Blob Blame Raw


//Toonz includes
#include "raster_edge_iterator.h"

//tcg includes
#include "tcg/tcg_traits.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_containers_reader.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_hash.h"
#include "tcg/tcg_misc.h"

#include "borders_extractor.h"

namespace TRop
namespace borders

//    Private stuff

template <typename PixelSelector>
class _DummyReader
	void openContainer(const RasterEdgeIterator<PixelSelector> &) {}
	void addElement(const RasterEdgeIterator<PixelSelector> &) {}
	void closeContainer() {}

//    Borders Extraction procedure

inline void _signEdge(RunsMapP &runsMap, int x, int y0, int y1, UCHAR increasingSign, UCHAR decreasingSign)
	for (; y0 < y1; ++y0)
		runsMap->runHeader(x, y0) |= increasingSign;

	if (y0 > y1) {
		do {
			runsMap->runHeader(x, y0) |= decreasingSign;
		} while (y0 > y1);


template <typename Pixel, typename PixelSelector, typename ContainerReader>
void _readBorder(const TRasterPT<Pixel> &rin, const PixelSelector &selector,
				 RunsMapP &runsMap, int x, int y, bool counter, ContainerReader &reader)
	typedef typename PixelSelector::value_type value_type;

	UCHAR increasingSign = _BORDER_LEFT, decreasingSign = _BORDER_RIGHT;
	if (!counter)
		increasingSign |= _HIERARCHY_INCREASE, decreasingSign |= _HIERARCHY_DECREASE;

	//First, read the border entirely, while erasing the border from
	//the runsMap.
	RasterEdgeIterator<PixelSelector> it(rin, selector, TPoint(x, y), counter ? TPoint(1, 0) : TPoint(0, 1));
	//++it;   //As we could be in the middle of a straight edge, increment to get a corner

	TPoint start(it.pos()), startDir(it.dir());

	TPoint oldPos(start);
	for (++it; it.pos() != start || it.dir() != startDir; ++it) {
		const TPoint &currPos(it.pos());

		//Sign the corresponding (vertical) edge
		_signEdge(runsMap, oldPos.x, oldPos.y, currPos.y, increasingSign, decreasingSign);

		oldPos = currPos;

	_signEdge(runsMap, oldPos.x, oldPos.y, it.pos().y, increasingSign, decreasingSign);



template <typename Pixel, typename PixelSelector, typename ContainerReader>
void readBorders(const TRasterPT<Pixel> &rin, const PixelSelector &selector,
				 ContainerReader &reader, RunsMapP *rasterRunsMap)
	typedef TRasterPT<Pixel> RasterTypeP;
	typedef _DummyReader<PixelSelector> DummyReader;

	//First, extract the run-length representation for rin
	RunsMapP runsMap;
	if (rasterRunsMap && *rasterRunsMap) {
		//If it was supplied, use it
		runsMap = *rasterRunsMap;
	} else {
		//In case, build it anew
		runsMap = RunsMapP(rin->getLx(), rin->getLy());

		buildRunsMap(runsMap, rin, selector);

	if (rasterRunsMap)
		//Return the runsMap if requested
		*rasterRunsMap = runsMap;

	//Build a fake reader for internal borders
	DummyReader dummyReader;

	//Now, use it to extract borders - iterate through runs and, whenever
	//one is found with opaque color (ie not transparent), extract its
	//associated border. The border is erased internally after the read.
	int lx = rin->getLx(), ly = rin->getLy();

	int hierarchyLevel = 0;

	int x, y;
	for (y = 0; y < ly; ++y) {
		Pixel *lineStart = rin->pixels(y), *pix;
		TPixelGR8 *runsStart = runsMap->pixels(y), *run;

		UCHAR nextHeader, prevHeader = 0;
		for (x = 0, pix = lineStart, run = runsStart; x < lx;) {
			nextHeader = run->value;

			if (hierarchyLevel) {
				if (prevHeader & _BORDER_RIGHT) {
					if (prevHeader & _HIERARCHY_DECREASE)
				} else //Every right border in a region should be signed. Do so now.
					_readBorder(rin, selector, runsMap, x, y, true, dummyReader);

			if (hierarchyLevel) {
				if (nextHeader & _BORDER_LEFT) {
					if (nextHeader & _HIERARCHY_INCREASE)
				} else {
					_readBorder(rin, selector, runsMap, x, y, false, reader);
			} else {
				if (!(selector.transparent(*pix))) //External transparent region - do not extract
					if (!(nextHeader & _BORDER_LEFT))
						_readBorder(rin, selector, runsMap, x, y, false, reader);

