Blob Blame Raw
#ifdef NDEBUG
#ifndef igs_line_blur_h
#define igs_line_blur_h
namespace igs {
namespace line_blur {
IGS_LINE_BLUR_EXPORT void convert(
/* 入出力画像 */
const void *in // no_margin
void *out // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits
/* Action Geometry */
const int b_blur_count /* min=1 def=51 incr=1 max=100 */
const double b_blur_power /* min=0.1 def=1 incr=0.1 max=10.0 */
const int b_subpixel /* min=1 def=1 incr=1 max=8 */
const int b_blur_near_ref /* min=1 def=5 incr=1 max=100 */
const int b_blur_near_len /* min=1 def=160 incr=1 max=1000 */
const int b_smudge_thick /* min=1 def=7 incr=1 max=100 */
const double b_smudge_remain
/* min=0.0 def=0.85 incr=0.001 max=1.0 */
const int v_smooth_retry /* min=0 def=100 incr=1 max=1000 */
const int v_near_ref /* min=0 def=4 incr=1 max=100 */
const int v_near_len /* min=2 def=160 incr=1 max=1000 */
const bool mv_sw /* false=OFF */
const bool pv_sw /* false=OFF */
const bool cv_sw /* false=OFF */
const long reference_channel /* 3 =Alpha:RGBA orBGRA */
const bool debug_save_sw /* false=OFF */
const int brush_action /* 0 =Curve Blur ,1=Smudge Brush */
#endif /* !igs_line_blur_h */
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <ctime>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
namespace {
#ifndef _pri_h_
#define _pri_h_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern void pri_funct_cv_start( int32_t i32_ys );
extern void pri_funct_cv_run( int32_t i32_y );
extern void pri_funct_cv_end( void );
extern void pri_funct_set_cp_title(const char *cp_title );
extern void pri_funct_msg_ttvr( const char* fmt, ...);
extern void pri_funct_msg_vr( const char* fmt, ...);
extern void pri_funct_err_bttvr( const char* fmt, ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !_pri_h_ */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h"
static int32_t pri_param_i32_ysize, pri_param_i32_pos_before;
/* カウントダウン開始 */
void pri_funct_cv_start(int32_t i32_ys) {
/* 目盛表示 */
"0%% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%%\n");
(void)fprintf(stdout, "....v....v....v....v....v....v....v....v....v....v\n");
/* パラメータ初期設定 */
pri_param_i32_ysize = i32_ys;
pri_param_i32_pos_before = 0;
/* カウントダウン実行中 */
void pri_funct_cv_run(int32_t i32_y) {
int32_t i32_pos_current, ii;
/* 目盛上の現在位置(1...50) */
i32_pos_current = 50 * (i32_y + 1) / pri_param_i32_ysize;
/* 一回で45度くるくるカウンター */
/******switch (i32_y%4) {
case 0: (void)fprintf(stdout, "-\b" ); break;
case 1: (void)fprintf(stdout, "\\\b" ); break;
case 2: (void)fprintf(stdout, "|\b" ); break;
case 3: (void)fprintf(stdout, "/\b" ); break;
/* 一回前の目盛位置と同じなら抜ける */
if (i32_pos_current == pri_param_i32_pos_before) return;
/* 目盛が進んだとき */
for (ii = pri_param_i32_pos_before; ii < i32_pos_current; ++ii) {
/* 一目盛以上進んだときのすき間 */
if ((ii + 1) < i32_pos_current) {
(void)fprintf(stdout, ".");
/* 一目盛分 */
else {
(void)fprintf(stdout, "^");
/* 現在位置を記憶する */
pri_param_i32_pos_before = i32_pos_current;
/* カウントダウン終了 */
void pri_funct_cv_end(void) {
/* 改行 */
(void)fprintf(stdout, "\n");
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h"
/* Windowsではvsnprintf()の頭にアンダーバーが付く!!! */
#if defined _WIN32
#define vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, ap) _vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, ap)
static const char *pri_param_cp_com_name = "#";
void pri_funct_set_cp_title(const char *cp_title) {
pri_param_cp_com_name = cp_title;
/* print Valiable_argument, Return_code */
void pri_funct_msg_vr(const char *fmt, ...) {
int i_ret;
va_list ap;
char buf[FILENAME_MAX]; /* redhat9 : stdio.h --> bits/stdio_lim.h */
va_start(ap, fmt);
i_ret = vsnprintf(buf, FILENAME_MAX, fmt, ap);
if (i_ret < 0) {
(void)strcpy(buf, "bad argument for fprintf stdout");
/* 可変引数,改行 */
(void)fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", buf);
/* print Title, Time_stamp, Valiable_argument, Return_code */
void pri_funct_msg_ttvr(const char *fmt, ...) {
time_t tt;
char *cc;
int i_ret;
va_list ap;
char buf[FILENAME_MAX]; /* redhat9 : stdio.h --> bits/stdio_lim.h */
tt = time(NULL);
cc = asctime(localtime(&tt)); /* 注意:ccはstatic変数 */
cc[24] = '\0'; /* 26-character Example : "Fri Sep 13 00:00:00 1986\n\0" */
va_start(ap, fmt);
i_ret = vsnprintf(buf, FILENAME_MAX, fmt, ap);
if (i_ret < 0) {
(void)strcpy(buf, "bad argument for fprintf stdout");
/* ベル,タイトル,日時,可変引数,改行 */
(void)fprintf(stdout, "%s %s %s\n", pri_param_cp_com_name, cc, buf);
/* print Bell, Title, Time_stamp, Valiable_argument, Return_code */
void pri_funct_err_bttvr(const char *fmt, ...) {
time_t tt;
char *cc;
int i_ret;
va_list ap;
char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
tt = time(NULL);
cc = asctime(localtime(&tt)); /* 注意:ccはstatic変数 */
cc[24] = '\0'; /* 26-character Example : "Fri Sep 13 00:00:00 1986\n\0" */
va_start(ap, fmt);
i_ret = vsnprintf(buf, FILENAME_MAX, fmt, ap);
if (i_ret < 0) {
(void)strcpy(buf, "bad argument for fprintf stderr");
/* ベル,タイトル,日時,可変引数,改行 */
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\007%s %s %s\n", pri_param_cp_com_name, cc, buf);
#ifndef _list_node_h_
#define _list_node_h_
#include <stdio.h>
class list_node {
list_node() {
this->_clp_previous = NULL;
this->_clp_next = NULL;
list_node *get_clp_next(void) { return this->_clp_next; }
list_node *get_clp_previous(void) { return this->_clp_previous; }
void set_clp_next(list_node *clp) { this->_clp_next = clp; }
void set_clp_previous(list_node *clp) { this->_clp_previous = clp; }
list_node *_clp_previous, *_clp_next;
#endif /* !_list_node_h_ */
#ifndef _list_root_h_
#define _list_root_h_
#include <stdio.h>
/* Windowsではstdint.hが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
typedef int int32_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
#include <stdint.h> /* for int32_t, uint16_t */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "list_node.h"
class list_root {
list_root() {
this->_clp_first = NULL;
this->_clp_last = NULL;
this->_i32_count = 0;
list_node *push(list_node *clp_previous, list_node *clp_new);
list_node *pop(list_node *clp_old);
list_node *get_clp_first(void) { return this->_clp_first; }
list_node *get_clp_last(void) { return this->_clp_last; }
int32_t get_i32_count(void) { return this->_i32_count; }
list_node *_clp_first, *_clp_last;
int32_t _i32_count;
void _set_clp_first(list_node *clp_) { this->_clp_first = clp_; }
void _set_clp_last(list_node *clp_) { this->_clp_last = clp_; }
void _connect(list_node *clp_previous, list_node *clp_next);
#endif /* !_list_root_h_ */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "list_root.h"
/* ピクセルリストを前後でつなげるメソッド */
void list_root::_connect(list_node *clp_previous, list_node *clp_next) {
/* リスト初期化 */
if ((NULL == clp_previous) && (NULL == clp_next)) {
this->_clp_first = NULL;
this->_clp_last = NULL;
/* (clp_previous)をリストの最後部に追加 */
else if ((NULL != clp_previous) && (NULL == clp_next)) {
this->_clp_last = clp_previous;
/* (clp_next)をリストの最前部に挿入 */
else if ((NULL == clp_previous) && (NULL != clp_next)) {
this->_clp_first = clp_next;
/* (clp_previous)と、(clp_next)をつなげる */
else if ((NULL != clp_previous) && (NULL != clp_next)) {
list_node *list_root::push(list_node *clp_previous, list_node *clp_new) {
/* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
assert(NULL != clp_new);
/* リスト上で、clp_newの後ろを接続 */
if (NULL != clp_previous) { /* clp_previousの後ろに接続 */
this->_connect(clp_new, clp_previous->get_clp_next());
} else { /* clp_previousがNULLなら、リストの頭に挿入 */
this->_connect(clp_new, this->get_clp_first());
/* リスト上で、clp_newの前を接続 */
this->_connect(clp_previous, clp_new);
/* 子リストの数のカウント */
return clp_new;
list_node *list_root::pop(list_node *clp_old) {
/* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
assert(NULL != clp_old);
/* はずすノードの前後をつなげる */
this->_connect(clp_old->get_clp_previous(), clp_old->get_clp_next());
/* 子リストの数のカウント */
/* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
assert(0 <= (this->_i32_count));
return clp_old;
#ifndef _brush_curve_blur_h_
#define _brush_curve_blur_h_
#include <stdio.h>
/* Windowsではstdint.hが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
typedef int int32_t;
#include <stdint.h> /* for int32_t */
#ifndef OK
#define OK (0)
#ifndef NG
#define NG (-1)
#define CHANNEL_COUNT (4)
class brush_curve_blur {
/* constructer */
brush_curve_blur(void) {
int32_t ii;
this->_i_mv_sw = false;
this->_i_pv_sw = false;
this->_i_cv_sw = false;
this->_i32_count = 51;
this->_i32_subpixel_divide = 2;
this->_d_effect_area_radius = 25.0;
this->_d_power = 1.0;
this->_dp_ratio = NULL;
this->_dp_linepixels = NULL;
this->_dp_xp = NULL;
this->_dp_yp = NULL;
this->_dp_subpixel = NULL;
for (ii = 0; ii < CHANNEL_COUNT; ++ii) {
this->_da_pixel[ii] = 0.0;
/* constructer */
~brush_curve_blur(void) { this->mem_free(); }
/* パラメータ設定 */
void set_i_mv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_mv_sw = ii; }
void set_i_pv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_pv_sw = ii; }
void set_i_cv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_cv_sw = ii; }
/* ぼかし線のポイント数 */
void set_i32_count(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_count = ii; }
int32_t get_i32_count(void) { return this->_i32_count; }
void set_i32_subpixel_divide(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_subpixel_divide = ii; }
int32_t get_i32_subpixel_divide(void) { return this->_i32_subpixel_divide; }
void set_d_effect_area_radius(double dd) { this->_d_effect_area_radius = dd; }
double get_d_effect_area_radius(void) { return this->_d_effect_area_radius; }
void set_d_power(double dd) { this->_d_power = dd; }
double get_d_power(void) { return this->_d_power; }
/* get for using */
double *get_dp_linepixels(void) { return this->_dp_linepixels; }
double *get_dp_xp(void) { return this->_dp_xp; }
double *get_dp_yp(void) { return this->_dp_yp; }
double *get_dp_pixel(void) { return this->_da_pixel; }
void mem_free(void);
int mem_alloc(void);
void init_ratio_array(void);
void set_subpixel_value(int32_t i32_x_sub, int32_t i32_y_sub);
void set_pixel_value(void);
int save(double d_xp, double d_yp, const char *cp_fname);
void debug_print(void);
bool _i_mv_sw; /* Method Verbose */
bool _i_pv_sw; /* Parameter Verbose */
bool _i_cv_sw; /* Counter Verbose */
int32_t _i32_count;
int32_t _i32_subpixel_divide;
double _d_effect_area_radius;
double _d_power;
double *_dp_ratio, *_dp_linepixels, *_dp_xp, *_dp_yp, *_dp_subpixel,
#endif /* !_brush_curve_blur_h_ */
#include <math.h> /* pow() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), calloc() */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "brush_curve_blur.h"
/* メモリ開放 */
void brush_curve_blur::mem_free(void) {
if (NULL != this->_dp_ratio) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
this->_dp_ratio = NULL;
this->_dp_linepixels = NULL;
this->_dp_xp = NULL;
this->_dp_yp = NULL;
this->_dp_subpixel = NULL;
/* メモリ確保 */
int brush_curve_blur::mem_alloc(void) {
/* 以前のメモリが残っていたら開放する */
/* ユーザー指定がゼロなら動作キャンセル */
if (this->_i32_count <= 0) {
return OK;
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
"alloc brush_curve_blur memory ((%d * %d) + %d) x %d bytes",
this->_i32_count, (1 + CHANNEL_COUNT + 2), /* ratio,accum,xp,yp */
this->_i32_subpixel_divide * this->_i32_subpixel_divide *
CHANNEL_COUNT, /* pixel(rgba) */
this->_dp_ratio = (double *)calloc(
/* ratio,linepixels,xp,yp */
this->_i32_count * (1 + CHANNEL_COUNT + 2) +
this->_i32_subpixel_divide * this->_i32_subpixel_divide *
CHANNEL_COUNT, /* pixel(rgba) */
if (NULL == this->_dp_ratio) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : calloc(-) returns NULL.");
return NG;
this->_dp_linepixels = this->_dp_ratio + this->_i32_count;
this->_dp_xp = this->_dp_linepixels + this->_i32_count * CHANNEL_COUNT;
this->_dp_yp = this->_dp_xp + this->_i32_count;
this->_dp_subpixel = this->_dp_yp + this->_i32_count;
return OK;
void brush_curve_blur::init_ratio_array(void) {
int32_t ii;
double d_total;
/* ユーザー指定がゼロなら動作キャンセル */
if (this->_i32_count <= 0) {
/* 前半の変化、ゼロからリニア増 */
for (ii = 1; ii < this->_i32_count / 2; ++ii) {
this->_dp_ratio[ii] = ii;
/* 後半の変化、ゼロへリニア減 */
for (ii = this->_i32_count / 2; ii < this->_i32_count; ++ii) {
this->_dp_ratio[ii] = this->_i32_count - ii;
/* 正規化(0...1)する */
/****for (ii = 0; ii < this->_i32_count; ++ii) {
this->_dp_ratio[ii] /=
(double)(this->_i32_count - this->_i32_count/2);
/* 影響の強さの設定 */
for (ii = 0; ii < this->_i32_count; ++ii) {
this->_dp_ratio[ii] = pow(this->_dp_ratio[ii], 1.0 / this->_d_power);
/* 総計 */
d_total = 0.0;
for (ii = 0; ii < this->_i32_count; ++ii) {
d_total += this->_dp_ratio[ii];
/* 総計で割って、総計を1にする */
for (ii = 0; ii < this->_i32_count; ++ii) {
this->_dp_ratio[ii] /= d_total;
/* 線分から取り込んだピクセル値をサブピクセル値として合成 */
void brush_curve_blur::set_subpixel_value(int32_t i32_x_sub,
int32_t i32_y_sub) {
int32_t ii, zz;
double d_accum;
/* ユーザー指定がゼロなら動作キャンセル */
if (this->_i32_count <= 0) {
/* チャネルごと */
for (zz = 0; zz < CHANNEL_COUNT; ++zz) {
/* 加算の前にゼロ初期化 */
this->_dp_subpixel[(this->_i32_subpixel_divide * i32_y_sub + i32_x_sub) *
zz] = 0.0;
/* ピクセル値を加算 */
d_accum = 0.0;
for (ii = 0; ii < this->_i32_count; ++ii) {
/* 画像の範囲外 */
if (this->_dp_linepixels[ii * CHANNEL_COUNT + zz] < 0.0) {
/* ピクセル値に比を掛けて加算 */
this->_dp_subpixel[(this->_i32_subpixel_divide * i32_y_sub + i32_x_sub) *
zz] +=
this->_dp_linepixels[ii * CHANNEL_COUNT + zz] * this->_dp_ratio[ii];
d_accum += this->_dp_ratio[ii];
/* 画像をスキャンしているのだから、
画像の範囲となる値はかならず一つ以上ある */
assert(0.0 < d_accum);
/* 値の計算 */
this->_dp_subpixel[(this->_i32_subpixel_divide * i32_y_sub + i32_x_sub) *
zz] /= d_accum;
/* サブピクセル値を平均してピクセル値を得る */
void brush_curve_blur::set_pixel_value(void) {
int32_t xx, yy, zz;
/* ユーザー指定がゼロなら動作キャンセル */
if (this->_i32_count <= 0) {
for (zz = 0; zz < CHANNEL_COUNT; ++zz) {
this->_da_pixel[zz] = 0.0;
for (yy = 0; yy < this->_i32_subpixel_divide; ++yy) {
for (xx = 0; xx < this->_i32_subpixel_divide; ++xx) {
this->_da_pixel[zz] +=
this->_dp_subpixel[(this->_i32_subpixel_divide * yy + xx) *
this->_da_pixel[zz] /=
this->_i32_subpixel_divide * this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "brush_curve_blur.h"
int brush_curve_blur::save(double d_xp, double d_yp, const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* 選択数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# curve blur count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# curve blur count) returns minus");
return NG;
for (ii = 0; ii < this->get_i32_count(); ++ii) {
/* ピクセル位置から近点位置保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n", d_xp + this->_dp_xp[ii],
d_yp + this->_dp_yp[ii]) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(avarage x y) returns minus");
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
#ifndef __brush_smudge_circle_h__
#define __brush_smudge_circle_h__
#include <stdio.h>
/* Windowsではstdint.hが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
typedef int int32_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
#include <stdint.h> /* for int32_t, uint16_t */
#ifndef OK
#define OK (0)
#ifndef NG
#define NG (-1)
class brush_smudge_circle {
brush_smudge_circle() {
this->_i_mv_sw = false;
this->_i_pv_sw = false;
this->_i_cv_sw = false;
this->_i32_size_by_pixel = 7; /* 画像上の線の最大幅 */
this->_i32_subpixel_divide = 4;
this->_d_ratio = 0.85;
this->_dp_brush = NULL;
this->_dp_subpixel_image = NULL;
this->_dp_pixel_image = NULL;
~brush_smudge_circle() { this->mem_free(); }
/* パラメータ設定 */
void set_i_mv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_mv_sw = ii; }
void set_i_pv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_pv_sw = ii; }
void set_i_cv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_cv_sw = ii; }
void set_i32_size_by_pixel(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_size_by_pixel = ii; }
void set_i32_subpixel_divide(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_subpixel_divide = ii; }
void set_d_ratio(double dd) { this->_d_ratio = dd; }
/* パラメータを得る */
int32_t get_i32_size_by_pixel(void) { return this->_i32_size_by_pixel; }
int32_t get_i32_subpixel_divide(void) { return this->_i32_subpixel_divide; }
double get_d_ratio(void) { return this->_d_ratio; }
void get_dp_area(double d_xp, double d_yp, double *dp_x1, double *dp_y1,
double *dp_x2, double *dp_y2);
/* メモリ確保 */
int mem_alloc(void);
/* メモリへのポインターを得る */
double *get_dp_brush(void) { return this->_dp_brush; }
double *get_dp_subpixel_image(void) { return this->_dp_subpixel_image; }
double *get_dp_pixel_image(void) { return this->_dp_pixel_image; }
/* 実行 */
void set_brush_circle(void);
void copy_to_brush_from_image(void);
void exec(void);
void to_subpixel_from_pixel(double d_x1, double d_y1, double d_x2,
double d_y2);
void to_pixel_from_subpixel(double d_x1, double d_y1, double d_x2,
double d_y2);
/* メモリ開放 */
void mem_free(void);
int _i_mv_sw, /* Method Verbose */
_i_pv_sw, /* Parameter Verbose */
_i_cv_sw; /* Counter Verbose */
int32_t _i32_size_by_pixel, _i32_subpixel_divide;
double _d_ratio;
double *_dp_brush, *_dp_subpixel_image, *_dp_pixel_image;
#endif /* !__brush_smudge_circle_h__ */
#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), calloc() */
#include <math.h> /* sqrt() */
#include <string.h> /* memset() */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "brush_smudge_circle.h"
/* メモリ開放 */
void brush_smudge_circle::mem_free(void) {
if (NULL != this->_dp_brush) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
this->_dp_brush = NULL;
this->_dp_pixel_image = NULL;
this->_dp_subpixel_image = NULL;
/* データ設定とメモリ確保 */
int brush_smudge_circle::mem_alloc(void) {
int32_t i32_sz;
/* もし以前のメモリがあるなら開放する */
/* メモリ確保のためのサイズの1単位 */
i32_sz = this->_i32_size_by_pixel * this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("calloc((%d x %d + %d x %d + %d x %d) x (%d x %d))",
i32_sz, i32_sz, i32_sz, i32_sz,
(this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1),
(this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1), sizeof(double), 5);
this->_dp_brush = (double *)calloc(
i32_sz * i32_sz + i32_sz * i32_sz +
(this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1) * (this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1),
sizeof(double) * 5);
if (NULL == this->_dp_brush) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : calloc(-) returns NULL.");
return NG;
this->_dp_subpixel_image = this->_dp_brush + i32_sz * i32_sz * 5;
this->_dp_pixel_image = this->_dp_subpixel_image + i32_sz * i32_sz * 5;
return OK;
/* 画像上に置いたブラシの範囲
+-------+-------+ --> *dp_y2
| | |
| + | + |
| | |
+-------+-------+ <-- d_yp
| | |
| + | + |
| | |
+-------+-------+ --> *dp_y2
| ^ |
v | v
*dp_x1 d_xp *dp_x2
0 1 <---- d_xp,d_yp is pixel position
| +0.5
0 1 2 <---- *dp_x1,*dp_y1,*dp_x2,*dp_y2 is image position
void brush_smudge_circle::get_dp_area(double d_xp, double d_yp, double *dp_x1,
double *dp_y1, double *dp_x2,
double *dp_y2) {
*dp_x1 = d_xp + 0.5 - this->_i32_size_by_pixel / 2.0;
*dp_x2 = *dp_x1 + this->_i32_size_by_pixel;
*dp_y1 = d_yp + 0.5 - this->_i32_size_by_pixel / 2.0;
*dp_y2 = *dp_y1 + this->_i32_size_by_pixel;
/* ブラシの形を、有効フラグの設定で決める
pixel_size 3 x 3
subpixel_divide 2 x 2
+-------+-------+-------+ ^
| + + | + + | + + | 5 |
| | | | |
| + + | + + | + + | 4 |
+-------+-------+-------+ |
| + + | + + | + + | 3 |
center->| | | | i32_size(3*2)
| + + | + + | + + | 2 |
+-------+-------+-------+ |
| + + | + + | + + | 1 |
| | | | |
| + + | + + | + + | 0 |
+-------+-------+-------+ ^ v
0 1 2 3 4 5 <-+---- subpixel count
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 <----- position
<---- i32_size(3*2) ---->
void brush_smudge_circle::set_brush_circle(void) {
double *dp_brush, d_radius, d_tmp;
int32_t xx, yy, i32_size;
dp_brush = this->_dp_brush;
i32_size = this->_i32_size_by_pixel * this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
d_radius = i32_size / 2.0;
for (yy = 0; yy < i32_size; ++yy) {
for (xx = 0; xx < i32_size; ++xx, dp_brush += 5) {
d_tmp = sqrt((xx + 0.5 - d_radius) * (xx + 0.5 - d_radius) +
(yy + 0.5 - d_radius) * (yy + 0.5 - d_radius));
if (d_tmp < d_radius) {
dp_brush[4] = 1.0;
} else {
dp_brush[4] = 0.0;
/* 切り取った画像をブラシにセット */
