Blob Blame Raw

#include "tpixelutils.h"

// /*!This method is used to produce current palette colors for cm24 Toonz images.*/
//  static inline TPixelRGBM32 combine(const TPixelRGBM32 &a, const TPixelRGBM32 &b) {
//    return (*(TUINT32*)&a + *(TUINT32*)&b);
// }


int byteCrop(int v)
	return (unsigned int)v <= 255 ? v : v > 255 ? 255 : 0;
int wordCrop(int v)
	return (unsigned int)v <= 65535 ? v : v > 65535 ? 65535 : 0;
} // namespace


void hsv2rgb(TPixel32 &dstRgb, int srcHsv[3], int maxHsv)
	int i;
	double p, q, t, f;
	double hue, sat, value;
	hue = ((double)srcHsv[0] / maxHsv) * 360.;
	sat = (double)srcHsv[1] / maxHsv;
	value = (double)srcHsv[2] / maxHsv;

	if (hue > 360)
		hue -= 360;
	if (hue < 0)
		hue += 360;
	if (sat < 0)
		sat = 0;
	if (sat > 1)
		sat = 1;
	if (value < 0)
		value = 0;
	if (value > 1)
		value = 1;
	if (sat == 0) {
		dstRgb.r = dstRgb.g = dstRgb.b = tcrop((int)(value * 255), 0, 255);
	} else {
		if (hue == 360)
			hue = 0;

		hue = hue / 60;
		i = (int)hue;
		f = hue - i;
		p = value * (1 - sat);
		q = value * (1 - (sat * f));
		t = value * (1 - (sat * (1 - f)));

		if (i == 0) {
			dstRgb.r = tcrop((int)(value * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.g = tcrop((int)(t * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.b = tcrop((int)(p * 255), 0, 255);
		} else if (i == 1) {

			dstRgb.r = tcrop((int)(q * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.g = tcrop((int)(value * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.b = tcrop((int)(p * 255), 0, 255);
		} else if (i == 2) {
			dstRgb.r = tcrop((int)(p * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.g = tcrop((int)(value * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.b = tcrop((int)(t * 255), 0, 255);
		} else if (i == 3) {
			dstRgb.r = tcrop((int)(p * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.g = tcrop((int)(q * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.b = tcrop((int)(value * 255), 0, 255);
		} else if (i == 4) {
			dstRgb.r = tcrop((int)(t * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.g = tcrop((int)(p * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.b = tcrop((int)(value * 255), 0, 255);
		} else if (i == 5) {
			dstRgb.r = tcrop((int)(value * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.g = tcrop((int)(p * 255), 0, 255);
			dstRgb.b = tcrop((int)(q * 255), 0, 255);
	dstRgb.m = 255; //matte

void HSV2RGB(double hue, double sat, double value,
			 double *red, double *green, double *blue)
	int i;
	double p, q, t, f;

	//  if (hue > 360 || hue < 0)
	//    hue=0;
	if (hue > 360)
		hue -= 360;
	if (hue < 0)
		hue += 360;
	if (sat < 0)
		sat = 0;
	if (sat > 1)
		sat = 1;
	if (value < 0)
		value = 0;
	if (value > 1)
		value = 1;
	if (sat == 0) {
		*red = value;
		*green = value;
		*blue = value;
	} else {
		if (hue == 360)
			hue = 0;

		hue = hue / 60;
		i = (int)hue;
		f = hue - i;
		p = value * (1 - sat);
		q = value * (1 - (sat * f));
		t = value * (1 - (sat * (1 - f)));

		switch (i) {
		case 0:
			*red = value;
			*green = t;
			*blue = p;
		case 1:
			*red = q;
			*green = value;
			*blue = p;
		case 2:
			*red = p;
			*green = value;
			*blue = t;
		case 3:
			*red = p;
			*green = q;
			*blue = value;
		case 4:
			*red = t;
			*green = p;
			*blue = value;
		case 5:
			*red = value;
			*green = p;
			*blue = q;

void RGB2HSV(double r, double g, double b,
			 double *h, double *s, double *v)
	double max, min;
	double delta;

	max = tmax(r, g, b);
	min = tmin(r, g, b);

