Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include <QWidget>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include "orientation.h"

#include "toonz/txshcell.h"
#include "tundo.h"

// forward declaration
class XsheetViewer;
class QMenu;
class TXsheetHandle;
class TXshSoundTextColumn;

namespace XsheetGUI {

class SetCellMarkUndo final : public TUndo {
  int m_row, m_col;
  int m_idBefore, m_idAfter;

  SetCellMarkUndo(int row, int col, int idAfter);
  void setId(int id) const;
  void undo() const override;
  void redo() const override;
  int getSize() const override;
  QString getHistoryString() override;
  int getHistoryType() override;

class NoteWidget;
class DragTool;

class RenameCellField final : public QLineEdit {

  int m_row;
  int m_col;
  XsheetViewer *m_viewer;

  RenameCellField(QWidget *parent, XsheetViewer *viewer);
  ~RenameCellField() {}

  void showInRowCol(int row, int col, bool multiColumnSelected = false);

  bool isLocatedAt(int row, int col) { return row == m_row && col == m_col; }

  void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *) override;
  void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
  bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) override;

  void showEvent(QShowEvent *) override;
  void hideEvent(QHideEvent *) override;

  void renameCell();
  void renameSoundTextColumn(TXshSoundTextColumn *sndTextCol, const QString &s);

protected slots:
  void onReturnPressed();
  void onXsheetChanged();

// CellArea

//! La classe si occupa della visualizzazione delle celle nel viewer.
class CellArea final : public QWidget {

  XsheetViewer *m_viewer;
  // smart tab
  QRect m_levelExtenderRect;
  // upper-directional smart tab
  QRect m_upperLevelExtenderRect;
  QList<QRect> m_soundLevelModifyRects;

  bool m_isPanning;
  bool m_isMousePressed;

  QPoint m_pos;
  QString m_tooltip;

  RenameCellField *m_renameCell;

  void drawCells(QPainter &p, const QRect toBeUpdated);
  void drawNonEmptyBackground(QPainter &p) const;
  void drawFoldedColumns(QPainter &p, int layerAxis,
                         const NumberRange &frameAxis) const;
  void drawSelectionBackground(QPainter &p) const;
  void drawExtenderHandles(QPainter &p);

  void drawDragHandle(QPainter &p, const QPoint &xy,
                      const QColor &sideColor) const;
  void drawEndOfDragHandle(QPainter &p, bool isEnd, const QPoint &xy,
                           const QColor &cellColor) const;
  void drawLockedDottedLine(QPainter &p, bool isLocked, const QPoint &xy,
                            const QColor &cellColor) const;

  void drawFrameSeparator(QPainter &p, int row, int col, bool emptyFrame,
                          bool heldFrame = false);
  // showLevelName can be OFF only when Preferences::getLevelNameDisplayType()
  // == ShowLevelNameOnColumnHeader
  void drawLevelCell(QPainter &p, int row, int col, bool isReference = false,
                     bool showLevelName = true);
  void drawSoundTextCell(QPainter &p, int row, int col);
  void drawSoundTextColumn(QPainter &p, int r0, int r1, int col);
  void drawSoundCell(QPainter &p, int row, int col, bool isReference = false);
  void drawPaletteCell(QPainter &p, int row, int col, bool isReference = false);

  void drawKeyframe(QPainter &p, const QRect toBeUpdated);
  void drawKeyframeLine(QPainter &p, int col, const NumberRange &rows) const;

  void drawNotes(QPainter &p, const QRect toBeUpdated);

  void drawCurrentTimeIndicator(QPainter &p, const QPoint &xy, int col,
                                bool isFolded = false);

  void drawFrameMarker(QPainter &p, const QPoint &xy, QColor color,
                       bool isKeyFrame = false, bool isCamera = false);

  void drawFocusCellBorder(QPainter &p);

  // Restistusce true
  bool getEaseHandles(int r0, int r1, double e0, double e1, int &rh0, int &rh1);

  bool isKeyFrameArea(int col, int row, QPoint mouseInCell);

  DragTool *getDragTool() const;
  void setDragTool(DragTool *dragTool);

  CellArea(XsheetViewer *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags());

  void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;

  // display upper-directional smart tab only when pressing ctrl key
  void onControlPressed(bool pressed);
  const bool isControlPressed();

  //	void keyUpDownPressed(int newRow);

  void showRenameField(int row, int col, bool multiColumnSelected = false) {
    m_renameCell->showInRowCol(row, col, multiColumnSelected);
  void hideRenameField() { m_renameCell->hide(); }

  void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override;

  void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
  void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
  void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
  void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) override;
  void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override;
  void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) override;
  void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override;
  void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override;
  bool event(QEvent *event) override;

  /*!Crea il menu' del tasto destro che si visualizza quando si clicca sulla
distinguendo i due casi: cella piena, cella vuota.*/
  void createCellMenu(QMenu &menu, bool isCellSelected, TXshCell cell, int row,
                      int col);
  //! Crea il menu' del tasto destro che si visualizza si clicca su un key
  //! frame.
  void createKeyMenu(QMenu &menu);
  //! Crea il menu' del tasto destro che si visualizza quando si clicca sulla
  //! linea tre due key frame.
  void createKeyLineMenu(QMenu &menu, int row, int col);
  //! Crea il menu' del tasto destro che si visualizza quando si sopra una nota.
  void createNoteMenu(QMenu &menu);

protected slots:
  void openNote();
  void deleteNote();
  void onStepChanged(QAction *);
  // replace level with another level in the cast
  void onReplaceByCastedLevel(QAction *action);
  void onSetCellMark();

}  // namespace XsheetGUI