#include "iwa_tangentflowfx.h"
#include <QThreadPool>
namespace {
inline double dotProduct(const double2 v1, const double2 v2) {
return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y;
inline double clamp01(double val) {
return (val > 1.0) ? 1.0 : (val < 0.0) ? 0.0 : val;
const int MAX_OFFSET = 10000;
}; // namespace
// obtain source tile brightness, normalizing 0 to 1
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_TangentFlowFx::setSourceTileToBuffer(const RASTER srcRas,
double* buf) {
double* buf_p = buf;
for (int j = 0; j < srcRas->getLy(); j++) {
PIXEL* pix = srcRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < srcRas->getLx(); i++, pix++, buf_p++) {
// Value = 0.3R 0.59G 0.11B
(*buf_p) = (double(pix->r) * 0.3 + double(pix->g) * 0.59 +
double(pix->b) * 0.11) /
void Iwa_TangentFlowFx::alignFlowDirection(double2* flow_buf,
const TDimension dim,
const double2& pivotVec) {
double2* fbuf_p = flow_buf;
for (int i = 0; i < dim.lx * dim.ly; i++, fbuf_p++) {
// 基準ベクトルに揃える
if ((*fbuf_p).x * pivotVec.x + (*fbuf_p).y * pivotVec.y < 0.0) {
(*fbuf_p).x = -(*fbuf_p).x;
(*fbuf_p).y = -(*fbuf_p).y;
// render vector field in red & green channels
template <typename RASTER, typename PIXEL>
void Iwa_TangentFlowFx::setOutputRaster(double2* flow_buf, double* grad_buf,
const RASTER dstRas) {
double2* fbuf_p = flow_buf;
double* gbuf_p = grad_buf;
for (int j = 0; j < dstRas->getLy(); j++) {
PIXEL* pix = dstRas->pixels(j);
for (int i = 0; i < dstRas->getLx(); i++, pix++, fbuf_p++, gbuf_p++) {
double val;
val = clamp01((*fbuf_p).x * 0.5 + 0.5) * (double)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
pix->r = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(val);
val = clamp01((*fbuf_p).y * 0.5 + 0.5) * (double)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
pix->g = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(val);
val = clamp01(*gbuf_p) * (double)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
pix->b = (typename PIXEL::Channel)(val);
pix->m = (typename PIXEL::Channel)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
// compute the initial vector field.
// apply sobel filter, rotate by 90 degrees and normalize.
// also obtaining gradient magnitude (length of the vector length)
// empty regions will be filled by using Fast Sweeping Method
void SobelFilterWorker::run() {
// the 5x5 Sobel filter is already rotated by 90 degrees.
// ( i.e. converted as X = -y, Y = x )
const double kernel_x[5][5] = {{0.25, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.25},
{0.2, 0.5, 1., 0.5, 0.2},
{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},
{-0.2, -0.5, -1., -0.5, -0.2},
{-0.25, -0.4, -0.5, -0.4, -0.25}};
const double kernel_y[5][5] = {{-0.25, -0.2, 0., 0.2, 0.25},
{-0.4, -0.5, 0., 0.5, 0.4},
{-0.5, -1., 0., 1., 0.5},
{-0.4, -0.5, 0., 0.5, 0.4},
{-0.25, -0.2, 0., 0.2, 0.25}};
const double kernel_x[5][5] = {
{ 0.0297619, 0.047619, 0.0595238, 0.047619, 0.0297619 },
{ 0.0238, 0.0595238, 0.119, 0.0595238, 0.0238 },
{ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. },
{ -0.0238, -0.0595238, -0.119, -0.0595238, -0.0238 },
{ -0.0297619, -0.047619, -0.0595238, -0.047619, -0.0297619 }
const double kernel_y[5][5] = {
{ -0.0297619, -0.0238, 0., 0.0238, 0.0297619 },
{ -0.047619, -0.0595238, 0., 0.0595238, 0.047619 },
{ -0.0595238, -0.119, 0., 0.119, 0.0595238 },
{ -0.047619, -0.0595238, 0., 0.0595238, 0.047619 },
{ -0.0297619, -0.0238, 0., 0.0238, 0.0297619 }
auto source = [&](int xPos, int yPos) {
return m_source_buf[yPos * m_dim.lx + xPos];