void brush_smudge_circle::copy_to_brush_from_image(void) {
double *dp_brush, *dp_image;
int32_t xx, yy, zz, i32_size;
dp_brush = this->_dp_brush;
dp_image = this->_dp_subpixel_image;
i32_size = this->_i32_size_by_pixel * this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
for (yy = 0; yy < i32_size; ++yy) {
for (xx = 0; xx < i32_size; ++xx, dp_brush += 5, dp_image += 5) {
if (0.0 < dp_brush[4]) {
/* rgbaの4チャンネルをコピーする */
for (zz = 0; zz < 4; ++zz) {
dp_brush[zz] = dp_image[zz];
/* こする
void brush_smudge_circle::exec(void) {
double *dp_brush, *dp_image;
int32_t xx, yy, zz, i32_size;
dp_brush = this->_dp_brush;
dp_image = this->_dp_subpixel_image;
i32_size = this->_i32_size_by_pixel * this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
for (yy = 0; yy < i32_size; ++yy) {
for (xx = 0; xx < i32_size; ++xx, dp_brush += 5, dp_image += 5) {
if (0.0 < dp_brush[4]) {
/* rgbaの4チャンネルで実行 */
for (zz = 0; zz < 4; ++zz) {
dp_image[zz] += (dp_brush[zz] - dp_image[zz]) * this->_d_ratio;
dp_brush[zz] = dp_image[zz];
void brush_smudge_circle::to_subpixel_from_pixel(double d_x1, double d_y1,
double d_x2, double d_y2) {
double d_subsize;
int32_t i32_xsize;
double *dp_image, *dp_save;
double d_x, d_y, d_x1floor, d_y1floor, d_xsave, d_ysave;
int32_t zz;
d_subsize = 1.0 / this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
/* 保存(復元)位置 */
d_x1floor = floor(d_x1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
d_y1floor = floor(d_y1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
i32_xsize = (int32_t)floor(d_x2 - d_subsize / 2.0) - (int32_t)d_x1floor + 1;
dp_image = this->_dp_subpixel_image;
dp_save = this->_dp_pixel_image;
/* d_x,d_yでループ、d_xsave,d_ysaveで位置 */
for (d_y = d_y1 + d_subsize / 2.0; d_y < d_y2; d_y += d_subsize) {
for (d_x = d_x1 + d_subsize / 2.0; d_x < d_x2;
d_x += d_subsize, dp_image += 5) {
d_xsave = d_x - d_x1floor;
d_ysave = d_y - d_y1floor;
assert(0 <= (int32_t)d_xsave);
assert(0 <= (int32_t)d_ysave);
assert((int32_t)d_xsave < (this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1));
assert((int32_t)d_ysave < (this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1));
for (zz = 0; zz < 5; ++zz) {
dp_image[zz] = dp_save[(int32_t)d_ysave * i32_xsize * 5 +
(int32_t)d_xsave * 5 + zz];
/* 切取ったサブピクセル画像を、(元画像へ)保存のためピクセルサイズに縮小
例えば、元画像の2 x 2ピクセルの任意の位置から切り取ってあるなら、
復元に3 x 3ピクセルサイズ必要となる。
| +-|-----+-|-----+ |
| + | | + | | + | |
| | | | | | |
| +-|-----+ |-----+ |
| + | | + | | + | |
| | | | | | |
| +-|-----+-|-----+ |
| + | + | + |
| | | |
void brush_smudge_circle::to_pixel_from_subpixel(double d_x1, double d_y1,
double d_x2, double d_y2) {
double d_subsize;
int32_t i32_xsize;
double *dp_image, *dp_save;
double d_x, d_y, d_x1floor, d_y1floor, d_xsave, d_ysave;
int32_t zz;
int32_t ii, jj;
d_subsize = 1.0 / this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
/* 初期化 */
dp_save = this->_dp_pixel_image;
for (ii = 0; ii < this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1; ++ii) {
for (jj = 0; jj < this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1; ++jj, dp_save += 5) {
for (zz = 0; zz < 5; ++zz) {
dp_save[zz] = 0.0;
/* 保存(復元)位置 */
d_x1floor = floor(d_x1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
d_y1floor = floor(d_y1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
i32_xsize = (int32_t)floor(d_x2 - d_subsize / 2.0) - (int32_t)d_x1floor + 1;
dp_image = this->_dp_subpixel_image;
dp_save = this->_dp_pixel_image;
/* d_x,d_yでループ、d_xsave,d_ysaveで位置 */
for (d_y = d_y1 + d_subsize / 2.0; d_y < d_y2; d_y += d_subsize) {
for (d_x = d_x1 + d_subsize / 2.0; d_x < d_x2;
d_x += d_subsize, dp_image += 5) {
d_xsave = d_x - d_x1floor;
d_ysave = d_y - d_y1floor;
assert(0 <= (int32_t)d_xsave);
assert(0 <= (int32_t)d_ysave);
assert((int32_t)d_xsave < (this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1));
assert((int32_t)d_ysave < (this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1));
for (zz = 0; zz < 5; ++zz) {
dp_save[(int32_t)d_ysave * i32_xsize * 5 + (int32_t)d_xsave * 5 + zz] +=
/* ピクセル値に */
dp_save = this->_dp_pixel_image;
for (ii = 0; ii < this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1; ++ii) {
for (jj = 0; jj < this->_i32_size_by_pixel + 1; ++jj, dp_save += 5) {
for (zz = 0; zz < 5; ++zz) {
dp_save[zz] /= this->_i32_subpixel_divide * this->_i32_subpixel_divide;
#ifndef __calculator_geometry_h__
#define __calculator_geometry_h__
class calculator_geometry {
double get_d_radian(double d_xv, double d_yv);
double get_d_radian_by_2_vector(double d_xv1, double d_yv1, double d_xv2,
double d_yv2);
void get_dd_rotate(double d_xp1, double d_yp1, double d_radian,
double *dp_xp2, double *dp_yp2);
void get_dd_mirror(double d_xp1, double d_yp1, double d_mirror_xc,
double d_mirror_yc, double d_mirror_radian, double *dp_xp2,
double *dp_yp2);
void get_dd_rotate_by_pos(double d_xp1, double d_yp1, double d_xpos,
double d_ypos, double d_radian, double *dp_xp2,
double *dp_yp2);
#endif /* !__calculator_geometry_h__ */
#include <math.h> /* sin(),cos(),atan(), M_PI */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "calculator_geometry.h"
/* WindowsではM_PIが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
/* ベクトルの角度を"0"から"2*PI"で返す */
double calculator_geometry::get_d_radian(double d_xv, double d_yv) {
double d_radian;
/* ゼロエラー */
if ((0.0 == d_xv) && (0.0 == d_yv)) {
"Warning : calculator_geometry::get_d_radian(d_xv,d_yv is zero).");
return 0.0;
/* 第1象限 (0 <= angle < 90)*/
else if ((0.0 < d_xv) && (0.0 <= d_yv)) {
d_radian = atan(d_yv / d_xv);
/* 第2象限 (第1象限に置き換えて... 0 <= angle < 90) */
else if ((d_xv <= 0.0) && (0.0 < d_yv)) {
d_radian = atan(-d_xv / d_yv) + M_PI / 2.0;
/* 第3象限 (第1象限に置き換えて... 0 <= angle < 90) */
else if ((d_xv < 0.0) && (d_yv <= 0.0)) {
d_radian = atan(d_yv / d_xv) + M_PI;
/* 第4象限 (第1象限に置き換えて... 0 <= angle < 90) */
else if ((0.0 <= d_xv) && (d_yv < 0.0)) {
d_radian = atan(d_xv / -d_yv) + M_PI + M_PI / 2.0;
return d_radian;
/* 2つのベクトルのなす角度を反時計回りに調べる */
double calculator_geometry::get_d_radian_by_2_vector(double d_xv1, double d_yv1,
double d_xv2,
double d_yv2) {
double d_radian_start, d_radian_end;
if ((0.0 == d_xv1) && (0.0 == d_yv1)) {
"Warning : calculator_geometry::get_d_radian_by_2_vector(d_xv1,d_yv1 "
"is zero).");
if ((0.0 == d_xv2) && (0.0 == d_yv2)) {
"Warning : calculator_geometry::get_d_radian_by_2_vector(d_xv2,d_yv2 "
"is zero).");
d_radian_start = this->get_d_radian(d_xv1, d_yv1);
d_radian_end = this->get_d_radian(d_xv2, d_yv2);
if (d_radian_end < d_radian_start) {
d_radian_end += M_PI * 2.0;
return d_radian_end - d_radian_start;
/* x,y座標の回転 */
void calculator_geometry::get_dd_rotate(double d_xp1, double d_yp1,
double d_radian, double *dp_xp2,
double *dp_yp2) {
*dp_xp2 = d_xp1 * cos(d_radian) - d_yp1 * sin(d_radian);
*dp_yp2 = d_xp1 * sin(d_radian) + d_yp1 * cos(d_radian);
/* x,y座標を線(鏡)対象に移動する */
void calculator_geometry::get_dd_mirror(double d_xp1, double d_yp1,
double d_mirror_xpos,
double d_mirror_ypos,
double d_mirror_radian, double *dp_xp2,
double *dp_yp2) {
d_xp1 -= d_mirror_xpos;
d_yp1 -= d_mirror_ypos;
this->get_dd_rotate(d_xp1, d_yp1, -d_mirror_radian, &d_xp1, &d_yp1);
this->get_dd_rotate(d_xp1, -d_yp1, d_mirror_radian, &d_xp1, &d_yp1);
*dp_xp2 = d_xp1 + d_mirror_xpos;
*dp_yp2 = d_yp1 + d_mirror_ypos;
/* 指定座標を中心に回転する */
void calculator_geometry::get_dd_rotate_by_pos(double d_xp1, double d_yp1,
double d_xpos, double d_ypos,
double d_radian, double *dp_xp2,
double *dp_yp2) {
d_xp1 -= d_xpos;
d_yp1 -= d_ypos;
this->get_dd_rotate(d_xp1, d_yp1, d_radian, &d_xp1, &d_yp1);
*dp_xp2 = d_xp1 + d_xpos;
*dp_yp2 = d_yp1 + d_ypos;
#ifndef _pixel_point_node_h_
#define _pixel_point_node_h_
#include <stdio.h>
/* Windowsではstdint.hが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
typedef int int32_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
#include <stdint.h> /* for int32_t, uint16_t */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "list_node.h"
#ifndef OK
#define OK (0)
#ifndef NG
#define NG (-1)
/* x,yポイント座標のリストノード、画素連結、及び、線分連結、機能付き */
class pixel_point_node final : public list_node {
pixel_point_node() {
int32_t ii;
this->_i32_xp = 0;
this->_i32_yp = 0;
this->_d_xp_tgt = 0.0;
this->_d_yp_tgt = 0.0;
for (ii = 0; ii < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++ii) {
this->_clpa_link_near[ii] = NULL;
this->_clp_previous_point = NULL;
this->_clp_next_point = NULL;
/* 位置のセットと、ゲット */
void set_i32_xp(int32_t i32) { this->_i32_xp = i32; }
void set_i32_yp(int32_t i32) { this->_i32_yp = i32; }
void set_d_xp_tgt(double dd) { this->_d_xp_tgt = dd; }
void set_d_yp_tgt(double dd) { this->_d_yp_tgt = dd; }
int32_t get_i32_xp(void) { return this->_i32_xp; }
int32_t get_i32_yp(void) { return this->_i32_yp; }
double get_d_xp_tgt(void) { return this->_d_xp_tgt; }
double get_d_yp_tgt(void) { return this->_d_yp_tgt; }
/* 第1のリンク : list_nodeの継承による全データ検索用リスト */
/* void set_clp_next( pixel_point_node *clp ); */
/* void set_clp_previous( pixel_point_node *clp ); */
/* pixel_point_node *get_clp_next( void ); */
/* pixel_point_node *get_clp_previous( void ); */
/* 第2のリンク : 画像上の(上下左右斜め)ピクセル連結 */
int link_near(pixel_point_node *clp_);
pixel_point_node *get_clp_link_near(int32_t i32);
/* 第3のリンク : 線分を表すポイントリスト */
void set_clp_next_point(pixel_point_node *clp) {
this->_clp_next_point = clp;
void set_clp_previous_point(pixel_point_node *clp) {
this->_clp_previous_point = clp;
pixel_point_node *get_clp_next_point(void) { return this->_clp_next_point; }
pixel_point_node *get_clp_previous_point(void) {
return this->_clp_previous_point;
/* 連結情報表示 */
void print_xy_around(void);
int32_t _i32_xp, _i32_yp; /* source(元)画像上の位置 */
double _d_xp_tgt, _d_yp_tgt; /* target(最終)画像上の位置 */
pixel_point_node *_clpa_link_near[LINK_NEAR_COUNT];
pixel_point_node *_clp_previous_point, *_clp_next_point;
#endif /* !_pixel_point_node_h_ */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_point_node.h"
int pixel_point_node::link_near(pixel_point_node *clp_) {
int32_t ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++ii) {
if (NULL == this->_clpa_link_near[ii]) {
this->_clpa_link_near[ii] = clp_;
return ii;
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : no link_near point, over %d.",
pri_funct_err_bttvr("this x %d y %d", this->get_i32_xp(),
for (ii = 0; ii < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++ii) {
assert(NULL != this->_clpa_link_near[ii]);
pri_funct_err_bttvr("link_near %d x %d y %d", ii,
return NG;
pixel_point_node *pixel_point_node::get_clp_link_near(int32_t i32) {
if (LINK_NEAR_COUNT <= i32) return NULL;
return this->_clpa_link_near[i32];
void pixel_point_node::print_xy_around(void) {
int32_t ii;
"pixel_point_node::debug_print_xy_around() : self address <0x%lx>", this);
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" self x %d y %d", this->get_i32_xp(),
for (ii = 0; ii < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++ii) {
if (NULL != this->get_clp_link_near(ii)) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" link_near %d x %d y %d", ii,
} else {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" link_near %ld is not exist(NULL).", ii);
#ifndef _pixel_point_root_h_
#define _pixel_point_root_h_
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "list_root.h" "pixel_point_node.h"
class pixel_point_root final : public list_root {
pixel_point_root(void) {
this->_i_mv_sw = false;
this->_i_cv_sw = false;
this->_i_pv_sw = false;
~pixel_point_root(void) { this->mem_free(); }
void set_i_mv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_mv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_cv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_cv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_pv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_pv_sw = sw; }
/* 16Bits 1channel画像からゼロ以上のピクセルをプロットする */
int alloc_mem_and_list_node(int32_t i32_xs, int32_t i32_ys,
uint16_t *ui16p_src);
/* リストの追加 */
pixel_point_node *append(pixel_point_node *clp_previous);
/* for debug */
int save(const char *cp_fname);
void mem_free(void);
bool _i_mv_sw, _i_cv_sw, _i_pv_sw;
/* リストの削除 */
void _remove(pixel_point_node *clp_target);
#endif /* !_pixel_point_root_h_ */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_point_root.h"
pixel_point_node *pixel_point_root::append(pixel_point_node *clp_previous) {
pixel_point_node *clp_new;
clp_new = new pixel_point_node;
if (NULL == clp_new) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : 'new pixel_point_node' returns NULL.");
return NULL;
clp_new = (pixel_point_node *)this->push(clp_previous, clp_new);
return clp_new;
void pixel_point_root::_remove(pixel_point_node *clp_old) {
assert(NULL != clp_old); /* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
delete clp_old;
void pixel_point_root::mem_free(void) {
pixel_point_node *clp_;
int32_t ii;
if (NULL != this->get_clp_last()) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
while (NULL != (clp_ = (pixel_point_node *)this->get_clp_last())) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("free point node %d", ii);
int pixel_point_root::alloc_mem_and_list_node(int32_t i32_xs, int32_t i32_ys,
uint16_t *ui16p_src) {
int32_t xx, yy;
pixel_point_node *clp_pp;
/* 処理実行表示 */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
clp_pp = NULL;
for (yy = 0; yy < i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
for (xx = 0; xx < i32_xs; ++xx, ++ui16p_src) {
if (0 < (*ui16p_src)) {
clp_pp = this->append(clp_pp);
if (NULL == clp_pp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->append(clp_pp) returns NULL.");
return NG;
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* 処理結果表示 */
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("alloc and list %d points", this->get_i32_count());
return OK;
int pixel_point_root::save(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_point_node *clp_pp_node;
/* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
assert(NULL != cp_fname);
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s) returns NULL.", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* データ数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(count) returns minus.");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_pp_node = (pixel_point_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0L;
(NULL != clp_pp_node) && (ii < this->get_i32_count());
clp_pp_node = (pixel_point_node *)clp_pp_node->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", clp_pp_node->get_i32_xp(),
clp_pp_node->get_i32_yp()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(count xp yp) returns minus.");
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
#ifndef _pixel_line_node_h_
#define _pixel_line_node_h_
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "calculator_geometry.h" "list_node.h" "pixel_point_root.h"
#ifndef OK
#define OK (0)
#ifndef NG
#define NG (-1)
class pixel_line_node final : public list_node {
pixel_line_node() {
this->_i32_point_count = 0;
this->_d_same_way_radian_one = 0.0;
this->_d_same_way_radian_another = 0.0;
this->_d_bbox_x_min = 0.0;
this->_d_bbox_x_max = 0.0;
this->_d_bbox_y_min = 0.0;
this->_d_bbox_y_max = 0.0;
this->_clpa_link[0] = NULL;
this->_clpa_link[1] = NULL;
this->_clpa_link[2] = NULL;
this->_clpa_link[3] = NULL;
this->_clpa_link[4] = NULL;
/* 値の参照 */
int32_t get_i32_point_count(void) { return this->_i32_point_count; }
void set_d_same_way_radian_one(double dd) {
this->_d_same_way_radian_one = dd;
void set_d_same_way_radian_another(double dd) {
this->_d_same_way_radian_another = dd;
double get_d_same_way_radian_one(void) {
return this->_d_same_way_radian_one;
double get_d_same_way_radian_another(void) {
return this->_d_same_way_radian_another;
double get_d_bbox_x_min(void) { return this->_d_bbox_x_min; }
double get_d_bbox_x_max(void) { return this->_d_bbox_x_max; }
double get_d_bbox_y_min(void) { return this->_d_bbox_y_min; }
double get_d_bbox_y_max(void) { return this->_d_bbox_y_max; }
/* 対象(pixel_point_node)へのリンク機能 */
void link_one(pixel_point_node *clp) { this->_clpa_link[0] = clp; }
void link_another(pixel_point_node *clp) { this->_clpa_link[1] = clp; }
void link_middle(pixel_point_node *clp) { this->_clpa_link[2] = clp; }
void link_one_expand(pixel_point_node *clp) { this->_clpa_link[3] = clp; }
void link_another_expand(pixel_point_node *clp) { this->_clpa_link[4] = clp; }
pixel_point_node *get_clp_link_one(void) { return this->_clpa_link[0]; }
pixel_point_node *get_clp_link_another(void) { return this->_clpa_link[1]; }
pixel_point_node *get_clp_link_middle(void) { return this->_clpa_link[2]; }
pixel_point_node *get_clp_link_one_expand(void) {
return this->_clpa_link[3];
pixel_point_node *get_clp_link_another_expand(void) {
return this->_clpa_link[4];
void set_middle(void);
void int2double_body(void);
void smooth_body(int32_t i32_smooth_retry);
void smooth_expand(int32_t i32_smooth_retry);
void link_line(pixel_point_node *clp_crnt, pixel_point_node *clp_next,
int32_t i32_count);
void get_near_point(double d_xp, double d_yp, int32_t *i32p_pos,
pixel_point_node **clpp_point, double *dp_length);
pixel_point_node *get_next_point_by_count(pixel_point_node *clp_point,
int32_t i32_count);
pixel_point_node *get_prev_point_by_count(pixel_point_node *clp_point,
int32_t i32_count);
void set_bbox(void);
int save_line(FILE *fp);
int save_one_point(FILE *fp);
int save_middle_point(FILE *fp);
int save_another_point(FILE *fp);
int expand_line(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root);
int save_expand_line(FILE *fp);
int save_expand_vector(FILE *fp);
int save_one_expand_point(FILE *fp);
int save_another_expand_point(FILE *fp);
int32_t _i32_point_count;
double _d_same_way_radian_one, _d_same_way_radian_another;
double _d_bbox_x_min, _d_bbox_x_max, _d_bbox_y_min, _d_bbox_y_max;
pixel_point_node *_clpa_link[5];
calculator_geometry _cl_cal_geom;
int _expand_line_from_one(pixel_point_root *clp_pp_root,
int32_t i32_body_point_count,
pixel_point_node *clp_one,
pixel_point_node *clp_another, double d_radian);
int _expand_line_from_another(pixel_point_root *clp_pp_root,
int32_t i32_body_point_count,
pixel_point_node *clp_one,
pixel_point_node *clp_another, double d_radian);
void _smooth_point(double d_x1, double d_y1, double d_x2, double d_y2,
double d_x3, double d_y3, double *dp_x, double *dp_y);
void _get_link_line_selecter_vector(pixel_point_node *clp_crnt,
pixel_point_node *clp_next, double *dp_xv,
double *dp_yv, int32_t i32_count);
pixel_point_node *_get_link_line_selecter(double d_xv, double d_yv,
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt,
int32_t i32_count);
#endif /* !_pixel_line_node_h_ */
#include <assert.h>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_node.h"
int pixel_line_node::_expand_line_from_one(pixel_point_root *clp_pp_root,
int32_t i32_body_point_count,
pixel_point_node *clp_one,
pixel_point_node *clp_another,
double d_radian) {
pixel_point_node *clp_last, *clp_before, *clp_exist;
double d_xp, d_yp;
int32_t ii;
clp_before = clp_one;
/* ライン開始点(clp_one)から後ろへたどる、
始まりは開始点でなくその一つ後ろから */
for (ii = 1, clp_exist = clp_one->get_clp_next_point(); NULL != clp_exist;
++ii, clp_exist = clp_exist->get_clp_next_point()) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
assert(ii < i32_body_point_count);
/* 点node生成とデータリンク(free用) */
clp_last =
clp_pp_root->append((pixel_point_node *)(clp_pp_root->get_clp_last()));
if (NULL == clp_last) {
"Error : ii %d : this->append(clp_last) returns NULL.", ii);
return NG;
/* ラインとしてのリンク */
/* 位置を鏡面反転 */
clp_exist->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_exist->get_d_yp_tgt(),
clp_one->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_one->get_d_yp_tgt(), d_radian, &d_xp,
/* 位置をセット */
/* 接続のため前の点を記憶 */
clp_before = clp_last;
/* 終了 */
if (clp_another == clp_exist) {
return OK;
int pixel_line_node::_expand_line_from_another(pixel_point_root *clp_pp_root,
int32_t i32_body_point_count,
pixel_point_node *clp_one,
pixel_point_node *clp_another,
double d_radian) {
pixel_point_node *clp_last, *clp_before, *clp_exist;
double d_xp, d_yp;
int32_t ii;
clp_before = clp_another;