	*v = max;

	if (max != 0)
		*s = (max - min) / max;
		*s = 0;

	if (*s == 0)
		*h = 0;
	else {
		delta = max - min;

		if (r == max)
			*h = (g - b) / delta;
		else if (g == max)
			*h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
		else if (b == max)
			*h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
		*h = *h * 60;
		if (*h < 0)
			*h += 360;
void rgb2hsv(int dstHsv[3], const TPixel32 &srcRgb, int maxHsv)
	double max, min;
	double delta;
	double r, g, b;
	double v, s, h;
	r = srcRgb.r / 255.;
	g = srcRgb.g / 255.;
	b = srcRgb.b / 255.;

	max = tmax(r, g, b);
	min = tmin(r, g, b);

	v = max;

	if (max != 0)
		s = (max - min) / max;
		s = 0;

	if (s == 0)
		h = 0;
	else {
		delta = max - min;

		if (r == max)
			h = (g - b) / delta;
		else if (g == max)
			h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
		else if (b == max)
			h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
		h = h * 60;
		if (h < 0)
			h += 360;

	dstHsv[0] = tcrop((int)((h / 360.) * maxHsv), 0, maxHsv);
	dstHsv[1] = tcrop((int)(s * maxHsv), 0, maxHsv);
	dstHsv[2] = tcrop((int)(v * maxHsv), 0, maxHsv);

  Conversion between RGB and HLS colorspace

//helper function
inline double HLSValue(double n1, double n2, double h)
	if (h > 360)
		h -= 360;
	else if (h < 0)
		h += 360;
	if (h < 60)
		return n1 + (n2 - n1) * h / 60;
	else if (h < 180)
		return n2;
	else if (h < 240)
		return n1 + (n2 - n1) * (240 - h) / 60;
		return n1;
void HLS2RGB(double h, double l, double s,
			 double *r, double *g, double *b)
	if (s == 0) {
		*r = *g = *b = l;

	double m1, m2;

	if (l < 0.5)
		m2 = l * (1 + s);
		m2 = l + s + l * s;
	m1 = 2 * l - m2;

	*r = HLSValue(m1, m2, h + 120);
	*g = HLSValue(m1, m2, h);
	*b = HLSValue(m1, m2, h - 120);

void rgb2hls(double r, double g, double b,
			 double *h, double *l, double *s)

	double max, min;
	double delta;

	max = tmax(r, g, b);
	min = tmin(r, g, b);

	*l = (max + min) / 2;

	if (max == min) {
		*s = 0;
		*h = 0;
	} else {
		if (*l <= 0.5)
			*s = (max - min) / (max + min);
			*s = (max - min) / (2 - max - min);

		delta = max - min;
		if (r == max)
			*h = (g - b) / delta;
		else if (g == max)
			*h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
		else if (b == max)
			*h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;

		*h = *h * 60;
		if (*h < 0)
			*h += 360;


TPixel32 toPixel32(const TPixel64 &src)
	return TPixelRGBM32(


TPixel32 toPixel32(const TPixelD &src)
	const double factor = 255.0;
	return TPixel32(
		byteCrop(tround(src.r * factor)),
		byteCrop(tround(src.g * factor)),
		byteCrop(tround(src.b * factor)),
		byteCrop(tround(src.m * factor)));


TPixel32 toPixel32(const TPixelGR8 &src)
	return TPixel32(src.value, src.value, src.value);


TPixel64 toPixel64(const TPixel32 &src)
	return TPixelRGBM64(


TPixel64 toPixel64(const TPixelD &src)
	const double factor = 65535.0;
	return TPixel64(
		wordCrop(tround(src.r * factor)),
		wordCrop(tround(src.g * factor)),
		wordCrop(tround(src.b * factor)),
		wordCrop(tround(src.m * factor)));


TPixel64 toPixel64(const TPixelGR8 &src)
	int v = ushortFromByte(src.value);
	return TPixel64(v, v, v);


TPixelD toPixelD(const TPixel32 &src)
	const double factor = 1.0 / 255.0;
	return TPixelD(factor * src.r, factor * src.g, factor * src.b, factor * src.m);


TPixelD toPixelD(const TPixel64 &src)
	const double factor = 1.0 / 65535.0;
	return TPixelD(factor * src.r, factor * src.g, factor * src.b, factor * src.m);


TPixelD toPixelD(const TPixelGR8 &src)
	const double v = (double)src.value / 255.0;
	return TPixelD(v, v, v);


#ifdef CICCIO

/*!toonz color-map, 16 bits 7+5+4 bits (paint, ink, tone)*/
class DVAPI TPixelCM16
{ // 754
	static const int maxChannelValue;

	USHORT value;

