Blob Blame Raw

#include "toonz/tdistort.h"
#include "traster.h"
#include "trastercm.h"
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include <QList>

//    Local namespace stuff

inline double dist(const TPointD &a, const TPointD &b)
	return norm(b - a);


typedef struct
	TUINT32 val;
	double tot;
} BLOB24;


TPixelCM32 filterPixel(const TPointD &pos, const TRasterCM32P &rasIn)
	TPointD distance = TPointD(areAlmostEqual(pos.x, tfloor(pos.x), 0.001) ? 0.0 : fabs(pos.x - tfloor(pos.x)),
							   areAlmostEqual(pos.y, tfloor(pos.y), 0.001) ? 0.0 : fabs(pos.y - tfloor(pos.y)));
	TPoint nearPos(tfloor(pos.x), tfloor(pos.y));
	if (distance == TPointD(0.0, 0.0)) {
		if (nearPos.x >= 0 && nearPos.x < rasIn->getLx() && nearPos.y >= 0 && nearPos.y < rasIn->getLy())
			return rasIn->pixels(nearPos.y)[nearPos.x];
			return TPixelCM32();

	int i, j, k = 0;
	TPixelCM32 P[4];

	for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
		for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
			P[i + 2 * j] = nearPos.x + i < rasIn->getLx() && nearPos.x + i >= 0 && nearPos.y + j < rasIn->getLy() && nearPos.y + j >= 0 ? rasIn->pixels(nearPos.y + j)[nearPos.x + i] : TPixelCM32();

	if (P[0] == P[1] && P[1] == P[2] && P[2] == P[3])
		return P[0];

	double w[4], sum = 0;
	for (j = 1; j >= 0; --j)
		for (i = 1; i >= 0; --i)
			sum += w[k++] = fabs(distance.x - i) * fabs(distance.y - j);

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		w[i] /= sum;

	TPixelCM32 outPix;
	TUINT32 tone;
	double tone_tot = 0.0;
	BLOB24 currBlob, paintBlobs[4], inkBlobs[4];
	int paintBlobsSize = 0, inkBlobsSize = 0;

	//Doing the same thing in TRop::resample

	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		//Build paint blobs and sort them
		tone = P[i].getTone();
		tone_tot += tone * w[i];
		currBlob.val = P[i].getPaint();
		currBlob.tot = tone * w[i];
		for (j = 0; j < paintBlobsSize; j++)
			if (paintBlobs[j].val == currBlob.val)
		if (j < paintBlobsSize)
			paintBlobs[j].tot += currBlob.tot;
			paintBlobs[paintBlobsSize++] = currBlob;
		for (; j > 0 && paintBlobs[j].tot > paintBlobs[j - 1].tot; j--)
			tswap(paintBlobs[j], paintBlobs[j - 1]);

		//Same for ink blobs
		currBlob.val = P[i].getInk();
		currBlob.tot = (TPixelCM32::getToneMask() - tone) * w[i];
		for (j = 0; j < inkBlobsSize; j++)
			if (inkBlobs[j].val == currBlob.val)
		if (j < inkBlobsSize)
			inkBlobs[j].tot += currBlob.tot;
			inkBlobs[inkBlobsSize++] = currBlob;
		for (; j > 0 && inkBlobs[j].tot > inkBlobs[j - 1].tot; j--)
			tswap(inkBlobs[j], inkBlobs[j - 1]);

	tone = troundp(tone_tot);


	return outPix;


void resample(const TRasterCM32P &rasIn, TRasterCM32P &rasOut, const TDistorter &distorter, const TPoint &p)
	if (rasOut->getLx() < 1 || rasOut->getLy() < 1 || rasIn->getLx() < 1 || rasIn->getLy() < 1)

	TPointD *preImages = new TPointD[distorter.maxInvCount()];

	int x, y;
	int i;
	for (y = 0; y < rasOut->getLy(); y++) {
		TPixelCM32 *pix = rasOut->pixels(y);
		TPixelCM32 *endPix = pix + rasOut->getLx();

		for (x = 0; pix != endPix; pix++, x++) {
			TPixelCM32 pixDown;

			int count = distorter.invMap(convert(p) + TPointD(x + 0.5, y + 0.5), preImages);
			for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
				TPixelCM32 pixUp;
				TPointD preImage(preImages[i].x - 0.5, preImages[i].y - 0.5);

				if (preImage.x > -1 && preImage.y > -1 && preImage.x < rasIn->getLx() + 1 && preImage.y < rasIn->getLy() + 1)
					pixUp = filterPixel(preImage, rasIn);

				pixDown.setPaint(pixUp.getPaint() ? pixUp.getPaint() : pixDown.getPaint());
				pixDown.setInk(pixUp.getInk() ? pixUp.getInk() : pixDown.getInk());
				pixDown.setTone(pixUp == TPixelCM32() ? pixDown.getTone() : pixUp.getTone());
			*pix = pixDown;

	delete[] preImages;


template <typename PIXEL, typename CHANNEL_TYPE>
PIXEL closest_pixel(const TPointD &pos, const TRasterPT<PIXEL> &rasIn)
	TPoint nearPos(tround(pos.x), tround(pos.y));
	if (!rasIn->getBounds().contains(nearPos))
		return PIXEL(0, 0, 0, 0);
	return rasIn->pixels(nearPos.y)[nearPos.x];


template <typename T, typename CHANNEL_TYPE>
void resampleClosestPixel(const TRasterPT<T> &rasIn, TRasterPT<T> &rasOut,
						  const TDistorter &distorter, const TPoint &p)
	if (rasOut->getLx() < 1 || rasOut->getLy() < 1 || rasIn->getLx() < 1 || rasIn->getLy() < 1)

