Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once
// TnzCore includes
#include "tfilepath.h"
#include "traster.h"
// Qt includes
#include <QString>
#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR
// Forward declarations
class TStroke;
class TRegion;
class TStrokeProp;
class TRegionProp;
class TVectorRenderData;
class TFlash;
class TInputStreamInterface;
class TOutputStreamInterface;
class TRasterStyleFx;
class QStringList;
// TRasterStyleFx definition
class DVAPI TRasterStyleFx {
struct Params {
TRasterP m_r;
TPoint m_p;
TRasterP m_rOrig;
int m_colorIndex;
int m_frame;
Params(const TRasterP &r, const TPoint &p, const TRasterP &rOrig, int index,
int frame)
: m_r(r), m_p(p), m_rOrig(rOrig), m_colorIndex(index), m_frame(frame) {
virtual ~TRasterStyleFx() {}
virtual bool isInkStyle() const = 0;
virtual bool isPaintStyle() const = 0;
virtual bool inkFxNeedRGBMRaster() const { return false; }
virtual bool compute(const Params &params) const = 0;
virtual void getEnlargement(int &borderIn, int &borderOut) const {
borderIn = borderOut = 0;
// TColorStyle definition
\brief Abstract class representing a color style in a Toonz palette.
class DVAPI TColorStyle : public TSmartObject {
//! Helper class to declare color styles
class Declaration {
Declaration(TColorStyle *style) { declare(style); }
enum ParamType {
BOOL, //!< Boolean parameter type.
INT, //!< Integer parameter type.
ENUM, //!< Enum parameter type (maps to integer values).
DOUBLE, //!< Double parameter type (getParamType() default).
FILEPATH //!< TFilePath parameter type.
struct double_tag {};
struct bool_tag {};
struct int_tag {};
struct TFilePath_tag {};
struct PickedPosition {
TPoint pos = TPoint();
int frame = 0;
PickedPosition(TPoint _pos = TPoint(), int _frame = 0)
: pos(_pos), frame(_frame) {}
inline bool operator==(const PickedPosition &p) const {
return (this->pos == p.pos) && (this->frame == p.frame);
inline bool operator!=(const PickedPosition &p) const {
return (this->pos != p.pos) || (this->frame != p.frame);
std::wstring m_name; //!< User-define style name.
std::wstring m_globalName; //!< User-define style \a global name.
std::wstring m_originalName; //!< If the style is copied from studio palette,
//! its original name is stored
int m_versionNumber; //!< Style's version number.
unsigned int m_flags; //!< Style attributes.
bool m_enabled; //!< Style's \a enabled status.
bool m_isEditedFromOriginal; //<! If the style is copied from studio palette,
// This flag will be set when the
//! style is edited from the original one.
m_pickedPosition; // picked position from color model by using style
// picker tool with "organize palette" option.
TRaster32P m_icon; //!< Icon shown on TPalette viewers.
bool m_validIcon; //!< Icon's validity status.
static int m_currentFrame; //!< Time instant in the palette's timeline.
//! \deprecated Should be done better
const TColorStyle &other); //!< Copies another style \a except its icon
virtual ~TColorStyle();
virtual TColorStyle *clone() const = 0; //!< Polymorphic clone of the style.
virtual TColorStyle &copy(
const TColorStyle &other) //!< Polymorphic copy of the style.
assignBlend(other, other, 0.0);
return *this;
bool operator==(const TColorStyle &cs) const;
bool operator!=(const TColorStyle &cs) { return !operator==(cs); }
// Renderizer-related objects
virtual TStrokeProp *makeStrokeProp(
const TStroke
*stroke) = 0; //!< Allocates a \a new derived TStrokeProp instance
//! used to draw the style on the specified stroke object.
virtual TRegionProp *makeRegionProp(
const TRegion
*region) = 0; //!< Allocates a \a new derived TRegionProp instance
//! used to draw the style on the specified region object.
virtual bool isRasterStyle() const {
return false;
} //!< Returns whether the style is of the raster kind.
virtual TRasterStyleFx *getRasterStyleFx() {
return 0;
} //!< If the style contains raster effects it must return it,
//! else returns 0.
virtual bool isRegionStyle()
const = 0; //!< Returns whether the style applies on regions.
virtual bool isStrokeStyle()
const = 0; //!< Returns whether the style applies on strokes.
