// TnzCore includes
#include "tgl.h"
// TnzExt includes
#include "ext/ttexturesstorage.h"
#include "ext/plasticdeformerstorage.h"
// tcg includes
#include "tcg/tcg_iterator_ops.h"
#include "ext/meshutils.h"
#include <array>
// Templated drawing functions
struct NoColorFunction {
void faceColor(int f, int m) {}
void edgeColor(int e, int m) {}
void vertexColor(int v, int m) {}
template <typename VerticesContainer, typename PointType, typename ColorFunction>
inline void tglDrawEdges(const TTextureMesh &mesh, const VerticesContainer &vertices,
ColorFunction colorFunction)
// Draw the mesh wireframe
TTextureMesh::edges_container::const_iterator et, eEnd = mesh.edges().end();
for (et = mesh.edges().begin(); et != eEnd; ++et) {
const TTextureMesh::edge_type &ed = *et;
int v0 = ed.vertex(0), v1 = ed.vertex(1);
const PointType &p0 = vertices[v0];
const PointType &p1 = vertices[v1];
colorFunction.edgeColor(et.index(), -1);
colorFunction.vertexColor(v0, -1);
glVertex2d(tcg::point_traits<PointType>::x(p0), tcg::point_traits<PointType>::y(p0));
colorFunction.vertexColor(v1, -1);
glVertex2d(tcg::point_traits<PointType>::x(p1), tcg::point_traits<PointType>::y(p1));
template <typename ColorFunction>
inline void tglDrawFaces(const TMeshImage &meshImage, ColorFunction colorFunction)
int i = 0;
for (auto const& mesh : meshImage.meshes()) {
tcg::list<TTextureVertex> const & vertices = mesh->vertices();
int const m = i++;
// Draw the mesh wireframe
int j = 0;
for (auto const& ft : mesh->faces()) {
int const index = j++;
int v0, v1, v2;
mesh->faceVertices(index, v0, v1, v2);
TTextureVertex const& p0 = vertices[v0];
TTextureVertex const& p1 = vertices[v1];
TTextureVertex const& p2 = vertices[v2];
colorFunction.faceColor(index, m);
colorFunction.vertexColor(v0, m), glVertex2d(p0.P().x, p0.P().y);
colorFunction.vertexColor(v1, m), glVertex2d(p1.P().x, p1.P().y);
colorFunction.vertexColor(v2, m), glVertex2d(p2.P().x, p2.P().y);
template <typename ColorFunction>
inline void tglDrawFaces(const TMeshImage &meshImage, const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group,
ColorFunction colorFunction)
const std::vector<TTextureMeshP> &meshes = meshImage.meshes();
// Draw faces according to the group's sorted faces list
// Draw each face individually. Change tile and mesh data only if they change
int m = -1;
for (auto const& sft : group->m_sortedFaces) {
TTextureMesh const* mesh = nullptr;
double const* dstCoords = nullptr;
if (m != sft.second) {
m = sft.second;
mesh = meshes[m].getPointer();
dstCoords = group->m_datas[m].m_output.get();
int v0, v1, v2;
mesh->faceVertices(sft.first, v0, v1, v2);
double const * const d0 = dstCoords + (v0 << 1);
double const * const d1 = dstCoords + (v1 << 1);
double const * const d2 = dstCoords + (v2 << 1);
colorFunction.faceColor(sft.first, m);
colorFunction.vertexColor(v0, m), glVertex2d(d0[0], d0[1]);
colorFunction.vertexColor(v1, m), glVertex2d(d1[0], d1[1]);
colorFunction.vertexColor(v2, m), glVertex2d(d2[0], d2[1]);
} // namespace
// Mesh Image Utility functions implementation
void transform(const TMeshImageP &meshImage, const TAffine &aff)
const std::vector<TTextureMeshP> &meshes = meshImage->meshes();
int m, mCount = meshes.size();
for (m = 0; m != mCount; ++m) {
TTextureMesh &mesh = *meshes[m];
tcg::list<TTextureMesh::vertex_type> &vertices = mesh.vertices();
tcg::list<TTextureMesh::vertex_type>::iterator vt, vEnd(vertices.end());
for (vt = vertices.begin(); vt != vEnd; ++vt)
vt->P() = aff * vt->P();
void tglDrawEdges(const TMeshImage &mi, const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group)
const std::vector<TTextureMeshP> &meshes = mi.meshes();
int m, mCount = meshes.size();
if (group) {
for (m = 0; m != mCount; ++m)
tglDrawEdges<const TPointD *, TPointD, NoColorFunction>(
*meshes[m], (const TPointD *)group->m_datas[m].m_output.get(), NoColorFunction());
} else {
for (m = 0; m != mCount; ++m) {
const TTextureMesh &mesh = *meshes[m];
tglDrawEdges<tcg::list<TTextureMesh::vertex_type>, TTextureVertex, NoColorFunction>(
mesh, mesh.vertices(), NoColorFunction());
