Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include "schematicviewer.h"

// forward declarations
class SchematicPort;

//  StageSchematicName.

class SchematicName : public QGraphicsTextItem {
  double m_width;
  double m_height;

  SchematicName(QGraphicsItem *parent, double width, double height);

  bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);

  void setName(const QString &name);

  void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *fe);
  void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *fe);

  void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ke);

  void focusOut();

protected slots:
  void onContentsChanged();

// SchematicThumbnailToggle

class SchematicThumbnailToggle : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem {
#ifndef MACOSX

  bool m_isDown;

  SchematicThumbnailToggle(SchematicNode *parent, bool isOpened);

  QRectF boundingRect() const;
  void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
             QWidget *widget = 0);
  void setIsDown(bool value);

  void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);

  void toggled(bool isOpened);

// SchematicToggle

class SchematicToggle : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem {
#ifndef MACOSX
  QPixmap m_pixmap1, m_pixmap2;
  int m_state;
  int m_flags;
  int m_width, m_height;

  enum { eIsParentColumn = 0x01, eEnableNullState = 0x02 };

  SchematicToggle(SchematicNode *parent, const QPixmap &pixmap, int flags,
                  bool isLargeScaled = true);

  //! the schematic toggle can be a 3-state or a 2-state toggle!
  SchematicToggle(SchematicNode *parent, const QPixmap &pixmap1,
                  const QPixmap &pixmap2, int flags, bool isLargeScaled = true);


  QRectF boundingRect() const;
  // reimplemeted in SchematicToggle_SplineOptions
  virtual void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                     QWidget *widget = 0);

  //! this is used for a 2-state toggle;
  void setIsActive(bool value) { m_state = value ? 1 : 0; }

  //! this is used for a 3-state toggle;
  void setState(int state) { m_state = state; }

  void setSize(int width, int height) {
    m_width  = width;
    m_height = height;

  // reimplemeted in SchematicToggle_SplineOptions
  virtual void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  void contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *cme);
  //! this is triggered for a 2-state toggle;
  void toggled(bool isChecked);

  //! this is triggered for a 3-state toggle;
  void stateChanged(int state);


class SchematicToggle_SplineOptions : public SchematicToggle {
  SchematicToggle_SplineOptions(SchematicNode *parent, const QPixmap &pixmap,
                                int flags)
      : SchematicToggle(parent, pixmap, flags) {}
  SchematicToggle_SplineOptions(SchematicNode *parent, const QPixmap &pixmap1,
                                const QPixmap &pixmap2, int flags)
      : SchematicToggle(parent, pixmap1, pixmap2, flags) {}

  void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
             QWidget *widget = 0);

  void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);

// SchematicHandleSpinBox

class SchematicHandleSpinBox : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem {
#ifndef MACOSX

  Qt::MouseButton m_buttonState;
  int m_delta;
  QPixmap m_pixmap;

  SchematicHandleSpinBox(QGraphicsItem *parent);

  QRectF boundingRect() const;
  void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
             QWidget *widget = 0);

  void modifyHandle(int);
  void changeStatus();
  void sceneChanged();
  void handleReleased();

  void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);

// class SchematicLink

        \brief The class provides method to draw links between two SchematicPort

        A link can has a cubic shape or a line shape and is drawing calling the
   updatePath() method. The class also provides
        methods to retrieve the start SchematicPort and the end SchematicPort of
   the link and a method to remove the
        link from these two SchematicPort.

        \see SchematicPort, SchematicNode.
class SchematicLink : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem {
  SchematicPort *m_startPort, *m_endPort;
  QPainterPath m_path, m_hitPath;
  bool m_lineShaped;
  bool m_highlighted;

  SchematicLink(QGraphicsItem *parent, QGraphicsScene *scene);

  //! Reimplements the pure virtual QGraphicsItem::boundingRect() method.
  QRectF boundingRect() const;
  //! Reimplements the virtual QGraphicsItem::shape() method.
  QPainterPath shape() const;
  //! Reimplements the pure virtual QGraphicsItem::paint() method.
  void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
             QWidget *widget = 0);

  /*! Update the link path.\n
    The link is has a cubic shape starting from \b startPos and ending to \b
    If a link path  already exists, the path is updating otherwise a path is
  void updatePath(const QPointF &startPos, const QPointF &endPos);
  //! Update the link path.\n
  //! Call the updatePath(const QPointF &startPos, const QPointF &endPos)
  //! method. The \b start pos and the \b endPos
  //! are taken from the the given \b startPort and \b endPort.
  void updatePath(SchematicPort *startPort, SchematicPort *endPort);
  void updatePath() { updatePath(m_startPort, m_endPort); }

  //! Sets the start SchematicPort of the link to \b startPort.
  void setStartPort(SchematicPort *startPort) { m_startPort = startPort; }
  //! Sets the start SchematicPort of the link to \b startPort.
  void setEndPort(SchematicPort *endPort) { m_endPort = endPort; }
  //! Returns the start SchematicPort of the link.
  SchematicPort *getStartPort() const { return m_startPort; }
  //! Returns the end SchematicPort of the link.
  SchematicPort *getEndPort() const { return m_endPort; }

  /*! Returns the other SchematicPort linked to the specified \b port.\n
    Returns 0 if \b port isn't neither the start SchematicPort eihter the end
    SchematicPort of this link.*/
  SchematicPort *getOtherPort(const SchematicPort *port) const;
  /*! Returns the other SchematicNode linked to the specified \b node.\n
    Returns 0 if \b node isn't neither the parent node of the start
    eihter the parent node of the end SchematicPort of the link.*/
  SchematicNode *getOtherNode(const SchematicNode *node) const;

  //! Returns true if the link is line shaped.
  bool isLineShaped() { return m_lineShaped; }
  void setLineShaped(bool value) { m_lineShaped = value; }

  bool isHighlighted() { return m_highlighted; }
  void setHighlighted(bool value) { m_highlighted = value; }

  void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);

// class SchematicPort

        \brief The class provides method to draw and andle a SchematicPort.