	TPointD *preImages = new TPointD[distorter.maxInvCount()];

	int x, y;
	int i;
	for (y = 0; y < rasOut->getLy(); y++) {
		T *pix = rasOut->pixels(y);
		T *endPix = pix + rasOut->getLx();

		x = 0;
		for (; pix != endPix; pix++, x++) {
			T pixDown(0, 0, 0, 0);

			int count = distorter.invMap(convert(p) + TPointD(x + 0.5, y + 0.5), preImages);
			for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
				T pixUp(0, 0, 0, 0);
				TPointD preImage(preImages[i].x - 0.5, preImages[i].y - 0.5);

				if (preImage.x > -1 && preImage.y > -1 && preImage.x < rasIn->getLx() + 1 && preImage.y < rasIn->getLy() + 1)
					pixUp = closest_pixel<T, CHANNEL_TYPE>(preImage, rasIn);

				pixDown = pixUp;
			*pix = pixDown;

	delete[] preImages;


TPixelCM32 closest_pixel(const TPointD &pos, const TRasterCM32P &rasIn)
	TPoint nearPos(tround(pos.x), tround(pos.y));
	if (!rasIn->getBounds().contains(nearPos))
		return TPixelCM32(0, 0, 255);
	return rasIn->pixels(nearPos.y)[nearPos.x];


void resampleClosestPixel(const TRasterCM32P &rasIn, TRasterCM32P &rasOut,
						  const TDistorter &distorter, const TPoint &p)
	if (rasOut->getLx() < 1 || rasOut->getLy() < 1 || rasIn->getLx() < 1 || rasIn->getLy() < 1)

	TPointD *preImages = new TPointD[distorter.maxInvCount()];

	int x, y;
	int i;
	for (y = 0; y < rasOut->getLy(); y++) {
		TPixelCM32 *pix = rasOut->pixels(y);
		TPixelCM32 *endPix = pix + rasOut->getLx();

		x = 0;
		for (; pix != endPix; pix++, x++) {
			TPixelCM32 pixDown(0, 0, 255);

			int count = distorter.invMap(convert(p) + TPointD(x + 0.5, y + 0.5), preImages);
			for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
				TPixelCM32 pixUp(0, 0, 255);
				TPointD preImage(preImages[i].x - 0.5, preImages[i].y - 0.5);

				if (preImage.x > -1 && preImage.y > -1 && preImage.x < rasIn->getLx() + 1 && preImage.y < rasIn->getLy() + 1)
					pixUp = closest_pixel(preImage, rasIn);

				pixDown = pixUp;
			*pix = pixDown;

	delete[] preImages;


template <typename PIXEL, typename CHANNEL_TYPE>
PIXEL filterPixel(double a, double b, PIXEL *lineSrc, int lineLength, int lineWrap)
	//Retrieve the interesting pixel interval
	double x0 = tmax(a, 0.0);
	double x1 = tmin(b, (double)lineLength);

	int x0Floor = tfloor(x0);
	int x0Ceil = tceil(x0);
	int x1Floor = tfloor(x1);

	if (x0 >= x1)
		return PIXEL::Transparent;

	PIXEL *pix = lineSrc + x0Floor * lineWrap;

	//Build the sums
	double k, sumr = 0, sumg = 0, sumb = 0, summ = 0;

	//Fractionary part on the beginning
	if (x0Ceil > x0) {
		k = x0Ceil - x0;
		sumr += k * pix->r;
		sumg += k * pix->g;
		sumb += k * pix->b;
		summ += k * pix->m;
		pix += lineWrap;

	//Intermediate pixels (ie when pixels contract)
	int x;
	for (x = x0Ceil; x < x1Floor; ++x, pix += lineWrap) {
		sumr += pix->r;
		sumg += pix->g;
		sumb += pix->b;
		summ += pix->m;

	//Fractionary part on the end
	if (x1 < lineLength) {
		k = x1 - x;
		sumr += k * pix->r;
		sumg += k * pix->g;
		sumb += k * pix->b;
		summ += k * pix->m;

	//Finally, divide per the total weight
	double length = b - a; // 'transparent' pixels outside image range *are* considered
	sumr = sumr / length;
	sumg = sumg / length;
	sumb = sumb / length;
	summ = summ / length;

	return PIXEL(sumr, sumg, sumb, summ);


template <typename PIXEL, typename CHANNEL_TYPE>
PIXEL filterPixel(double a, double b, double c, double d, const TRasterPT<PIXEL> &rasIn, PIXEL *temp)
	if (bool(a < b) == false && bool(b <= a) == false)
		return PIXEL::Transparent; //NaNs
		std::swap(a, b);

	if (bool(c < d) == false && bool(d <= c) == false)
		return PIXEL::Transparent;
		std::swap(c, d);