void tglDrawFaces(const TMeshImage &image, const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group)
if (group)
tglDrawFaces(image, group, NoColorFunction());
tglDrawFaces(image, NoColorFunction());
// Colored drawing functions
struct LinearColorFunction {
typedef double (*ValueFunc)(const LinearColorFunction *cf, int m, int primitive);
const TMeshImage &m_meshImg;
const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *m_group;
double m_min, m_max;
double *m_cMin, *m_cMax;
double m_dt;
bool m_degenerate;
ValueFunc m_func;
LinearColorFunction(const TMeshImage &meshImg,
const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group,
double min, double max,
double *cMin, double *cMax,
ValueFunc func)
: m_meshImg(meshImg), m_group(group), m_min(min), m_max(max), m_cMin(cMin), m_cMax(cMax), m_dt(max - min), m_degenerate(m_dt < 1e-4), m_func(func)
void operator()(int primitive, int m)
if (m_degenerate) {
glColor4d(0.5 * (m_cMin[0] + m_cMax[0]),
0.5 * (m_cMin[1] + m_cMax[1]),
0.5 * (m_cMin[2] + m_cMax[2]),
0.5 * (m_cMin[3] + m_cMax[3]));
double val = m_func(this, m, primitive);
double t = (val - m_min) / m_dt, one_t = (m_max - val) / m_dt;
glColor4d(one_t * m_cMin[0] + t * m_cMax[0],
one_t * m_cMin[1] + t * m_cMax[1],
one_t * m_cMin[2] + t * m_cMax[2],
one_t * m_cMin[3] + t * m_cMax[3]);
struct LinearVertexColorFunction : public LinearColorFunction, public NoColorFunction {
LinearVertexColorFunction(const TMeshImage &meshImg,
const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group,
double min, double max,
double *cMin, double *cMax,
ValueFunc func)
: LinearColorFunction(meshImg, group, min, max, cMin, cMax, func) {}
void vertexColor(int v, int m) { operator()(v, m); }
struct LinearFaceColorFunction : public LinearColorFunction, public NoColorFunction {
LinearFaceColorFunction(const TMeshImage &meshImg,
const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group,
double min, double max,
double *cMin, double *cMax,
ValueFunc func)
: LinearColorFunction(meshImg, group, min, max, cMin, cMax, func) {}
void faceColor(int v, int m) { operator()(v, m); }
} // namespace
void tglDrawSO(const TMeshImage &image, double minColor[4], double maxColor[4],
const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group, bool deformedDomain)
struct locals {
static double returnSO(const LinearColorFunction *cf, int m, int f)
return cf->m_group->m_datas[m].m_so[f];
double min = 0.0, max = 0.0;
if (group)
min = group->m_soMin, max = group->m_soMax;
LinearFaceColorFunction colorFunction(image, group, min, max, minColor, maxColor, locals::returnSO);
if (group && deformedDomain)
tglDrawFaces(image, group, colorFunction);
tglDrawFaces(image, colorFunction);
void tglDrawRigidity(const TMeshImage &image, double minColor[4], double maxColor[4],
const PlasticDeformerDataGroup *group, bool deformedDomain)
struct locals {
static double returnRigidity(const LinearColorFunction *cf, int m, int v)
return cf->m_meshImg.meshes()[m]->vertex(v).P().rigidity;
LinearVertexColorFunction colorFunction(image, group,
1.0, 1e4, minColor, maxColor, locals::returnRigidity);
if (group && deformedDomain)
tglDrawFaces(image, group, colorFunction);
tglDrawFaces(image, colorFunction);
// Texturized drawing implementation
void tglDraw(const TMeshImage &meshImage,
const DrawableTextureData &texData, const TAffine &meshToTexAff,
const PlasticDeformerDataGroup &group)
#ifdef _WIN32
static PFNGLBLENDFUNCSEPARATEPROC const glBlendFuncSeparate =
// Prepare OpenGL
glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_LINE_BIT | GL_HINT_BIT); // Preserve original status bits
auto const& tiles = texData.m_textureData->m_tileDatas;
// Prepare each tile's affine
std::unique_ptr<TAffine[]> tileAff(new TAffine[tiles.size()]);
std::size_t i = 0;
for (auto const& tile : tiles) {
TRectD const &rect = tile.m_tileGeometry;
TScale const scale(
1.0 / (rect.x1 - rect.x0),
1.0 / (rect.y1 - rect.y0));
TTranslation const translate(-rect.x0, -rect.y0);
tileAff[i] = scale * translate * meshToTexAff;
// Draw each face individually, according to the group's sorted faces list.
