Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


// TnzQt includes
#include "toonzqt/dvdialog.h"

// TnzCore includes
#include "tfilepath.h"

// Qt includes
#include <QMap>


//    Forward  declarations

class TPropertyGroup;
class QLabel;
class QComboBox;

namespace DVGui {
class PropertyWidget;
class PropertyComboBox;
}  // namespace DVGui


//    FormatSettingsPopup  definition

class FormatSettingsPopup final : public DVGui::Dialog {

  FormatSettingsPopup(QWidget *parent, const std::string &format,
                      TPropertyGroup *props, TFrameId *tmplFrameId = nullptr,
                      bool forInput = true);

  void setLevelPath(const TFilePath &path) { m_levelPath = path; }
  void setFormatProperties(TPropertyGroup *props);

  std::string m_format;
  TPropertyGroup *m_props;
  TFilePath m_levelPath;

  QMap<std::string, DVGui::PropertyWidget *>
      m_widgets;  //!< Property name -> PropertyWidget

  QGridLayout *m_mainLayout;

#ifdef _WIN32

  // AVI codec - related members
  QLabel *m_codecRestriction;
  DVGui::PropertyComboBox *m_codecComboBox;
  QPushButton *m_configureCodec;


  TFrameId *m_tmplFId;
  QComboBox *m_sepCharCB, *m_paddingCB;

  void buildPropertyComboBox(int index, TPropertyGroup *props);
  void buildValueField(int index, TPropertyGroup *props);
  void buildDoubleField(int index, TPropertyGroup *props);
  void buildPropertyCheckBox(int index, TPropertyGroup *props);
  void buildPropertyLineEdit(int index, TPropertyGroup *props);
  void showEvent(QShowEvent *se) override;

private Q_SLOTS:
  void onComboBoxIndexChanged(const QString &);
  void onAviCodecConfigure();

  void onSepCharCBChanged();
  void onPaddingCBChanged();

//    Related  global functions

  \details    The openFormatSettingsPopup() opens a Toonz dialog with the
              properties for a given format, <I>or alternatively opens a
              native dialog</I>. The returned dialog relates \a specifically to
              former case, while it will be \p 0 in case the opened dialog is

              The returned dialog, if any, will have the following properties
              by default:
                <LI><B>Automatically delete itself when closed</B>, through the
                    \p Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose attribute.</LI>
                <LI>Modal interaction.</LI>

  \return     The format settings popup instance opened on request, \a if the
              opened dialog is not native.

  \remark     This function \a may return \p 0 depending on the requested

bool openFormatSettingsPopup(
    QWidget *parent,            //!< Parent for the new format popup.
    const std::string &format,  //!< File extension of the displayed format.
    TPropertyGroup *props,      //!< Properties to be shown for the format.
    TFrameId *tmplFId =
        nullptr,  //!< Template TFrameId to specify frame number format
    bool forInput =
        true,  // specifies border color for the frame number format box
    const TFilePath &levelPath =
        TFilePath()  //!< May be used to choose available codecs
                     //!  depending on a level's resolution.
);                   //!< Opens a suitable popup with settings
                     //!  for an input level format.