#include "tmacrofx.h"
// TnzBase includes
#include "tparamcontainer.h"
#include "tfxattributes.h"
// TnzCore includes
#include "tstream.h"
class MatchesFx
MatchesFx(const TFxP &fx) : m_fx(fx) {}
bool operator()(const TFxP &fx)
return m_fx.getPointer() == fx.getPointer();
TFxP m_fx;
void pushParents(const TFxP &root, std::vector<TFxP> &fxs, const std::vector<TFxP> &selectedFxs)
int i, count = root->getInputPortCount();
if (count == 0) {
std::vector<TFxP>::const_iterator found = std::find_if(fxs.begin(), fxs.end(), MatchesFx(root));
if (found == fxs.end())
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TFxP inutFx = root->getInputPort(i)->getFx();
std::vector<TFxP>::const_iterator found = std::find_if(selectedFxs.begin(), selectedFxs.end(), MatchesFx(inutFx));
if (found != selectedFxs.end())
pushParents(inutFx, fxs, selectedFxs);
std::vector<TFxP>::const_iterator found = std::find_if(fxs.begin(), fxs.end(), MatchesFx(root));
if (found == fxs.end())
std::vector<TFxP> sortFxs(const std::vector<TFxP> &fxs)
std::vector<TFxP> app;
std::vector<TFxP> roots;
//find fxs that could be in back of the vector.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)fxs.size(); i++) {
TFxP fx = fxs[i];
int j, count = (int)fx->getOutputConnectionCount();
if (count == 0) {
for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
TFxP connectedFx = fx->getOutputConnection(j)->getOwnerFx();
std::vector<TFxP>::const_iterator found = std::find_if(fxs.begin(), fxs.end(), MatchesFx(connectedFx));
if (found == fxs.end()) {
for (i = 0; i < (int)roots.size(); i++)
pushParents(roots[i], app, fxs);
assert(fxs.size() == app.size());
return app;
// raccoglie tutti i parametri dai vari TFx e li assegna anche alla macro
void collectParams(TMacroFx *macroFx)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < (int)macroFx->m_fxs.size(); k++) {
TFxP fx = macroFx->m_fxs[k];
int j;
for (j = 0; j < fx->getParams()->getParamCount(); j++)
} // anonymous namespace
bool TMacroFx::analyze(const std::vector<TFxP> &fxs,
TFxP &root,
std::vector<TFxP> &roots,
std::vector<TFxP> &leafs)
if (fxs.size() == 1)
return false;
else {
std::vector<TFxP>::const_iterator it = fxs.begin();
for (; it != fxs.end(); ++it) {
TFxP fx = *it;
int inputInternalConnection = 0;
int inputExternalConnection = 0;
int outputInternalConnection = 0;
int outputExternalConnection = 0;
int i;
// calcola se ci sono connessioni in input dall'esterno
// verso l'interno e/o internamente a orderedFxs
int inputPortCount = fx->getInputPortCount();
for (i = 0; i < inputPortCount; ++i) {
TFxPort *inputPort = fx->getInputPort(i);
TFx *inputPortFx = inputPort->getFx();
if (inputPortFx) {
if (std::find_if(fxs.begin(), fxs.end(), MatchesFx(inputPortFx)) != fxs.end())
// calcola se ci sono connessioni in output dall'interno
// verso l'esterno e/o internamente a orderedFxs
int outputPortCount = fx->getOutputConnectionCount();
for (i = 0; i < outputPortCount; ++i) {
TFxPort *outputPort = fx->getOutputConnection(i);
TFx *outputFx = outputPort->getOwnerFx();
if (outputFx) {
if (std::find_if(fxs.begin(), fxs.end(), MatchesFx(outputFx)) != fxs.end())
// se fx e' una radice
if ((outputExternalConnection > 0) ||
(outputExternalConnection == 0 && outputInternalConnection == 0)) {
root = fx;
// se fx e' una foglia
if (inputExternalConnection > 0 || fx->getInputPortCount() == 0 ||
(inputExternalConnection == 0 && inputInternalConnection < fx->getInputPortCount())) {
if (roots.size() != 1)
return false;
else {
if (leafs.size() == 0)
return false;
return true;
bool TMacroFx::analyze(const std::vector<TFxP> &fxs)
TFxP root = 0;
std::vector<TFxP> leafs;
std::vector<TFxP> roots;
return analyze(fxs, root, roots, leafs);
bool TMacroFx::isaLeaf(TFx *fx) const
int count = fx->getInputPortCount();
if (count == 0)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