double2* flow_p = &m_flow_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx];
double* grad_mag_p = &m_grad_mag_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx];
int2* offset_p = &m_offset_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx];
for (int y = m_yFrom; y < m_yTo; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < m_dim.lx; x++, flow_p++, grad_mag_p++, offset_p++) {
double x_accum = 0.;
double y_accum = 0.;
for (int ky = 0; ky < 5; ky++) {
int yPos = y + ky - 2; // y coordinate of sample pos
if (yPos < 0) continue;
if (yPos >= m_dim.ly) break;
for (int kx = 0; kx < 5; kx++) {
int xPos = x + kx - 2; // x coordinate of sample pos
if (xPos < 0) continue;
if (xPos >= m_dim.lx) break;
if (kx == 2 && ky == 2) continue;
double sourceVal = source(xPos, yPos);
x_accum += kernel_x[ky][kx] * sourceVal;
y_accum += kernel_y[ky][kx] * sourceVal;
// storing Gradient Magnitude
*grad_mag_p = std::sqrt(x_accum * x_accum + y_accum * y_accum);
(*flow_p).x = (*grad_mag_p == 0.) ? 0.0 : (x_accum / (*grad_mag_p));
(*flow_p).y = (*grad_mag_p == 0.) ? 0.0 : (y_accum / (*grad_mag_p));
// offset will be used later in Fast Sweeping Method
if (*grad_mag_p < m_mag_threshold) {
(*offset_p).x = MAX_OFFSET;
(*offset_p).y = MAX_OFFSET;
m_hasEmptyVector = true;
} else {
(*offset_p).x = 0;
(*offset_p).y = 0;
void Iwa_TangentFlowFx::computeInitialFlow(double* source_buf,
double2* flow_buf,
double* grad_mag_buf,
const TDimension dim,
double mag_threshold) {
// empty regions will be filled by using Fast Sweeping Method
// allocate offset buffer
int2* offset_buf;
TRasterGR8P offset_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(int2), 1);
offset_buf = (int2*)offset_buf_ras->getRawData();
int activeThreadCount = QThreadPool::globalInstance()->activeThreadCount();
// use half of the available threads
int threadAmount = std::max(1, activeThreadCount / 2);
QList<SobelFilterWorker*> threadList;
int tmpStart = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < threadAmount; t++) {
int tmpEnd =
(int)std::round((float)(dim.ly * (t + 1)) / (float)threadAmount);
SobelFilterWorker* worker =
new SobelFilterWorker(source_buf, flow_buf, grad_mag_buf, offset_buf,
mag_threshold, dim, tmpStart, tmpEnd);
tmpStart = tmpEnd;
bool hasEmptyVector = false;
for (auto worker : threadList) {
hasEmptyVector = hasEmptyVector | worker->hasEmptyVector();
delete worker;
// return if there is no empty region
if (!hasEmptyVector) {
auto getFlow = [&](int2 xy) { return &flow_buf[xy.y * dim.lx + xy.x]; };
auto getOffset = [&](int2 xy) { return &offset_buf[xy.y * dim.lx + xy.x]; };
auto getGradMag = [&](int2 xy) {
return &grad_mag_buf[xy.y * dim.lx + xy.x];
// update vector field by using Fast Sweeping Method
double2* neighbor_flow[2];
int2* neighbor_offset[2];
double* neighbor_gradMag[2];
double2* flow_p;
int2* offset_p;
double* gradMag_p;
int2 offset_incr[2];
// positive/negative in y axis
for (int ny = -1; ny <= 1; ny += 2) {
offset_incr[0] = {0, ny};
int y_start = (ny == 1) ? 1 : dim.ly - 2;
int y_end = (ny == 1) ? dim.ly : 0;
// positive/negative in x axis
for (int nx = -1; nx <= 1; nx += 2) {
offset_incr[1] = {nx, 0};
int x_start = (nx == 1) ? 1 : dim.lx - 2;
int x_end = (nx == 1) ? dim.lx : 0;
for (int y = y_start; y != y_end; y += ny) {
int2 startPos(x_start, y);
for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
neighbor_flow[n] = getFlow(startPos - offset_incr[n]);
neighbor_offset[n] = getOffset(startPos - offset_incr[n]);
neighbor_gradMag[n] = getGradMag(startPos - offset_incr[n]);
flow_p = getFlow(startPos);