/* ライン最終点(clp_another)から前へたどる、
始まりは最終点でなくその一つ前から */
for (ii = 1, clp_exist = clp_another->get_clp_previous_point();
NULL != clp_exist;
++ii, clp_exist = clp_exist->get_clp_previous_point()) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
assert(ii < i32_body_point_count);
/* 点node生成とデータリンク(free用) */
clp_last =
clp_pp_root->append((pixel_point_node *)(clp_pp_root->get_clp_last()));
if (NULL == clp_last) {
"Error : ii %d : this->append(clp_last) returns NULL.", ii);
return NG;
/* ラインとしてのリンク */
/* 位置を鏡面反転 */
clp_exist->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_exist->get_d_yp_tgt(),
clp_another->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_another->get_d_yp_tgt(), d_radian,
&d_xp, &d_yp);
/* 位置をセット */
/* 接続のため前の点を記憶 */
clp_before = clp_last;
/* 終了 */
if (clp_one == clp_exist) {
return OK;
int pixel_line_node::expand_line(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root) {
pixel_point_node *clp_one, *clp_middle, *clp_another;
double d_radian, d_radian_one, d_radian_another;
int32_t i32_body_point_count;
/* 3点より少ない、短すぎる線分は伸ばすことができない */
if (this->_i32_point_count < 3) {
return OK;
/* 両端点と中点を得る */
clp_one = this->get_clp_link_one();
clp_another = this->get_clp_link_another();
clp_middle = this->get_clp_link_middle();
assert(clp_one != clp_another);
assert(clp_another != clp_middle);
assert(clp_middle != clp_one);
/* 2つのベクトルの角度を反時計回りに求める */
assert((clp_one->get_i32_xp() != clp_middle->get_i32_xp()) ||
(clp_one->get_i32_yp() != clp_middle->get_i32_yp()));
assert((clp_another->get_i32_xp() != clp_middle->get_i32_xp()) ||
(clp_another->get_i32_yp() != clp_middle->get_i32_yp()));
d_radian = this->_cl_cal_geom.get_d_radian_by_2_vector(
clp_one->get_i32_xp() - clp_middle->get_i32_xp(),
clp_one->get_i32_yp() - clp_middle->get_i32_yp(),
clp_another->get_i32_xp() - clp_middle->get_i32_xp(),
clp_another->get_i32_yp() - clp_middle->get_i32_yp());
/* 半分にして */
d_radian /= 2.0;
/* 始点から中間点へのベクトルの角度 */
d_radian_one = this->_cl_cal_geom.get_d_radian(
clp_middle->get_i32_xp() - clp_one->get_i32_xp(),
clp_middle->get_i32_yp() - clp_one->get_i32_yp());
/* 始点における、線分の線対象な線の角度 */
d_radian_one -= d_radian;
/* 終点から中間点へのベクトルの角度 */
d_radian_another = this->_cl_cal_geom.get_d_radian(
clp_middle->get_i32_xp() - clp_another->get_i32_xp(),
clp_middle->get_i32_yp() - clp_another->get_i32_yp());
/* 終点における、線分の線対象な線の角度 */
d_radian_another += d_radian;
/* 始点が端点ならば先へ伸ばす */
i32_body_point_count = this->_i32_point_count;
if (NULL == clp_one->get_clp_link_near(1)) { /* 2点目がないなら端点 */
if (OK !=
this->_expand_line_from_one(clp_pixel_point_root, i32_body_point_count,
d_radian_one)) {
"Error : this->_expand_line_from_one(-) returns NULL.");
return NG;
/* 終点が端点ならば先へ伸ばす */
if (NULL == clp_another->get_clp_link_near(1)) { /* 2点目がないなら端点 */
if (OK !=
clp_pixel_point_root, i32_body_point_count,
this->get_clp_link_one(), this->get_clp_link_another(),
d_radian_another)) {
"Error : this->_expand_line_from_another(-) returns NULL.");
return NG;
return OK;
#include <math.h> /* sqrt() */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pixel_line_node.h"
void pixel_line_node::get_near_point(double d_xp, double d_yp,
int32_t *i32p_pos,
pixel_point_node **clpp_point,
double *dp_length) {
pixel_point_node *clp_loop;
int32_t ii;
double d_length;
assert(NULL != this->get_clp_link_one_expand());
/* 各ポイントを探索 */
*dp_length = 1000.0;
clp_loop = this->get_clp_link_one_expand();
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_loop;
++ii, clp_loop = clp_loop->get_clp_next_point()) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
assert(ii < this->_i32_point_count);
/* 距離 */
d_length = sqrt(
(clp_loop->get_d_xp_tgt() - d_xp) * (clp_loop->get_d_xp_tgt() - d_xp) +
(clp_loop->get_d_yp_tgt() - d_yp) * (clp_loop->get_d_yp_tgt() - d_yp));
/* 近いものならセットする */
if (d_length < (*dp_length)) {
*i32p_pos = ii;
*clpp_point = clp_loop;
*dp_length = d_length;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pixel_line_node.h"
void pixel_line_node::int2double_body(void) {
pixel_point_node *clp_1;
int32_t ii;
/* 浮動小数化 */
clp_1 = this->get_clp_link_one();
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_1; clp_1 = clp_1->get_clp_next_point(), ++ii) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
assert(ii < this->_i32_point_count);
/* x,y座標をint(整数値)からdouble(浮動小数点)に変換し格納 */
#include <math.h> /* M_PI */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_node.h"
/* WindowsではM_PIが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
void pixel_line_node::_get_link_line_selecter_vector(pixel_point_node *clp_crnt,
pixel_point_node *clp_next,
double *dp_xv,
double *dp_yv,
int32_t i32_count) {
pixel_point_node *clp_start;
int32_t ii;
clp_start = clp_crnt;
/* 次への端点を求める */
for (ii = 0; (NULL != clp_next) && (ii < i32_count); ++ii) {
/* 次の点が線分としてリンク済みのとき */
if ((NULL != clp_next->get_clp_next_point()) ||
(NULL != clp_next->get_clp_previous_point())) {
/* もう一方の端点に到着し終端(リンク2点目がないので) */
if ((NULL == clp_next->get_clp_link_near(1))) {
clp_crnt = clp_next;
/* 分岐点(リンク3点目があるので) */
if (NULL != clp_next->get_clp_link_near(2)) {
clp_crnt = clp_next;
/* 次へのリンクをたどる */
if (clp_crnt == clp_next->get_clp_link_near(0)) {
clp_crnt = clp_next;
clp_next = clp_next->get_clp_link_near(1);
} else if (clp_crnt == clp_next->get_clp_link_near(1)) {
clp_crnt = clp_next;
clp_next = clp_next->get_clp_link_near(0);
/* リンクが壊れている */
else {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : bad link");
*dp_xv = clp_crnt->get_i32_xp() - clp_start->get_i32_xp();
*dp_yv = clp_crnt->get_i32_yp() - clp_start->get_i32_yp();
pixel_point_node *pixel_line_node::_get_link_line_selecter(
double d_xv, double d_yv, pixel_point_node *clp_crnt, int32_t i32_count) {
int32_t ii, i32_pos;
double da_xv[LINK_NEAR_COUNT], da_yv[LINK_NEAR_COUNT],
da_radian[LINK_NEAR_COUNT], d_radian;
/* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
assert((0.0 != d_xv) || (0.0 != d_yv));
assert(NULL != clp_crnt);
/* 各分岐の方向ベクトルを得る */
for (ii = 0; ii < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++ii) {
if (NULL == clp_crnt->get_clp_link_near(ii)) {
&da_xv[ii], &da_yv[ii], i32_count);
/* 各分岐線の方向ベクトルから、手前の線との角度を求める */
for (ii = 0; ii < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++ii) {
if (NULL == clp_crnt->get_clp_link_near(ii)) {
if ((0.0 != da_xv[ii]) || (0.0 != da_yv[ii])) {
da_radian[ii] = this->_cl_cal_geom.get_d_radian_by_2_vector(
d_xv, d_yv, da_xv[ii], da_yv[ii]);
if (M_PI < da_radian[ii]) {
da_radian[ii] = M_PI - (da_radian[ii] - M_PI);
} else {
da_radian[ii] = M_PI;
/* もっとも直線と見なされる(角度の小さい)分岐を返す */
d_radian = M_PI * 2.0;
for (ii = 0; ii < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++ii) {
if (NULL == clp_crnt->get_clp_link_near(ii)) {
if (da_radian[ii] < d_radian) {
i32_pos = ii;
d_radian = da_radian[ii];
/* もっとも直線と見なされる(角度の小さい)といっても
90度以上も曲がってたらだめ */
if ((M_PI / 2.0 <= d_radian) && (d_radian <= M_PI * 3.0 / 2.0)) return NULL;
return clp_crnt->get_clp_link_near(i32_pos);
void pixel_line_node::link_line(pixel_point_node *clp_crnt,
pixel_point_node *clp_next, int32_t i32_count) {
int32_t ii;
pixel_point_node *clp_tmp1, *clp_tmp2;
double d_xv, d_yv;
/* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
assert(NULL != clp_crnt);
assert(NULL != clp_next);
/* スタート点をセット */
clp_tmp1 = clp_tmp2 = this->get_clp_link_one();
d_xv = d_yv = 0.0;
for (ii = 0; (NULL != clp_next) && (ii < i32_count); ++ii) {
/* 次の点が線分としてリンク済みのとき */
if ((NULL != clp_next->get_clp_next_point()) ||
(NULL != clp_next->get_clp_previous_point())) {
/* カレント点をゴール点としてセット */
/* 線分としてのリンクをする */
/* もう一方の端点に到着し終端(リンク2点目がないので) */
if ((NULL == clp_next->get_clp_link_near(1))) {
/* 次の点をゴール点としてセット */
/* 分岐点(リンク3点目があるので)から次の点へ */
if (NULL != clp_next->get_clp_link_near(2)) {
/* それまでの線分の方向を保存しておく */
clp_tmp2 = clp_tmp1;
clp_tmp1 = clp_next;
assert(clp_tmp1 != clp_tmp2);
d_xv = clp_tmp1->get_i32_xp() - clp_tmp2->get_i32_xp();
d_yv = clp_tmp1->get_i32_yp() - clp_tmp2->get_i32_yp();
assert((0.0 != d_xv) || (0.0 != d_yv));
/* 各分岐線をたどり、方向の最も合う線を探す */
clp_crnt = clp_next;
clp_next = this->_get_link_line_selecter(d_xv, d_yv, clp_next, i32_count);
/* たどる線がすでにたどっているものの場合、
そこで、終端 */
if (NULL == clp_next) {
/* ゴール点をセット */
/* 線分構成点(リンク3点目がない)から次の点へ */
else {
/* 次へのリンクをたどる */
if (clp_crnt == clp_next->get_clp_link_near(0)) {
clp_crnt = clp_next;
clp_next = clp_next->get_clp_link_near(1);
} else if (clp_crnt == clp_next->get_clp_link_near(1)) {
clp_crnt = clp_next;
clp_next = clp_next->get_clp_link_near(0);
/* リンクが壊れている */
else {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : bad link");
/* リンクが不自然に長すぎる */
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : too long link");
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pixel_line_node.h"
void pixel_select_curve_blur_root::exec( double d_xp, double d_yp,
pixel_line_node *clp_line_first, int32_t i32_count, int32_t i32_blur_count )
pixel_point_node *pixel_line_node::get_next_point_by_count(
pixel_point_node *clp_point, int32_t i32_count) {
for (; (0 < i32_count) && (NULL != clp_point); --i32_count) {
clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next_point();
return clp_point;
pixel_point_node *pixel_line_node::get_prev_point_by_count(
pixel_point_node *clp_point, int32_t i32_count) {
for (; (0 < i32_count) && (NULL != clp_point); --i32_count) {
clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_previous_point();
return clp_point;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_node.h"
int pixel_line_node::save_line(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt;
int32_t ii;
clp_crnt = this->get_clp_link_one();
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_crnt;
clp_crnt = clp_crnt->get_clp_next_point(), ++ii) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
assert(ii < this->_i32_point_count);
/* 次の点(シード2含む)の座標値保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp()) <
0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : point %d : fprintf(%d %d) returns minus", ii,
clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp());
return NG;
return OK;
int pixel_line_node::save_one_point(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt;
/* シード1の座標値保存 */
clp_crnt = this->get_clp_link_one();
if (NULL != clp_crnt) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp()) <
0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : one point : fprintf(%d %d) returns minus",
clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp());
return NG;
return OK;
int pixel_line_node::save_middle_point(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt;
/* シード1の座標値保存 */
clp_crnt = this->get_clp_link_middle();
if (NULL != clp_crnt) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp()) <
0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : middle point : fprintf(%d %d) returns minus",
clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp());
return NG;
return OK;
int pixel_line_node::save_another_point(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt;
/* シード2の座標値保存 */
clp_crnt = this->get_clp_link_another();
if (NULL != clp_crnt) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp()) <
0) {
"Error : another point : fprintf(%d %d) returns minus",
clp_crnt->get_i32_xp(), clp_crnt->get_i32_yp());
return NG;
return OK;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_node.h"
int pixel_line_node::save_expand_line(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt;
int32_t ii;
clp_crnt = this->get_clp_link_one_expand();
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_crnt;
clp_crnt = clp_crnt->get_clp_next_point(), ++ii) {
/* 伸長した後なので3倍-2の長さ。偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
/***assert( ii < this->_i32_point_count * 3 - 2 );***/
assert(ii < this->_i32_point_count);
/* 次の点(シード2含む)の座標値保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n", clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : point %d : fprintf(%g %g) returns minus", ii,
clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt());
return NG;
return OK;
int pixel_line_node::save_one_expand_point(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt;
clp_crnt = this->get_clp_link_one_expand();
if (NULL != clp_crnt) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n", clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt()) < 0) {
"Error : one expand point : fprintf(%g %g) returns minus",
clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt());
return NG;
return OK;
int pixel_line_node::save_another_expand_point(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_crnt;
clp_crnt = this->get_clp_link_another_expand();
if (NULL != clp_crnt) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n", clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt()) < 0) {
"Error : another expand point : fprintf(%g %g) returns minus",
clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt());
return NG;
return OK;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_node.h"
int pixel_line_node::save_expand_vector(FILE *fp) {
pixel_point_node *clp_term, *clp_expa;
clp_term = this->get_clp_link_one();
clp_expa = this->get_clp_link_one_expand();
if ((NULL != clp_term) && (NULL != clp_expa)) {
(void)fprintf(fp, "%g %g %g %g\n", clp_term->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_expa->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_term->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_expa->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_term->get_d_yp_tgt());
if (ferror(fp)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(one and one_expand xp and yp)");
return NG;
clp_term = this->get_clp_link_another();
clp_expa = this->get_clp_link_another_expand();
if ((NULL != clp_term) && (NULL != clp_expa)) {
(void)fprintf(fp, "%g %g %g %g\n", clp_term->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_expa->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_term->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_expa->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_term->get_d_yp_tgt());
if (ferror(fp)) {
"Error : fprintf(another and another_expand xp and yp)");
return NG;
return OK;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pixel_line_node.h"
void pixel_line_node::set_bbox(void) {
pixel_point_node *clp_point;
int32_t ii;
/* 浮動小数化 */
clp_point = this->get_clp_link_one_expand();
if (NULL == clp_point) {
clp_point = this->get_clp_link_one();
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_point;
clp_point = clp_point->get_clp_next_point(), ++ii) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
assert(ii < this->_i32_point_count);
if (0 == ii) {
this->_d_bbox_x_min = clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt();
this->_d_bbox_x_max = clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt();
this->_d_bbox_y_min = clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt();
this->_d_bbox_y_max = clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt();
} else {
if (clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt() < this->_d_bbox_x_min) {
this->_d_bbox_x_min = clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt();
} else if (this->_d_bbox_x_max < clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt()) {
this->_d_bbox_x_max = clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt();
if (clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt() < this->_d_bbox_y_min) {
this->_d_bbox_y_min = clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt();
} else if (this->_d_bbox_y_max < clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt()) {
this->_d_bbox_y_max = clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt();
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pixel_line_node.h"
void pixel_line_node::set_middle(void) {
int32_t ii;
pixel_point_node *clp_middle;
/* すでにラインデータとしてのリンクがあること */
assert(NULL != this->get_clp_link_one());
/* 中間点を得る(nodeが偶数個のときはendよりのnode) */
for (ii = 0, clp_middle = this->get_clp_link_one();
(ii < (this->_i32_point_count) / 2) && (NULL != clp_middle); ++ii) {
if (NULL != clp_middle->get_clp_next_point()) {
clp_middle = clp_middle->get_clp_next_point();
/* 短すぎる線は選択していないはず */
assert(clp_middle != this->get_clp_link_one());
assert(clp_middle != this->get_clp_link_another());
/* 中間点を登録 */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pixel_line_node.h"
/* 3点から線分がスムースになるような中点を計算する
* p1
| +
| * <-- new p2
p2 |p3
* |
+ | +
| *
void pixel_line_node::_smooth_point(double d_x1, double d_y1, double d_x2,
double d_y2, double d_x3, double d_y3,
double *dp_x, double *dp_y) {
*dp_x = (d_x2 + ((d_x1 + d_x3) / 2.0)) / 2.0;
*dp_y = (d_y2 + ((d_y1 + d_y3) / 2.0)) / 2.0;
void pixel_line_node::smooth_body(int32_t i32_smooth_retry) {
pixel_point_node *clp_1, *clp_2, *clp_3;
int32_t kk, ii;
double d_x, d_y, d_x1, d_y1, d_x2 = 0, d_y2 = 0, d_x3, d_y3;
/* スムース化 */
for (kk = 0; kk < i32_smooth_retry; ++kk) {
clp_1 = this->get_clp_link_one();
clp_2 = clp_3 = NULL;
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_1; ++ii) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
assert(ii < this->_i32_point_count);
d_x1 = clp_1->get_d_xp_tgt();
d_y1 = clp_1->get_d_yp_tgt();
/* スムース化 */
if (NULL != clp_3) {
this->_smooth_point(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2, d_x3, d_y3, &d_x, &d_y);
/* 細線化部分の終点で終り */
if (this->get_clp_link_another() == clp_1) break;
/* 次の3ポイントへずらす */
clp_3 = clp_2;
d_x3 = d_x2;
d_y3 = d_y2;
clp_2 = clp_1;
d_x2 = d_x1;
d_y2 = d_y1;
clp_1 = clp_1->get_clp_next_point();
void pixel_line_node::smooth_expand(int32_t i32_smooth_retry) {
pixel_point_node *clp_1, *clp_2, *clp_3;
int32_t kk, ii;
double d_x, d_y, d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2, d_x3, d_y3;
/* スムース化 */
for (kk = 0; kk < i32_smooth_retry; ++kk) {
clp_1 = this->get_clp_link_one_expand();
clp_2 = clp_3 = NULL;
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_1; ++ii) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
/***assert( ii < (this->_i32_point_count * 3) );***/
assert(ii < (this->_i32_point_count));
d_x1 = clp_1->get_d_xp_tgt();
d_y1 = clp_1->get_d_yp_tgt();
/* スムース化 */
if (NULL != clp_3) {
this->_smooth_point(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2, d_x3, d_y3, &d_x, &d_y);
/* 伸ばした終点で終り */
if (this->get_clp_link_another_expand() == clp_1) break;
/* 次の3ポイントへずらす */
clp_3 = clp_2;
d_x3 = d_x2;
d_y3 = d_y2;
clp_2 = clp_1;
d_x2 = d_x1;
d_y2 = d_y1;
clp_1 = clp_1->get_clp_next_point();
#ifndef _pixel_select_same_way_h_
#define _pixel_select_same_way_h_
#include <stdio.h>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "list_root.h" "calculator_geometry.h" "pixel_point_root.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
class pixel_select_same_way_node final : public list_node {
pixel_select_same_way_node(void) {
this->clp_point_middle = NULL;
this->clp_point_term = NULL;
this->clp_point_expand = NULL;
this->d_length = -1.0;
void copy(pixel_select_same_way_node *clp) {
this->clp_point_middle = clp->clp_point_middle;
this->clp_point_term = clp->clp_point_term;
this->clp_point_expand = clp->clp_point_expand;
this->d_length = clp->d_length;
pixel_point_node *clp_point_middle;
pixel_point_node *clp_point_term;
pixel_point_node *clp_point_expand;
double d_length;
class pixel_select_same_way_root final : public list_root {
pixel_select_same_way_root(void) {
this->_i_mv_sw = false;
this->_i_cv_sw = false;
this->_i_pv_sw = false;
this->_i32_count_max = 4;
this->_d_length_max = 160;
~pixel_select_same_way_root(void) { this->mem_free(); }
void set_i_mv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_mv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_cv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_cv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_pv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_pv_sw = sw; }
int32_t get_i32_count_max(void) { return this->_i32_count_max; }
void set_i32_count_max(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_count_max = ii; }
double get_d_length_max(void) { return this->_d_length_max; }