	//Deal the magnification case, assuming that intervals have at least length 1. This actually stands for:
	//  1. Their midpoint is bilinear filtered whenever their former length wass less than 1 (see fractionary
	//     parts computing above).
	//  2. This behaviour is continuous with respect to interval lengths - that is, we pass from supersampling to
	//     subsampling in a smooth manner.
	if (b - a < 1) {
		double v = 0.5 * (a + b);
		a = v - 0.5;
		b = v + 0.5;

	if (d - c < 1) {
		double v = 0.5 * (c + d);
		c = v - 0.5;
		d = v + 0.5;

	//Now, filter each column in [a, b]
	double x0 = tmax(a, 0.0);
	double x1 = tmin(b, (double)rasIn->getLx());

	if (x0 >= x1)
		return PIXEL::Transparent;

	int xEnd = tceil(x1);
	for (int x = tfloor(x0); x < xEnd; ++x)
		temp[x] = filterPixel<PIXEL, CHANNEL_TYPE>(c, d, rasIn->pixels(0) + x, rasIn->getLy(), rasIn->getWrap());

	//Then, filter temp
	return filterPixel<PIXEL, CHANNEL_TYPE>(a, b, temp, rasIn->getLx(), 1);


template <typename T, typename CHANNEL_TYPE>
void resample(const TRasterPT<T> &rasIn, TRasterPT<T> &rasOut, const TDistorter &distorter, const TPoint &p)
	if (rasOut->getLx() < 1 || rasOut->getLy() < 1 || rasIn->getLx() < 1 || rasIn->getLy() < 1)

	int invsCount = distorter.maxInvCount();

	//Allocate buffers
	TPointD *invs[2];
	invs[0] = new TPointD[invsCount * (rasOut->getLx() + 1)];
	invs[1] = new TPointD[invsCount * (rasOut->getLx() + 1)];
	int *counts[2];
	counts[0] = new int[rasOut->getLx() + 1];
	counts[1] = new int[rasOut->getLx() + 1];
	T *temp = new T[rasIn->getLx()];
	TPointD *newInvs, *oldInvs, *currOldInv, *currNewInv;
	int x, y, i, *newCounts, *oldCounts;
	TPointD shift(convert(p) + TPointD(0.5, 0.5));

	//Fill in the first inverses (lower edge of output image)
	currOldInv = invs[0];
	oldCounts = counts[0];
	for (x = 0; x <= rasOut->getLx(); currOldInv += invsCount, ++x)
		oldCounts[x] = distorter.invMap(shift + TPointD(x, 0.0), currOldInv);

	//For each output row
	for (y = 0; y < rasOut->getLy(); ++y) {
		//Alternate inverse buffers
		oldInvs = invs[y % 2];
		newInvs = invs[(y + 1) % 2];
		oldCounts = counts[y % 2];
		newCounts = counts[(y + 1) % 2];

		//Build the new inverses
		currNewInv = newInvs;
		for (x = 0; x <= rasOut->getLx(); currNewInv += invsCount, ++x)
			newCounts[x] = distorter.invMap(shift + TPointD(x, y + 1.0), currNewInv);

		//Filter each pixel in the row
		T *pix = rasOut->pixels(y);
		currOldInv = oldInvs;
		currNewInv = newInvs;
		for (x = 0; x < rasOut->getLx(); currOldInv += invsCount, currNewInv += invsCount, ++x, ++pix) {
			T pixDown(0, 0, 0, 0);

			int count = tmin(oldCounts[x], oldCounts[x + 1], newCounts[x]);
			for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
				T pixUp(0, 0, 0, 0);

				pixUp = filterPixel<T, CHANNEL_TYPE>(
					currOldInv[i].x - 0.5, (currOldInv + invsCount)[i].x - 0.5,
					currOldInv[i].y - 0.5, currNewInv[i].y - 0.5,
					rasIn, temp);

				pixDown = overPix(pixDown, pixUp);

			*pix = pixDown;

	delete[] invs[0];
	delete[] invs[1];
	delete[] counts[0];
	delete[] counts[1];
	delete[] temp;

} // namespace


void distort(TRasterP &outRas, const TRasterP &inRas, const TDistorter &distorter,
			 const TPoint &dstPos, const TRop::ResampleFilterType &filter)
	TRaster32P inRas32 = inRas;
	TRaster64P inRas64 = inRas;
	TRasterCM32P inRasCM32 = inRas;
	TRaster32P outRas32 = outRas;
	TRaster64P outRas64 = outRas;
	TRasterCM32P outRasCM32 = outRas;

	if (filter == TRop::Bilinear) {
		if (inRas32)
			::resample<TPixel32, UCHAR>(inRas32, outRas32, distorter, dstPos);
		else if (inRas64)
			::resample<TPixel64, USHORT>(inRas64, outRas64, distorter, dstPos);
		else if (inRasCM32 && outRasCM32)
			::resample(inRasCM32, outRasCM32, distorter, dstPos);
	} else if (filter == TRop::ClosestPixel) {
		if (inRas32)
			::resampleClosestPixel<TPixel32, UCHAR>(inRas32, outRas32, distorter, dstPos);
		else if (inRas64)
			::resampleClosestPixel<TPixel64, USHORT>(inRas64, outRas64, distorter, dstPos);
		else if (inRasCM32 && outRasCM32)
			::resampleClosestPixel(inRasCM32, outRasCM32, distorter, dstPos);
	} else

