#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "toonz/txsheet.h"
#include "toonzqt/dvdialog.h"
#include "toonzqt/dvtextedit.h"
#include "toonzqt/colorfield.h"
#include <QFrame>
#include <QScrollArea>
// forward declaration
class XsheetViewer;
class QTextEdit;
class TColorStyle;
class QToolButton;
class QPushButton;
class QComboBox;
namespace XsheetGUI {
// NotePopup
class NotePopup final : public DVGui::Dialog {
XsheetViewer *m_viewer;
int m_noteIndex;
DVGui::DvTextEdit *m_textEditor;
int m_currentColorIndex;
QList<DVGui::ColorField *> m_colorFields;
//! Used to avoid double click in discard or post button.
bool m_isOneButtonPressed;
NotePopup(XsheetViewer *viewer, int noteIndex);
~NotePopup() {}
void setCurrentNoteIndex(int index);
void update();
TXshNoteSet *getNotes();
QList<TPixel32> getColors();
void onColorFieldEditingChanged(const TPixel32 &color, bool isEditing,
int index);
DVGui::ColorField *createColorField(int index);
void updateColorField();
void showEvent(QShowEvent *) override;
void hideEvent(QHideEvent *) override;
protected slots:
void onColor1Switched(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onColor2Switched(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onColor3Switched(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onColor4Switched(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onColor5Switched(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onColor6Switched(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onColor7Switched(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onColorChanged(const TPixel32 &, bool isDragging);
void onNoteAdded();
void onNoteDiscarded();
void onTextEditFocusIn();
void onXsheetSwitched();
// NoteWidget
class NoteWidget final : public QWidget {
XsheetViewer *m_viewer;
int m_noteIndex;
std::unique_ptr<NotePopup> m_noteEditor;
bool m_isHovered;
NoteWidget(XsheetViewer *parent = 0, int noteIndex = -1);
int getNoteIndex() const { return m_noteIndex; }
void setNoteIndex(int index) {
m_noteIndex = index;
if (m_noteEditor) m_noteEditor->setCurrentNoteIndex(index);
void paint(QPainter *painter, QPoint pos = QPoint(), bool isCurrent = false);
void openNotePopup();
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
// NoteArea
class NoteArea final : public QFrame {
std::unique_ptr<NotePopup> m_newNotePopup; // Popup used to create new note
XsheetViewer *m_viewer;
QToolButton *m_nextNoteButton;
QToolButton *m_precNoteButton;
QComboBox *m_frameDisplayStyleCombo;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050500
NoteArea(XsheetViewer *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0);
NoteArea(XsheetViewer *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0);
void updatePopup() { m_newNotePopup->update(); }
void updateButtons();
protected slots:
void toggleNewNote();
void nextNote();
void precNote();
void onFrameDisplayStyleChanged(int id);
} // namespace XsheetGUI;