			//Increment variables
			x += runsMap->runLength(x, y), pix = lineStart + x, run = runsStart + x;
			prevHeader = (run - 1)->value;

		assert(x == lx);

		if (hierarchyLevel) {
			assert((prevHeader & _BORDER_RIGHT) && (prevHeader & _HIERARCHY_DECREASE));



//    New Mesh Extraction procedure

enum { _PROCESSED = 0x1,
	   _HIERARCHY_UP = 0x2,
	   _HIERARCHY_DN = 0x4,


template <typename RasterEdgeIter>
inline bool _isVertex(const RasterEdgeIter &it, const typename RasterEdgeIter::value_type &oldOtherColor)
	return (it.otherColor() != oldOtherColor) ||
		   (it.turn() == it.adherence() && (!(it.turn() & RasterEdgeIter::AMBIGUOUS)) &&
			it.elbowColor() != oldOtherColor);


inline size_t _pointHash(const TPoint &point) { return point.x ^ point.y; }


template <typename RasterEdgeIter>
struct _ExternalEdgeSigner {
	static inline void signAndIncrement(RunsMapP &runsMap, RasterEdgeIter &it)
		if (it.dir().y > 0) {
			TPoint pos = it.pos();
			int newY = (++it).pos().y;

			for (; pos.y != newY; ++pos.y)
				runsMap->runHeader(pos.x, pos.y) |= _PROCESSED_AND_HIERARCHY_UP;
		} else if (it.dir().y < 0) {
			TPoint pos = it.pos();
			int newY = (++it).pos().y;

			TPixelGR8 *pix = runsMap->pixels(pos.y - 1) + pos.x;

			for (; pos.y != newY; --pos.y, --pix) {
				pix->value |= _PROCESSED;
				(--pix)->value |= _HIERARCHY_DN;
		} else


template <typename RasterEdgeIter>
struct _InternalEdgeSigner {
	static inline void signAndIncrement(RunsMapP &runsMap, RasterEdgeIter &it)
		if (it.dir().y) {
			TPoint pos = it.pos();
			int newY = (++it).pos().y;
			int dir = it.dir().y;

			TPixelGR8 *pix = runsMap->pixels((it.dir().y > 0) ? pos.y : pos.y - 1) + pos.x;

			for (; pos.y != newY; pos.y += dir, pix += dir) {
				pix->value |= _PROCESSED_AND_HIERARCHY_UP;
				(--pix)->value |= _HIERARCHY_DN;
		} else


template <typename RasterEdgeIter, typename Mesh, typename ContainersReader, typename EdgeSigner>
int _readEdge(RasterEdgeIter &it, const RasterEdgeIter &end, RunsMapP runsMap,
			  int &vIdx, Mesh &mesh, tcg::hash<TPoint, int> &pointsHash, ContainersReader &reader)
	typedef tcg::container_reader_traits<ContainersReader, typename Mesh::edge_type> edge_output;

	typename Mesh::edge_type ed;

	ed.direction(0) = it.dir();

	edge_output::openContainer(reader, it);

	typename RasterEdgeIter::value_type oldOtherColor = it.otherColor();
	do {
		EdgeSigner::signAndIncrement(runsMap, it);
		edge_output::addElement(reader, it);

	} while ((it != end) && !_isVertex(it, oldOtherColor));

	// Identify the newly found vertex. If it's a brand new one, add it
	tcg::hash<TPoint, int>::iterator ht = pointsHash.find(it.pos());
	vIdx = (ht == pointsHash.end()) ? pointsHash[it.pos()] = mesh.addVertex(typename Mesh::vertex_type(it.pos())) : ht.m_idx;

	ed.direction(1) = (it.turn() == RasterEdgeIter::STRAIGHT) ? -it.dir() : (it.turn() == RasterEdgeIter::LEFT) ? tcg::point_ops::ortLeft(it.dir()) : tcg::point_ops::ortRight(it.dir());

	int eIdx = mesh.addEdge(ed);
	edge_output::closeContainer(reader, &mesh, eIdx);

	return eIdx;


template <typename RasterEdgeIter, typename Mesh, typename ContainersReader>
void _readMeshes(const RasterEdgeIter &begin, RunsMapP &runsMap, ContainersReader &reader)
	typedef tcg::container_reader_traits<ContainersReader, typename Mesh::face_type> face_output;

	// Iterate it clockwise. Process lines with vertical displacement. In each line, search
	// for unprocessed raster edges.