void set_d_length_max(double dd) { this->_d_length_max = dd; }
void exec(pixel_line_node *clp_line_first, int32_t i32_count,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_middle,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_term,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_expand);
void get_vector(double *dp_xv, double *dp_yv);
void mem_free(void);
bool _i_mv_sw, _i_cv_sw, _i_pv_sw;
int32_t _i32_count_max;
double _d_length_max;
calculator_geometry _cl_cal_geom;
pixel_select_same_way_node *_append(pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_previous);
void _remove(pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_old);
int _sort_append(pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_src);
double _term_length(pixel_point_node *clp_middle1,
pixel_point_node *clp_term1,
pixel_point_node *clp_middle2,
pixel_point_node *clp_term2);
#endif /* !_pixel_select_same_way_h_ */
#include <math.h> /* sqrt() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), calloc() */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h" "pixel_select_same_way.h"
/* WindowsではM_PIが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
pixel_select_same_way_node *pixel_select_same_way_root::_append(
pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_previous) {
pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_new;
clp_new = new pixel_select_same_way_node;
if (NULL == clp_new) {
"Error : 'new pixel_select_same_way_node' returns NULL.");
return NULL;
clp_new = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)this->push(clp_previous, clp_new);
return clp_new;
void pixel_select_same_way_root::_remove(pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_old) {
assert(NULL != clp_old); /* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
delete clp_old;
void pixel_select_same_way_root::mem_free(void) {
pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_;
int32_t ii;
if (NULL != this->get_clp_last()) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
while (NULL !=
(clp_ = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)this->get_clp_last())) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("free select same way node %d", ii);
/* lengthの値を見て、小さい値順になるように追加する
int pixel_select_same_way_root::_sort_append(
pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_src) {
pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_loop, *clp_prev;
int32_t ii;
assert(0.0 < clp_src->d_length);
clp_loop = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)this->get_clp_first();
/* まだなにも選択されていないとき */
if (NULL == clp_loop) {
clp_prev = NULL;
/* 1つだけ選択されているとき */
else if (NULL == clp_loop->get_clp_next()) {
/* 既選択より値が小さいので先頭位置を示す */
if (clp_src->d_length < clp_loop->d_length) {
clp_prev = NULL;
/* 既選択より値が大きいので既選択を示す */
else {
clp_prev = clp_loop;
/* 2つ以上の選択があるとき */
else {
/* 既選択より値が大きいときのため最後尾を示しておく */
clp_prev = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)this->get_clp_last();
/* 既選択より値が小さい場所があればその手前を示す */
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_loop; ++ii,
clp_loop = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)clp_loop->get_clp_next()) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (clp_src->d_length < clp_loop->d_length) {
clp_prev = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)clp_loop->get_clp_previous();
/* 示した場所の後ろに追加 */
clp_prev = this->_append(clp_prev);
if (NULL == clp_prev) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->_append(clp_prev) returns NULL.");
return NG;
/* 情報をコピー */
return OK;
double pixel_select_same_way_root::_term_length(pixel_point_node *clp_middle1,
pixel_point_node *clp_term1,
pixel_point_node *clp_middle2,
pixel_point_node *clp_term2) {
double d_length, d_radian;
/* 2つの端点の距離 */
assert(clp_term2 != clp_term1);
d_length = sqrt((clp_term2->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_term1->get_d_xp_tgt()) *
(clp_term2->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_term1->get_d_xp_tgt()) +
(clp_term2->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_term1->get_d_yp_tgt()) *
(clp_term2->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_term1->get_d_yp_tgt()));
/* 同方向のものでなければならない
assert(clp_term1 != clp_middle1);
assert(clp_term2 != clp_middle2);
d_radian = this->_cl_cal_geom.get_d_radian_by_2_vector(
clp_term1->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_middle1->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_term1->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_middle1->get_d_yp_tgt(),
clp_term2->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_middle2->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_term2->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_middle2->get_d_yp_tgt());
/* 線分が逆方向ならだめ */
if ((M_PI / 2.0 <= d_radian) && (d_radian <= M_PI * 3.0 / 2.0)) return -1.0;
/* 端点が離れすぎならだめ */
if (this->_d_length_max <= d_length) return -1.0;
/* 距離を返す */
return d_length;
/* 同方向で、一定の距離の範囲にある端点を選択する */
void pixel_select_same_way_root::exec(pixel_line_node *clp_line_first,
int32_t i32_count,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_middle,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_term,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_expand) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
double d_length;
pixel_select_same_way_node cl_select;
assert(clp_point_middle != clp_point_term);
assert(clp_point_term != clp_point_expand);
assert(clp_point_expand != clp_point_middle);
/* 選択リストをクリア */
/* 自身以外の全端点と比較 */
for (clp_line = clp_line_first, ii = 0; NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < i32_count);
/* 端点1が自分以外のときで、
線分が短すぎて(1点以下)真中指定と端点1が同じではない */
if ((clp_line->get_clp_link_one() != clp_point_term) &&
(clp_line->get_clp_link_middle() != clp_line->get_clp_link_one())) {
assert(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_middle());
assert(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_one());
d_length = this->_term_length(clp_point_middle, clp_point_term,
/* 同方向で一定の距離の範囲内にあるなら */
if ((0.0 < d_length) && (NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_one_expand())) {
cl_select.clp_point_middle = clp_line->get_clp_link_middle();
cl_select.clp_point_term = clp_line->get_clp_link_one();
cl_select.clp_point_expand = clp_line->get_clp_link_one_expand();
cl_select.d_length = d_length;
/* 登録 */
/* 端点2が自分以外のときで、
線分が短すぎて(2点以下)真中指定と端点2が同じではない */
if ((clp_line->get_clp_link_another() != clp_point_term) &&
(clp_line->get_clp_link_middle() != clp_line->get_clp_link_another())) {
assert(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_middle());
assert(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_another());
/* 端点(another)を調べて */
d_length = this->_term_length(clp_point_middle, clp_point_term,
/* 同方向で一定の距離の範囲内にあるなら */
if ((0.0 < d_length) &&
(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_another_expand())) {
cl_select.clp_point_middle = clp_line->get_clp_link_middle();
cl_select.clp_point_term = clp_line->get_clp_link_another();
cl_select.clp_point_expand = clp_line->get_clp_link_another_expand();
cl_select.d_length = d_length;
/* 登録 */
/* 距離の近い順(lengthの小さい値)に指定個数分のベクトルを合成して返す
void pixel_select_same_way_root::get_vector(double *dp_xv, double *dp_yv) {
pixel_select_same_way_node *clp_loop;
int32_t ii;
clp_loop = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)this->get_clp_first();
for (ii = 0; (NULL != clp_loop) && (ii < this->_i32_count_max); ++ii,
clp_loop = (pixel_select_same_way_node *)clp_loop->get_clp_next()) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
assert(NULL != clp_loop->clp_point_expand);
assert(NULL != clp_loop->clp_point_term);
*dp_xv += clp_loop->clp_point_expand->get_d_xp_tgt() -
*dp_yv += clp_loop->clp_point_expand->get_d_yp_tgt() -
#ifndef _pixel_line_root_h_
#define _pixel_line_root_h_
#include <stdio.h>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "list_root.h" "calculator_geometry.h" "pixel_point_root.h" "pixel_line_node.h" "pixel_select_same_way.h"
class pixel_line_root final : public list_root {
pixel_line_root(void) {
this->_i_mv_sw = false;
this->_i_cv_sw = false;
this->_i_pv_sw = false;
this->_d_bbox_x_min = 0.0;
this->_d_bbox_x_max = 0.0;
this->_d_bbox_y_min = 0.0;
this->_d_bbox_y_max = 0.0;
this->_i32_smooth_retry = 100;
this->_i_same_way_exec_sw = true;
~pixel_line_root(void) { this->mem_free(); }
void set_i_mv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_mv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_cv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_cv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_pv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_pv_sw = sw; }
double get_d_bbox_x_min(void) { return this->_d_bbox_x_min; }
double get_d_bbox_x_max(void) { return this->_d_bbox_x_max; }
double get_d_bbox_y_min(void) { return this->_d_bbox_y_min; }
double get_d_bbox_y_max(void) { return this->_d_bbox_y_max; }
void set_i32_smooth_retry(int32_t i32) { this->_i32_smooth_retry = i32; }
int32_t get_i32_smooth_retry(void) { return this->_i32_smooth_retry; }
void set_i_same_way_exec_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_same_way_exec_sw = sw; }
int exec01020304(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root);
void exec05_set_middle(void);
void exec06_int2double_body(void);
void exec07_smooth_body(void);
int exec08_expand_lines(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root);
void exec09_same_way_expand(pixel_select_same_way_root *clp_select);
void exec10_smooth_expand(void);
void exec11_set_bbox(void);
int save_not_include(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root,
const char *cp_fname);
int save_lines(const char *cp_fname);
int save_one_point(const char *cp_fname);
int save_middle_point(const char *cp_fname);
int save_another_point(const char *cp_fname);
int save_expand_lines(const char *cp_fname);
int save_one_expand_point(const char *cp_fname);
int save_another_expand_point(const char *cp_fname);
int save_expand_vector(const char *cp_fname);
void mem_free(void);
bool _i_mv_sw, _i_cv_sw, _i_pv_sw;
double _d_bbox_x_min, _d_bbox_x_max, _d_bbox_y_min, _d_bbox_y_max;
int32_t _i32_smooth_retry;
bool _i_same_way_exec_sw;
calculator_geometry _cl_cal_geom;
pixel_line_node *_append(pixel_line_node *clp_previous);
void _remove(pixel_line_node *clp_old);
int _exec01_link_left_right(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root);
int _exec02_link_up_down(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root);
int _exec03_link_slant(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root);
int _exec04_grouping(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root);
double _same_way_expand_radian_diff(pixel_point_node *clp_point_middle,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_term,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_term_expand,
pixel_select_same_way_root *clp_select);
#endif /* !_pixel_line_root_h_ */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
int pixel_line_root::exec01020304(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root) {
/* ピクセルノードの左右リンク */
if (OK != this->_exec01_link_left_right(clp_pixel_point_root)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->_exec01_link_left_right() returns NG.");
return NG;
/* ピクセルノードの上下リンク */
if (OK != this->_exec02_link_up_down(clp_pixel_point_root)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->_exec02_link_up_down() returns NG.");
return NG;
/* ピクセルノードの斜めリンク */
if (OK != this->_exec03_link_slant(clp_pixel_point_root)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->_exec03_link_slant() returns NG.");
return NG;
/* リンクしたものを、グループ化 */
if (OK != this->_exec04_grouping(clp_pixel_point_root)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->_exec04_grouping() returns NG.");
return NG;
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::_exec01_link_left_right(
pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root) {
pixel_point_node *clp_point, *clp_point2;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
clp_point2 = NULL;
for (clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)(clp_pixel_point_root->get_clp_first());
NULL != clp_point;
clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next()) {
/* 隣同士の2ポイントで */
if ((NULL != clp_point2)
/* 同じスキャンラインで */
&& (clp_point->get_i32_yp() == clp_point2->get_i32_yp())
/* 左右隣同士なら */
&& (((clp_point2->get_i32_xp()) + 1) == (clp_point->get_i32_xp()))) {
/* 双方向リンクする */
if (NG == clp_point->link_near(clp_point2)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
if (NG == clp_point2->link_near(clp_point)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point2->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
clp_point2 = clp_point;
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" link left right %d", ii);
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::_exec02_link_up_down(
pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root) {
pixel_point_node *clp_point, *clp_point2;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
for (clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)(clp_pixel_point_root->get_clp_first());
NULL != clp_point;
clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next()) {
for (clp_point2 = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next();
(NULL != clp_point2)
/* 1つ上のスキャンラインまでを見る */
&& (clp_point2->get_i32_yp() <= (1 + clp_point->get_i32_yp()));
clp_point2 = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point2->get_clp_next()) {
if (
/* 1つ上のスキャンラインで */
(clp_point2->get_i32_yp() == (1 + (clp_point->get_i32_yp())))
/* 上下隣接同士なら */
&& (clp_point->get_i32_xp() == clp_point2->get_i32_xp())) {
/* 双方向リンクする */
if (NG == clp_point->link_near(clp_point2)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
if (NG == clp_point2->link_near(clp_point)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point2->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
/* 一個つなげたら抜ける(上下一致するのは一か所だけ)*/
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" link up down %d", ii);
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::_exec03_link_slant(
pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root) {
pixel_point_node *clp_point, *clp_point2, *clp_point_link;
int32_t ii, jj;
bool i_left_link_sw, i_right_link_sw, i_up_link_sw;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
for (clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)(clp_pixel_point_root->get_clp_first());
NULL != clp_point;
clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next()) {
/* LINK_NEAR_COUNT個所リンクしているところは、
これ以上リンクできないので、次へ */
if (NULL != clp_point->get_clp_link_near(LINK_NEAR_COUNT - 1)) {
i_left_link_sw = false;
i_right_link_sw = false;
i_up_link_sw = false;
/* 全リンクの調査 */
for (jj = 0; jj < LINK_NEAR_COUNT; ++jj) {
clp_point_link = clp_point->get_clp_link_near(jj);
/* リンクの終了なので抜ける */
if (NULL == clp_point_link) break;
/* 上につながっている */
if (((clp_point_link->get_i32_xp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_xp())) &&
((clp_point_link->get_i32_yp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_yp() + 1))) {
i_up_link_sw = true;
/* 左につながっている */
if (((clp_point_link->get_i32_xp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_xp() - 1)) &&
((clp_point_link->get_i32_yp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_yp()))) {
i_left_link_sw = true;
/* 右につながっている */
if (((clp_point_link->get_i32_xp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_xp() + 1)) &&
((clp_point_link->get_i32_yp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_yp()))) {
i_right_link_sw = true;
/* 左右両方につながりあるなら、斜めにはつなげず、次へ */
if (i_left_link_sw && i_right_link_sw) continue;
/* 上につながっているなら、斜めにはつなげず、次へ */
if (i_up_link_sw) continue;
for (clp_point2 = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next();
(NULL != clp_point2)
/* 1つ上のスキャンラインまでを見る */
&& (clp_point2->get_i32_yp() <= (1 + clp_point->get_i32_yp()));
clp_point2 = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point2->get_clp_next()) {
/* 1つ上のスキャンラインでないなら次へ */
if ((clp_point2->get_i32_yp()) != (1 + (clp_point->get_i32_yp()))) {
/* 左斜め上につながるものあり */
if (!i_left_link_sw &&
((clp_point2->get_i32_xp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_xp() - 1)) &&
((clp_point2->get_i32_yp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_yp() + 1))) {
/* 双方向リンクする */
if (NG == clp_point->link_near(clp_point2)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
if (NG == clp_point2->link_near(clp_point)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point2->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
/* 右斜め上につながるものあり */
if (!i_right_link_sw &&
((clp_point2->get_i32_xp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_xp() + 1)) &&
((clp_point2->get_i32_yp()) == (clp_point->get_i32_yp() + 1))) {
/* 双方向リンクする */
if (NG == clp_point->link_near(clp_point2)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
if (NG == clp_point2->link_near(clp_point)) {
"Error : count %d : clp_point2->link_near() returns NG.", ii);
return NG;
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" link slant %d", ii);
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::_exec04_grouping(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root) {
pixel_point_node *clp_point;
pixel_line_node *clp_line_before, *clp_line_crnt;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
clp_line_before = NULL;
for (clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)(clp_pixel_point_root->get_clp_first());
NULL != clp_point;
clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next()) {
/* 線分としてリンク済みのは飛ばして次へ */
if ((NULL != clp_point->get_clp_next_point()) ||
(NULL != clp_point->get_clp_previous_point())) {
/* 端点をみつけた */
if ((NULL != clp_point->get_clp_link_near(0)) &&
(NULL == clp_point->get_clp_link_near(1))) {
clp_line_crnt = this->_append(clp_line_before);
if (NULL == clp_line_crnt) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->_append() returns NULL.");
return NG;
/* 線分としてリンクし、両端点をセットする */
clp_line_crnt->link_line(clp_point, clp_point->get_clp_link_near(0),
/* リンクした線分は3点以上でないとだめ */
if (clp_line_crnt->get_i32_point_count() < 3) {
/* 選択が3点以上ならOKなので、次のラインへ */
else {
clp_line_before = clp_line_crnt;
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" make %d lines", this->get_i32_count());
return OK;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
void pixel_line_root::exec05_set_middle(void) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" set middle point about %d lines", ii);
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
void pixel_line_root::exec06_int2double_body(void) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" int to double %d lines", ii);
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
void pixel_line_root::exec07_smooth_body(void) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" smooth retry %u", this->_i32_smooth_retry);
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" smooth %d lines", ii);
void pixel_line_root::exec10_smooth_expand(void) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" smooth retry %u", this->_i32_smooth_retry);
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" smooth %d lines", ii);
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
int pixel_line_root::exec08_expand_lines(
pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (OK != clp_line->expand_line(clp_pixel_point_root)) {
"Error : line number %d : clp_line->expand_line() returns NG", ii);
return NG;
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" expand %d lines", ii);
return OK;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
double pixel_line_root::_same_way_expand_radian_diff(
pixel_point_node *clp_point_middle, pixel_point_node *clp_point_term,
pixel_point_node *clp_point_term_expand,
pixel_select_same_way_root *clp_select) {
double d_xv, d_yv;
assert(clp_point_middle != clp_point_term);
assert(clp_point_term != clp_point_term_expand);
assert(clp_point_term_expand != clp_point_middle);