// BilinearDistorterBase

BilinearDistorterBase::BilinearDistorterBase(const TPointD &p00s, const TPointD &p10s,
											 const TPointD &p01s, const TPointD &p11s,
											 const TPointD &p00d, const TPointD &p10d,
											 const TPointD &p01d, const TPointD &p11d)
	: TQuadDistorter(p00s, p10s, p01s, p11s, p00d, p10d, p01d, p11d)

	m_A = p00d;
	m_B = p10d - p00d;
	m_C = p01d - p00d;
	m_D = p11d - p01d - p10d + p00d;

	m_a = m_D.x * m_C.y - m_C.x * m_D.y;
	m_b0 = m_B.x * m_C.y - m_C.x * m_B.y;


inline TPointD BilinearDistorterBase::map(const TPointD &p) const
	double t = (p.x - m_p00s.x) / (m_p10s.x - m_p00s.x);
	double s = (p.y - m_p00s.y) / (m_p01s.y - m_p00s.y);

	return (1 - s) * (1 - t) * m_p00d +
		   (1 - s) * t * m_p10d +
		   s * (1 - t) * m_p01d +
		   s * t * m_p11d;


int BilinearDistorterBase::invMap(const TPointD &p, TPointD *results) const
	//See the book "Digital Image Warping" by G. Wolberg
	double b = m_D.x * (m_A.y - p.y) + m_D.y * (p.x - m_A.x) + m_b0;
	double c = m_B.x * (m_A.y - p.y) + m_B.y * (p.x - m_A.x);

	if (fabs(m_a) > 0.001) {
		//If delta <0, the points cannot be inverse-mapped
		double delta = sq(b) - 4.0 * m_a * c;
		if (delta < 0)
			return 0;

		double sqrtDelta = sqrt(delta);
		double k = 0.5 / m_a;
		double v1 = k * (-b + sqrtDelta);
		double v2 = k * (-b - sqrtDelta);

		double u1, u2;
		double den = m_B.x + m_D.x * v1;
		if (fabs(den) > 0.01)
			u1 = (p.x - m_A.x - m_C.x * v1) / den;
			u1 = (p.y - m_A.y - m_C.y * v1) / (m_B.y + m_D.y * v1);

		den = m_B.x + m_D.x * v2;
		if (fabs(den) > 0.01)
			u2 = (p.x - m_A.x - m_C.x * v2) / den;
			u2 = (p.y - m_A.y - m_C.y * v2) / (m_B.y + m_D.y * v2);

		TPointD difP10_P00 = m_p10s - m_p00s;
		TPointD difP01_P00 = m_p01s - m_p00s;

		results[0] = m_p00s + u1 * difP10_P00 + v1 * difP01_P00;
		results[1] = m_p00s + u2 * difP10_P00 + v2 * difP01_P00;
		return 2;
	} else {
		//The equation reduces to first order.
		double v = -c / b;
		double u = (p.x - m_A.x - m_C.x * v) / (m_B.x + m_D.x * v);

		results[0] = m_p00s + u * (m_p10s - m_p00s) + v * (m_p01s - m_p00s);
		return 1;

// BilinearDistorter

BilinearDistorter::BilinearDistorter(const TPointD &p00s, const TPointD &p10s,
									 const TPointD &p01s, const TPointD &p11s,
									 const TPointD &p00d, const TPointD &p10d,
									 const TPointD &p01d, const TPointD &p11d)
	: TQuadDistorter(p00s, p10s, p01s, p11s, p00d, p10d, p01d, p11d)
	m_refToSource.m_p00 = p00s;
	m_refToSource.m_p10 = p10s;
	m_refToSource.m_p01 = p01s;
	m_refToSource.m_p11 = p11s;
	m_refToDest.m_p00 = p00d;
	m_refToDest.m_p10 = p10d;
	m_refToDest.m_p01 = p01d;
	m_refToDest.m_p11 = p11d;

	m_refToSource.m_A = p00s;
	m_refToSource.m_B = p10s - p00s;
	m_refToSource.m_C = p01s - p00s;
	m_refToSource.m_D = p11s - p01s - p10s + p00s;
	m_refToDest.m_A = p00d;
	m_refToDest.m_B = p10d - p00d;
	m_refToDest.m_C = p01d - p00d;
	m_refToDest.m_D = p11d - p01d - p10d + p00d;

	m_refToSource.m_a = m_refToSource.m_D.x * m_refToSource.m_C.y - m_refToSource.m_C.x * m_refToSource.m_D.y;
	m_refToSource.m_b0 = m_refToSource.m_B.x * m_refToSource.m_C.y - m_refToSource.m_C.x * m_refToSource.m_B.y;
	m_refToDest.m_a = m_refToDest.m_D.x * m_refToDest.m_C.y - m_refToDest.m_C.x * m_refToDest.m_D.y;
	m_refToDest.m_b0 = m_refToDest.m_B.x * m_refToDest.m_C.y - m_refToDest.m_C.x * m_refToDest.m_B.y;




