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#include "tlin_basicops.h"

#include "tcg/tcg_hash.h"

namespace tlin


  The tlin::sparse_matrix class implements a hash-based format for storing sparse

  A tlin::sparse_matrix is a tlin::matrix-compliant class that allows the user to
  access the matrix in a purely random fashion, without sacrificing storage space or
  efficiency. This is achieved using a single, fast, dynamic hash container that maps
  (row, col) entries into their values, the hash function being like:

    (row, col) -> row * nCols + col;    (taken modulo nBuckets)
  Observe that if the number of buckets of the hash map is nCols, the resulting
  representation is similar to a CCS (Harwell-Boeing), with the difference that
  buckets are not sorted by row.

template <typename T>
class sparse_matrix
	struct IdxFunctor {
		int m_cols;

		IdxFunctor(int cols) : m_cols(cols) {}
		int operator()(const std::pair<int, int> &key) { return key.first * m_cols + key.second; }

	int m_rows;
	int m_cols;

	tcg::hash<std::pair<int, int>, T, IdxFunctor> m_hash;

	sparse_matrix() : m_rows(0), m_cols(0), m_hash(IdxFunctor(0)) {}
	sparse_matrix(int rows, int cols) : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_hash(cols) {}
	~sparse_matrix() {}

	sparse_matrix(const sparse_matrix &mat) : m_rows(mat.m_rows), m_cols(mat.m_cols), m_hash(mat.m_hash) {}

	sparse_matrix &operator=(const sparse_matrix &mat)
		m_rows = mat.m_rows, m_cols = mat.m_cols, m_hash = mat.m_hash;
		return *this;

	int rows() const { return m_rows; }
	int cols() const { return m_cols; }

	typedef typename tcg::hash<std::pair<int, int>, T, IdxFunctor> HashMap;
	tcg::hash<std::pair<int, int>, T, IdxFunctor> &entries() { return m_hash; }
	const tcg::hash<std::pair<int, int>, T, IdxFunctor> &entries() const { return m_hash; }

	//!\warning Assignments of kind:,1) =,0) are potentially harmful.
	//!Use A.get(x,y) on the right side instead.
	T &at(int row, int col) { return m_hash.touch(std::make_pair(row, col), 0); }
	const T get(int row, int col) const
		typename HashMap::const_iterator it = m_hash.find(std::make_pair(row, col));
		return (it == m_hash.end()) ? 0 : it->m_val;
	const T operator()(int row, int col) const { return get(row, col); }

	void clear() { m_hash.clear(); }

	friend void swap(sparse_matrix &a, sparse_matrix &b)
		using std::swap;

		swap(a.m_rows, b.m_rows), swap(a.m_cols, b.m_cols);
		swap(a.m_hash, b.m_hash);


//  The Standard matrix data type in tlin is double

typedef tlin::sparse_matrix<double> spmat;