Blob Blame Raw

#ifndef TCG_MESH_HPP
#define TCG_MESH_HPP

// tcg includes
#include "../mesh.h"

namespace tcg

//    Polygon Mesh methods

template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int Mesh<V, E, F>::edgeInciding(int vIdx1, int vIdx2, int n) const
	const V &v1 = vertex(vIdx1);

	const tcg::list<int> &incidingV1 = v1.edges();
	tcg::list<int>::const_iterator it;

	for (it = incidingV1.begin(); it != incidingV1.end(); ++it) {
		const E &e = edge(*it);
		if (e.otherVertex(vIdx1) == vIdx2 && n-- == 0)

	return (it == incidingV1.end()) ? -1 : (*it);


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int Mesh<V, E, F>::addEdge(const E &ed)
	int e = int(m_edges.push_back(ed));

	// Add the edge index to the edge's vertices
	typename edge_traits<E>::vertices_const_iterator it, end(ed.verticesEnd());
	for (it = ed.verticesBegin(); it != end; ++it)

	return e;


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int Mesh<V, E, F>::addFace(const F &fc)
	int f = int(m_faces.push_back(fc));

	// Add the face index to the face's edges
	typename face_traits<F>::edges_const_iterator it, end = fc.edgesEnd();
	for (it = fc.edgesBegin(); it != end; ++it)

	return f;


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
void Mesh<V, E, F>::removeVertex(int v)
	V &vx = vertex(v);

	// As long as there are incident edges, remove them
	while (vx.edgesCount() > 0)



template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
void Mesh<V, E, F>::removeEdge(int e)
	E &ed = edge(e);

	// Remove all the associated faces
	typename edge_traits<E>::faces_iterator ft;
	while ((ft = ed.facesBegin()) != ed.facesEnd()) // current iterator could be erased here!

	// Remove the edge from the associated vertices
	typename edge_traits<E>::vertices_iterator vt, vEnd = ed.verticesEnd();
	for (vt = ed.verticesBegin(); vt != vEnd; ++vt) {
		V &vx = vertex(*vt);
		typename vertex_traits<V>::edges_iterator et = std::find(vx.edgesBegin(), vx.edgesEnd(), e);

		assert(et != vx.edgesEnd());



template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
void Mesh<V, E, F>::removeFace(int f)
	F &fc = face(f);

	// Remove the face from all adjacent edges
	typename face_traits<F>::edges_iterator et, eEnd = fc.edgesEnd();
	for (et = fc.edgesBegin(); et != eEnd; ++et) {
		E &ed = edge(*et);
		typename edge_traits<E>::faces_iterator ft = std::find(ed.facesBegin(), ed.facesEnd(), f);

		assert(ft != ed.facesEnd());



  \brief    Remaps the mesh indices in a natural order, removing unused cells in the internal
            container model, for minimum memory consumption.

  \warning  This is a slow operation, compared to all the others in the Mesh class.

template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
void Mesh<V, E, F>::squeeze()
	// Build new indices for remapping.
	typename tcg::list<F>::iterator it, endI(m_faces.end());
	int i;
	for (i = 0, it = m_faces.begin(); it != endI; ++i, ++it)

	typename tcg::list<E>::iterator jt, endJ(m_edges.end());
	for (i = 0, jt = m_edges.begin(); jt != endJ; ++i, ++jt)

	typename tcg::list<V>::iterator kt, endK(m_vertices.end());
	for (i = 0, kt = m_vertices.begin(); kt != endK; ++i, ++kt)

