Blob Blame Raw

#include <memory>

#include "tsmartpointer.h"
#include "texception.h"
#include "tthreadmessage.h"

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR


namespace TSound
typedef UCHAR Channel;

const int MONO = 0;
const int LEFT = 0;
const int RIGHT = LEFT + 1;


// forward declarations

class TSoundTrack;
class TSoundTransform;

#ifdef WIN32
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TSoundTrack>;

typedef TSmartPointerT<TSoundTrack> TSoundTrackP;

  The class TSoundTrackFormat contains the main features of a TSoundTrack as:
  sample rate, bit per sample, number of channels and signed or unsigned sample
class DVAPI TSoundTrackFormat
	TUINT32 m_sampleRate; // frequenza di campionamento
	int m_bitPerSample;   // numero di bit per campione
	int m_channelCount;   // numero di canali
	bool m_signedSample;

		TUINT32 sampleRate = 0,
		int bitPerSample = 0,
		int channelCount = 0,
		bool signedSample = true)
		: m_sampleRate(sampleRate), m_bitPerSample(bitPerSample), m_channelCount(channelCount), m_signedSample(signedSample) {}

	~TSoundTrackFormat() {}

	bool operator==(const TSoundTrackFormat &rhs);

	bool operator!=(const TSoundTrackFormat &rhs);

//! \include sound_ex.cpp

  The class TSoundTrack contains all features about a sound track
  and gives all methods to access to these informations
class DVAPI TSoundTrack : public TSmartObject

	TUINT32 m_sampleRate; // frequenza di campionamento
	int m_sampleSize;	 // numero di byte per campione
	int m_bitPerSample;   // numero di bit per campione
	TINT32 m_sampleCount; // numero di campioni
	int m_channelCount;   // numero di canali

	TSoundTrack *m_parent; // nel caso di sotto-traccie

	UCHAR *m_buffer;
	bool m_bufferOwner;


		TUINT32 sampleRate, int bitPerSample,
		int channelCount, int sampleSize, TINT32 sampleCount, bool isSampleSigned);

		TUINT32 sampleRate, int bitPerSample,
		int channelCount, int sampleSize, TINT32 sampleCount,
		UCHAR *buffer, TSoundTrack *parent);

  Create a new soundtrack according to the sample rate, bits per sample, number 
  of channels and number of samples specified as inputs.
  signedSample must be true for tracks whose samples are signed
	static TSoundTrackP create(
		TUINT32 sampleRate, int bitPerSample,
		int channelCount, TINT32 sampleCount,
		bool signedSample = true);

	static TSoundTrackP create(
		TUINT32 sampleRate, int bitPerSample,
		int channelCount, TINT32 sampleCount, void *buffer,
		bool signedSample = true);

  Create a new soundtrack according to the format and number of samples 
  specified as inputs
	static TSoundTrackP create(const TSoundTrackFormat &format, TINT32 sampleCount);

	static TSoundTrackP create(const TSoundTrackFormat &format, TINT32 sampleCount, void *buffer);


	//!Converts from seconds to samples according to the soundtrack sample rate
	TINT32 secondsToSamples(double sec) const;

	//!Converts from samples to seconds according to the soundtrack sample rate
	double samplesToSeconds(TINT32 smp) const;

	TUINT32 getSampleRate() const { return m_sampleRate; }
	int getSampleSize() const { return m_sampleSize; }
	int getChannelCount() const { return m_channelCount; }
	int getBitPerSample() const { return m_bitPerSample; }
	TINT32 getSampleCount() const { return m_sampleCount; }

	//!Returns the duration of the soundtrack in seconds.
	double getDuration() const;

	//!Returns true if the samples of the soundtrack are signed, false otherwise
	virtual bool isSampleSigned() const = 0;

	//!Returns the soundtrack format
	TSoundTrackFormat getFormat() const;

	//!Returns a pointer to the samples buffer.
	const UCHAR *getRawData() const { return m_buffer; };

	void setSampleRate(TUINT32 sampleRate) { m_sampleRate = sampleRate; }

	//!Clones the soundtrack
	virtual TSoundTrackP clone() const = 0;

	//!Returns a soundtrack that contains just the cloned channel
	virtual TSoundTrackP clone(TSound::Channel chan) const = 0;

	//!Returns a subtrack for the range [s0, s1], s0 and s1 are samples
	virtual TSoundTrackP extract(TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1) = 0;

	//!Returns a subtrack for the range [t0, t1], t0 and t1 are seconds
	TSoundTrackP extract(double t0, double t1);

  Copies the all samples of the source soundtrack 
  to the object, starting from dst_s0.
  dst_s0 is expressed in samples.
	virtual void copy(const TSoundTrackP &src, TINT32 dst_s0) = 0;

  Copies the all samples of the source soundtrack 
  to the object, starting from dst_t0.
  dst_t0 is expressed in seconds.
	void copy(const TSoundTrackP &src, double dst_t0);

	//!Blanks the soundtrack in the given range
	virtual void blank(TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1) = 0;

  Blanks the soundtrack in the given range. Range is expressed in seconds.
	void blank(double t0, double t1);

  Returns a new soundtrack obtained applying the given sound tranform 
  to the soundtrack
	virtual TSoundTrackP apply(TSoundTransform *) = 0;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure value for the given sample and channel: range [-1,1]
	virtual double getPressure(TINT32 sample, TSound::Channel chan) const = 0;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure value for the given time and channel
	double getPressure(double second, TSound::Channel chan) const;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure max and min values in the given sample range and channel
	virtual void getMinMaxPressure(
		TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1, TSound::Channel chan,
		double &min, double &max) const = 0;