TPointD BilinearDistorter::map(const TPointD &p) const
	TPointD sourceToRefPoints[2];
	int returnCount = m_refToSource.invMap(p, sourceToRefPoints);
	if (returnCount > 0)

	return TConsts::napd;


inline int BilinearDistorter::invMap(const TPointD &p, TPointD *results) const
	int returnCount = m_refToDest.invMap(p, results);
	for (int i = 0; i < returnCount; ++i)
		results[i] =[i]);
	return returnCount;


inline TPointD BilinearDistorter::Base::map(const TPointD &p) const
	return (1 - p.y) * (1 - p.x) * m_p00 +
		   (1 - p.y) * p.x * m_p10 +
		   p.y * (1 - p.x) * m_p01 +
		   p.y * p.x * m_p11;


int BilinearDistorter::Base::invMap(const TPointD &p, TPointD *results) const
	//See the book "Digital Image Warping" by G. Wolberg
	double b = m_D.x * (m_A.y - p.y) + m_D.y * (p.x - m_A.x) + m_b0;
	double c = m_B.x * (m_A.y - p.y) + m_B.y * (p.x - m_A.x);

	if (fabs(m_a) > 0.001) {
		//If delta <0, the points cannot be inverse-mapped
		double delta = sq(b) - 4.0 * m_a * c;
		if (delta < 0)
			return 0;

		double sqrtDelta = sqrt(delta);
		double k = 0.5 / m_a;
		double v1 = k * (-b + sqrtDelta);
		double v2 = k * (-b - sqrtDelta);

		double u1, u2;
		double den = m_B.x + m_D.x * v1;
		if (fabs(den) > 0.01)
			u1 = (p.x - m_A.x - m_C.x * v1) / den;
			u1 = (p.y - m_A.y - m_C.y * v1) / (m_B.y + m_D.y * v1);

		den = m_B.x + m_D.x * v2;
		if (fabs(den) > 0.01)
			u2 = (p.x - m_A.x - m_C.x * v2) / den;
			u2 = (p.y - m_A.y - m_C.y * v2) / (m_B.y + m_D.y * v2);

		results[0] = TPointD(u1, v1);
		results[1] = TPointD(u2, v2);
		return 2;
	} else {
		//The equation reduces to first order.
		double v = -c / b;
		double u = (p.x - m_A.x - m_C.x * v) / (m_B.x + m_D.x * v);

		results[0] = TPointD(u, v);
		return 1;

// TPerspect

	: a11(1.0), a12(0.0), a13(0.0), a21(0.0), a22(1.0), a23(0.0), a31(0.0), a32(0.0), a33(1.0)


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::TPerspect(double p11, double p12, double p13,
										   double p21, double p22, double p23,
										   double p31, double p32, double p33)
	: a11(p11), a12(p12), a13(p13), a21(p21), a22(p22), a23(p23), a31(p31), a32(p32), a33(p33)


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::TPerspect(const TPerspect &p)
	: a11(p.a11), a12(p.a12), a13(p.a13), a21(p.a21), a22(p.a22), a23(p.a23), a31(p.a31), a32(p.a32), a33(p.a33)




PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect &PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator=(const PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect &p)
	a11 = p.a11;
	a12 = p.a12;
	a13 = p.a13;
	a21 = p.a21;
	a22 = p.a22;
	a23 = p.a23;
	a31 = p.a31;
	a32 = p.a32;
	a33 = p.a33;
	return *this;


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator*(const PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect &p) const
	return PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect(
		a11 * p.a11 + a12 * p.a21 + a13 * p.a31,
		a11 * p.a12 + a12 * p.a22 + a13 * p.a32,
		a11 * p.a13 + a12 * p.a23 + a13 * p.a33,

		a21 * p.a11 + a22 * p.a21 + a23 * p.a31,
		a21 * p.a12 + a22 * p.a22 + a23 * p.a32,
		a21 * p.a13 + a22 * p.a23 + a23 * p.a33,

		a31 * p.a11 + a32 * p.a21 + a33 * p.a31,
		a31 * p.a12 + a32 * p.a22 + a33 * p.a32,
		a31 * p.a13 + a32 * p.a23 + a33 * p.a33);


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator*(const TAffine &aff) const
	return operator*(TPerspect(
		aff.a11, aff.a12, aff.a13,
		aff.a21, aff.a22, aff.a23,
		0.0, 0.0, 1.0));


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect operator*(const TAffine &aff, const PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect &p)
	return PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect(
			   aff.a11, aff.a12, aff.a13,
			   aff.a21, aff.a22, aff.a23,
			   0.0, 0.0, 1.0) *