/* 自身以外の全端点と比較 */
clp_select->exec((pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(),
this->get_i32_count(), clp_point_middle, clp_point_term,
if (clp_select->get_i32_count() <= 0) {
return 0.0;
/* ベクトルを付加合成 */
d_xv = 0.0;
d_yv = 0.0;
clp_select->get_vector(&d_xv, &d_yv);
/* ベクトルがゼロの場合
--> 何も選択していない
--> 角度ゼロを返す
if ((0.0 == d_xv) && (0.0 == d_yv)) {
return 0.0;
/* 自分自身のベクトル、他より優位生を持たせるため2倍する */
d_xv +=
(clp_point_term_expand->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_point_term->get_d_xp_tgt()) *
d_yv +=
(clp_point_term_expand->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_point_term->get_d_yp_tgt()) *
/* 元の延長線との角度の差を返す */
return this->_cl_cal_geom.get_d_radian_by_2_vector(
clp_point_term_expand->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_point_term->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_point_term_expand->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_point_term->get_d_yp_tgt(),
d_xv, d_yv);
void pixel_line_root::exec09_same_way_expand(
pixel_select_same_way_root *clp_select) {
pixel_point_node *clp_point_start, *clp_point_tmp;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
double d_radian, d_x, d_y;
int32_t i32_count_one, i32_count_another;
/* 同方向曲げをしないときはここで抜けてしまう */
if (!this->_i_same_way_exec_sw) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" select max length %g count %d",
/* 各端点(one,anohter)ごと
それらの合成ベクトルによる角度との差を一時保管する */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_one_expand()) {
d_radian = this->_same_way_expand_radian_diff(
clp_line->get_clp_link_middle(), clp_line->get_clp_link_one(),
clp_line->get_clp_link_one_expand(), clp_select);
if (NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_another_expand()) {
d_radian = this->_same_way_expand_radian_diff(
clp_line->get_clp_link_middle(), clp_line->get_clp_link_another(),
clp_line->get_clp_link_another_expand(), clp_select);
/* 各端点(one,anohter)ごと
伸ばした線分を、一時保管した角度に曲げる */
i32_count_one = 0;
i32_count_another = 0;
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (0.0 < clp_line->get_d_same_way_radian_one()) {
clp_point_start = clp_line->get_clp_link_one();
clp_point_tmp = clp_point_start->get_clp_previous_point();
for (; NULL != clp_point_tmp;
clp_point_tmp = clp_point_tmp->get_clp_previous_point()) {
clp_point_tmp->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_point_tmp->get_d_yp_tgt(),
clp_point_start->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_point_start->get_d_yp_tgt(),
clp_line->get_d_same_way_radian_one(), &d_x, &d_y);
if (0.0 < clp_line->get_d_same_way_radian_another()) {
clp_point_start = clp_line->get_clp_link_another();
clp_point_tmp = clp_point_start->get_clp_next_point();
for (; NULL != clp_point_tmp;
clp_point_tmp = clp_point_tmp->get_clp_next_point()) {
clp_point_tmp->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_point_tmp->get_d_yp_tgt(),
clp_point_start->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_point_start->get_d_yp_tgt(),
clp_line->get_d_same_way_radian_another(), &d_x, &d_y);
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" same way expand one %d another %d", i32_count_one,
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
void pixel_line_root::exec11_set_bbox(void) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii;
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (0 == ii) {
this->_d_bbox_x_min = clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_min();
this->_d_bbox_x_max = clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_max();
this->_d_bbox_y_min = clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_min();
this->_d_bbox_y_max = clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_max();
} else {
if (clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_min() < this->_d_bbox_x_min) {
this->_d_bbox_x_min = clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_min();
} else if (this->_d_bbox_x_max < clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_max()) {
this->_d_bbox_x_max = clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_max();
if (clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_min() < this->_d_bbox_y_min) {
this->_d_bbox_y_min = clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_min();
} else if (this->_d_bbox_y_max < clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_max()) {
this->_d_bbox_y_max = clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_max();
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr(" set bbox %d lines : min x %g y %g : max x %g y %g", ii,
this->_d_bbox_x_min, this->_d_bbox_y_min,
this->_d_bbox_x_max, this->_d_bbox_y_max);
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
pixel_line_node *pixel_line_root::_append(pixel_line_node *clp_previous) {
pixel_line_node *clp_new;
clp_new = new pixel_line_node;
if (NULL == clp_new) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : 'new pixel_line_node' returns NULL.");
return NULL;
clp_new = (pixel_line_node *)this->push(clp_previous, clp_new);
return clp_new;
void pixel_line_root::_remove(pixel_line_node *clp_old) {
assert(NULL != clp_old); /* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
delete clp_old;
void pixel_line_root::mem_free(void) {
pixel_line_node *clp_;
int32_t ii;
if (NULL != this->get_clp_last()) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
while (NULL != (clp_ = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_last())) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("free line node %d", ii);
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
int pixel_line_root::save_not_include(pixel_point_root *clp_pixel_point_root,
const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_point_node *clp_point;
int32_t i32_not_include_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* 全ポイント数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# all point count %d\n",
clp_pixel_point_root->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# all point count) returns minus");
return NG;
i32_not_include_line = 0;
for (clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)(clp_pixel_point_root->get_clp_first()),
ii = 0L;
NULL != clp_point;
clp_point = (pixel_point_node *)clp_point->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
if ((NULL == clp_point->get_clp_next_point()) &&
(NULL == clp_point->get_clp_previous_point())) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", clp_point->get_i32_xp(),
clp_point->get_i32_yp()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(%d %d) returns minus",
clp_point->get_i32_xp(), clp_point->get_i32_yp());
return NG;
/* 独立ポイント数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# not include is %d\n", i32_not_include_line) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# not include is %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::save_lines(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# lines count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d and points count %d\n", ii,
clp_line->get_i32_point_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_line(fp)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : clp_line->save_line() returns NG", ii);
return NG;
if (NULL != clp_line->get_clp_next()) {
/* 2行の改行(for gnuplot)保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "\n\n") < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(LF,LF) returns minus");
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::save_one_point(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d ... start point\n", ii) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_one_point(fp)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : clp_line->save_one_point() returns NG", ii);
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::save_middle_point(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d ... start point\n", ii) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_middle_point(fp)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : clp_line->save_middle_point() returns NG",
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::save_another_point(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d ... end point\n", ii) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_another_point(fp)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : clp_line->save_another_point() returns NG",
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
int pixel_line_root::save_expand_lines(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# lines count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d and points count %d\n", ii,
clp_line->get_i32_point_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_expand_line(fp)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : clp_line->save_line() returns NG", ii);
return NG;
if (NULL != clp_line->get_clp_next()) {
/* 2行の改行(for gnuplot)保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "\n\n") < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(LF,LF) returns minus");
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::save_one_expand_point(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d ... one expand point\n", ii) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_one_expand_point(fp)) {
"Error : clp_line->save_one_expand_point() returns NG", ii);
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
int pixel_line_root::save_another_expand_point(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d ... another expand point\n", ii) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_another_expand_point(fp)) {
"Error : clp_line->save_another_expand_point() returns NG", ii);
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
int pixel_line_root::save_expand_vector(const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* グループ(ライン)数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# lines count %d\n", this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# group count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* データ保存 */
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)this->get_clp_first(), ii = 0;
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# line number %d and points count %d\n", ii,
clp_line->get_i32_point_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# line number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
/* ポイント保存 */
if (OK != clp_line->save_expand_vector(fp)) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : clp_line->save_expand_vector() returns NG");
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
#ifndef _pixel_select_curve_blur_h_
#define _pixel_select_curve_blur_h_
#include <stdio.h>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "list_root.h" "calculator_geometry.h" "pixel_point_root.h" "pixel_line_root.h"
class pixel_select_curve_blur_node final : public list_node {
pixel_select_curve_blur_node(void) {
this->clp_line = NULL;
this->clp_start_point = NULL;
this->clp_near_point = NULL;
this->i32_near_point_pos = 0;
this->d_length = -1.0;
this->i_reverse_sw = false;
void copy(pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp) {
this->clp_line = clp->clp_line;
this->clp_start_point = clp->clp_start_point;
this->clp_near_point = clp->clp_near_point;
this->i32_near_point_pos = clp->i32_near_point_pos;
this->d_length = clp->d_length;
this->i_reverse_sw = clp->i_reverse_sw;
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
pixel_point_node *clp_start_point;
pixel_point_node *clp_near_point;
int32_t i32_near_point_pos;
double d_length;
bool i_reverse_sw;
class pixel_select_curve_blur_root final : public list_root {
pixel_select_curve_blur_root(void) {
this->_i_mv_sw = false;
this->_i_cv_sw = false;
this->_i_pv_sw = false;
this->_i32_count_max = 4;
this->_d_length_max = 160;
~pixel_select_curve_blur_root(void) { this->mem_free(); }
void set_i_mv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_mv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_cv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_cv_sw = sw; }
void set_i_pv_sw(bool sw) { this->_i_pv_sw = sw; }
int32_t get_i32_count_max(void) { return this->_i32_count_max; }
void set_i32_count_max(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_count_max = ii; }
double get_d_length_max(void) { return this->_d_length_max; }
void set_d_length_max(double dd) { this->_d_length_max = dd; }
void exec(double d_xp, double d_yp, pixel_line_root *clp_pixel_line_root,
int32_t i32_blur_count, double d_effect_length_radius);
/******void exec( double d_xp, double d_yp, pixel_line_node *clp_line_first,
* int32_t i32_count, int32_t i32_blur_count, double d_effect_length_radius
* );******/
int get_line(int32_t i32_blur_count, double *dp_xv, double *dp_yv);
int save(double d_xp, double d_yp, int32_t i32_blur_count,
const char *cp_fname);
void mem_free(void);
bool _i_mv_sw, _i_cv_sw, _i_pv_sw;
int32_t _i32_count_max;
double _d_length_max;
calculator_geometry _cl_cal_geom;
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *_append(
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_previous);
void _remove(pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_old);
int _sort_append(pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_src);
pixel_point_node *_get_next_points(pixel_point_node *clp_point,
int32_t i32_count);
pixel_point_node *_get_prev_points(pixel_point_node *clp_point,
int32_t i32_count);
double _get_line_accum_count(pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_select,
int32_t i32_blur_count);
#endif /* !_pixel_select_curve_blur_h_ */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit() */
#include <math.h> /* M_PI */
/* WindowsではM_PIが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_line_root.h" "pixel_select_curve_blur.h"
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *pixel_select_curve_blur_root::_append(
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_previous) {
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_new;
clp_new = new pixel_select_curve_blur_node;
if (NULL == clp_new) {
"Error : 'new pixel_select_curve_blur_node' returns NULL.");
return NULL;
clp_new = (pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)this->push(clp_previous, clp_new);
return clp_new;
void pixel_select_curve_blur_root::_remove(
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_old) {
assert(NULL != clp_old); /* あってはならないプログラムバグのチェック */
delete clp_old;
void pixel_select_curve_blur_root::mem_free(void) {
int32_t ii;
if (NULL != this->get_clp_last()) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
ii = 0;
while (NULL != this->get_clp_last()) {
this->_remove((pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)this->get_clp_last());
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("free select curve blur node %d", ii);
/* lengthの値を見て、距離の近い(小さい値)順になるように追加する
int pixel_select_curve_blur_root::_sort_append(
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_src) {
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_prev;
int32_t ii;
assert(0.0 < clp_src->d_length);
/* リストの最後から距離を比較し、より小さい場所 */
clp_prev = (pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)this->get_clp_last();
for (ii = 0; NULL != clp_prev; ++ii,
clp_prev = (pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)clp_prev->get_clp_previous()) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
if (clp_prev->d_length < clp_src->d_length) {
/* 示した場所の後ろに追加 */
clp_prev = this->_append(clp_prev);
if (NULL == clp_prev) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : this->_append(clp_prev) returns NULL.");
return NG;
/* 情報をコピー */
return OK;
#define NOT_USE_PARAMETER_VAL (-10000.0)
/* 同方向で、一定の距離の範囲にある線とその位置を選択する */
void pixel_select_curve_blur_root::exec(double d_xp, double d_yp,
pixel_line_root *clp_pixel_line_root,
int32_t i32_blur_count,
double d_effect_area_radius) {
pixel_line_node *clp_line;
int32_t ii, i32_pos;
bool i_reverse_sw;
pixel_point_node *clp_near_point, *clp_start_point;
double d_length, d_radius, d_radius_1st;
pixel_select_curve_blur_node cl_select;
/* 選択リストをクリア */
/* 全体の bbox を見る */
if ((d_xp <
(clp_pixel_line_root->get_d_bbox_x_min() - d_effect_area_radius)) ||
((clp_pixel_line_root->get_d_bbox_x_max() + d_effect_area_radius) <
d_xp) ||
(d_yp <
(clp_pixel_line_root->get_d_bbox_y_min() - d_effect_area_radius)) ||
((clp_pixel_line_root->get_d_bbox_y_max() + d_effect_area_radius) <
d_yp)) {
d_radius_1st = NOT_USE_PARAMETER_VAL;
/* 全ライン */
ii = 0;
for (clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_pixel_line_root->get_clp_first();
NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
/* 無限ループ? */
assert(ii < clp_pixel_line_root->get_i32_count());
/* 選択してない? */
assert(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_middle());
assert(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_one());
assert(NULL != clp_line->get_clp_link_another());
/* 線が短すぎ? */
assert(clp_line->get_clp_link_middle() != clp_line->get_clp_link_one());
assert(clp_line->get_clp_link_middle() != clp_line->get_clp_link_another());
/* 各ラインの bbox を見る */
if ((d_xp < (clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_min() - d_effect_area_radius)) ||
((clp_line->get_d_bbox_x_max() + d_effect_area_radius) < d_xp) ||
(d_yp < (clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_min() - d_effect_area_radius)) ||
((clp_line->get_d_bbox_y_max() + d_effect_area_radius) < d_yp)) {
/* ラインとの近点を探す */
clp_line->get_near_point(d_xp, d_yp, &i32_pos, &clp_near_point, &d_length);
/* 距離が遠すぎる */
if (this->_d_length_max < d_length) {
/* 線分の端で必要な長さがとれない
if ((i32_pos < (i32_blur_count / 2)) ||
((clp_line->get_i32_point_count() - 1 - i32_pos) <
(i32_blur_count / 2))) {
/* 逆方向スイッチoffしておく */
i_reverse_sw = false;
/* 対応する部分のスタート点 */
clp_start_point =
clp_line->get_prev_point_by_count(clp_near_point, i32_blur_count / 2);
/* 近点からスタート点へのベクトル角度 */
d_radius = this->_cl_cal_geom.get_d_radian(
clp_start_point->get_d_xp_tgt() - clp_near_point->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_start_point->get_d_yp_tgt() - clp_near_point->get_d_yp_tgt());
/* 1番始めは線分の方向を記憶しておく */
if (NOT_USE_PARAMETER_VAL == d_radius_1st) {
d_radius_1st = d_radius;
/* 2番目以後は記憶した方向との比較し
線の対応部分の、方向と開始点を最設定 */
else {
/* 1番目の方向との角度差を出す */
if (d_radius < d_radius_1st) {
d_radius += M_PI * 2.0;
d_radius -= d_radius_1st;
/* 反対方向なら、逆方向スイッチをonし、スタート点を最設定 */
if ((M_PI / 2.0 < d_radius) && (d_radius < M_PI * 3.0 / 2.0)) {
clp_start_point = clp_line->get_next_point_by_count(clp_near_point,
i32_blur_count / 2);
i_reverse_sw = true;
/* 選択リストに追加(近い順に) */
cl_select.clp_line = clp_line;
cl_select.clp_start_point = clp_start_point;
cl_select.clp_near_point = clp_near_point;
cl_select.i32_near_point_pos = i32_pos;
cl_select.d_length = d_length;
cl_select.i_reverse_sw = i_reverse_sw;
/* 登録 */
/*****if ((NULL != this->get_clp_first()) && (510.0 < d_xp) && (100.0 < d_yp))
//if (NULL != this->get_clp_first()) {
this->save( d_xp, d_yp, i32_blur_count,"tmp19_select.txt" ); exit(1); }
double pixel_select_curve_blur_root::_get_line_accum_count(
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_select, int32_t i32_blur_count) {
int32_t i32_pos, i32_count;
double d_ratio;
i32_pos = clp_select->i32_near_point_pos - (i32_blur_count / 2);
i32_count = clp_select->clp_line->get_i32_point_count() -
(i32_blur_count / 2) - (i32_blur_count / 2);
assert(0 <= i32_pos);
assert(0 < i32_count);
assert(i32_pos < i32_count);
/**if (i32_pos < (i32_count/2)) {
d_ratio = (double)(i32_pos+1) / (i32_count/2);
} else {
d_ratio = (double)(i32_count-i32_pos) / (i32_count/2);
/* ゼロから1の間の値(ゼロと1はだめ) */
d_ratio = ((double)i32_pos + 0.5) / (double)i32_count;
/* sinカーブ
--> 0より大きく1より小さい(d_ratio)
--> 0-(PI/2)より大きく、(2*PI-(PI/2))より小さい
--> sin()
--> -1より大きく1より小さい
--> 0より大きく2より小さい */
d_ratio = 1.0 + sin(2.0 * M_PI * d_ratio - M_PI / 2);
assert(0.0 < d_ratio);
return d_ratio;
/* 距離の近い順(lengthの小さい値)に指定個数分のベクトルを合成して返す
int pixel_select_curve_blur_root::get_line(int32_t i32_blur_count,
double *dp_xv, double *dp_yv) {
int32_t ii, jj, i32_count;
double d_xp, d_yp;
double d_ratio, d_accum;