	// Use hierarchy signs in the runsMap to understand the search scope in this sub-region.
	int hierarchyLevel = 0;

	RasterEdgeIter it(begin);
	do {
		if (it.dir().y > 0) {
			// Process line
			TPoint pos = it.pos();
			const TPixelGR8 *pix = runsMap->pixels(pos.y) + pos.x;

			hierarchyLevel = 0;
			assert((pix->value & _PROCESSED) && (pix->value & _HIERARCHY_UP));

			do {
				// Iterate through the line. Extract a mesh each time an unprocessed raster edge is found.
				if (!(pix->value & _PROCESSED)) {
					assert(hierarchyLevel == 1);

					Mesh *meshPtr = new Mesh;
					_readMesh(it.raster(), it.selector(), runsMap, pos.x, pos.y, *meshPtr, reader);

					face_output::addElement(reader, meshPtr);

				if (pix->value & _HIERARCHY_UP)

				TUINT32 l = runsMap->runLength(pos.x, pos.y);
				pos.x += l;
				pix += l;

				if ((pix - 1)->value & _HIERARCHY_DN)

			} while (hierarchyLevel > 0);


	} while (it != begin);


template <typename RasterEdgeIter, typename Mesh, typename ContainersReader>
void _readBorder(const RasterEdgeIter &begin, RunsMapP runsMap,
				 int vIdx, Mesh &mesh, tcg::hash<TPoint, int> &pointsHash,
				 ContainersReader &reader)
	typedef typename Mesh::face_type face_type;
	typedef typename Mesh::edge_type edge_type;
	typedef tcg::container_reader_traits<ContainersReader, typename Mesh::face_type> face_output;

	// As long as we don't get back to the initial iterator, extract edges
	RasterEdgeIter it(begin);

	// Create the face to be extracted at the right of processed border, and add it to
	// the mesh. Observe that insertion is made manually in the mesh's faces list.
	// This prevents the mesh from automatically link edges to the face.
	face_type fc;

	do {
		// Retrieve current vertex
		typename Mesh::vertex_type &vx = mesh.vertex(vIdx);

		// Search in it the edge corresponding to current iterating direction
		int e, edgesCount = vx.edgesCount(), eIdx = -1, side = -1;
		for (e = 0; e < edgesCount; ++e) {
			edge_type &ed = mesh.edge(vx.edge(e));
			side = ed.vertex(0) == vIdx ? 0 : 1;

			if (ed.direction(side) == it.dir()) {
				eIdx = ed.getIndex();

		if (e == edgesCount) {
			// In case the edge was not found, it needs to be extracted now.
			eIdx = _readEdge<RasterEdgeIter, Mesh, ContainersReader, _InternalEdgeSigner<RasterEdgeIter>>(
				it, begin, runsMap, vIdx, mesh, pointsHash, reader);
		} else {
			// The edge was already extracted. We just need to update the iterator then.
			const edge_type &ed = mesh.edge(eIdx);

			vIdx = ed.vertex(1 - side);
			const TPoint &oppositePos = mesh.vertex(vIdx).P();
			const TPoint &oppositeDir = ed.direction(1 - side);

			// We need to perform the last ++it in the already extracted edge since we need
			// to give it the incoming direction.
			it.setEdge(oppositePos + oppositeDir, -oppositeDir), ++it;


	} while (it != begin);

	// The face has now been described (from the mesh viewpoint). Add it to the mesh.
	int fIdx = mesh.addFace(fc);

	// We still need to extract its sub-meshes content now.
	face_output::openContainer(reader, &mesh, fIdx, begin.rightColor());

	_readMeshes<RasterEdgeIter, Mesh, ContainersReader>(begin, runsMap, reader);



template <typename PixelSelector, typename Mesh, typename ContainersReader>
void _readMesh(const TRasterPT<typename PixelSelector::pixel_type> &rin,
			   const PixelSelector &selector, RunsMapP &runsMap, int x, int y,
			   Mesh &mesh, ContainersReader &reader)
	typedef typename Mesh::vertex_type vertex_type;
	typedef typename Mesh::edge_type edge_type;
	typedef tcg::container_reader_traits<ContainersReader, edge_type> edge_output;
	typedef typename PixelSelector::value_type value_type;
	typedef RasterEdgeIterator<PixelSelector> raster_edge_iterator;

