Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include "tproperty.h"
#include "toonzqt/selection.h"
#include "tools/toolutils.h"
#include "toonz/strokegenerator.h"

// For Qt translation support
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QSet>

class SelectionTool;

// Constants / Defines

enum SelectionType {

#define RECT_SELECTION L"Rectangular"
#define FREEHAND_SELECTION L"Freehand"
#define POLYLINE_SELECTION L"Polyline"

// FreeDeformer

class FreeDeformer
	TPointD m_originalP00;
	TPointD m_originalP11;

	std::vector<TPointD> m_newPoints;

	FreeDeformer() {}
	virtual ~FreeDeformer() {}

	/*! Set \b index point to \b p, with index from 0 to 3. */
	virtual void setPoint(int index, const TPointD &p) = 0;
	/*! Helper function. */
	virtual void setPoints(const TPointD &p0, const TPointD &p1, const TPointD &p2, const TPointD &p3) = 0;
	virtual void deformImage() = 0;

// DragSelectionTool
namespace DragSelectionTool

// FourPoints

class FourPoints
	TPointD m_p00, m_p01, m_p10, m_p11;

	FourPoints(TPointD p00, TPointD p01, TPointD p10, TPointD p11)
		: m_p00(p00), m_p01(p01), m_p10(p10), m_p11(p11)
	FourPoints() : m_p00(TPointD()), m_p01(TPointD()), m_p10(TPointD()), m_p11(TPointD()) {}

	void setP00(TPointD p) { m_p00 = p; }
	void setP01(TPointD p) { m_p01 = p; }
	void setP10(TPointD p) { m_p10 = p; }
	void setP11(TPointD p) { m_p11 = p; }

	TPointD getP00() const { return m_p00; }
	TPointD getP01() const { return m_p01; }
	TPointD getP10() const { return m_p10; }
	TPointD getP11() const { return m_p11; }

	/*! Order four point from BottomLeft to TopRight. */
	FourPoints orderedPoints() const;
	TPointD getBottomLeft() const { return orderedPoints().getP00(); }
	TPointD getBottomRight() const { return orderedPoints().getP10(); }
	TPointD getTopRight() const { return orderedPoints().getP11(); }
	TPointD getTopLeft() const { return orderedPoints().getP01(); }

	/*! Point = index: P00 =  0; P10 = 1; P11 = 2; P01 = 3; P0M = 4; P1M = 5; PM1 = 6; P0M = 7. */
	TPointD getPoint(int index) const;
	/*! Point = index: P00 =  0; P10 = 1; P11 = 2; P01 = 3. */
	void setPoint(int index, const TPointD &p);

	FourPoints enlarge(double d);
	bool isEmpty();
	void empty();
	bool contains(TPointD p);
	TRectD getBox() const;
	FourPoints &operator=(const TRectD &r);
	bool operator==(const FourPoints &p) const;
	FourPoints operator*(const TAffine &aff) const;

void drawFourPoints(const FourPoints &rect, const TPixel32 &color,
					unsigned short stipple, bool doContrast);

// DeformValues

struct DeformValues {
	double m_rotationAngle, m_maxSelectionThickness;
	TPointD m_scaleValue, m_moveValue;
	bool m_isSelectionModified;

	DeformValues(double rotationAngle = 0, double maxSelectionThickness = 0,
				 TPointD scaleValue = TPointD(1, 1), TPointD moveValue = TPointD(), bool isSelectionModified = false)
		: m_rotationAngle(rotationAngle), m_maxSelectionThickness(maxSelectionThickness), m_scaleValue(scaleValue), m_moveValue(moveValue), m_isSelectionModified(isSelectionModified)

	void reset()
		m_rotationAngle = 0;
		m_maxSelectionThickness = 0;
		m_scaleValue = TPointD(1, 1);
		m_moveValue = TPointD();
		m_isSelectionModified = false;

// DragTool

class DragTool
	SelectionTool *m_tool;

	DragTool(SelectionTool *tool)
		: m_tool(tool)
	virtual ~DragTool() {}

	SelectionTool *getTool() const { return m_tool; }

	virtual void transform(TAffine aff, double angle){};
	virtual void transform(TAffine aff){};
	virtual TPointD transform(int index, TPointD newPos) { return TPointD(); };
	virtual void addTransformUndo(){};

	virtual void leftButtonDown(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &) = 0;
	virtual void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &) = 0;
	virtual void leftButtonUp(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &) = 0;
	virtual void draw() = 0;