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_select;
pixel_point_node *clp_point;
for (ii = 0; ii < i32_blur_count; ++ii) {
dp_xv[ii] = 0.0;
dp_yv[ii] = 0.0;
i32_count = 0;
d_accum = 0.0;
clp_select = (pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)this->get_clp_first();
for (ii = 0; (NULL != clp_select) && (ii < this->_i32_count_max); ++ii,
clp_select = (pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)clp_select->get_clp_next()) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
assert(NULL != clp_select->clp_line);
assert(NULL != clp_select->clp_start_point);
assert(NULL != clp_select->clp_near_point);
d_ratio = this->_get_line_accum_count(clp_select, i32_blur_count);
d_accum += d_ratio;
d_xp = clp_select->clp_near_point->get_d_xp_tgt();
d_yp = clp_select->clp_near_point->get_d_yp_tgt();
clp_point = clp_select->clp_start_point;
/* 線分合成(いきなりの変化をへらす) */
if (!clp_select->i_reverse_sw) {
for (jj = 0; jj < i32_blur_count; ++jj) {
dp_xv[jj] += (clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt() - d_xp) * d_ratio;
dp_yv[jj] += (clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt() - d_yp) * d_ratio;
clp_point = clp_point->get_clp_next_point();
} else {
for (jj = 0; jj < i32_blur_count; ++jj) {
dp_xv[jj] += (clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt() - d_xp) * d_ratio;
dp_yv[jj] += (clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt() - d_yp) * d_ratio;
clp_point = clp_point->get_clp_previous_point();
if (i32_count <= 0) {
return NG;
assert(0.0 < d_accum);
for (ii = 0; ii < i32_blur_count; ++ii) {
dp_xv[ii] /= d_accum;
dp_yv[ii] /= d_accum;
return OK;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "pixel_select_curve_blur.h"
int pixel_select_curve_blur_root::save(double d_xp, double d_yp,
int32_t i32_blur_count,
const char *cp_fname) {
FILE *fp;
int32_t ii, jj;
pixel_select_curve_blur_node *clp_loop;
pixel_point_node *clp_point;
/* ファイル開く */
fp = fopen(cp_fname, "w");
if (NULL == fp) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fopen(%s,w) returns NULL", cp_fname);
return NG;
/* ライン長さ(ポイント数)保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# blur point count %d\n", i32_blur_count) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# blur point count) returns minus");
return NG;
/* 選択数保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# select count %d in %d\n", this->_i32_count_max,
this->get_i32_count()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# select count) returns minus");
return NG;
clp_loop = (pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)this->get_clp_first();
for (ii = 0; (NULL != clp_loop) && (ii < this->_i32_count_max); ++ii,
clp_loop = (pixel_select_curve_blur_node *)clp_loop->get_clp_next()) {
assert(ii < this->get_i32_count());
assert(NULL != clp_loop);
assert(NULL != clp_loop->clp_line);
assert(NULL != clp_loop->clp_start_point);
assert(NULL != clp_loop->clp_near_point);
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "# selct number %d : reverse sw is %s\n", ii,
(!clp_loop->i_reverse_sw ? "off" : "on")) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(# line number %d) returns minus",
return NG;
clp_point = clp_loop->clp_near_point;
/* ピクセル位置から近点位置保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n", clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(near point) returns minus");
return NG;
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n\n\n", d_xp, d_yp) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(pixel point) returns minus");
return NG;
clp_point = clp_loop->clp_start_point;
if (!clp_loop->i_reverse_sw) {
for (jj = 0; jj < i32_blur_count; ++jj) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n", clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(x,y) returns minus");
return NG;
clp_point = clp_point->get_clp_next_point();
} else {
for (jj = 0; jj < i32_blur_count; ++jj) {
/* グループ(ライン)番号保存 */
if (fprintf(fp, "%g %g\n", clp_point->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_point->get_d_yp_tgt()) < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(x,y) returns minus");
return NG;
clp_point = clp_point->get_clp_previous_point();
if (fprintf(fp, "\n\n") < 0) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : fprintf(EnterEnter) returns minus");
return NG;
/* ファイル閉じる */
return OK;
#ifndef __thinnest_ui16_image_h__
#define __thinnest_ui16_image_h__
#include <stdio.h>
/* Windowsではstdint.hが見つからない */
#if defined _MSC_VER
typedef int int32_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
#include <stdint.h> /* for int32_t, uint16_t */
#ifndef UINT16_MAX
#define UINT16_MAX (65535)
#ifndef OK
#define OK (0)
#ifndef NG
#define NG (-1)
class thinnest_ui16_image {
thinnest_ui16_image() {
this->_i_mv_sw = false;
this->_i_pv_sw = false;
this->_i_cv_sw = false;
this->_i32_xs = 0;
this->_i32_ys = 0;
this->_i32_xd = 1;
this->_i32_yd = 1;
this->_ui16_threshold = (uint16_t)0x4000; /* =64*256 */
this->_i32_exec_loop_count = 100;
this->_ui16p_channel[0] = NULL;
this->_ui16p_channel[1] = NULL;
this->memory_free_this_ = NULL;
~thinnest_ui16_image() { this->mem_free(); }
/* パラメータ設定 */
void set_i_mv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_mv_sw = ii; }
void set_i_pv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_pv_sw = ii; }
void set_i_cv_sw(bool ii) { this->_i_cv_sw = ii; }
void set_i32_xs(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_xs = ii; }
void set_i32_ys(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_ys = ii; }
void set_i32_xd(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_xd = ii; }
void set_i32_yd(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_yd = ii; }
void set_ui16_threshold(uint16_t ii) { this->_ui16_threshold = ii; }
void set_i32_exec_loop_count(int32_t ii) { this->_i32_exec_loop_count = ii; }
/* パラメータを得る */
int32_t get_i32_xs(void) { return this->_i32_xs; }
int32_t get_i32_ys(void) { return this->_i32_ys; }
int32_t get_i32_xd(void) { return this->_i32_xd; }
int32_t get_i32_yd(void) { return this->_i32_yd; }
uint16_t get_ui16_threshold(void) { return this->_ui16_threshold; }
int32_t get_i32_exec_loop_count(void) { return this->_i32_exec_loop_count; }
/* メモリ確保 */
int mem_alloc(void);
/* 実行 */
int32_t exec01_fill_noise_pixel(void);
void exec02_scale_add_edge_pixel(void);
void exec03_scale_liner(void);
void exec04_bw(void);
int exec05_thin(void);
/* メモリへのポインターを得る */
uint16_t *get_ui16p_src_channel(void) { return this->_ui16p_channel[0]; }
uint16_t *get_ui16p_tgt_channel(void) { return this->_ui16p_channel[1]; }
/* メモリ開放 */
void mem_free(void);
bool _i_mv_sw; /* Method Verbose */
bool _i_pv_sw; /* Parameter Verbose */
bool _i_cv_sw; /* Counter Verbose */
int32_t _i32_xs, _i32_ys, /* Size */
_i32_xd, _i32_yd; /* sub Divide */
uint16_t _ui16_threshold; /* bw_by_threshold */
int32_t _i32_exec_loop_count; /* thinnest root */
uint16_t *memory_free_this_;
uint16_t *_ui16p_channel[2];
void _swap_channel(void) {
uint16_t *_ui16p_tmp;
_ui16p_tmp = this->_ui16p_channel[0];
this->_ui16p_channel[0] = this->_ui16p_channel[1];
this->_ui16p_channel[1] = _ui16p_tmp;
int32_t _exec01_fill_noise_pixel_scanline(uint16_t *ui16p_y1,
uint16_t *ui16p_y2,
uint16_t *ui16p_y3);
int32_t _exec01_fill_noise_pixel_pixel(
uint16_t *ui16p_x1a, uint16_t *ui16p_x1b, uint16_t *ui16p_x1c,
uint16_t *ui16p_x2a, uint16_t *ui16p_x2b, uint16_t *ui16p_x2c,
uint16_t *ui16p_x3a, uint16_t *ui16p_x3b, uint16_t *ui16p_x3c);
int32_t _one_side_thinner(void);
int32_t _one_side_thinner_scanline(uint16_t *ui16p_src_y1,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_y2,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_y3,
uint16_t *ui16p_tgt);
int32_t _one_side_thinner_pixel(
uint16_t *ui16p_src_x1a, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x1b, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x1c,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_x2a, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x2b, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x2c,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_x3a, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x3b, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x3c,
uint16_t *ui16p_tgt);
void _rot90_by_clockwork(void);
#endif /* !__thinnest_ui16_image_h__ */
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
/* 閾値より大きい白線上の独立点を潰す */
int32_t thinnest_ui16_image::exec01_fill_noise_pixel(void) {
uint16_t *ui16p_y1, *ui16p_y2, *ui16p_y3;
int32_t yy, i32_fill_count;
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* 始めのスキャンライン位置(画像から外れているものはNULLをいれる) */
ui16p_y1 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + this->_i32_xs;
ui16p_y2 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_y3 = NULL;
/* 画像を縦にループ */
i32_fill_count = 0;
for (yy = 0; yy < this->_i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* スキャンライン(とその前後のスキャンライン)毎の処理 */
i32_fill_count +=
this->_exec01_fill_noise_pixel_scanline(ui16p_y1, ui16p_y2, ui16p_y3);
/* 次のスキャンラインへ進める(画像から外れたらNULLをいれる) */
ui16p_y3 = ui16p_y2;
ui16p_y2 = ui16p_y1;
if ((yy + 1) < (this->_i32_ys)) {
ui16p_y1 += this->_i32_xs;
} else
ui16p_y1 = NULL;
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* 終了 */
return i32_fill_count;
int32_t thinnest_ui16_image::_exec01_fill_noise_pixel_scanline(
uint16_t *ui16p_y1, uint16_t *ui16p_y2, uint16_t *ui16p_y3) {
uint16_t *ui16p_x1a, *ui16p_x1b, *ui16p_x1c, *ui16p_x2a, *ui16p_x2b,
*ui16p_x2c, *ui16p_x3a, *ui16p_x3b, *ui16p_x3c;
int32_t xx, i32_fill_count;
/* 始めのピクセル位置(画像から外れているものはNULLをいれる) */
ui16p_x1a = NULL;
ui16p_x1b = NULL;
ui16p_x1c = NULL;
ui16p_x2a = NULL;
ui16p_x2b = NULL;
ui16p_x2c = NULL;
ui16p_x3a = NULL;
ui16p_x3b = NULL;
ui16p_x3c = NULL;
if (NULL != ui16p_y1) {
ui16p_x1a = ui16p_y1 + 1;
ui16p_x1b = ui16p_y1;
if (NULL != ui16p_y2) {
ui16p_x2a = ui16p_y2 + 1;
ui16p_x2b = ui16p_y2;
if (NULL != ui16p_y3) {
ui16p_x3a = ui16p_y3 + 1;
ui16p_x3b = ui16p_y3;
/* 画像を横にループ */
i32_fill_count = 0;
for (xx = 0; xx < this->_i32_xs; ++xx) {
i32_fill_count += this->_exec01_fill_noise_pixel_pixel(
ui16p_x1a, ui16p_x1b, ui16p_x1c, ui16p_x2a, ui16p_x2b, ui16p_x2c,
ui16p_x3a, ui16p_x3b, ui16p_x3c);
/* 次のピクセルへ進める(画像から外れたらNULLをいれる) */
ui16p_x1c = ui16p_x1b;
ui16p_x1b = ui16p_x1a;
ui16p_x2c = ui16p_x2b;
ui16p_x2b = ui16p_x2a;
ui16p_x3c = ui16p_x3b;
ui16p_x3b = ui16p_x3a;
if ((xx + 1) < (this->_i32_xs)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_x1a)) ++ui16p_x1a;
if (NULL != (ui16p_x2a)) ++ui16p_x2a;
if (NULL != (ui16p_x3a)) ++ui16p_x3a;
} else {
ui16p_x1a = NULL;
ui16p_x2a = NULL;
ui16p_x3a = NULL;
/* 終了 */
return i32_fill_count;
int32_t thinnest_ui16_image::_exec01_fill_noise_pixel_pixel(
uint16_t *ui16p_x1a, uint16_t *ui16p_x1b, uint16_t *ui16p_x1c,
uint16_t *ui16p_x2a, uint16_t *ui16p_x2b, uint16_t *ui16p_x2c,
uint16_t *ui16p_x3a, uint16_t *ui16p_x3b, uint16_t *ui16p_x3c) {
int32_t i32_fill_count;
int32_t i32_exist_count, i32_eqgt_count;
/* ui16p_x2bがNULLであってはならない */
assert(NULL != ui16p_x2b);
/* パラメータの初期値 */
i32_fill_count = 0;
i32_eqgt_count = 0L;
i32_exist_count = 0L;
/* 時計回り(右回り)に見ていく */
/* 始め */
if (NULL != (ui16p_x1a)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x1a)) {
/* 次 ... */
if (NULL != (ui16p_x1b)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x1b)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_x1c)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x1c)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_x2c)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x2c)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_x3c)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x3c)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_x3b)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x3b)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_x3a)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x3a)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_x2a)) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= (*ui16p_x2a)) {
/* 回りが全部閾値より大きかったら白線上の独立点なので潰す */
if (i32_exist_count == i32_eqgt_count) {
*ui16p_x2b = UINT16_MAX;
/* 終了 */
return i32_fill_count;
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
void thinnest_ui16_image::exec02_scale_add_edge_pixel(void) {
int32_t xx, yy, i32_tmp1, i32_tmp2;
uint16_t *ui16p_src, *ui16p_src1, *ui16p_src2, *ui16p_tgt, *ui16p_tgt1,
/* 画像サイズが足りないか、分割数が指定されていない、ときは実行キャンセル */
if ((this->_i32_xs < 2) || (this->_i32_ys < 2) || (this->_i32_xd < 2) ||
(this->_i32_yd < 2)) {
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
ui16p_src = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_tgt1 = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel() + (this->_i32_xs + 2) + 1;
/* 縁以外の部分のコピー */
for (yy = 0; yy < this->_i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
ui16p_tgt2 = ui16p_tgt1;
for (xx = 0; xx < this->_i32_xs; ++xx) {
*ui16p_tgt2 = *ui16p_src;
ui16p_tgt1 += (this->_i32_xs + 2);
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* 縁の上部分 */
ui16p_src1 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_src2 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + this->_i32_xs;
ui16p_tgt = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel() + 1;
for (xx = 0; xx < this->_i32_xs; ++xx) {
i32_tmp1 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src1); /* 隣接値 */
i32_tmp2 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src2); /* さらに一つ隣の値 */
i32_tmp1 *= 2; /* 隣接値2倍 */
i32_tmp1 -= i32_tmp2; /* カレントの値を得る */
if (i32_tmp1 < 0) {
*ui16p_tgt = 0;
} else if ((int32_t)UINT16_MAX < i32_tmp1) {
*ui16p_tgt = UINT16_MAX;
} else {
*ui16p_tgt = (uint16_t)i32_tmp1;
/* 縁の下部分 */
ui16p_src1 =
this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + ((this->_i32_ys - 1) * this->_i32_xs);
ui16p_src2 =
this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + ((this->_i32_ys - 2) * this->_i32_xs);
ui16p_tgt = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel() +
(this->_i32_ys + 2 - 1) * (this->_i32_xs + 2) + 1;
for (xx = 0; xx < this->_i32_xs; ++xx) {
i32_tmp1 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src1); /* 隣接値 */
i32_tmp2 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src2); /* さらに一つ隣の値 */
i32_tmp1 *= 2; /* 隣接値2倍 */
i32_tmp1 -= i32_tmp2; /* カレントの値を得る */
if (i32_tmp1 < 0) {
*ui16p_tgt = 0;
} else if ((int32_t)UINT16_MAX < i32_tmp1) {
*ui16p_tgt = UINT16_MAX;
} else {
*ui16p_tgt = (uint16_t)i32_tmp1;
/* 縁の左部分 */
ui16p_src1 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_src2 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + 1;
ui16p_tgt = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel() + (this->_i32_xs + 2);
for (yy = 0; yy < this->_i32_ys; ++yy) {
i32_tmp1 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src1); /* 隣接値 */
i32_tmp2 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src2); /* さらに一つ隣の値 */
i32_tmp1 *= 2; /* 隣接値2倍 */
i32_tmp1 -= i32_tmp2; /* カレントの値を得る */
if (i32_tmp1 < 0) {
*ui16p_tgt = 0;
} else if ((int32_t)UINT16_MAX < i32_tmp1) {
*ui16p_tgt = UINT16_MAX;
} else {
*ui16p_tgt = (uint16_t)i32_tmp1;
ui16p_src1 += this->_i32_xs;
ui16p_src2 += this->_i32_xs;
ui16p_tgt += (this->_i32_xs + 2);
/* 縁の右部分 */
ui16p_src1 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + this->_i32_xs - 1;
ui16p_src2 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + this->_i32_xs - 1 - 1;
ui16p_tgt = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel() + (this->_i32_xs + 2) * 2 - 1;
for (yy = 0; yy < this->_i32_ys; ++yy) {
i32_tmp1 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src1); /* 隣接値 */
i32_tmp2 = (int32_t)(*ui16p_src2); /* さらに一つ隣の値 */
i32_tmp1 *= 2; /* 隣接値2倍 */
i32_tmp1 -= i32_tmp2; /* カレントの値を得る */
if (i32_tmp1 < 0) {
*ui16p_tgt = 0;
} else if ((int32_t)UINT16_MAX < i32_tmp1) {
*ui16p_tgt = UINT16_MAX;
} else {
*ui16p_tgt = (uint16_t)i32_tmp1;
ui16p_src1 += this->_i32_xs;
ui16p_src2 += this->_i32_xs;
ui16p_tgt += (this->_i32_xs + 2);
/* 画像サイズを縁1ピクセル増やす */
this->_i32_xs += 2;
this->_i32_ys += 2;
/* 処理終了したらsrc,tgt画像交換 */
#include <math.h> /* floor(), ceil() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
void thinnest_ui16_image::exec03_scale_liner(void) {
int32_t xx, yy, i32_tgt_xs, i32_tgt_ys;
uint16_t *ui16p_src, *ui16p_tgt;
double d_src_xp, d_src_yp, d_tgt_xp, d_tgt_yp;
int32_t i32_src_xpos1, i32_src_ypos1, i32_src_xpos2, i32_src_ypos2;
double d_src_xratio1, d_src_yratio1, d_src_xratio2, d_src_yratio2;
double d_tmp;
/* 画像サイズが足りないか、分割数が指定されていない、ときは実行キャンセル */
if ((this->_i32_xs < 2) || (this->_i32_ys < 2) || (this->_i32_xd < 2) ||
(this->_i32_yd < 2)) {
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("thi : Scale %d x %d", this->_i32_xd, this->_i32_yd);
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
pri_funct_cv_start((this->_i32_ys - 2) * this->_i32_yd);
ui16p_src = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_tgt = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel();
i32_tgt_ys = (this->_i32_ys - 2) * this->_i32_yd;
i32_tgt_xs = (this->_i32_xs - 2) * this->_i32_xd;
/* ターゲットの大きさでループ */
for (yy = 0; yy < i32_tgt_ys; ++yy) {
for (xx = 0; xx < i32_tgt_xs; ++xx, ++ui16p_tgt) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| + |外周付加
| |ピクセル
| |
| |
| |
| |
+-------+ +-------+
| | | |
| | --> | + |
| | | |
| | +-------+
| | | |
| + | --> | + |
| | | |
| | +-------+
| | | |
| | --> | + |
| | | |
+-------+ +-------+
| | | |
| | --> | + |
| | | |
| | +-------+
| | | |
| + | --> | + |
| | | |
| | +-------+
| | | |
| | --> | + |
| | | |
+-------+ +-------+
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| + |外周付加
| |ピクセル
| |
| |
| |
| |
/* ターゲット上の正規化された位置 */
d_tgt_xp = ((double)xx + 0.5) / (double)i32_tgt_xs;
d_tgt_yp = ((double)yy + 0.5) / (double)i32_tgt_ys;
/* ソース画像上の正規化された位置 */
d_src_xp = ((double)(this->_i32_xs) - 2.0) * d_tgt_xp + 0.5;
d_src_yp = ((double)(this->_i32_ys) - 2.0) * d_tgt_yp + 0.5;
/* ソース画像上の正規化された上下、左右の位置 */
i32_src_xpos1 = (int32_t)floor(d_src_xp);
i32_src_ypos1 = (int32_t)floor(d_src_yp);
i32_src_xpos2 = (int32_t)ceil(d_src_xp);
i32_src_ypos2 = (int32_t)ceil(d_src_yp);
/* ソース画像上の正規化された上下、左右の比率 */
if (i32_src_xpos1 == i32_src_xpos2) {
d_src_xratio1 = 0.0;
d_src_xratio2 = 1.0;
} else {
d_src_xratio1 = d_src_xp - floor(d_src_xp);
d_src_xratio2 = ceil(d_src_xp) - d_src_xp;
if (i32_src_ypos1 == i32_src_ypos2) {
d_src_yratio1 = 0.0;
d_src_yratio2 = 1.0;
} else {
d_src_yratio1 = d_src_yp - floor(d_src_yp);
d_src_yratio2 = ceil(d_src_yp) - d_src_yp;
/* 比率でその場所の値を計算する */
d_tmp = ((ui16p_src[this->_i32_xs * i32_src_ypos1 + i32_src_xpos1] *
d_src_xratio2 +
ui16p_src[this->_i32_xs * i32_src_ypos1 + i32_src_xpos2] *
d_src_xratio1) *
d_src_yratio2 +
(ui16p_src[this->_i32_xs * i32_src_ypos2 + i32_src_xpos1] *
d_src_xratio2 +
ui16p_src[this->_i32_xs * i32_src_ypos2 + i32_src_xpos2] *
d_src_xratio1) *
if (UINT16_MAX <= d_tmp) {
ui16p_tgt[0] = (uint16_t)UINT16_MAX;
} else {
ui16p_tgt[0] = (uint16_t)d_tmp;
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* 画像サイズの設定 */
this->_i32_xs = (this->_i32_xs - 2) * this->_i32_xd;
this->_i32_ys = (this->_i32_ys - 2) * this->_i32_yd;
/* 処理終了したらsrc,tgt画像交換 */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
/* データB/W化 */
void thinnest_ui16_image::exec04_bw(void) {
int32_t xx, yy;
uint16_t *ui16p_src, *ui16p_tgt;
/* 処理実行表示 */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
/* パラメータ表示 */
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("thi : threshold %u", this->_ui16_threshold);
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
ui16p_src = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_tgt = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel();
for (yy = 0L; yy < this->_i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
for (xx = 0L; xx < this->_i32_xs; ++xx, ++ui16p_src, ++ui16p_tgt) {
if (this->_ui16_threshold <= *ui16p_src) {
*ui16p_tgt = UINT16_MAX;
} else {
*ui16p_tgt = 0;
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
/* 処理終了したらsrc,tgt画像交換 */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
int thinnest_ui16_image::exec05_thin(void) {
int32_t ii, jj, i32_pixel_count_total, i32_pixel_count_one_round,