	TPixelCM16(int v = 0) : value(v){};
	TPixelCM16(int ink, int paint, int tone) : value(tone | ink << 9 | paint << 4){};
	TPixelCM16(const TPixelCM16 &pix) : value(pix.value){};

	inline bool operator==(const TPixelCM16 &p) const { return value == p.value; };

	int getInkId() { return value >> 9; };
	int getPaintId() { return (value >> 4) & 0x1F; };
	int getToneId() { return value & 0xF; };

	static TPixelCM16 pureInk(int ink) { return TPixelCM16(ink, 0, 0); };
	static TPixelCM16 purePaint(int paint) { return TPixelCM16(0, paint, 255); };

/*!cmapped, 16 bits, standard SGI 256-color colormap */
class DVAPI TPixelCM16S8
	static const int maxChannelValue;

	USHORT value;
	TPixelCM16S8(int v = 0) : value(v){};

/*cmapped, 16 bits, standard SGI+Toonz 4096-color colormap */
class DVAPI TPixelCM16S12
	static const int maxChannelValue;

	USHORT value;
	TPixelCM16S12(int v = 0) : value(v){};

/*!Toonz color-map, 8+8+8 bits (col, pen, tone) + 8 msb bits extra*/
class DVAPI TPixelCM24
	static const int maxChannelValue;

	/* serve m_value come membro? vincenzo */
	TUINT32 m_value;
	UCHAR m_ink, m_paint, m_tone;

	TPixelCM24(int v = 0) : m_ink((v >> 8) & 0xff), m_paint((v >> 16) & 0xff), m_tone(v & 0xff){};
	TPixelCM24(int ink, int paint, int tone) : m_value(0), m_ink(ink), m_paint(paint), m_tone(tone){};
	TPixelCM24(const TPixelCM24 &pix) : m_value(pix.m_value), m_ink(pix.m_ink), m_paint(pix.m_paint), m_tone(pix.m_tone){};

	inline bool operator==(const TPixelCM24 &p) const { return m_paint == p.m_paint && m_ink == p.m_ink && m_tone == p.m_tone; };
	int getPaintIdx() { return m_paint << 16 | m_tone; };
	int getInkIdx() { return m_ink << 16 | m_tone; };
	// int getTone    () {return m_tone;}; m_tone e' pubblico!

	//static inline TPixelRGBM from(const TPixelCM24 &pix);

	static TPixelCM24 pureInk(int ink) { return TPixelCM24(ink, 0, 0); };
	static TPixelCM24 purePaint(int paint) { return TPixelCM24(0, paint, 255); };

//!Toonz5.0 color-map, 12+12+8 bits (ink,paint,tone)
class DVAPI TPixelCM32

	TUINT32 m_value;

	TPixelCM32(TUINT32 v = 0) : m_value{};
	TPixelCM32(int ink, int paint, int tone)
		: m_value(ink << 20 | paint << 8 | tone)
		assert(0 <= ink && ink < 4096);
		assert(0 <= paint && paint < 4096);
		assert(0 <= tone && tone < 256);
	TPixelCM32(const TPixelCM32 &pix)
		: m_value(pix.m_value){};

	inline bool operator==(const TPixelCM32 &p) const
		return m_value == p.m_value;

	inline bool operator<(const TPixelCM32 &p) const
		return m_value < p.m_value;

	int getPaint() const { return m_paint >> 16 | m_tone; };
	int getInk() const { return m_ink << 16 | m_tone; };
	int getTone() const { return m_tone; };

	//static inline TPixelRGBM from(const TPixelCM24 &pix);

	static TPixelCM24 pureInk(int ink) { return TPixelCM24(ink, 0, 0); };
	static TPixelCM24 purePaint(int paint) { return TPixelCM24(0, paint, 255); };

/*!RGB 5+6+5 bits, red most significant */
class DVAPI TPixelRGB565
	TUINT32 r : 5;
	TUINT32 g : 6;
	TUINT32 b : 5;
	TPixelRGB565(int rr, int gg, int bb) : r(rr), g(gg), b(bb)
		assert(0 <= rr && rr < (1 << 5));
		assert(0 <= gg && gg < (1 << 6));
		assert(0 <= bb && bb < (1 << 5));
	inline bool operator==(const TPixelRGB565 &p) const
		return r == p.r && g == p.g && b == p.b;
	inline bool operator<(const TPixelRGB565 &p) const
		return r < p.r || r == p.r && (g < p.g || g == p.g && (b < p.b));