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator*=(const PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect &p)
	return *this * p;


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::inv() const
	return TPerspect(
		a22 * a33 - a23 * a32, a13 * a32 - a12 * a33, a12 * a23 - a13 * a22,
		a23 * a31 - a21 * a33, a11 * a33 - a13 * a31, a13 * a21 - a11 * a23,
		a21 * a32 - a22 * a31, a12 * a31 - a11 * a32, a11 * a22 - a12 * a21);


double PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::det() const
	return a11 * a22 * a33 +
		   a12 * a23 * a31 +
		   a13 * a21 * a32 -
		   a13 * a22 * a31 -
		   a11 * a23 * a32 -
		   a12 * a21 * a33;


bool PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator==(const PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect &p) const
	return a11 == p.a11 && a12 == p.a12 && a13 == p.a13 &&
		   a21 == p.a21 && a22 == p.a22 && a23 == p.a23 &&
		   a31 == p.a31 && a32 == p.a32 && a33 == p.a33;


bool PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator!=(const PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect &p) const
	return !(*this == p);


bool PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::isIdentity(double err) const
	return ((a11 - 1.0) * (a11 - 1.0) + (a22 - 1.0) * (a22 - 1.0) + (a33 - 1.0) * (a33 - 1.0) +
			a12 * a12 + a13 * a13 + a21 * a21 + a23 * a23 + a31 * a31 + a32 * a32) < err;


TPointD PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator*(const TPointD &p) const
	double den = (a31 * p.x + a32 * p.y + a33);
	double x = (a11 * p.x + a12 * p.y + a13) / den;
	double y = (a21 * p.x + a22 * p.y + a23) / den;
	return TPointD(x, y);


T3DPointD PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator*(const T3DPointD &p) const
	return T3DPointD(
		a11 * p.x + a12 * p.y + a13 * p.z,
		a21 * p.x + a22 * p.y + a23 * p.z,
		a31 * p.x + a32 * p.y + a33 * p.z);


TRectD PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect::operator*(const TRectD &rect) const
	if (rect != TConsts::infiniteRectD) {
		TPointD p1 = *this * rect.getP00(),
				p2 = *this * rect.getP01(),
				p3 = *this * rect.getP10(),
				p4 = *this * rect.getP11();
		return TRectD(tmin(p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x), tmin(p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y),
					  tmax(p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x), tmax(p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y));
	} else
		return TConsts::infiniteRectD;

// PerspectiveDistorter

PerspectiveDistorter::PerspectiveDistorter(const TPointD &p00s, const TPointD &p10s,
										   const TPointD &p01s, const TPointD &p11s,
										   const TPointD &p00d, const TPointD &p10d,
										   const TPointD &p01d, const TPointD &p11d)
	: TQuadDistorter(p00s, p10s, p01s, p11s, p00d, p10d, p01d, p11d)




void PerspectiveDistorter::computeMatrix()
	//Since source and destination points are intended in hundreds of pixels in their refs,
	//and inverting makes squares with respect to their elements' size, we'd better put the
	//quadrilaterals in more numerically stable references before inversions.

	double srcSize = tmax(dist(m_p00s, m_p10s), dist(m_p00s, m_p01s), dist(m_p10s, m_p11s), dist(m_p01s, m_p11s));
	double dstSize = tmax(dist(m_p00d, m_p10d), dist(m_p00d, m_p01d), dist(m_p10d, m_p11d), dist(m_p01d, m_p11d));

	TAffine toSrcNormalizedRef(TScale(1.0 / srcSize) * TTranslation(-m_p00s));
	TAffine toSrcRef(TTranslation(m_p00s) * TScale(srcSize));

	TAffine toDstNormalizedRef(TScale(1.0 / dstSize) * TTranslation(-m_p00d));
	TAffine toDstRef(TTranslation(m_p00d) * TScale(dstSize));

	TPointD p00s;
	TPointD p10s(toSrcNormalizedRef * m_p10s);
	TPointD p01s(toSrcNormalizedRef * m_p01s);
	TPointD p11s(toSrcNormalizedRef * m_p11s);

	TPointD p00d;
	TPointD p10d(toDstNormalizedRef * m_p10d);
	TPointD p01d(toDstNormalizedRef * m_p01d);
	TPointD p11d(toDstNormalizedRef * m_p11d);

	//compute a matrix from (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1) to m_startPoints.
	TPerspect m1 = computeSquareToMatrix(p00s, p10s, p01s, p11s);

	//compute a matrix from (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1) to m_endPoints.
	TPerspect m2 = computeSquareToMatrix(p00d, p10d, p01d, p11d);

	m_matrix = m2 * m1.inv();
	m_matrixInv = toSrcRef * m_matrix.inv() * toDstNormalizedRef;
	m_matrix = toDstRef * m_matrix * toSrcNormalizedRef;


double PerspectiveDistorter::determinant(double a11, double a12, double a21, double a22)
	return a11 * a22 - a12 * a21;