offset_p = getOffset(startPos);
gradMag_p = getGradMag(startPos);
for (int x = x_start; x != x_end; x += nx, neighbor_flow[0] += nx,
neighbor_flow[1] += nx, flow_p += nx, neighbor_offset[0] += nx,
neighbor_offset[1] += nx, offset_p += nx,
neighbor_gradMag[0] += nx, neighbor_gradMag[1] += nx,
gradMag_p += nx) {
// continue if this pixel is already filled
if ((*offset_p).x == 0 && (*offset_p).y == 0) continue;
// for each neighbor pixel
for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
// continue if the neighbor is still empty
if ((*neighbor_offset[n]).x == MAX_OFFSET ||
(*neighbor_offset[n]).y == MAX_OFFSET)
int2 tmpOffset = (*neighbor_offset[n]) + offset_incr[n];
if (tmpOffset.len2() < (*offset_p).len2()) {
(*offset_p) = tmpOffset;
(*flow_p) = (*neighbor_flow[n]);
(*gradMag_p) = (*neighbor_gradMag[n]);
: m_iteration(4)
, m_kernelRadius(2.5)
, m_threshold(0.15)
, m_alignDirection(false)
, m_pivotAngle(45.0) {
addInputPort("Source", m_source);
bindParam(this, "iteration", m_iteration);
bindParam(this, "kernelRadius", m_kernelRadius);
bindParam(this, "threshold", m_threshold);
bindParam(this, "alignDirection", m_alignDirection);
bindParam(this, "pivotAngle", m_pivotAngle);
m_iteration->setValueRange(0, 10);
m_kernelRadius->setValueRange(0.5, 10);
m_threshold->setValueRange(0.0, 1.0);
m_pivotAngle->setValueRange(-180.0, 180.0);
void TangentFlowWorker::run() {
// flow to be computed
double2* flow_new_p = &m_flow_new_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx];
// current flow
double2* flow_cur_p = &m_flow_cur_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx];
// Gradient Magnitude of the current pos
double* grad_mag_p = &m_grad_mag_buf[m_yFrom * m_dim.lx];
int kr2 = m_kernelRadius * m_kernelRadius;
// loop for Y
for (int y = m_yFrom; y < m_yTo; y++) {
// loop for X
for (int x = 0; x < m_dim.lx;
x++, flow_new_p++, grad_mag_p++, flow_cur_p++) {
// accumulation vector
double2 flow_new_accum;
// loop for kernel y
for (int ky = -m_kernelRadius; ky <= m_kernelRadius; ky++) {
int yPos = y + ky;
// boundary condition
if (yPos < 0) continue;
if (yPos >= m_dim.ly) break;
// loop for kernel x
for (int kx = -m_kernelRadius; kx <= m_kernelRadius; kx++) {
int xPos = x + kx;
// boundary condition
if (xPos < 0) continue;
if (xPos >= m_dim.lx) break;
// Eq.(2) continue if the sample pos is outside of the kernel
if (kx * kx + ky * ky > kr2) continue;
double2 flow_k = m_flow_cur_buf[yPos * m_dim.lx + xPos];
if (flow_k.x == 0.0 && flow_k.y == 0.0) continue;
// Eq.(3) calculate the magnitude weight function (wm)
double grad_mag_k = m_grad_mag_buf[yPos * m_dim.lx + xPos];
double w_m = (1.0 + std::tanh(grad_mag_k - (*grad_mag_p))) / 2.0;
if (w_m == 0.0) continue;
// Eq.(4) calculate the direction weight function (wd)
double flowDot = dotProduct((*flow_cur_p), flow_k);
double w_d = std::abs(flowDot);
// Eq.(5) calculate phi
double phi = (flowDot > 0.) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
// accumulate vector
flow_new_accum.x += phi * w_m * w_d * flow_k.x;
flow_new_accum.y += phi * w_m * w_d * flow_k.y;
// normalize vector
double len = std::sqrt(flow_new_accum.x * flow_new_accum.x +
flow_new_accum.y * flow_new_accum.y);
if (len != 0.0) {
flow_new_accum.x /= len;
flow_new_accum.y /= len;
// update vector
(*flow_new_p).x = flow_new_accum.x;
(*flow_new_p).y = flow_new_accum.y;
void Iwa_TangentFlowFx::doCompute(TTile& tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings& settings) {
if (!m_source.isConnected()) {
TDimension dim = tile.getRaster()->getSize();