i32_pixel_count_one_side_tmp, i32_pixel_count_one_side[4];
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
/* 削るところがなくなるまでループする */
i32_pixel_count_total = 0;
i32_pixel_count_one_side[0] = 0;
i32_pixel_count_one_side[1] = 0;
i32_pixel_count_one_side[2] = 0;
i32_pixel_count_one_side[3] = 0;
for (ii = 0;; ++ii) {
if (this->get_i32_exec_loop_count() <= ii) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : loop counter over %ld.",
return NG;
/* 4方向に1pixelずつ細線化処理を行なう */
i32_pixel_count_one_round = 0;
for (jj = 0; jj < 4; ++jj) {
/* 右方向への細線化 */
i32_pixel_count_one_side_tmp = this->_one_side_thinner();
/* 排除したpixel数のカウント */
i32_pixel_count_one_round += i32_pixel_count_one_side_tmp;
i32_pixel_count_total += i32_pixel_count_one_side_tmp;
i32_pixel_count_one_side[jj] += i32_pixel_count_one_side_tmp;
/* 時計方向(右)へ画像を90度回転する */
/* カウントダウン表示(上下左右ひとつずつピリオド表示) */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
(void)fprintf(stdout, ".");
/* カウントダウン表示(上下左右やって"....|"となる) */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
(void)fprintf(stdout, "|");
/* 5 x 10カラムで改行 */
if (9 == (ii % 10)) {
(void)fprintf(stdout, "\n");
if (i32_pixel_count_one_round <= 0) break;
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (this->_i_cv_sw) {
(void)fprintf(stdout, "\nthin line ... end.\n");
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("thi : total %d loop, and %ld pixel deleted", ii,
"thi : and each r<%ld>+ t<%ld>+ l<%ld>+ b<%ld> pixel deleted",
i32_pixel_count_one_side[0], i32_pixel_count_one_side[1],
i32_pixel_count_one_side[2], i32_pixel_count_one_side[3]);
/* 正常終了 */
return OK;
#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), calloc() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
/* メモリ開放 */
void thinnest_ui16_image::mem_free(void) {
#if 0
if (NULL != this->_ui16p_channel[0]) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr( "thinnest_ui16_image::mem_free()" );
free( this->_ui16p_channel[0]);/* ここで落ちる2014-5-16 */
this->_ui16p_channel[0] = NULL;
this->_ui16p_channel[1] = NULL;
if (NULL != this->memory_free_this_) {
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("thinnest_ui16_image::mem_free() <%x>",
free(this->memory_free_this_); /* これだと落ちない2014-5-16 */
this->memory_free_this_ = NULL;
this->_ui16p_channel[0] = NULL;
this->_ui16p_channel[1] = NULL;
/* データ設定とメモリ確保 */
int thinnest_ui16_image::mem_alloc(void) {
/* 以前のメモリが残っていたら開放する */
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
"alloc ui16_image memory (%d+%d) x (%d+%d) x %d x %d bytes",
this->_i32_xs * this->_i32_xd, 2, this->_i32_ys * this->_i32_yd, 2, 2,
this->memory_free_this_ = this->_ui16p_channel[0] =
(uint16_t *)calloc((this->_i32_xs * this->_i32_xd + 2) *
(this->_i32_ys * this->_i32_yd + 2) * 2,
if (this->_i_pv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr("thinnest_ui16_image::mem_alloc() memory <%x>",
if (NULL == this->_ui16p_channel[0]) {
pri_funct_err_bttvr("Error : calloc(-) returns NULL.");
return NG;
this->_ui16p_channel[1] =
this->_ui16p_channel[0] +
(this->_i32_xs * this->_i32_xd + 2) * (this->_i32_ys * this->_i32_yd + 2);
return OK;
#include <assert.h> /* assert() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
int32_t thinnest_ui16_image::_one_side_thinner(void) {
uint16_t *ui16p_src_y1, *ui16p_src_y2, *ui16p_src_y3, *ui16p_tgt;
int32_t yy, i32_delete_count;
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
/******if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr( "thinnest_ui16_image::_one_side_thinner()" );
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
// if (this->_i_cv_sw) { pri_funct_cv_start( this->_i32_ys ); }
/* 始めのスキャンライン位置(画像から外れているものはNULLをいれる) */
ui16p_src_y1 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel() + this->_i32_xs;
ui16p_src_y2 = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_src_y3 = NULL;
ui16p_tgt = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel();
/* 画像を縦にループ */
i32_delete_count = 0;
for (yy = 0; yy < this->_i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
// if (this->_i_cv_sw) { pri_funct_cv_run(yy); }
/* スキャンライン(とその前後のスキャンライン)毎の処理 */
i32_delete_count += this->_one_side_thinner_scanline(
ui16p_src_y1, ui16p_src_y2, ui16p_src_y3, ui16p_tgt);
/* 次のスキャンラインへ進める(画像から外れたらNULLをいれる) */
ui16p_src_y3 = ui16p_src_y2;
ui16p_src_y2 = ui16p_src_y1;
if ((yy + 1) < (this->_i32_ys)) {
ui16p_src_y1 += this->_i32_xs;
} else
ui16p_src_y1 = NULL;
ui16p_tgt += this->_i32_xs;
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
// if (this->_i_cv_sw) { pri_funct_cv_end(); }
/* 処理終了したらsrc,tgt画像交換 */
/* 終了 */
return i32_delete_count;
int32_t thinnest_ui16_image::_one_side_thinner_scanline(uint16_t *ui16p_src_y1,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_y2,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_y3,
uint16_t *ui16p_tgt) {
uint16_t *ui16p_src_x1a, *ui16p_src_x1b, *ui16p_src_x1c, *ui16p_src_x2a,
*ui16p_src_x2b, *ui16p_src_x2c, *ui16p_src_x3a, *ui16p_src_x3b,
*ui16p_src_x3c, ui16_src_x2c_before, ui16_src_x2b_before;
int32_t xx, i32_delete_count;
/* 始めのピクセル位置(画像から外れているものはNULLをいれる) */
ui16p_src_x1a = NULL;
ui16p_src_x1b = NULL;
ui16p_src_x1c = NULL;
ui16p_src_x2a = NULL;
ui16p_src_x2b = NULL;
ui16p_src_x2c = NULL;
ui16p_src_x3a = NULL;
ui16p_src_x3b = NULL;
ui16p_src_x3c = NULL;
if (NULL != ui16p_src_y1) {
ui16p_src_x1a = ui16p_src_y1 + 1;
ui16p_src_x1b = ui16p_src_y1;
if (NULL != ui16p_src_y2) {
ui16p_src_x2a = ui16p_src_y2 + 1;
ui16p_src_x2b = ui16p_src_y2;
if (NULL != ui16p_src_y3) {
ui16p_src_x3a = ui16p_src_y3 + 1;
ui16p_src_x3b = ui16p_src_y3;
ui16_src_x2c_before = 0;
ui16_src_x2b_before = 0;
/* 画像を横にループ */
i32_delete_count = 0;
for (xx = 0; xx < this->_i32_xs; ++xx) {
/* ui16p_src_x2bがNULLであってはならない */
assert(NULL != ui16p_src_x2b);
/* 処理前に、次のループで参照のため、値をとっておく */
ui16_src_x2b_before = (*ui16p_src_x2b);
/* ピクセル位置が一番左はじ、あるいは、
if (((NULL == ui16p_src_x2c) || (0 == ui16_src_x2c_before)) &&
(0 < (*ui16p_src_x2b))) {
i32_delete_count += this->_one_side_thinner_pixel(
ui16p_src_x1a, ui16p_src_x1b, ui16p_src_x1c, ui16p_src_x2a,
ui16p_src_x2b, ui16p_src_x2c, ui16p_src_x3a, ui16p_src_x3b,
ui16p_src_x3c, ui16p_tgt);
/* 細線化に関係ない部分は単にコピーする */
else {
*ui16p_tgt = *ui16p_src_x2b;
/* 次のピクセルへ進める(画像から外れたらNULLをいれる) */
ui16_src_x2c_before = ui16_src_x2b_before;
ui16p_src_x1c = ui16p_src_x1b;
ui16p_src_x1b = ui16p_src_x1a;
ui16p_src_x2c = ui16p_src_x2b;
ui16p_src_x2b = ui16p_src_x2a;
ui16p_src_x3c = ui16p_src_x3b;
ui16p_src_x3b = ui16p_src_x3a;
if ((xx + 1) < (this->_i32_xs)) {
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x1a)) ++ui16p_src_x1a;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x2a)) ++ui16p_src_x2a;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x3a)) ++ui16p_src_x3a;
} else {
ui16p_src_x1a = NULL;
ui16p_src_x2a = NULL;
ui16p_src_x3a = NULL;
/* 終了 */
return i32_delete_count;
int32_t thinnest_ui16_image::_one_side_thinner_pixel(
uint16_t *ui16p_src_x1a, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x1b, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x1c,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_x2a, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x2b, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x2c,
uint16_t *ui16p_src_x3a, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x3b, uint16_t *ui16p_src_x3c,
uint16_t *ui16p_tgt) {
int32_t i32_delete_count;
long l_off_count, l_white_count;
bool i_sw, i_sw2;
/* ui16p_src_x2bがNULLであってはならない */
assert(NULL != ui16p_src_x2b);
/* パラメータの初期値 */
i32_delete_count = 0;
l_off_count = 0L;
l_white_count = 0L;
i_sw = i_sw2 = false;
/* 時計回り(右回り)に見ていく */
/* 始め */
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x1a)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x1a);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
/* 次 ... */
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x1b)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x1b);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x1c)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x1c);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x2c)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x2c);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x3c)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x3c);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x3b)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x3b);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x3a)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x3a);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x2a)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x2a);
if (i_sw) ++l_white_count;
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
/* 調査の開始点のみがゼロのときのため(l_off_count)開始点を再度調査する */
if (NULL != (ui16p_src_x1a)) {
i_sw = 0 < (*ui16p_src_x1a);
if (!i_sw && i_sw2) ++l_off_count;
i_sw2 = i_sw;
/* 回りが全部黒だったら独立点なので消す */
if (l_white_count <= 0L) {
*ui16p_tgt = 0;
/* 3近傍以上のときのエッジを消す(1近傍、2近傍は端点として残す) */
else if ((1L == l_off_count) && (3 <= l_white_count)) {
*ui16p_tgt = 0;
/* 1ピクセル幅の線分上(両端含む)のとき */
else {
*ui16p_tgt = *ui16p_src_x2b;
/* 終了 */
return i32_delete_count;
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "thinnest_ui16_image.h"
/* 時計回りに90度回転 */
void thinnest_ui16_image::_rot90_by_clockwork(void) {
int32_t i32_tmp;
int32_t xx, yy;
uint16_t *ui16p_src, *ui16p_tgt_y, *ui16p_tgt_x;
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
/******if (this->_i_mv_sw) {
pri_funct_msg_ttvr( "thinnest_ui16_image::_rot90_by_clockwork()" );
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
// if (this->_i_cv_sw) { pri_funct_cv_start( this->_i32_ys ); }
ui16p_src = this->get_ui16p_src_channel();
ui16p_tgt_y = this->get_ui16p_tgt_channel() + (this->_i32_ys - 1);
for (yy = 0L; yy < this->_i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
// if (this->_i_cv_sw) { pri_funct_cv_run(yy); }
ui16p_tgt_x = ui16p_tgt_y;
for (xx = 0L; xx < this->_i32_xs; ++xx) {
*ui16p_tgt_x = *ui16p_src;
ui16p_tgt_x += this->_i32_ys;
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
// if (this->_i_cv_sw) { pri_funct_cv_end(); }
/* 横と縦のサイズを交換 */
i32_tmp = this->_i32_xs;
this->_i32_xs = this->_i32_ys;
this->_i32_ys = i32_tmp;
i32_tmp = this->_i32_xd;
this->_i32_xd = this->_i32_yd;
this->_i32_yd = i32_tmp;
/* 処理終了したらsrc,tgt画像交換 */
#include <stdexcept>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "brush_curve_blur.h" "igs_line_blur.h"
template <class T>
void igs_line_blur_brush_curve_point_put_image_template_(
double *dp_pixel, int xp, int yp, const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, T *image_top // no_margin
) {
for (int zz = 0; zz < channels; ++zz) {
image_top[yp * channels * width + xp * channels + zz] =
int xp, int yp
--> ピクセル位置
void igs_line_blur_brush_curve_point_put_image_(
brush_curve_blur &cl_brush_curve_blur, int xp, int yp,
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, void *out // no_margin
) {
if ((xp < 0) && (width <= xp) && (yp < 0) && (height <= yp)) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : igs::line_blur::_brush_curve_point_put_image(-)");
if (16 == bits) {
cl_brush_curve_blur.get_dp_pixel(), xp, yp, height, width, channels,
static_cast<unsigned short *>(out));
} else if (8 == bits) {
cl_brush_curve_blur.get_dp_pixel(), xp, yp, height, width, channels,
static_cast<unsigned char *>(out));
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "brush_curve_blur.h"
template <class T>
void igs_line_blur_brush_curve_line_get_image_template_(
const T *image_top, int height, int width, int channels, int i32_blur_count,
double *xp_array, double *yp_array, double *linepixels_array, double xp,
double yp) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < i32_blur_count; ++ii) {
const int xx = (int)(xp_array[ii] + xp + 0.5);
const int yy = (int)(yp_array[ii] + yp + 0.5);
if ((0 <= xx) && (xx < width) && (0 <= yy) && (yy < height)) {
for (int zz = 0; zz < channels; ++zz) {
linepixels_array[ii * CHANNEL_COUNT + zz] =
(double)(image_top[yy * channels * width + xx * channels + zz]) +
} else {
for (int zz = 0; zz < channels; ++zz) {
linepixels_array[ii * CHANNEL_COUNT + zz] = -1.0;
double xp, double yp
--> ピクセルの真中が原点
void igs_line_blur_brush_curve_line_get_image_(
brush_curve_blur &cl_brush_curve_blur, const void *in // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, double xp, double yp) {
if (16 == bits) {
static_cast<const unsigned short *>(in), height, width, channels,
cl_brush_curve_blur.get_i32_count(), cl_brush_curve_blur.get_dp_xp(),
cl_brush_curve_blur.get_dp_linepixels(), xp, yp);
} else if (8 == bits) {
static_cast<const unsigned char *>(in), height, width, channels,
cl_brush_curve_blur.get_i32_count(), cl_brush_curve_blur.get_dp_xp(),
cl_brush_curve_blur.get_dp_linepixels(), xp, yp);
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h> /* memcpy() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h" "brush_curve_blur.h" "pixel_select_curve_blur.h" "pixel_line_root.h" "igs_line_blur.h"
int igs_line_blur_brush_curve_blur_subpixel_(
brush_curve_blur &cl_brush_curve_blur,
pixel_select_curve_blur_root &cl_pixel_select_curve_blur_root,
pixel_line_root &cl_pixel_line_root
const void *in // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, int32_t xx, int32_t yy) {
int32_t i32_subpixel, xsub, ysub;
i32_subpixel = cl_brush_curve_blur.get_i32_subpixel_divide();
for (ysub = 0; ysub < i32_subpixel; ++ysub) {
for (xsub = 0; xsub < i32_subpixel; ++xsub) {
/* 近い線分の、近い部分を選択 */
(double)xx + (double)xsub / i32_subpixel - 0.5,
(double)yy + (double)ysub / i32_subpixel - 0.5, &(cl_pixel_line_root),
/* 選択できなかったらサブピクセルループを抜けて次のピクセルへ */
if (cl_pixel_select_curve_blur_root.get_i32_count() <= 0) {
return NG;
/* 合成線を生成 */
cl_brush_curve_blur.get_i32_count(), cl_brush_curve_blur.get_dp_xp(),
/* 線分の各ピクセル値を取得 */
cl_brush_curve_blur, in, height, width, channels, bits,
(double)xx + (double)xsub / i32_subpixel - 0.5,
(double)yy + (double)ysub / i32_subpixel - 0.5);
/* サブピクセル値を計算 */
cl_brush_curve_blur.set_subpixel_value(xsub, ysub);
return OK;
int igs_line_blur_brush_curve_blur_all_(
bool mv_sw, bool pv_sw, bool cv_sw,
brush_curve_blur &cl_brush_curve_blur,
pixel_select_curve_blur_root &cl_pixel_select_curve_blur_root,
pixel_line_root &cl_pixel_line_root
const void *in // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, void *out // no_margin
) {
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (mv_sw) {
std::cout << "igs::line_blur::_brush_curve_blur_all()" << std::endl;
if (pv_sw) {
std::cout << " curve blur points count is " << std::endl
<< cl_brush_curve_blur.get_i32_count() << std::endl
<< " power is " << std::endl
<< cl_brush_curve_blur.get_d_power() << std::endl
<< " subpixel divide is " << std::endl
<< cl_brush_curve_blur.get_i32_subpixel_divide() << std::endl
<< " clip area for speedup is " << std::endl
<< cl_brush_curve_blur.get_d_effect_area_radius() << std::endl;
/* ブラシメモリの確保 */
if (OK != cl_brush_curve_blur.mem_alloc()) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_brush_curve_blur.mem_alloc() returns NG");
/* ブラシの線ぼかし変化比率の設定 */
/* 画像をinからoutへコピーしておく */
(void)memcpy(out, in, height * width * channels * ((16 == bits) ? 2 : 1));
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (cv_sw) {
for (int yy = 0; yy < height; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (cv_sw) {
for (int xx = 0; xx < width; ++xx) {
if (OK == igs_line_blur_brush_curve_blur_subpixel_(
cl_brush_curve_blur, cl_pixel_select_curve_blur_root,
cl_pixel_line_root, in, height, width, channels, bits, xx,
yy)) {
/* ピクセル値を計算 */
/* 結果をピクセルへ置く
(取ったものと別の画像におくこと) */
cl_brush_curve_blur, xx, yy, height, width, channels, bits, out);
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (cv_sw) {
/* ブラシメモリの開放 */
return OK;
#include <math.h> /* floor() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "brush_smudge_circle.h"
template <class T>
void igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_get_image_template_(
T *in, int height, int width, int channels, double x1, double y1, double x2,
double y2, double d_subsize, double *dp_image) {
/* 保存(復元)位置 */
int x1p = (int)floor(x1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
int x2p = (int)floor(x2 - d_subsize / 2.0);
int y1p = (int)floor(y1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
int y2p = (int)floor(y2 - d_subsize / 2.0);
for (int yy = y1p; yy <= y2p; ++yy) {
for (int xx = x1p; xx <= x2p; ++xx, dp_image += 5) {
if ((0 <= xx) && (xx < width) && (0 <= yy) && (yy < height)) {
for (int zz = 0; zz < 4; ++zz) {
if (zz < channels) {
dp_image[zz] =
(double)(in[yy * channels * width + xx * channels + zz]) +
} else {
/* 本来来てはいけない条件なので意味のない値にしとく */
dp_image[zz] = 0.0;
dp_image[4] = 1.0;
} else {
dp_image[4] = 0.0;
void igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_get_image_(
brush_smudge_circle &cl_brush_smudge_circle, const void *in // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, double d_xp, double d_yp) {
/* 画像上に置いたブラシの範囲 */
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_dp_area(d_xp, d_yp, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
if (16 == bits) {
static_cast<const unsigned short *>(in), height, width, channels, x1,
y1, x2, y2, 1.0 / cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_i32_subpixel_divide(),
} else if (8 == bits) {
static_cast<const unsigned char *>(in), height, width, channels, x1, y1,
x2, y2, 1.0 / cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_i32_subpixel_divide(),
#include <math.h> /* floor() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "brush_smudge_circle.h"
template <class T>
void igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_put_image_template_(
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double d_subsize,
double *dp_image, int height, int width, int channels, T *out) {
/* 保存(復元)位置 */
int x1p = (int)floor(x1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
int x2p = (int)floor(x2 - d_subsize / 2.0);
int y1p = (int)floor(y1 + d_subsize / 2.0);
int y2p = (int)floor(y2 - d_subsize / 2.0);
for (int yy = y1p; yy <= y2p; ++yy) {
for (int xx = x1p; xx <= x2p; ++xx, dp_image += 5) {
if ((0.0 < dp_image[4]) && (0 <= xx) && (xx < width) && (0 <= yy) &&
(yy < height)) {
for (int zz = 0; zz < channels; ++zz) {
out[yy * channels * width + xx * channels + zz] = static_cast<T>(
(double)out[yy * channels * width + xx * channels + zz] *
(1.0 - dp_image[4]) +
void igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_put_image_(
brush_smudge_circle &cl_brush_smudge_circle, double d_xp, double d_yp,
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, void *out // no_margin
) {
/* 画像上に置いたブラシの範囲 */
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_dp_area(d_xp, d_yp, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
if (16 == bits) {
x1, y1, x2, y2, 1.0 / cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_i32_subpixel_divide(),
cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_dp_pixel_image(), height, width, channels,
static_cast<unsigned short *>(out));
} else if (8 == bits) {
x1, y1, x2, y2, 1.0 / cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_i32_subpixel_divide(),
cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_dp_pixel_image(), height, width, channels,
static_cast<unsigned char *>(out));
#include <stdexcept>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "brush_smudge_circle.h"
void igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_line_(
brush_smudge_circle &cl_brush_smudge_circle, const void *in // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, void *out // no_margin
pixel_line_node *clp_line) {
pixel_point_node *clp_one_expand, *clp_another_expand, *clp_crnt;
int32_t ii;
double d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2;
/* 両端点と中点を得る */
clp_one_expand = clp_line->get_clp_link_one_expand();
clp_another_expand = clp_line->get_clp_link_another_expand();
/* ブラシマスクを円形にセット */
/* 指先(にじみ)の始点 */
clp_crnt = clp_line->get_clp_link_middle();
/* サブピクセルメモリーに画像を得る */
cl_brush_smudge_circle, in, height, width, channels, bits,
clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt());
/* 画像上に置いたブラシの範囲 */
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt(), &d_x1, &d_y1,
&d_x2, &d_y2);
/* サブピクセル画像にする */
cl_brush_smudge_circle.to_subpixel_from_pixel(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2);
/* ブラシに画像をセット */
/* 線の後ろへ向かってこする */
for (clp_crnt = clp_crnt->get_clp_next_point(), ii = 0; NULL != clp_crnt;
clp_crnt = clp_crnt->get_clp_next_point(), ++ii) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
if (clp_line->get_i32_point_count() <= ii) {
throw std::domain_error("Error : over clp_line->get_i32_point_count()");
/* 画像上に置いたブラシの範囲 */
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt(), &d_x1, &d_y1,
&d_x2, &d_y2);
/* ブラシをかける */
if ((0.0 <= d_x2) && (d_x1 < width) && (0.0 <= d_y2) && (d_y1 < height)) {
/* 画像を得る */
cl_brush_smudge_circle, in, height, width, channels, bits,
clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt());
/* サブピクセル画像にする */
cl_brush_smudge_circle.to_subpixel_from_pixel(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2);
/* かすれ処理 */
/* サブピクセル画像を元ピクセルサイズにする */
cl_brush_smudge_circle.to_pixel_from_subpixel(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2);
/* 画像を置く */
cl_brush_smudge_circle, clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt(), height, width, channels, bits, out);
/* 終点 */
// if (clp_another_expand == clp_crnt) break;
/* 指先(にじみ)の始点 */
clp_crnt = clp_line->get_clp_link_middle();
/* サブピクセルメモリーに画像を得る */
cl_brush_smudge_circle, in, height, width, channels, bits,
clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt());
/* 画像上に置いたブラシの範囲 */
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt(), &d_x1, &d_y1,
&d_x2, &d_y2);
/* サブピクセル画像にする */
cl_brush_smudge_circle.to_subpixel_from_pixel(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2);
/* ブラシに画像をセット */
/* 線の前へ向かってこする */
for (clp_crnt = clp_crnt->get_clp_previous_point(), ii = 0; NULL != clp_crnt;
clp_crnt = clp_crnt->get_clp_previous_point(), ++ii) {
/* 偽の場合、たぶん無限ループ */
if (clp_line->get_i32_point_count() <= ii) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : over clp_line->get_i32_point_count() going front");
/* 画像上に置いたブラシの範囲 */
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt(), &d_x1, &d_y1,
&d_x2, &d_y2);
/* ブラシをかける */
if ((0.0 <= d_x2) && (d_x1 < width) && (0.0 <= d_y2) && (d_y1 < height)) {
/* 画像を得る */
cl_brush_smudge_circle, in, height, width, channels, bits,
clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(), clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt());
/* サブピクセル画像にする */
cl_brush_smudge_circle.to_subpixel_from_pixel(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2);
/* かすれ処理 */
/* サブピクセル画像を元ピクセルサイズにする */
cl_brush_smudge_circle.to_pixel_from_subpixel(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2);
/* 画像を置く */
cl_brush_smudge_circle, clp_crnt->get_d_xp_tgt(),
clp_crnt->get_d_yp_tgt(), height, width, channels, bits, out);
/* 終点 */
// if (clp_one_expand == clp_crnt) break;
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h> /* memcpy() */
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h"
void igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_all_(
bool mv_sw, bool pv_sw, bool cv_sw,
brush_smudge_circle &cl_brush_smudge_circle,
pixel_line_root &cl_pixel_line_root, const void *in // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits, void *out // no_margin
) {
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (mv_sw) {
std::cout << "igs::line_expand::_brush_smudge_all()" << std::endl;
if (pv_sw) {
std::cout << " smudge ratio " << cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_d_ratio()
<< std::endl
<< " smudge brush size by pixel "
<< cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_i32_size_by_pixel() << std::endl
<< " smudge subpixel divide "
<< cl_brush_smudge_circle.get_i32_subpixel_divide() << std::endl;
/* ブラシメモリの確保 */
if (OK != cl_brush_smudge_circle.mem_alloc()) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_brush_smudge_circle.mem_alloc() returns NG");
/* 画像をinからoutへコピーしておく */
(void)memcpy(out, in, height * width * channels * ((16 == bits) ? 2 : 1));
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (cv_sw) {
/* 汚れ線描画 */
pixel_line_node *clp_line =
(pixel_line_node *)cl_pixel_line_root.get_clp_first();
for (int ii = 0; NULL != clp_line;
clp_line = (pixel_line_node *)clp_line->get_clp_next(), ++ii) {
if (cl_pixel_line_root.get_i32_count() <= ii) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : over cl_pixel_line_root.get_i32_count()");
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (cv_sw) {
igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_line_(cl_brush_smudge_circle, in, height, width,
channels, bits, out, clp_line);
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (cv_sw) {
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "pri.h"
void igs_line_blur_image_get_(const bool mv_sw, const bool cv_sw,
const long reference_channel,
thinnest_ui16_image &cl_thinnest_ui16_image
const void *in // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits) {
/* 処理ごとのメッセージ */
if (mv_sw) {
std::cout << "igs_line_blur_image_get_()" << std::endl
<< "com : reference channel " << reference_channel << std::endl;
int i32_xs = cl_thinnest_ui16_image.get_i32_xs();
int i32_ys = cl_thinnest_ui16_image.get_i32_ys();
unsigned short *out_incr = cl_thinnest_ui16_image.get_ui16p_src_channel();
/* カウントダウン表示始め */
if (cv_sw) {
if (8 == bits) {
const unsigned char *in_incr = static_cast<const unsigned char *>(in);
in_incr += reference_channel;
for (int yy = 0; yy < i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (cv_sw) {
for (int xx = 0; xx < i32_xs; ++xx) {
/* 8bits -> 16bits変換して格納 */
*out_incr =
(((unsigned short)(*in_incr)) << 8) + (unsigned short)(*in_incr);
/* 参照位置移動 */
in_incr += channels;
} else if (16 == bits) {
const unsigned short *in_incr = static_cast<const unsigned short *>(in);
in_incr += reference_channel;
for (int yy = 0; yy < i32_ys; ++yy) {
/* カウントダウン表示中 */
if (cv_sw) {
for (int xx = 0; xx < i32_xs; ++xx) {
*out_incr = *in_incr;
/* 参照位置移動 */
in_incr += channels;
} else {
throw std::domain_error("Error : bits is not 8 or 16");
/* カウントダウン表示終了 */
if (cv_sw) {
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "igs_line_blur.h" // "thinnest_ui16_image.h" "pixel_point_root.h" "pixel_line_root.h" "brush_curve_blur.h" "brush_smudge_circle.h" "pixel_select_same_way.h" "pixel_select_curve_blur.h" "igs_line_blur.h"
void igs::line_blur::convert(
/* 入出力画像 */
const void *in // no_margin
void *out // no_margin
const int height // no_margin
const int width // no_margin
const int channels, const int bits
/* Action */
const int b_blur_count /* min=1 def=51 incr=1 max=100 */
const double b_blur_power /* min=0.1 def=1 incr=0.1 max=10.0 */
const int b_subpixel /* min=1 def=1 incr=1 max=8 */
const int b_blur_near_ref /* min=1 def=5 incr=1 max=100 */
const int b_blur_near_len /* min=1 def=160 incr=1 max=1000 */
const int b_smudge_thick /* min=1 def=7 incr=1 max=100 */
const double b_smudge_remain
/* min=0.0 def=0.85 incr=0.001 max=1.0*/
const int v_smooth_retry /* min=0 def=100 incr=1 max=1000 */
const int v_near_ref /* min=0 def=4 incr=1 max=100 */
const int v_near_len /* min=2 def=160 incr=1 max=1000 */
const bool mv_sw /* false=OFF */
const bool pv_sw /* false=OFF */
const bool cv_sw /* false=OFF */
const long reference_channel /* 3 =Alpha:RGBA orBGRA */
const bool debug_save_sw /* false=OFF */
const int brush_action /* 0 =Curve Blur ,1=Smudge Brush */
) {
/* --- 動作クラスコンストラクション --- */
thinnest_ui16_image cl_thinnest_ui16_image;
pixel_point_root cl_pixel_point_root;
pixel_line_root cl_pixel_line_root;
pixel_select_same_way_root cl_pixel_select_same_way_root;
pixel_select_curve_blur_root cl_pixel_select_curve_blur_root;
brush_smudge_circle cl_brush_smudge_circle;
brush_curve_blur cl_brush_curve_blur;
/* --- 標準出力への動作表示スイッチ --- */
/* --- 処理ごとのメッセージ --- */
if (mv_sw) {
std::cout << "igs::line_blur::convert()" << std::endl;
/* --- 引数値をセット --- */
/* 細線化用メモリの大きさを設定 */
/* 0: $type : Wheel (min=0, default=0, increment=1, max=1) */
/****** if (0 == b_action_mode) {
} else {
/* 1: $b_blur_count :Wheel(min=1, default=51, increment=1, max=100) */
cl_brush_curve_blur.set_d_effect_area_radius((double)(b_blur_count / 2));
/* 2: $b_blur_power :Wheel(min=0.1,default=1,increment=0.1,max=hh0) */
/* 3. $b_subpixel : Wheel (min=1, default=1, increment=1, max=8) */
/* 4: $b_blur_near_ref:Wheel(min=1, default=5, increment=1, max=100) */
/* 5: $b_blur_near_len:Wheel(min=1, default=160, increment=1, max=1000) */
/* 6: $b_smudge_thick :Wheel(min=1, default=7, increment=1, max=100) */
/* 7: $b_smudge_remain:Wheel(min=0.0,default=0.85,increment=0.001,max=1.0)*/
/* 8: $v_smooth_retry :Wheel(min=0, default=100, increment=1, max=1000) */
/* 9: $v_near_ref :Wheel(min=0, default=4, increment=1, max=100) */
/*10: $v_near_len :Wheel(min=2, default=160, increment=1, max=1000) */
/* 細線化用メモリ確保 */
if (OK != cl_thinnest_ui16_image.mem_alloc()) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_thinnest_ui16_image.mem_alloc() returns NG");
/* 画像情報を細線化用メモリに移す */
igs_line_blur_image_get_(mv_sw, cv_sw, reference_channel,
cl_thinnest_ui16_image, in, height, width, channels,
/****** 細線化処理 start ******/
/* 元画像の大きさの時に線分の点ノイズを消す */
/* 精度をあげるための画像の拡大のための外周1ピクセル付加 */
/* 精度をあげるための画像の拡大 */
/* 白黒2値化 */
/* 細線化処理 */
if (OK != cl_thinnest_ui16_image.exec05_thin()) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_thinnest_ui16_image.exec05_thin() returns NG");
/****** 細線化処理 end ******/
/****** ベクトルリスト処理 start ******/
/* 細線化した画像をリストにする */
if (OK !=
cl_thinnest_ui16_image.get_ui16p_src_channel())) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_point_root.alloc_mem_and_list_node() returns NG");
/* 単なるポイントリストを線分リストにする */
if (OK != cl_pixel_line_root.exec01020304(&(cl_pixel_point_root))) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.exec01020304() returns NG");
if (debug_save_sw) {
if (OK != cl_pixel_line_root.save_lines("tmp08_jaggy_lines.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_lines(-) returns NG");
if (OK != cl_pixel_line_root.save_one_point("tmp09_one_point.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_one_point(-) returns NG");
if (OK !=
cl_pixel_line_root.save_another_point("tmp10_another_point.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_another_point(-) returns NG");
if (OK !=
"tmp11_not_include.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_not_include(-) returns NG");
/* 中点をセットする */
if (debug_save_sw) {
if (OK != cl_pixel_line_root.save_middle_point("tmp12_middle_point.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_middle_point(-) returns NG");
/* ベクトル化した線分の座標値を整数からdoubleに */
/* ベクトル化した線分をスムースに */
/* 線分を伸長する */
if (OK != cl_pixel_line_root.exec08_expand_lines(&(cl_pixel_point_root))) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.exec08_expand_lines(-) returns NG");
/* 伸ばした線分の方向をそろえる */
if (debug_save_sw) {
if (OK !=
cl_pixel_line_root.save_expand_vector("tmp13_expand_vector.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_expand_vector(-) returns NG");
if (debug_save_sw) {
if (OK !=
cl_pixel_line_root.save_expand_vector("tmp14_same_way_vector.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_expand_vector(-) returns NG");
/* 伸ばした線分を再度スムースに */
if (debug_save_sw) {
if (OK != cl_pixel_line_root.save_expand_lines("tmp15_expand_lines.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_expand_lines(-) returns NG");
if (OK !=
"tmp16_one_expand_point.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_one_expand_point(-) returns NG");
if (OK !=
"tmp17_another_expand_point.txt")) {
throw std::domain_error(
"Error : cl_pixel_line_root.save_another_expand_point(-) returns NG");
/* 各ラインと全体のバウンダリーボックスをセット */
/****** ベクトルリスト処理 end ******/
/* 画像の加工 */
if (0 == brush_action) {
/* 線分情報からだいたいその方向にぼかす */
mv_sw, pv_sw, cv_sw, cl_brush_curve_blur,
cl_pixel_select_curve_blur_root, cl_pixel_line_root, in, height, width,
channels, bits, out);
} else if (1 == brush_action) {
/* 画像をコピーしてから、指先ツールのようにこする */
igs_line_blur_brush_smudge_all_(mv_sw, pv_sw, cv_sw, cl_brush_smudge_circle,
cl_pixel_line_root, in, height, width,
channels, bits, out);
/* 指先ツール用メモリ開放 */
/* 線ぼかしツール用メモリ開放 */
/* 線ぼかし方向参照リスト開放 */
/* 同方向線曲げ方向参照リスト開放 */
/* ラインリストメモリ開放 */
/* ポイントリストメモリ開放 */
/* 細線化用メモリ開放 */
#include <sstream> /* std::ostringstream */
#include "tfxparam.h"
#include "stdfx.h"
#include "tfxattributes.h"
#include "ino_common.h"
#include "igs_line_blur.h"
class ino_line_blur final : public TStandardRasterFx {
TRasterFxPort m_input;
TIntEnumParamP m_b_action_mode;
TDoubleParamP m_b_blur_count;
TDoubleParamP m_b_blur_power;
TIntEnumParamP m_b_blur_subpixel;
TDoubleParamP m_b_blur_near_ref;
TDoubleParamP m_b_blur_near_len;
TDoubleParamP m_v_smooth_retry;
TDoubleParamP m_v_near_ref;
TDoubleParamP m_v_near_len;
TDoubleParamP m_b_smudge_thick;
TDoubleParamP m_b_smudge_remain;
: m_b_action_mode(new TIntEnumParam(0, "Blur"))
, m_b_blur_count(51)
, m_b_blur_power(1.0)
, m_b_blur_subpixel(new TIntEnumParam())
, m_b_blur_near_ref(5)
, m_b_blur_near_len(160)
, m_v_smooth_retry(100)
, m_v_near_ref(4)
, m_v_near_len(160)
, m_b_smudge_thick(7)
, m_b_smudge_remain(0.85) {
addInputPort("Source", this->m_input);
bindParam(this, "action_mode", this->m_b_action_mode);
bindParam(this, "blur_count", this->m_b_blur_count);
bindParam(this, "blur_power", this->m_b_blur_power);
bindParam(this, "blur_subpixel", this->m_b_blur_subpixel);
bindParam(this, "blur_near_ref", this->m_b_blur_near_ref);
bindParam(this, "blur_near_len", this->m_b_blur_near_len);
bindParam(this, "vector_smooth_retry", this->m_v_smooth_retry);
bindParam(this, "vector_near_ref", this->m_v_near_ref);
bindParam(this, "vector_near_len", this->m_v_near_len);
bindParam(this, "smudge_thick", this->m_b_smudge_thick);
bindParam(this, "smudge_remain", this->m_b_smudge_remain);
this->m_b_action_mode->addItem(1, "Smudge");
this->m_b_blur_count->setValueRange(1, 100);
this->m_b_blur_power->setValueRange(0.1, 10.0);
this->m_b_blur_subpixel->addItem(1, "1");
this->m_b_blur_subpixel->addItem(2, "4");
this->m_b_blur_subpixel->addItem(3, "9");
this->m_b_blur_near_ref->setValueRange(1, 100);
this->m_b_blur_near_len->setValueRange(1, 1000);
this->m_v_smooth_retry->setValueRange(1, 1000);
this->m_v_near_ref->setValueRange(1, 100);
this->m_v_near_len->setValueRange(1, 1000);
// this->m_b_smudge_thick->setMeasureName("fxLength");
this->m_b_smudge_thick->setValueRange(1, 100);
this->m_b_smudge_remain->setValueRange(0.0, 1.0);
bool doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox, const TRenderSettings &info) {
if (false == this->m_input.isConnected()) {
bBox = TRectD();
return false;
const bool ret = this->m_input->doGetBBox(frame, bBox, info);
return ret;
int getMemoryRequirement(const TRectD &rect, double frame,
const TRenderSettings &info) {
TRectD bBox(rect);
return TRasterFx::memorySize(bBox, info.m_bpp);
void transform(double frame, int port, const TRectD &rectOnOutput,
const TRenderSettings &infoOnOutput, TRectD &rectOnInput,
TRenderSettings &infoOnInput) {
rectOnInput = rectOnOutput;
infoOnInput = infoOnOutput;
bool canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame) {
// return true;/* geometry処理済の画像に加工することになる */
return false; /* ここでの処理後にgeometryがかかる */
void doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &rend_sets);
FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(ino_line_blur, "inoLineBlurFx");
namespace {
void fx_(const TRasterP in_ras // with margin
TRasterP out_ras // no margin
const int action_mode
const int blur_count, const double blur_power, const int blur_subpixel,
const int blur_near_ref, const int blur_near_len
const int vector_smooth_retry, const int vector_near_ref,
const int vector_near_len
const int smudge_thick, const double smudge_remain) {
TRasterGR8P out_buffer(out_ras->getLy(),
out_ras->getLx() * ino::channels() *
((TRaster64P)in_ras ? sizeof(unsigned short)
: sizeof(unsigned char)));
in_ras->getRawData() // const void *in_no_margin (BGRA)
out_buffer->getRawData() // void *out_no_margin (BGRA)
in_ras->getLy() // const int height_no_margin
in_ras->getLx() // const int width_no_margin
ino::channels() // const int channels
ino::bits(in_ras) // const int bits
blur_count, blur_power, blur_subpixel, blur_near_ref, blur_near_len
smudge_thick, smudge_remain
vector_smooth_retry, vector_near_ref, vector_near_len
false /* bool mv_sw false=OFF */
false /* bool pv_sw false=OFF */
false /* bool cv_sw false=OFF */
3 /* long reference_channel 3=Red:RGBA or Blue:BGRA */
false /* bool debug_save_sw false=OFF */
ino::arr_to_ras(out_buffer->getRawData(), ino::channels(), out_ras, 0);
void ino_line_blur::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame,
const TRenderSettings &rend_sets) {
/*------ 接続していなければ処理しない ----------------------*/
if (!this->m_input.isConnected()) {
tile.getRaster()->clear(); /* 塗りつぶしクリア */
/*------ サポートしていないPixelタイプはエラーを投げる -----*/
if (!((TRaster32P)tile.getRaster()) && !((TRaster64P)tile.getRaster())) {
throw TRopException("unsupported input pixel type");
/*------ パラメータを得る ------*/
const int action_mode = this->m_b_action_mode->getValue();
const int blur_count = this->m_b_blur_count->getValue(frame);
const double blur_power = this->m_b_blur_power->getValue(frame);
const int blur_subpixel = this->m_b_blur_subpixel->getValue();
const int blur_near_ref = this->m_b_blur_near_ref->getValue(frame);
const int blur_near_len = this->m_b_blur_near_len->getValue(frame);
const int vector_smooth_retry = this->m_v_smooth_retry->getValue(frame);
const int vector_near_ref = this->m_v_near_ref->getValue(frame);
const int vector_near_len = this->m_v_near_len->getValue(frame);
const int smudge_thick = this->m_b_smudge_thick->getValue(frame);
const double smudge_remain = this->m_b_smudge_remain->getValue(frame);
/*------ 表示の範囲を得る ----------------------------------*/
TRectD bBox =
TRectD(tile.m_pos /* Render画像上(Pixel単位)の位置 */
TDimensionD(/* Render画像上(Pixel単位)のサイズ */
tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy()));
/* ------ marginなし画像生成 ------------------------------ */
TTile enlarge_tile;
enlarge_tile, bBox.getP00(),
TDimensionI(/* Pixel単位に四捨五入 */
static_cast<int>(bBox.getLx() + 0.5),
static_cast<int>(bBox.getLy() + 0.5)),
tile.getRaster(), frame, rend_sets);
/* ------ 保存すべき画像メモリを塗りつぶしクリア ---------- */
tile.getRaster()->clear(); /* 塗りつぶしクリア */
/* ------ (app_begin)log記憶 ------------------------------ */
const bool log_sw = ino::log_enable_sw();
if (log_sw) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "params"
<< " action_mode " << action_mode
<< " blur_count " << blur_count << " blur_power " << blur_power
<< " blur_subpixel " << blur_subpixel << " blur_near_ref "
<< blur_near_ref << " blur_near_len " << blur_near_len
<< " vector_smooth_retry " << vector_smooth_retry
<< " vector_near_ref " << vector_near_ref << " vector_near_len "
<< vector_near_len
<< " smudge_thick " << smudge_thick << " smudge_remain "
<< smudge_remain
<< " tile"
<< " pos " << tile.m_pos << " w " << tile.getRaster()->getLx() << " h "
<< tile.getRaster()->getLy() << " in_tile"
<< " w " << enlarge_tile.getRaster()->getLx() << " h "
<< enlarge_tile.getRaster()->getLy() << " pixbits "
<< ino::pixel_bits(tile.getRaster()) << " frame " << frame
<< " m_affine " << rend_sets.m_affine;
/* ------ fx処理 ------------------------------------------ */
try {
fx_(enlarge_tile.getRaster() // in with margin
tile.getRaster() // out with no margin
blur_count, blur_power, blur_subpixel, blur_near_ref, blur_near_len
vector_smooth_retry, vector_near_ref, vector_near_len
smudge_thick, smudge_remain);
/* ------ error処理 --------------------------------------- */
catch (std::bad_alloc &e) {
if (log_sw) {
std::string str("std::bad_alloc <");
str += e.what();
str += '>';
} catch (std::exception &e) {
if (log_sw) {
std::string str("exception <");
str += e.what();
str += '>';
} catch (...) {
if (log_sw) {
std::string str("other exception");