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<title>SuperLU: SRC/slangs.c File Reference</title>
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<h1>SRC/slangs.c File Reference</h1>Returns the value of the one norm. <a href="#_details">More...</a>
<code>#include <math.h></code><br>
<code>#include "<a class="el" href="slu__sdefs_8h-source.html">slu_sdefs.h</a>"</code><br>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Functions</h2></td></tr>
<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">float </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="slangs_8c.html#201bfd9f2017cf5904aada9f21f23ab2">slangs</a> (char *norm, <a class="el" href="structSuperMatrix.html">SuperMatrix</a> *<a class="el" href="ilu__zdrop__row_8c.html#c900805a486cbb8489e3c176ed6e0d8e">A</a>)</td></tr>
<hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
-- SuperLU routine (version 2.0) --
Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
November 15, 1997</pre><p>
<pre> Modified from lapack routine SLANGE
</pre> <hr><h2>Function Documentation</h2>
<a class="anchor" name="201bfd9f2017cf5904aada9f21f23ab2"></a><!-- doxytag: member="slangs.c::slangs" ref="201bfd9f2017cf5904aada9f21f23ab2" args="(char *norm, SuperMatrix *A)" -->
<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
<table class="memname">
<td class="memname">float slangs </td>
<td class="paramtype">char * </td>
<td class="paramname"> <em>norm</em>, </td>
<td class="paramkey"></td>
<td class="paramtype"><a class="el" href="structSuperMatrix.html">SuperMatrix</a> * </td>
<td class="paramname"> <em>A</em></td><td> </td>
<td></td><td></td><td width="100%"></td>
<div class="memdoc">
<pre> SLANGS returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or
the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a
real matrix A.</pre><p>
<pre> Description
<pre> SLANGE returns the value</pre><p>
<pre> SLANGE = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm'
( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o'
( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i'
( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e'</pre><p>
<pre> where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum),
normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and
normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of
squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm.</pre><p>
<pre> Arguments
<pre> NORM (input) CHARACTER*1
Specifies the value to be returned in SLANGE as described above.
A (input) SuperMatrix*
The M by N sparse matrix A.</pre><p>
<pre> =====================================================================
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