// std::cout << "Iwa_TangentFlowFx dim = (" << dim.lx << ", " << dim.ly <<
// ")";
double fac = sqrt(fabs(settings.m_affine.det()));
int kernelRadius = std::round(fac * m_kernelRadius->getValue(frame));
if (kernelRadius == 0) kernelRadius = 1;
int iterationCount = m_iteration->getValue();
double mag_threshold = m_threshold->getValue(frame) / fac;
TTile sourceTile;
m_source->allocateAndCompute(sourceTile, tile.m_pos, dim, tile.getRaster(),
frame, settings);
// allocate source image buffer
double* source_buf;
TRasterGR8P source_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double), 1);
source_buf = (double*)source_buf_ras->getRawData();
// obtain source tile brightness, normalizing 0 to 1
TRaster32P ras32 = tile.getRaster();
TRaster64P ras64 = tile.getRaster();
if (ras32)
setSourceTileToBuffer<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(sourceTile.getRaster(),
else if (ras64)
setSourceTileToBuffer<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(sourceTile.getRaster(),
// allocate flow buffers (for both current and new)
double2 *flow_cur_buf, *flow_new_buf;
TRasterGR8P flow_cur_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double2), 1);
TRasterGR8P flow_new_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double2), 1);
flow_cur_buf = (double2*)flow_cur_buf_ras->getRawData();
flow_new_buf = (double2*)flow_new_buf_ras->getRawData();
// allocate Gradient Magnitude image buffer
double* grad_mag_buf;
TRasterGR8P grad_mag_buf_ras(dim.lx * dim.ly * sizeof(double), 1);
grad_mag_buf = (double*)grad_mag_buf_ras->getRawData();
// compute the initial vector field.
// apply sobel filter, rotate by 90 degrees and normalize.
// also obtaining gradient magnitude (length of the vector length)
// empty regions will be filled by using Fast Sweeping Method
computeInitialFlow(source_buf, flow_cur_buf, grad_mag_buf, dim,
int activeThreadCount = QThreadPool::globalInstance()->activeThreadCount();
// use half of the available threads
int threadAmount = std::max(1, activeThreadCount / 2);
// start iteration
for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) {
QList<QThread*> threadList;
int tmpStart = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < threadAmount; t++) {
int tmpEnd =
(int)std::round((float)(dim.ly * (t + 1)) / (float)threadAmount);
TangentFlowWorker* worker =
new TangentFlowWorker(flow_cur_buf, flow_new_buf, grad_mag_buf, dim,
kernelRadius, tmpStart, tmpEnd);
tmpStart = tmpEnd;
for (auto worker : threadList) {
delete worker;
// swap buffer pointers
double2* tmp = flow_cur_buf;
flow_cur_buf = flow_new_buf;
flow_new_buf = tmp;
// 基準の角度に向きを合わせる
if (m_alignDirection->getValue()) {
double pivotAngle =
m_pivotAngle->getValue(frame) * M_PI_180; // convert to radian
double2 pivotVec = {std::cos(pivotAngle), std::sin(pivotAngle)};
alignFlowDirection(flow_cur_buf, dim, pivotVec);
// render vector field in red & green channels
if (ras32)
setOutputRaster<TRaster32P, TPixel32>(flow_cur_buf, grad_mag_buf, ras32);
else if (ras64)
setOutputRaster<TRaster64P, TPixel64>(flow_cur_buf, grad_mag_buf, ras64);
bool Iwa_TangentFlowFx::doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD& bBox,
const TRenderSettings& info) {
if (m_source.isConnected()) {
bBox = TConsts::infiniteRectD;
return true;
// return m_source->doGetBBox(frame, bBox, info);
return false;
bool Iwa_TangentFlowFx::canHandle(const TRenderSettings& info, double frame) {
return false;
FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(Iwa_TangentFlowFx, "iwa_TangentFlowFx")