PerspectiveDistorter::TPerspect PerspectiveDistorter::computeSquareToMatrix(
	const TPointD &p00, const TPointD &p10, const TPointD &p01, const TPointD &p11)
	TPointD d1 = p10 - p11;
	TPointD d2 = p01 - p11;
	TPointD d3 = p00 - p10 + p11 - p01;

	TPerspect matrix;

	matrix.a31 = determinant(d3.x, d2.x, d3.y, d2.y) / determinant(d1.x, d2.x, d1.y, d2.y);
	matrix.a32 = determinant(d1.x, d3.x, d1.y, d3.y) / determinant(d1.x, d2.x, d1.y, d2.y);
	matrix.a11 = p10.x - p00.x + matrix.a31 * p10.x;
	matrix.a12 = p01.x - p00.x + matrix.a32 * p01.x;
	matrix.a13 = p00.x;
	matrix.a21 = p10.y - p00.y + matrix.a31 * p10.y;
	matrix.a22 = p01.y - p00.y + matrix.a32 * p01.y;
	matrix.a23 = p00.y;
	matrix.a33 = 1;

	return matrix;


TPointD PerspectiveDistorter::map(const TPointD &p) const
	return m_matrix * p;


int PerspectiveDistorter::invMap(const TPointD &p, TPointD *results) const
	results[0] = m_matrixInv * p;
	return 1;

//    Rect inversion methods

//    PerspectiveDistorter

//IDEA: Lines are mapped into lines through this distortion and through the inverse; plus,
//the distortion is 1-1. There is one major issue: across the horizon line of the perspective
//projection (ie the pre-image of {z=0}, which could eventually degenerate to the whole plane)
//the jacobian sign is inverted. Observe, further, that the mapping is infinitely differentiable
//apart from neighbourhoods of the horizon line.
//It can be shown that bounding estimates based on corner samples on one side of the horizon line
//may prove false on the other. Therefore, we shall separate such estimates in the two cases,
//and then sum them together.


//! Returns the jacobian (on source ref) associated to the pre-image of passed destination point.
void PerspectiveDistorter::getJacobian(
	const TPointD &destPoint,
	TPointD &srcPoint, TPointD &xDer, TPointD &yDer) const
	srcPoint = m_matrixInv * destPoint;

	T3DPointD im(m_matrix * T3DPointD(srcPoint.x, srcPoint.y, 1.0));

	double imZInv = 1.0 / im.z, minusImZInvSq = -sq(imZInv);
	TPerspect projectionJac(
		imZInv, 0.0, minusImZInvSq * im.x,
		0.0, imZInv, minusImZInvSq * im.y,
		0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	TPerspect result(projectionJac * m_matrix);
	xDer.x = result.a11;
	xDer.y = result.a21;
	yDer.x = result.a12;
	yDer.y = result.a22;


inline void updateResult(
	const TPointD &srcCorner,
	const TPointD &xDer, const TPointD &yDer,
	int rectSideX, int rectSideY,
	bool &hasPositiveResults, bool &hasNegativeResults,
	TRectD &posResult, TRectD &negResult)
	const int securityAddendum = 5; //Adding a 5 border to the result just to be sure about approx errors...

	int jacobianSign = tsign(cross(xDer, yDer));

	int sideDerXAgainstRectSideX = rectSideX * tsign(-xDer.y);
	int sideDerXAgainstRectSideY = rectSideY * tsign(xDer.x);
	int sideDerYAgainstRectSideX = rectSideX * tsign(-yDer.y);
	int sideDerYAgainstRectSideY = rectSideY * tsign(yDer.x);

	if (jacobianSign > 0) {
		hasPositiveResults = true;

		if (sideDerXAgainstRectSideX != -sideDerXAgainstRectSideY)
			//Rect lies on one side of the derivative line extension. Therefore, the
			//inverted rect can be updated.
			if (sideDerXAgainstRectSideX > 0 || sideDerXAgainstRectSideY > 0)
				posResult.y0 = tmin(posResult.y0, srcCorner.y - securityAddendum);
				posResult.y1 = tmax(posResult.y1, srcCorner.y + securityAddendum);

		if (sideDerYAgainstRectSideX != -sideDerYAgainstRectSideY)
			if (sideDerYAgainstRectSideX > 0 || sideDerYAgainstRectSideY > 0)
				posResult.x1 = tmax(posResult.x1, srcCorner.x + securityAddendum);
				posResult.x0 = tmin(posResult.x0, srcCorner.x - securityAddendum);
	} else if (jacobianSign < 0) {
		hasNegativeResults = true;

		if (sideDerXAgainstRectSideX != -sideDerXAgainstRectSideY)
			if (sideDerXAgainstRectSideX > 0 || sideDerXAgainstRectSideY > 0)
				negResult.y1 = tmax(posResult.y1, srcCorner.y + securityAddendum);
				negResult.y0 = tmin(posResult.y0, srcCorner.y - securityAddendum);

		if (sideDerYAgainstRectSideX != -sideDerYAgainstRectSideY)
			if (sideDerYAgainstRectSideX > 0 || sideDerYAgainstRectSideY > 0)
				negResult.x0 = tmin(posResult.x0, srcCorner.x - securityAddendum);
				negResult.x1 = tmax(posResult.x1, srcCorner.x + securityAddendum);


TRectD PerspectiveDistorter::invMap(const TRectD &rect) const
	//For each corner, find the jacobian. Then, decide by which side the rect's
	//pre-image lie with respect to the partial derivatives.
	//Observe that the two horizon-separated semiplanes do not compete -
	//the requirement for each is added to the result.