	// Iterate silently until a vertex is encountered (or until the initial point is found)
	raster_edge_iterator it(rin, selector, TPoint(x, y), TPoint(0, 1)), begin(it);

	value_type beginColor = begin.rightColor();
	for (++it; it != begin && !_isVertex(it, beginColor); ++it)

	// Use a hash to keep track of found vertices
	tcg::hash<TPoint, int> pointsHash(&_pointHash);

	int vIdx = pointsHash[it.pos()] = mesh.addVertex(it.pos());

	// The outer edges are extracted first in clockwise orientation.
	begin = it;
	do {
		_readEdge<raster_edge_iterator, Mesh, ContainersReader, _ExternalEdgeSigner<raster_edge_iterator>>(
			it, begin, runsMap, vIdx, mesh, pointsHash, reader);

	} while (it != begin);

	// Then, their associated faces are extracted.

	int e, outerEdgesCount = mesh.edgesCount();
	for (e = 0; e < outerEdgesCount; ++e) {
		const edge_type &ed = mesh.edge(e);
		if (ed.face(0) < 0) {
			vIdx = ed.vertex(0);
			const vertex_type &vx = mesh.vertex(vIdx);

			it.setEdge(vx.P(), ed.direction(0));
			_readBorder(it, runsMap, vIdx, mesh, pointsHash, reader);

	// Edges following those must have either side associated with a face.
	// Which must be extracted too.
	for (e = outerEdgesCount; e < mesh.edgesCount(); ++e) {
		const edge_type &ed = mesh.edge(e);
		if (ed.face(1) < 0) {
			vIdx = ed.vertex(1);
			const vertex_type &vx = mesh.vertex(vIdx);

			it.setEdge(vx.P(), ed.direction(1));
			_readBorder(it, runsMap, vIdx, mesh, pointsHash, reader);


template <typename PixelSelector, typename Mesh, typename ContainersReader>
void readMeshes(const TRasterPT<typename PixelSelector::pixel_type> &rin, const PixelSelector &selector,
				ContainersReader &reader, RunsMapP *rasterRunsMap)
	typedef typename PixelSelector::pixel_type pixel_type;
	typedef TRasterPT<pixel_type> RasterTypeP;
	typedef Mesh mesh_type;
	typedef tcg::container_reader_traits<ContainersReader, typename Mesh::face_type> face_output;

	// First, extract the run-length representation for rin
	RunsMapP runsMap;
	if (rasterRunsMap && *rasterRunsMap) {
		// If a runsmap was supplied, use it
		runsMap = *rasterRunsMap;

		assert((runsMap->getLx() == rin->getLx() + 1) && (runsMap->getLy() == rin->getLy()));
	} else {
		// In case, build it anew
		runsMap = RunsMapP(rin->getLx() + 1, rin->getLy());

		// Observe the +1 on the x-axis. One additional pixel is currently required on the right
		// side of the runsmap - for ease of use in the algorithm.

		buildRunsMap(runsMap, rin, selector);

	if (rasterRunsMap)
		// Return the runsMap if requested
		*rasterRunsMap = runsMap;

	face_output::openContainer(reader, 0, -1, selector.transparent());

	// Now, use it to extract borders - iterate through runs and, whenever
	// one is found with opaque color (ie not transparent), extract its
	// associated border. The border is erased internally after the read.
	int lx = rin->getLx(), ly = rin->getLy();

	int x, y;
	for (y = 0; y < ly; ++y) {
		// Process each row

		pixel_type *lineStart = rin->pixels(y), *pix;
		TPixelGR8 *runsStart = runsMap->pixels(y), *run;

		UCHAR nextHeader, prevHeader = 0;
		for (x = 0, pix = lineStart, run = runsStart; x < lx;) {
			nextHeader = run->value;

			if (!(selector.transparent(*pix) || nextHeader & _PROCESSED)) {
				mesh_type *meshPtr = new mesh_type;

				// Read the mesh. All its internal sub-meshes are read as well.
				_readMesh(rin, selector, runsMap, x, y, *meshPtr, reader);
				face_output::addElement(reader, meshPtr);

			//Increment variables
			x += runsMap->runLength(x, y), pix = lineStart + x, run = runsStart + x;
			prevHeader = (run - 1)->value;

		assert(x == lx);


} //namespace TRop::borders