// General functions
void setName(std::wstring name) {
m_name = name;
} //!< Sets the style's user-defined name.
std::wstring getName() const {
return m_name;
} //!< Returns the style's user-defined name.
/*! \detail
The \a global name contains information about palette id.
void setGlobalName(std::wstring name) {
m_globalName = name;
} //!< Sets the global name of the style.
std::wstring getGlobalName() const {
return m_globalName;
} //!< Returns the global name of the style.
void setOriginalName(std::wstring name) {
m_originalName = name;
} //!< If the style is originally copied from studio palette, set this.
std::wstring getOriginalName() const {
return m_originalName;
} //!< Returns the original name of the style.
void setIsEditedFlag(bool edited) {
m_isEditedFromOriginal = edited;
} //<! If the style is copied from studio palette, This flag will be set when
// the
//! style is edited from the original one.
bool getIsEditedFlag() const {
return m_isEditedFromOriginal;
} //!< Returns whether the style is edited from the original from studio
//! palette
void assignNames(
const TColorStyle *src); //!< Copies the style names from src.
//! \sa tcolorflags.h
unsigned int getFlags() const { return m_flags; } //!< Sets color attributes.
void setFlags(unsigned int flags) {
m_flags = flags;
} //!< Returns color attributes.
void setPickedPosition(const TPoint &pos, const int index = 0) {
m_pickedPosition.pos = pos;
m_pickedPosition.frame = index;
void setPickedPosition(const PickedPosition &pos) { m_pickedPosition = pos; }
PickedPosition getPickedPosition() const { return m_pickedPosition; }
// Color-related functions
/*! \detail
Raster or vector pattern image styles, for example, return false.
virtual bool hasMainColor() const {
return false;
} //!< Returns whether the style has a reference \a main color.
virtual TPixel32 getMainColor() const {
return TPixel32::Black;
} //!< Returns the style's main color, or black if none.
virtual void setMainColor(const TPixel32 &color) {
} //!< Sets the main color, if it has one.
/*! \detail
For example a bubble styles has two colors.
By default it returns \p 1 if the style has only a main color else
returns \p 0 if the style has no color.
virtual int getColorParamCount() const {
return hasMainColor() ? 1 : 0;
} //!< Returns the number of colors (if any) of the style.
/*! \detail
Returns the main color by default.
virtual TPixel32 getColorParamValue(int index) const {
return getMainColor();
} //!< Returns the value of the color of index \e index.
virtual void setColorParamValue(int index, const TPixel32 &color) {
} //!< Sets the \a index-th color value.
virtual TPixel32 getAverageColor() const {
return getMainColor();
} //!< Returns a color representing the average of all the style's colors
// Parameters-related functions
/*! \detail
For example: a the general cleanup style has two parameters, brightness and
contrast and
a black cleanup style has in addition a black and white threshold, therefore
4 parameters.
virtual int getParamCount() const {
return 0;
} //!< Returns the number of parameters necessary
//! to describe the style.
virtual ParamType getParamType(int paramIdx) const {
assert(0 <= paramIdx && paramIdx < getParamCount());
return DOUBLE;
} //!< Returns the type of the specified parameter.
virtual bool hasParamDefault(int index) const {
return false;
} //!< Value of parameter can be reset to default.
virtual void setParamDefault(int index) {
} //!< Reset value of parameter to default.
virtual bool isParamDefault(int index) const {
return false;
} //!< Check if current value of parameter equals to default
virtual void setParamValue(int index, bool value) {
} //!< Assigns a value to the specified \p bool parameter.
