Blob Blame Raw

// PatternPosition.cpp: implementation of the CPatternPosition class.

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)

#include <memory>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "PatternPosition.h"
#include "SError.h"
#include "SDef.h"

// Construction/Destruction

using namespace std;


bool CPatternPosition::isInSet(const int nbSet, const int *set, const int val)
	for (int i = 0; i < nbSet; i++)
		if (set[i] == val)
			return true;
	return false;

int pp_intCompare(const void *a, const void *b)
	int *aa = (int *)a;
	int *bb = (int *)b;

	if (*aa < *bb)
		return -1;
	if (*aa > *bb)
		return 1;
	return 0;

void CPatternPosition::makeRandomPositions(const int nbPat, const int nbPixel,
										   const int lX, const int lY, const UCHAR *sel)
	try {
		const UCHAR *pSel = sel;
		int threshold = RAND_MAX * (double)nbPat / (double)nbPixel;
		for (int y = 0; y < lY; y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < lX; x++, pSel++)
				if (*pSel > (UCHAR)0) {
					if (rand() < threshold) {
						SPOINT xyp = {x, y};
	} catch (exception) {
		char s[50];
		sprintf(s, "in Pattern Position Generation");
		throw SMemAllocError(s);

void CPatternPosition::getPosAroundThis(const int lX, const int lY, const UCHAR *lSel,
										const int xx, const int yy,
										int &xPos, int &yPos)
	vector<SPOINT> ddc;
	prepareCircle(ddc, 2.0);

	int qx = 0, qy = 0, q = 0;
	for (vector<SPOINT>::iterator p = ddc.begin();
		 p != ddc.end();
		 p++) {
		int x = xx + p->x;
		int y = yy + p->y;
		if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < lX && y < lY)
			if (*(lSel + y * lX + x) > (UCHAR)0) {
				qx += x;
				qy += y;
	if (q > 0) {
		double dx = (double)qx / (double)q;
		double dy = (double)qy / (double)q;
		xPos = I_ROUND(dx);
		yPos = I_ROUND(dy);
	} else {
		xPos = xx;
		yPos = yy;

bool CPatternPosition::findEmptyPos(const int lX, const int lY, const UCHAR *lSel,
									int &xPos, int &yPos, SRECT &bb)
	int y = 0;
	for (y = 0; y <= yPos; y++)
		for (int x = xPos; x <= bb.x1; x++)
			if (*(lSel + y * lX + x) == (UCHAR)1) {
				//				getPosAroundThis(lX,lY,lSel,x,y,xPos,yPos);
				xPos = x;
				yPos = y;
				return true;

	for (y = yPos; y <= bb.y1; y++)
		for (int x = bb.x0; x <= bb.x1; x++)
			if (*(lSel + y * lX + x) == (UCHAR)1) {
				//				getPosAroundThis(lX,lY,lSel,x,y,xPos,yPos);
				xPos = x;
				yPos = y;
				return true;
	return false;

void CPatternPosition::eraseCurrentArea(const int lX, const int lY, UCHAR *lSel,
										vector<SPOINT> &ddc, const int xx, const int yy)
	for (vector<SPOINT>::iterator pDdc = ddc.begin();
		 pDdc != ddc.end();
		 pDdc++) {
		int x = xx + pDdc->x;
		int y = yy + pDdc->y;
		if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < lX && y < lY) {
			UCHAR *pSel = lSel + y * lX + x;
			if (*(pSel) == (UCHAR)1)
				*(pSel) = (UCHAR)2;

void CPatternPosition::sel0255To01(const int lX, const int lY, UCHAR *sel, SRECT &bb)
	UCHAR *pSel = sel;
	bb.x0 = lX;
	bb.y0 = lY;
	bb.x1 = -1;
	bb.y1 = -1;
	for (int y = 0; y < lY; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < lX; x++, pSel++)
			if (*pSel >= (UCHAR)1) {
				*pSel = (UCHAR)1;
				bb.x0 = MIN(x, bb.x0);
				bb.x1 = MAX(x, bb.x1);
				bb.y0 = MIN(y, bb.y0);
				bb.y1 = MAX(y, bb.y1);

void CPatternPosition::prepareCircle(vector<SPOINT> &v, const double r)
	try {
		double r2 = r * r;
		int rr = (int)r + 1;
		for (int y = -rr; y <= rr; y++)
			for (int x = -rr; x <= rr; x++)
				if ((double)(x * x + y * y) <= r2) {
					SPOINT sp = {x, y};
	} catch (exception) {
		char s[50];
		sprintf(s, "Position Generation");
		throw SMemAllocError(s);

void CPatternPosition::makeDDPositions(const int lX, const int lY, UCHAR *sel,
									   const double minD, const double maxD)
	const int maxNbDDC = 20;
	vector<SPOINT> ddc[maxNbDDC];

	// Checking parameters
	if (lX <= 0 || lY <= 0 || !sel)
	if (minD > maxD)
	// Preparing circles
	int nbDDC = fabs(maxD - minD) < 0.001 ? 1 : maxNbDDC;
	try {
		if (nbDDC == 1) {
			prepareCircle(ddc[0], minD);
		} else {
			double dDist = (maxD - minD) / (double)(nbDDC - 1);
			double dist = minD;
			for (int i = 0; i < nbDDC; i++, dist += dDist)
				prepareCircle(ddc[i], dist);
	} catch (SMemAllocError) {
	// Preparing local selection
	std::unique_ptr<UCHAR[]> lSel(new UCHAR[lX * lY]);
	if (!lSel) {
		char s[50];
		sprintf(s, "in Pattern Position Generation");
		throw SMemAllocError(s);
	memcpy(lSel.get(), sel, lX * lY * sizeof(UCHAR));

	SRECT bb;
	sel0255To01(lX, lY, lSel.get(), bb);
	if (bb.x0 > bb.x1 || bb.y0 > bb.y1) {

	try {
		int x = 0, y = 0;
		while (findEmptyPos(lX, lY, lSel.get(), x, y, bb)) {
			SPOINT sp = {x, y};
			int iddc = nbDDC == 1 ? 0 : rand() % nbDDC;
			eraseCurrentArea(lX, lY, lSel.get(), ddc[iddc], sp.x, sp.y);
	} catch (exception) {
		char s[50];
		sprintf(s, "in Pattern Position Generation");
		throw SMemAllocError(s);
	//	memcpy(sel,lSel,lX*lY);