	//!Converts TPixelCM8 into TPixelRGB565
	static inline TPixelRGB565 from(const TPixelCM8 &pix);
	//!Returns itself
	static inline TPixelRGB565 from(const TPixelRGB565 &pix) { return pix; };
	//!Converts TPixelRGBM32 into TPixelRGB565
	static inline TPixelRGB565 from(const TPixelRGBM32 &pix);
	//!Converts TPixelRGBM64 into TPixelRGB565
	static inline TPixelRGB565 from(const TPixelRGBM64 &pix);
	//!Converts TPixelGR8 into TPixelRGB565
	static inline TPixelRGB565 from(const TPixelGR8 &pix);
	//!Converts TPixelGR16 into TPixelRGB565
	static inline TPixelRGB565 from(const TPixelGR16 &pix);
   static const TPixelRGB565 Red;
   static const TPixelRGB565 Green;
   static const TPixelRGB565 Blue;
   static const TPixelRGB565 White;
   static const TPixelRGB565 Black;


TPixelRGBM32 DVAPI TPixelRGBM32::from(const TPixelCM8 &pix)
	return TPixelRGBM32(pix.value, pix.value, pix.value);


TPixelRGBM64 DVAPI TPixelRGBM64::from(const TPixelRGBM32 &pix)
	return TPixelRGBM64(


TPixelRGBM32 DVAPI TPixelRGBM32::from(const TPixelRGBM64 &pix)
	return TPixelRGBM32(


TPixelRGBM32 DVAPI TPixelRGBM32::from(const TPixelGR8 &pix)
	return TPixelRGBM32(pix.value, pix.value, pix.value, maxChannelValue);


TPixelRGBM32 DVAPI TPixelRGBM32::from(const TPixelGR16 &pix)
	UCHAR value = byteFromUshort(pix.value);
	return TPixelRGBM32(value, value, value, maxChannelValue);

TPixelD DVAPI TPixelD::from(const TPixelCM8 &pix)
	double v = (double)pix.value * (1.0 / 255.0);
	return TPixelD(v, v, v, v);

TPixelD DVAPI TPixelD::from(const TPixelGR8 &pix)
	double v = (double)pix.value * (1.0 / 255.0);
	return TPixelD(v, v, v, v);

TPixelD DVAPI TPixelD::from(const TPixelRGBM32 &pix)
	const double k = 1.0 / 255.0;
	return TPixelD(k * pix.r, k * pix.g, k * pix.b, k * pix.m);

TPixelD DVAPI TPixelD::from(const TPixelRGBM64 &pix)
	const double k = 1.0 / 65535.0;
	return TPixelD(k * pix.r, k * pix.g, k * pix.b, k * pix.m);

TPixelD DVAPI TPixelD::from(const TPixelGR16 &pix)
	double v = (double)pix.value * (1.0 / 65535.0);
	return TPixelD(v, v, v, v);

TPixel32 DVAPI TPixel32::from(const TPixelD &pix)
	const int max = 255;
	return TPixel32(
		tcrop((int)(pix.r * max + .5), 0, max),
		tcrop((int)(pix.g * max + .5), 0, max),
		tcrop((int)(pix.b * max + .5), 0, max),
		tcrop((int)(pix.m * max + .5), 0, max));

TPixel64 DVAPI TPixel64::from(const TPixelD &pix)
	const int max = 65535;
	return TPixel64(
		tcrop((int)(pix.r * max + .5), 0, max),
		tcrop((int)(pix.g * max + .5), 0, max),
		tcrop((int)(pix.b * max + .5), 0, max),
		tcrop((int)(pix.m * max + .5), 0, max));

//TPixelGR8 TPixelGR8::from(const TPixelD &pix)
//  return from(TPixel32::from(pix));

TPixelGR8 DVAPI TPixelGR8::from(const TPixel32 &pix)
	return TPixelGR8((((UINT)(pix.r) * 19594 +
					   (UINT)(pix.g) * 38472 +
					   (UINT)(pix.b) * 7470 +
					   (UINT)(1 << 15)) >>


TPixelGR16 DVAPI TPixelGR16::from(const TPixel64 &pix)
	return TPixelGR16((((UINT)(pix.r) * 19594 +
						(UINT)(pix.g) * 38472 +
						(UINT)(pix.b) * 7470 +
						(UINT)(1 << 15)) >>

// class ostream;

DVAPI ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const TPixel32 &pixel);
DVAPI ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const TPixel64 &pixel);
DVAPI ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const TPixelD &pixel);
DVAPI ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const TPixelCM8 &pixel);


TPixel64 inline TPixel32::to64() const
   return TPixel64(ushortFromByte(r), ushortFromByte(g), ushortFromByte(b),ushortFromByte(m));

TPixel32 inline TPixel64::to32() const
   return TPixel32(byteFromUshort(r), byteFromUshort(g), byteFromUshort(b), byteFromUshort(m));