virtual bool getParamValue(bool_tag, int index) const {
return bool();
} //!< Retrieves the specified \p bool parameter value.
virtual void setParamValue(int index, int value) {
} //!< Assigns a value to the specified \p int parameter.
virtual int getParamValue(int_tag, int index) const {
return int();
} //!< Retrieves the specified \p int parameter value.
virtual void getParamRange(int index, int &min, int &max) const {
} //!< Retrieves the specified \p int parameter range.
virtual void getParamRange(int pIndex, QStringList &stringItems) const {
} //!< Returns a description of each supported enum or file
//! extension value in text form.
virtual void setParamValue(int index, double value) {
} //!< Assigns a value to the specified \p double parameter.
virtual double getParamValue(double_tag, int index) const {
return double();
} //!< Retrieves the specified \p double parameter value.
virtual void getParamRange(int index, double &min, double &max) const {
} //!< Retrieves the specified \p double parameter range.
virtual void setParamValue(int index, const TFilePath &fp) {
} //!< Assigns a value to the specified \p TFilePath parameter.
virtual TFilePath getParamValue(TFilePath_tag, int index) const {
return TFilePath();
} //!< Retrieves the specified \p TFilePath parameter value.
/*! \detail
This function is provided to animate a palette style. Given two <I>keyframe
styles</I> \p a and \p b, it calculates their linear interpolation at parameter
\p t and assigns the result to this style instance.
\param a Style value at parameter <TT>t = 0</TT>.
\param b Style value at parameter <TT>t = 1</TT>.
\param t Interpolation parameter.
void assignBlend(const TColorStyle &a, const TColorStyle &b,
double t); //!< Assigns the linear interpolation between the
//! supplied styles.
// Description-related functions
/*! \detail
For example for a stroke style we have "Constant", "Chain", "Rope", "Tulle",
virtual QString getDescription()
const = 0; //!< Return a brief description of the style.
virtual QString getParamNames(int index)
const; //!< Return the string that identifies the \a index-th parameter.
// Drawing-related functions
virtual void drawStroke(TFlash &flash, const TStroke *stroke)
const; //!< Draws the supplied stroke in flash.
// I/O-related functions
virtual int getTagId()
const = 0; //!< Returns an unique number representing the style.
virtual void getObsoleteTagIds(std::vector<int> &) const {}; //!< \deprecated
void save(TOutputStreamInterface &) const; //!< Calls the local
//! implementation of saveData()
//! passing it also the name and
//! the tagId of the style.
static TColorStyle *load(TInputStreamInterface &); //!< Loads the style from
//! disk. Calls the local
//! implementation of
//! loadData().
static TColorStyle *create(
int tagId); //!< Creates a new style with identifier equal to \a tagId.
static void declare(
TColorStyle *style); //!< Puts the style in the table of actual styles.
static void getAllTags(std::vector<int> &tags);
// Misc functions
/*! \detail
It is used when updates must be done after changes or creation of new styles.
void invalidateIcon() {
m_validIcon = false;
} //!< Sets a flag that defines the style's icon validity.
virtual const TRaster32P &getIcon(
const TDimension &d); //!< Returns an image representing the style.
bool isEnabled() const {
return m_enabled;
} //!< Returns whether the style can be used.
void enable(bool on) {
m_enabled = on;
} //!< Sets the style's \a enabled status
int getVersionNumber() const {
return m_versionNumber;
} //!< Returns the version number of the style.
virtual void makeIcon(const TDimension &d);
virtual void loadData(TInputStreamInterface &) = 0;
virtual void saveData(TOutputStreamInterface &) const = 0;
virtual void loadData(int, TInputStreamInterface &) {
} //!< \deprecated Backward compatibility
void updateVersionNumber();
TColorStyle &operator=(
const TColorStyle &other); //!< Copies another style \a except its icon
#ifdef _WIN32
template class DVAPI TSmartPointerT<TColorStyle>;
typedef TSmartPointerT<TColorStyle> TColorStyleP;