// DeformTool

class DeformTool : public DragTool
	TPointD m_curPos;
	bool m_isDragging;
	TPointD m_startScaleValue;
	TPointD m_startPos;

	DeformTool(SelectionTool *tool);

	virtual void applyTransform(FourPoints bbox) = 0;
	virtual void applyTransform(TAffine aff){};
	virtual void addTransformUndo() = 0;

	int getSimmetricPointIndex(int index) const;
	/*! Return before point \b index between possible point index {0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7}, include middle point. */
	int getBeforePointIndex(int index) const;
	/*! Return next point \b index between possible point index {0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7}, include middle point. */
	int getNextPointIndex(int index) const;
	/*! Return before vertex \b index between possible point vertex index {0,1,2,3}*/
	int getBeforeVertexIndex(int index) const;
	/*! Return next vertex \b index between possible point vertex index {0,1,2,3}*/
	int getNextVertexIndex(int index) const;

	TPointD getStartPos() const { return m_startPos; }
	void setStartPos(const TPointD &pos) { m_startPos = pos; }
	TPointD getCurPos() const { return m_curPos; }
	void setCurPos(const TPointD &pos) { m_curPos = pos; }
	bool isDragging() const { return m_isDragging; }
	TPointD getStartScaleValue() const { return m_startScaleValue; }

	void leftButtonDown(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
	virtual void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e) = 0;
	void leftButtonUp(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
	virtual void draw() = 0;

// Rotation

class Rotation
	double m_curAng, m_dstAng;
	DeformTool *m_deformTool;

	Rotation(DeformTool *deformTool);
	TPointD getStartCenter() const;
	void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
	void draw();

// FreeDeform

class FreeDeform
	DeformTool *m_deformTool;

	FreeDeform(DeformTool *deformTool);
	void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);

// MoveSelection

class MoveSelection
	DeformTool *m_deformTool;
	TPointD m_lastDelta, m_firstPos;

	MoveSelection(DeformTool *deformTool);
	void leftButtonDown(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
	void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);

// Scale

class Scale
	TPointD m_startCenter;
	bool m_isShiftPressed;
	bool m_isAltPressed;
	bool m_scaleInCenter;
	std::vector<FourPoints> m_startBboxs;

	DeformTool *m_deformTool;

	enum Type { GLOBAL = 0,
				VERTICAL = 2 };
	int m_type;
	Scale(DeformTool *deformTool, int type);

	/*! Return intersection between straight line in \b point0, \b point1 and straight line for
      \b p parallel to straight line in \b point2, \b point3. */
	TPointD getIntersectionPoint(const TPointD &point0, const TPointD &point1,
								 const TPointD &point2, const TPointD &point3, const TPointD &p) const;
	/*! Scale \b index point of \b bbox in \b pos and return scaled bbox. */
	FourPoints bboxScale(int index, const FourPoints &oldBbox, const TPointD &pos);
	/*! Compute new scale value take care of new position of \b movedIndex point in \b bbox. */
	TPointD computeScaleValue(int movedIndex, const FourPoints newBbox);
	/*! Return \b index point scaled in \b center of \b scaleValue. */
	TPointD getScaledPoint(int index, const FourPoints &oldBbox, const TPointD scaleValue, const TPointD center);
	/*! Compute new center after scale of \b bbox \b index point. */
	TPointD getNewCenter(int index, const FourPoints bbox, const TPointD scaleValue);
	/*! Scale \b bbox \b index point in pos and if \b m_scaleInCenter is true scale in \b center \b bbox simmetric point;
      compute scaleValue. */
	FourPoints bboxScaleInCenter(int index, const FourPoints &oldBbox, const TPointD newPos, TPointD &scaleValue,
								 const TPointD center, bool recomputeScaleValue);

	void leftButtonDown(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
	void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);

	std::vector<FourPoints> getStartBboxs() const { return m_startBboxs; }
	TPointD getStartCenter() const { return m_startCenter; }
	bool scaleInCenter() const { return m_scaleInCenter; }