	// Update stored indices
	for (it = m_faces.begin(); it != endI; ++it) {
		F &face = *it;

		typename face_traits<F>::edges_iterator et, eEnd = face.edgesEnd();
		for (et = face.edgesBegin(); et != eEnd; ++et)
			*et = edge(*et).getIndex();

	for (jt = m_edges.begin(); jt != endJ; ++jt) {
		E &edge = *jt;

		typename edge_traits<E>::vertices_iterator vt, vEnd = edge.verticesEnd();
		for (vt = edge.verticesBegin(); vt != vEnd; ++vt)
			*vt = vertex(*vt).getIndex();

		typename edge_traits<E>::faces_iterator ft, fEnd = edge.facesEnd();
		for (ft = edge.facesBegin(); ft != fEnd; ++ft)
			*ft = face(*ft).getIndex();

	tcg::list<int>::iterator lt;
	for (kt = m_vertices.begin(); kt != endK; ++kt) {
		V &vertex = *kt;

		typename vertex_traits<V>::edges_iterator et, eEnd = vertex.edgesEnd();
		for (et = vertex.edgesBegin(); et != eEnd; ++et)
			*et = edge(*et).getIndex();

	// Finally, rebuild the actual containers
	if (!m_faces.empty()) {
		tcg::list<F> temp(m_faces.begin(), m_faces.end());
		std::swap(m_faces, temp);

	if (!m_edges.empty()) {
		tcg::list<E> temp(m_edges.begin(), m_edges.end());
		std::swap(m_edges, temp);

	if (!m_vertices.empty()) {
		tcg::list<V> temp(m_vertices.begin(), m_vertices.end());
		std::swap(m_vertices, temp);

//    Triangular Mesh methods

template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
TriMesh<V, E, F>::TriMesh(int verticesHint)
	int edgesHint = (3 * verticesHint) / 2;

	m_faces.reserve(edgesHint + 1); // Since V - E + F = 1 for planar graphs (no outer face), and vMin == 0


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int TriMesh<V, E, F>::addFace(V &vx1, V &vx2, V &vx3)
	int v1 = vx1.getIndex(), v2 = vx2.getIndex(), v3 = vx3.getIndex();

	// Retrieve the edges having v1, v2, v3 in common
	int e1, e2, e3;

	e1 = this->edgeInciding(v1, v2);
	e2 = this->edgeInciding(v2, v3);
	e3 = this->edgeInciding(v3, v1);

	if (e1 < 0)
		e1 = this->addEdge(E(v1, v2));
	if (e2 < 0)
		e2 = this->addEdge(E(v2, v3));
	if (e3 < 0)
		e3 = this->addEdge(E(v3, v1));

	F fc;
	fc.addEdge(e1), fc.addEdge(e2), fc.addEdge(e3);

	int f = int(m_faces.push_back(fc));


	E &E1 = this->edge(e1);
	E &E2 = this->edge(e2);
	E &E3 = this->edge(e3);

	return f;


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int TriMesh<V, E, F>::otherFaceVertex(int f, int e) const
	const F &face = Mesh<V, E, F>::face(f);
	const E &otherEdge = face.edge(0) == e ? this->edge(face.edge(1)) : this->edge(face.edge(0));

	int v1 = this->edge(e).vertex(0), v2 = this->edge(e).vertex(1), v3 = otherEdge.otherVertex(v1);
	return (v3 == v2) ? otherEdge.otherVertex(v2) : v3;


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int TriMesh<V, E, F>::otherFaceEdge(int f, int v) const
	const F &face = Mesh<V, E, F>::face(f);

		const E &ed = this->edge(face.edge(0));
		if (ed.vertex(0) != v && ed.vertex(1) != v)
			return face.edge(0);

		const E &ed = this->edge(face.edge(1));
		if (ed.vertex(0) != v && ed.vertex(1) != v)
			return face.edge(1);

	return face.edge(2);


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int TriMesh<V, E, F>::swapEdge(int e)
	E &ed = this->edge(e);

	if (ed.facesCount() < 2)
		return -1;

	int f1 = ed.face(0), f2 = ed.face(1);

	//Retrieve the 2 vertices not belonging to e in the adjacent faces
	int v1 = ed.vertex(0), v2 = ed.vertex(1);
	int v3 = otherFaceVertex(f1, e), v4 = otherFaceVertex(f2, e);

	assert(this->edgeInciding(v3, v4) < 0);

	//Remove e

	//Insert the new faces
	addFace(v1, v3, v4); // Inserts edge E(v3, v4)
	addFace(v2, v4, v3);

	return this->edgeInciding(v3, v4);