        A SchematicPort is a child af a SchematicNode and is used to link a
  parent node to other nodes. It can be an input port,
        or better , a port used to accept link coming from other node. A port
  that isn't an input port cannot accept
        links but can begin to draw links.\n
  A SchematicPort has got a hook thet is a position where links starts or
        A SchematicPort can be linked to an arbitriary number of links.
        A SchematicPort handles a container of all links to retrieve all linked
  node; each link is indexed using a
        progressive number assigned when the link is inserted to the container.
        \see SchematicNode, SchematicLink.
class SchematicPort : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem {
#ifndef MACOSX

  Qt::MouseButton m_buttonState;
  SchematicNode *m_node;
  QPointF m_hook;
  bool m_highlighted;
  SchematicLink *m_ghostLink;
  SchematicPort *m_linkingTo;
  QList<SchematicLink *> m_links;
  int m_type;

  SchematicPort(QGraphicsItem *parent, SchematicNode *node, int type);

  SchematicNode *getNode() const { return m_node; }

  virtual QRectF boundingRect() const { return QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1); };
  virtual void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                     QWidget *widget = 0){};

  //! Add the \b link to the links container.
  void addLink(SchematicLink *link) { m_links.push_back(link); }
  //! Returns the number of the link contained in the links container or, it is
  //! the same, the number of nodes
  //! linked to this SchematicPort
  int getLinkCount() const { return m_links.size(); }
  //! Removes the link form the links container.\n
  //! It doesn't remove the link from the scene and it doesn't delete the link!
  void removeLink(SchematicLink *link);

  //! Removes \b link from the scene and the m_links list; delete it .
  void eraseLink(SchematicLink *link);
  //! Removes all links from the scene and the m_links list; delete them .
  void eraseAllLinks();

  //! Returns the link indexed with \b index.\n
  //!\note A link is indexed with a progressive number when is inserted in the
  SchematicLink *getLink(int index) const {
    return (index < m_links.size() && index >= 0) ? m_links[index] : 0;
  //! Returns the node linked with the link \b index.
  SchematicNode *getLinkedNode(int index) const {
    return m_links[index] ? m_links[index]->getOtherNode(m_node) : 0;

  //! Make a link from this port to the given port.
  virtual SchematicLink *makeLink(SchematicPort *port);
  //! Check and make a connection between the data Objects.
  //! Returns true if it is possible to have a connection between the data
  //! Object represented by this SchematicPort
  //! and that represented by \b port. If check only is false no connections is
  //! created!
  //! \see TFxPort, TStageObject.
  virtual bool linkTo(SchematicPort *port, bool checkOnly = false) = 0;

  // !Return the hook poeistion of the port.
  QPointF getHook() const { return m_hook; }

  //! Returns true if this SchematicPort is linked to \b port. Otherwise returns
  //! false.
  bool isLinkedTo(SchematicPort *port) const;

  void highLight(bool value) { m_highlighted = value; }
  bool isHighlighted() const { return m_highlighted; }

  //! Updates all links of the ports.
  void updateLinksGeometry();

  //! Returns the scene position of the link end
  QPointF getLinkEndPoint() const;

  //! Returns the type of the port. \see eFxSchematicPortType,
  //! eStageSchematicPortType
  int getType() const { return m_type; }
  //! Set the type of the port.
  void setType(int type) { m_type = type; }

  void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);

  virtual SchematicPort *searchPort(const QPointF &scenePos) = 0;
  virtual void hideSnappedLinks()                            = 0;
  virtual void showSnappedLinks()                            = 0;

  void isClicked();
  void isReleased(const QPointF &);
  void sceneChanged();
  void xsheetChanged();

// class SchematicNode

class SchematicNode : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem {
#ifndef MACOSX

  SchematicScene *m_scene;
  qreal m_width, m_height;
  Qt::MouseButton m_buttonState;
  QMap<int, SchematicPort *> m_ports;

  SchematicNode(SchematicScene *scene);

  QRectF boundingRect() const;
  void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
             QWidget *widget = 0);

  SchematicPort *addPort(int portId, SchematicPort *port);
  void erasePort(int portId);

  SchematicPort *getPort(int portId) const;
  QList<SchematicNode *> getLinkedNodes(int portId) const;

  virtual void setSchematicNodePos(const QPointF &pos) const = 0;
  virtual void setPosition(const QPointF &newPos)            = 0;

  void updateLinksGeometry();
  virtual void onClicked(){};

  virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  virtual void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);
  virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me);

  void sceneChanged();
  void xsheetChanged();