// Utility

DragSelectionTool::DragTool *createNewMoveSelectionTool(SelectionTool *st);
DragSelectionTool::DragTool *createNewRotationTool(SelectionTool *st);
DragSelectionTool::DragTool *createNewFreeDeformTool(SelectionTool *st);
DragSelectionTool::DragTool *createNewScaleTool(SelectionTool *st, int type);

// SelectionTool

class SelectionTool : public TTool, public TSelection::View

	bool m_firstTime;
	DragSelectionTool::DragTool *m_dragTool;

	StrokeGenerator m_track;
	std::vector<TPointD> m_polyline;
	TPointD m_mousePosition;
	TStroke *m_stroke;

	//To modify selection
	TPointD m_curPos;
	TPointD m_firstPos;

	bool m_selecting;
	bool m_justSelected;
	bool m_shiftPressed;

	enum { Outside,
		   ADD_SELECTION } m_what; //RV
	enum { P00 = 0,
		   P10 = 1,
		   P11 = 2,
		   P01 = 3,
		   PM0 = 4,
		   P1M = 5,
		   PM1 = 6,
		   P0M = 7,
		   NONE } m_selectedPoint; //RV

	int m_cursorId;

	bool m_leftButtonMousePressed;

	DragSelectionTool::FourPoints m_selectingRect;

	std::vector<DragSelectionTool::FourPoints> m_bboxs;
	std::vector<TPointD> m_centers;
	std::vector<FreeDeformer *> m_freeDeformers;

	TEnumProperty m_strokeSelectionType;
	TPropertyGroup m_prop;

	virtual void updateAction(TPointD pos, const TMouseEvent &e);

	virtual void modifySelectionOnClick(TImageP image, const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e) = 0;

	virtual void doOnActivate() = 0;
	virtual void doOnDeactivate() = 0;

	//Metodi per disegnare la linea della selezione Freehand
	void startFreehand(const TPointD &pos);
	void freehandDrag(const TPointD &pos);
	void closeFreehand(const TPointD &pos);

	//Metodi per disegnare la linea della selezione Polyline
	void addPointPolyline(const TPointD &pos);
	void closePolyline(const TPointD &pos);

	void updateTranslation();

	void drawPolylineSelection();
	void drawRectSelection(const TImage *image);
	void drawCommandHandle(const TImage *image);

	DragSelectionTool::DeformValues m_deformValues;

	SelectionTool(int targetType);

	ToolType getToolType() const { return TTool::LevelWriteTool; }

	TPointD getCenter(int index = 0) const;
	void setCenter(const TPointD &center, int index = 0);

	int getBBoxsCount() const;
	DragSelectionTool::FourPoints getBBox(int index = 0) const;
	virtual void setBBox(const DragSelectionTool::FourPoints &points, int index = 0);

	FreeDeformer *getFreeDeformer(int index = 0) const;
	virtual void setNewFreeDeformer() = 0;
	void clearDeformers();

	int getSelectedPoint() const { return m_selectedPoint; }

	virtual bool isConstantThickness() const { return true; }
	virtual bool isLevelType() const { return false; }
	virtual bool isSelectedFramesType() const { return false; }
	virtual bool isSameStyleType() const { return false; }
	virtual bool isModifiableSelectionType() const
		return !(isLevelType() || isSelectedFramesType());
	virtual bool isFloating() const { return false; }

	virtual QSet<int> getSelectedStyles() const { return QSet<int>(); }

	virtual void leftButtonDown(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &);
	virtual void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &) = 0;
	virtual void leftButtonUp(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &) = 0;
	void mouseMove(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
	virtual void leftButtonDoubleClick(const TPointD &, const TMouseEvent &e) = 0;
	bool keyDown(int key, TUINT32 flags, const TPoint &pos);

	int getCursorId() const;

	virtual void draw() = 0;

	virtual TSelection *getSelection() = 0;
	virtual bool isSelectionEmpty() = 0;

	virtual void computeBBox() = 0;

	void onActivate();
	void onDeactivate();
	virtual void onImageChanged() = 0;
	void onSelectionChanged();

	TPropertyGroup *getProperties(int targetType) { return &m_prop; }

	bool onPropertyChanged(std::string propertyName);