    *---*---*     Common case          *          FORBIDDEN case:
   / \ / x / \                        /|\           note that the collapsed edge
  *---*-x-X---*                      /_*_\          have 3 (possibly more) other vertices
   \ / \ x \ /                      *--X--*         with edges inciding both the collapsed
    *---*---*                        \   /          edge's extremes.
                                      \ /
                                       *            This cannot be processed, since the
                                                    unexpected merged edge would either have
                                                    more than 2 adjacent faces, or a hole.

template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int TriMesh<V, E, F>::collapseEdge(int e)
	E &ed = this->edge(e);

	// First, retrieve ed's adjacent vertices
	int vKeep = ed.vertex(0), vDelete = ed.vertex(1);
	V &vxKeep = this->vertex(vKeep), &vxDelete = this->vertex(vDelete);

	// Then, retrieve the 2 vertices not belonging to e in the adjacent faces
	int f, fCount = ed.facesCount();
	int otherV[2];

	for (f = 0; f != fCount; ++f)
		otherV[f] = otherFaceVertex(ed.face(f), e);

	// Remove e

	// Merge edges inciding vDelete and otherV with the corresponding inciding vKeep and otherV
	for (f = 0; f != fCount; ++f) {
		int srcE = this->edgeInciding(vDelete, otherV[f]),
			dstE = this->edgeInciding(vKeep, otherV[f]);

		E &srcEd = this->edge(srcE),
		  &dstEd = this->edge(dstE);

		typename edge_traits<E>::faces_iterator ft = srcEd.facesBegin();
		while (ft != srcEd.facesEnd()) // current iterator will be erased
			F &fc = this->face(*ft);

			(fc.edge(0) == srcE) ? fc.setEdge(0, dstE) : (fc.edge(1) == srcE) ? fc.setEdge(1, dstE) : fc.setEdge(2, dstE);

			ft = srcEd.eraseFace(ft); // here


	// Move further edges adjacent to vDelete to vKeep
	typename vertex_traits<V>::edges_iterator et = vxDelete.edgesBegin();
	while (et != vxDelete.edgesEnd()) // current iterator will be erased
		E &ed = this->edge(*et);

// Ensure that there is no remaining edge which would be duplicated
// after vDelete and vKeep merge
/* FIXME: edgeInciding がないと言われるのでとりあえず省略 */
#if 0
    assert("Detected vertex adjacent to collapsed edge's endpoints, but not to its faces." &&
           edgeInciding(ed.otherVertex(vDelete), vKeep) < 0);
		(ed.vertex(0) == vDelete) ? ed.setVertex(0, vKeep) : ed.setVertex(1, vKeep);

		et = vxDelete.eraseEdge(et); // here

	// Finally, update vKeep's position and remove vDelete
	vxKeep.P() = 0.5 * (vxKeep.P() + vxDelete.P());

	return vKeep;


template <typename V, typename E, typename F>
int TriMesh<V, E, F>::splitEdge(int e)
	E &ed = this->edge(e);

	// Build a new vertex on the middle of e
	int v1 = ed.vertex(0), v2 = ed.vertex(1);

	V &vx1 = this->vertex(v1), &vx2 = this->vertex(v2);
	V v(0.5 * (vx1.P() + vx2.P()));

	int vIdx = this->addVertex(v);

	// Retrieve opposite vertices
	int otherV[2];					 // NOTE: If ever extended to support edges with
	int f, fCount = ed.facesCount(); //       MORE than 2 adjacent faces, the new faces
									 //       should be inserted BEFORE removing the split
	for (f = 0; f != fCount; ++f)	//       edge.
		otherV[f] = otherFaceVertex(ed.face(f), e);

	// Remove e

	// Add the new edges
	this->addEdge(E(v1, vIdx));
	this->addEdge(E(vIdx, v2));

	// Add the new faces
	for (f = 0; f != fCount; ++f)
		addFace(v1, vIdx, otherV[f]), addFace(vIdx, v2, otherV[f]);

	return vIdx;

} //namespace tcg

#endif //TCG_MESH_HPP