  Returns the soundtrack pressure min and max values in the given range and channel.
  Range in seconds
	void getMinMaxPressure(
		double t0, double t1, TSound::Channel chan,
		double &min, double &max) const;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure min and max values for the given channel
	void getMinMaxPressure(TSound::Channel chan, double &min, double &max) const;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure max value in the given sample range and channel
	virtual double getMaxPressure(TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1, TSound::Channel chan) const = 0;

  Returns the soundtrack pressure min value in the given range and channel.
  Range in seconds
	double getMaxPressure(double t0, double t1, TSound::Channel chan) const;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure max value for the given channel
	double getMaxPressure(TSound::Channel chan) const;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure max value in the given sample range and channel
	virtual double getMinPressure(TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1, TSound::Channel chan) const = 0;

  Returns the soundtrack pressure mix value in the given sample range and channel
  Range in seconds
	double getMinPressure(double t0, double t1, TSound::Channel chan) const;

	//!Returns the soundtrack pressure min value for the given channel
	double getMinPressure(TSound::Channel chan) const;


class TSoundDeviceException : public TException

	enum Type {
		FailedInit, // fallimento del costruttore
		UnablePrepare,	 // non puo' preparare i blocchi per play o rec
		UnsupportedFormat, // formato non supportato
		UnableSetDevice,   // non puo' impostare il device richiesto
		UnableVolume,	  // non puo' leggere o scrivere il valore del volume
		NoMixer,		   // assenza del dispositivo per regolare il volume
		Busy			   // indica che il dispositivo gia' sta facendo
						   // un play od una registrazione

	TSoundDeviceException(Type type, const string &msg)
		: TException(msg), m_type(type) {}
	TSoundDeviceException(Type type, const wstring &msg)
		: TException(msg), m_type(type) {}

	Type getType()
		return m_type;

	Type m_type;


// forward declaration
class TSoundInputDeviceImp;

//! \include sndInDev_ex.cpp
  The class TSoundInputDevice permits the recording of a new sound track
class DVAPI TSoundInputDevice
	std::shared_ptr<TSoundInputDeviceImp> m_imp;

	enum Source {
		Mic = 0,


    Returns true if on the machine there is an audio card installed correctly
	static bool installed();

	//! Returns the best format supported near the given parameters
	TSoundTrackFormat getPreferredFormat(TUINT32 sampleRate, int channelCount, int bitPerSample);

	//! Returns the best format supported near the given format
	TSoundTrackFormat getPreferredFormat(const TSoundTrackFormat &);

	//! Returns true if is possible to change volume setting on current input interface
	bool supportsVolume();

	//!Starts the recording of a soundtrack with the given format from the given source.
	void record(const TSoundTrackFormat &format, Source devtype = Mic);

  Starts the recording over the soundtrack st from the given source.
  If not stopped before, recording ends when the whole soundtrack has been
	void record(const TSoundTrackP &st, Source src = Mic);

	//!Stops the recording and returns the result of recording.
	TSoundTrackP stop();

	//!Return the current value of the volume
	double getVolume();

	//!Set the value of the volume
	bool setVolume(double value);

	//!Returns true if and only if the device is recording
	bool isRecording();

  The class TSoundOutputDeviceListener permits to notify to other object
  if a playback is completed. Use it as base class that needs to know if
  a playback is ended

class DVAPI TSoundOutputDeviceListener
	virtual ~TSoundOutputDeviceListener(){};

	virtual void onPlayCompleted() = 0;


class TSoundOutputDeviceImp;
//! \include sndOutDev_ex.cpp

  The class TSoundOutputDevice permits the playback of a sound track
class DVAPI TSoundOutputDevice
	std::shared_ptr<TSoundOutputDeviceImp> m_imp;


    Returns true if on the machine there is an audio card installed correctly
	static bool installed();

	//! Returns the best format supported near the given parameters
	TSoundTrackFormat getPreferredFormat(TUINT32 sampleRate, int channelCount, int bitPerSample);

	//! Returns the best format supported near the given format
	TSoundTrackFormat getPreferredFormat(const TSoundTrackFormat &);

	bool isFormatSupported(const TSoundTrackFormat &);

#ifdef MACOSX
	//! Returns true if is possible to change volume setting on current input interface
	bool supportsVolume();

	//!Returns the current value of the volume [0,1]
	double getVolume();

	//!Set the value of volume , between [0,1]
	bool setVolume(double value);

	//!Open the device according to the features of soundtrack
	bool open(const TSoundTrackP &st);

	//!Playback of the sndtrack in the request sample range
	void play(const TSoundTrackP &st, TINT32 s0, TINT32 s1, bool loop = false, bool scrubbing = false);

	//!Close in the right mode the device
	bool close();

	/*!Playback of the sndtrack in the request time range.
     The loop argument permits to set the looping status of player
     The scrubbing permits to an application to set the mode for the 
     interaction between sound and mouse
	void play(const TSoundTrackP &st,
			  double t0,
			  double t1,
			  bool loop = false,
			  bool scrubbing = false)
		play(st, st->secondsToSamples(t0), st->secondsToSamples(t1), loop, scrubbing);

	//!Stop the playback of one or more soundtracks
	void stop();

	//!Returns if the device is busy with a playback
	bool isPlaying() const;

#ifndef MACOSX
	//!Return true if the playback of all soundtracks is ended.
	bool isAllQueuedItemsPlayed();

	//!Returns if the status of player is in looping
	bool isLooping();

	//!Permits to change the looping status of player
	void setLooping(bool loop);

	void attach(TSoundOutputDeviceListener *listener);
	void detach(TSoundOutputDeviceListener *listener);
