(node).getLink(link).getNext();
for (i = 0; getNode(next).getLink(i)->m_tail !=
getNode(node).getLink(link)->m_head ||
getNode(next).getLink(i)->m_tailLink !=
return i;
typedef std::vector<JointSequenceGraph> JointSequenceGraphList;
typedef std::vector<Sequence> SequenceList;
typedef std::vector<T3DPointD> PointList;
// Globals
//!\b FOR \b INTERNAL \b USE \b ONLY!
//! EXPLANATION: Some variables are used widely used and shared by all the
//! "tcenterline*.cpp"
// sources. Instead than passing each variable repeatedly, it is easier to
// define a Global
// class passed to each file, which gets immediatly pointed in an anonymous
// namespace.
class VectorizerCoreGlobals {
const CenterlineConfiguration *currConfig;
JointSequenceGraphList organizedGraphs;
SequenceList singleSequences;
PointList singlePoints;
VectorizerCoreGlobals() {}
~VectorizerCoreGlobals() {}
namespace {
// SkeletonGraph nodes global signatures - used for various purposes
enum {
const int infinity = 1000000; // just a great enough number
// Function prototypes
void polygonize(const TRasterP &ras, Contours &polygons,
VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
SkeletonList *skeletonize(Contours &contours, VectorizerCore *thisVectorizer,
VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void organizeGraphs(SkeletonList *skeleton, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void junctionRecovery(Contours *polygons, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void conversionToStrokes(std::vector<TStroke *> &strokes,
VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void calculateSequenceColors(const TRasterP &ras, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);
void applyStrokeColors(std::vector<TStroke *> &strokes, const TRasterP &ras,
TPalette *palette, VectorizerCoreGlobals &g);