// Change tile and mesh data only if they change - improves performance
int m = -1;
TTextureMesh const * mesh = nullptr;
double const * dstCoords = nullptr;
GLuint texId = -1;
for (auto const& sft : group.m_sortedFaces) {
if (m != sft.second) {
// Change mesh if different from current
m = sft.second;
mesh = meshImage.meshes()[m].getPointer();
dstCoords = group.m_datas[m].m_output.get();
// Draw each face
TTextureMesh::face_type const& fc = mesh->face(sft.first);
TTextureMesh::edge_type const& ed0 = mesh->edge(fc.edge(0));
TTextureMesh::edge_type const& ed1 = mesh->edge(fc.edge(1));
TTextureMesh::edge_type const& ed2 = mesh->edge(fc.edge(2));
int const v0 = ed0.vertex(0);
int const v1 = ed0.vertex(1);
int const v2 = ed1.vertex((ed1.vertex(0) == v0) | (ed1.vertex(0) == v1));
// Edge X's Other Vertex Index (see below)
int const f = (ed1.vertex(0) == v1) | (ed1.vertex(1) == v1); // ed1 and ed2 will refer to vertexes
int const g = 1 - f; // with index 2 and these.
TPointD const& p0 = mesh->vertex(v0).P();
TPointD const& p1 = mesh->vertex(v1).P();
TPointD const& p2 = mesh->vertex(v2).P();
// Draw face against tile
std::size_t i = 0;
for (auto const& tileData : tiles) {
// Map each face vertex to tile coordinates
std::array<TPointD, 3> const s = {
tileAff[i] * p0,
tileAff[i] * p1,
tileAff[i] * p2,
// Test the face bbox - tile intersection
if ( (tmin(s[0].x, s[1].x, s[2].x) > 1.0)
|| (tmin(s[0].y, s[1].y, s[2].y) > 1.0)
|| (tmax(s[0].x, s[1].x, s[2].x) < 0.0)
|| (tmax(s[0].y, s[1].y, s[2].y) < 0.0)) {
// If the tile has changed, interrupt the glBegin/glEnd block and bind the
// OpenGL texture corresponding to the new tile
if (texId != tileData.m_textureId) {
texId = tileData.m_textureId;
// This must be OUTSIDE a glBegin/glEnd block
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);
std::array<double const *, 3> const d = {
dstCoords + (v0 << 1),
dstCoords + (v1 << 1),
dstCoords + (v2 << 1),
// First, draw antialiased face edges on the mesh border.
if (ed0.facesCount() < 2) {
glTexCoord2d(s[0].x, s[0].y), glVertex2d(d[0][0], d[0][1]);
glTexCoord2d(s[1].x, s[1].y), glVertex2d(d[1][0], d[1][1]);
if (ed1.facesCount() < 2) {
glTexCoord2d(s[f].x, s[f].y), glVertex2d(d[f][0], d[f][1]);
glTexCoord2d(s[2].x, s[2].y), glVertex2d(d[2][0], d[2][1]);
if (ed2.facesCount() < 2) {
glTexCoord2d(s[g].x, s[g].y), glVertex2d(d[g][0], d[g][1]);
glTexCoord2d(s[2].x, s[2].y), glVertex2d(d[2][0], d[2][1]);
// Finally, draw the face
glTexCoord2d(s[0].x, s[0].y), glVertex2d(d[0][0], d[0][1]);
glTexCoord2d(s[1].x, s[1].y), glVertex2d(d[1][0], d[1][1]);
glTexCoord2d(s[2].x, s[2].y), glVertex2d(d[2][0], d[2][1]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); // Unbind texture