Blob Blame Raw


#include "toonz/vectorizerparameters.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"
#include <deque>
#include <list>

#include <QObject>

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR

//    Core vectorizer class

//!Contains specific vectorization methods and deals with partial progress notifications (using Qt signals).
/*!VectorizerCore class is the lowest layer of a vectorization process, it provides vectorization of a
single input raster image by calling the \b vectorize method.

It can also deal notifications about its progress status, and is receptive to user cancels.

\sa VectorizerPopup, Vectorizer, VectorizerConfiguration classes.*/
class DVAPI VectorizerCore : public QObject

	int m_currPartial;
	int m_totalPartials;

	bool m_isCanceled;

	VectorizerCore() : m_currPartial(0), m_isCanceled(false) {}
	~VectorizerCore() {}

	/*!Calls the appropriate technique to convert \b image to vectors depending on \b c.
    Also provides post-processing operations such as regions computing and painting (using
    colors found in \b palette).
    Returns the \b TVectorImageP converted image.*/
	TVectorImageP vectorize(const TImageP &image, const VectorizerConfiguration &c, TPalette *palette);

	//!Returns true if vectorization was aborted at user's request
	bool isCanceled() { return m_isCanceled; }

	//!\b (\b Internal \b use \b only) Sets the maximum number of partial notifications.
	void setOverallPartials(int total) { m_totalPartials = total; }
	//!\b (\b Internal \b use \b only) Emits partial progress signal and updates partial progresses internal count.
	void emitPartialDone(void);

	/*!Converts \b image to vectors in centerline mode, depending on \b configuration.
    Returns image converted.
    Note: if true==configuration.m_naaSource then it change the image, transforming it to a ToonzImage */
	TVectorImageP centerlineVectorize(TImageP &image, const CenterlineConfiguration &configuration, TPalette *palette);

	/*!Converts \b image to vectors in outline mode, depending on \b configuration.
   Returns image converted.*/
	TVectorImageP outlineVectorize(const TImageP &image, const OutlineConfiguration &configuration, TPalette *palette);

	/*!Converts \b image to vectors in outline mode, depending on \b configuration.
   Returns image converted.*/
	TVectorImageP newOutlineVectorize(const TImageP &image, const NewOutlineConfiguration &configuration, TPalette *palette);

	//!Calculates and applies fill colors once regions of \b vi have been computed.
	void applyFillColors(TVectorImageP vi, const TImageP &img, TPalette *palette,
						 const VectorizerConfiguration &c);
	void applyFillColors(TRegion *r, const TRasterP &ras, TPalette *palette,
						 const CenterlineConfiguration &c, int regionCount);
	void applyFillColors(TRegion *r, const TRasterP &ras, TPalette *palette,
						 const OutlineConfiguration &c, int regionCount);

	//!Traduces the input VectorizerConfiguration into an edible form.
	VectorizerConfiguration traduceConfiguration(const VectorizerConfiguration &configuration);

	bool isInkRegionEdge(TStroke *stroke);
	bool isInkRegionEdgeReversed(TStroke *stroke);
	void clearInkRegionFlags(TVectorImageP vi);


	//!Partial progress \b par1 of overall \b par2 is notified.
	void partialDone(int, int);

protected slots:

	//!Receives a user cancel signal and attempts an early exit from vectorization process.
	void onCancel() { m_isCanceled = true; }