	TPointD srcCorner, xDer, yDer;

	double maxD = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)();
	TRectD positiveResult(maxD, maxD, -maxD, -maxD);
	TRectD negativeResult(positiveResult);
	bool hasPositiveResults = false, hasNegativeResults = false;

	getJacobian(rect.getP00(), srcCorner, xDer, yDer);
	updateResult(srcCorner, xDer, yDer, 1, 1,
				 hasPositiveResults, hasNegativeResults, positiveResult, negativeResult);

	getJacobian(rect.getP10(), srcCorner, xDer, yDer);
	updateResult(srcCorner, xDer, yDer, -1, 1,
				 hasPositiveResults, hasNegativeResults, positiveResult, negativeResult);

	getJacobian(rect.getP01(), srcCorner, xDer, yDer);
	updateResult(srcCorner, xDer, yDer, 1, -1,
				 hasPositiveResults, hasNegativeResults, positiveResult, negativeResult);

	getJacobian(rect.getP11(), srcCorner, xDer, yDer);
	updateResult(srcCorner, xDer, yDer, -1, -1,
				 hasPositiveResults, hasNegativeResults, positiveResult, negativeResult);

	//If some maxD remain, no bound on that side was found. So replace with
	//the opposite (unlimited on that side) maxD.
	if (positiveResult.x0 == maxD)
		positiveResult.x0 = -maxD;
	if (positiveResult.x1 == -maxD)
		positiveResult.x1 = maxD;
	if (positiveResult.y0 == maxD)
		positiveResult.y0 = -maxD;
	if (positiveResult.y1 == -maxD)
		positiveResult.y1 = maxD;

	if (negativeResult.x0 == maxD)
		negativeResult.x0 = -maxD;
	if (negativeResult.x1 == -maxD)
		negativeResult.x1 = maxD;
	if (negativeResult.y0 == maxD)
		negativeResult.y0 = -maxD;
	if (negativeResult.y1 == -maxD)
		negativeResult.y1 = maxD;

	return hasPositiveResults ? hasNegativeResults ? positiveResult + negativeResult : positiveResult : hasNegativeResults ? negativeResult : TConsts::infiniteRectD;


//    BilinearDistorter

//IDEA: This time, lines are mapped to curves, in general. Plus, from 0 to 2 possible inverses
//may exist for the same destination point.

//Given the separation of the bilinear mapping in two bilinear mappings with an intermediate reference for the
//convex coordinates, it can be shown that a bounding estimate for the inverse of a rect can be found this way:
//  1. Inverse-map the corners of the rect in the convex-reference (ie find their convex coordinates)
//  2. Make their bounding box
//  3. Map its corners to the source reference
//  4. Return their bounding box

//In order to show that this actually works, consider the following result:

//A rect maps to a convex quadrilateral through a forward bilinear mapping (ie passages 3->4 and 2->1).
//It is sufficient to consider that lines map to lines through one such mapping, and that since it is
//also everywhere differentiable, its local behaviour around corners is that of a linear function, through
//which convex angles are only mappable to other convex angles.


TRectD BilinearDistorter::invMap(const TRectD &rect) const
	//Build the convex coordinates of the rect's corners.
	TPointD invs[8];
	int count[4];

	count[0] = m_refToDest.invMap(rect.getP00(), &invs[0]);
	count[1] = m_refToDest.invMap(rect.getP10(), &invs[2]);
	count[2] = m_refToDest.invMap(rect.getP01(), &invs[4]);
	count[3] = m_refToDest.invMap(rect.getP11(), &invs[6]);

	double maxD = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)();
	TRectD bbox(maxD, maxD, -maxD, -maxD);

	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < count[i]; ++j) {
			TPointD &inv(invs[j + 2 * i]);
			bbox.x0 = tmin(bbox.x0, inv.x);
			bbox.y0 = tmin(bbox.y0, inv.y);
			bbox.x1 = tmax(bbox.x1, inv.x);
			bbox.y1 = tmax(bbox.y1, inv.y);

	if (bbox.x1 <= bbox.x0 || bbox.y1 <= bbox.y0)
		return TConsts::infiniteRectD; //Should happen only if all counts are 0

	invs[0] =;
	invs[1] =;
	invs[2] =;
	invs[3] =;

	bbox.x0 = tmin(invs[0].x, invs[1].x, invs[2].x, invs[3].x);
	bbox.y0 = tmin(invs[0].y, invs[1].y, invs[2].y, invs[3].y);
	bbox.x1 = tmax(invs[0].x, invs[1].x, invs[2].x, invs[3].x);
	bbox.y1 = tmax(invs[0].y, invs[1].y, invs[2].y, invs[3].y);

	return bbox.enlarge(5); //Enlarge a little just to be sure