TFxPort *port = fx->getInputPort(i);
TFx *inputFx = port->getFx();
if (inputFx) {
if (std::find_if(m_fxs.begin(), m_fxs.end(), MatchesFx(inputFx)) == m_fxs.end()) {
// il nodo di input non appartiene al macroFx
return true;
} else {
// la porta di input non e' connessa
return true;
// tutte le porte di input sono connesse verso nodi appartenenti al macroFx
return false;
TMacroFx::TMacroFx() : m_isEditing(false) {}
TMacroFx::~TMacroFx() {}
TFx *TMacroFx::clone(bool recursive) const
int n = m_fxs.size();
std::vector<TFxP> clones(n);
std::map<TFx *, int> table;
std::map<TFx *, int>::iterator it;
int i, rootIndex = -1;
// nodi
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
TFx *fx = m_fxs[i].getPointer();
clones[i] = fx->clone(false);
assert(table.count(fx) == 0);
table[fx] = i;
if (fx == m_root.getPointer())
rootIndex = i;
TFx *linkedFx = fx->getLinkedFx();
if (linkedFx && table.find(linkedFx) != table.end())
assert(rootIndex >= 0);
// connessioni
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
TFx *fx = m_fxs[i].getPointer();
for (int j = 0; j < fx->getInputPortCount(); j++) {
TFxPort *port = fx->getInputPort(j);
TFx *inputFx = port->getFx();
if (!inputFx)
it = table.find(inputFx);
if (it == table.end()) {
// il j-esimo input di fx e' esterno alla macro
if (recursive)
clones[i]->connect(fx->getInputPortName(j), inputFx->clone(true));
} else {
// il j-esimo input di fx e' interno alla macro
clones[i]->connect(fx->getInputPortName(j), clones[it->second].getPointer());
//TFx *rootClone =
// const_cast<TMacroFx*>(this)->
// clone(m_root.getPointer(), recursive, visited, clones);
TMacroFx *clone = TMacroFx::create(clones);
//Copy the index of the passive cache manager.
clone->getAttributes()->passiveCacheDataIdx() = getAttributes()->passiveCacheDataIdx();
assert(clone->getRoot() == clones[rootIndex].getPointer());
return clone;
bool TMacroFx::doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox, const TRenderSettings &info)
return m_root->doGetBBox(frame, bBox, info);
void TMacroFx::doDryCompute(TRectD &rect,
double frame,
const TRenderSettings &info)
m_root->dryCompute(rect, frame, info);
void TMacroFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri)
m_root->compute(tile, frame, ri);
TFxTimeRegion TMacroFx::getTimeRegion() const
return m_root->getTimeRegion();
std::string TMacroFx::getPluginId() const
return "Base";
void TMacroFx::setRoot(TFx *root)
m_root = root;
// TFx::m_imp->m_outputPort = root->m_imp->m_outputPort;
TFx *TMacroFx::getRoot() const
return m_root.getPointer();
TFx *TMacroFx::getFxById(const std::wstring &id) const
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)m_fxs.size(); i++) {
TFx *fx = m_fxs[i].getPointer();
if (fx->getFxId() == id)
return fx;
return 0;
const std::vector<TFxP> &TMacroFx::getFxs() const
return m_fxs;
std::string TMacroFx::getMacroFxType() const
std::string name = getFxType() + "(";
for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_fxs.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0)
name += ",";
if (TMacroFx *childMacro = dynamic_cast<TMacroFx *>(m_fxs[i].getPointer()))
name += childMacro->getMacroFxType();
name += m_fxs[i]->getFxType();
return name + ")";
TMacroFx *TMacroFx::create(const std::vector<TFxP> &fxs)
std::vector<TFxP> leafs;
std::vector<TFxP> roots;
TFxP root = 0;
std::vector<TFxP> orederedFxs = sortFxs(fxs);
// verifica che gli effetti selezionati siano idonei ad essere raccolti
// in una macro. Ci deve essere un solo nodo terminale
// (roots.size()==1, roots[0] == root) e uno o piu' nodi di ingresso
// (assert leafs.size()>0)
if (!analyze(orederedFxs, root, roots, leafs))
return 0;
// -----------------------------
TMacroFx *macroFx = new TMacroFx;
// tutti i nodi vengono spostati (e non copiati) nella macro stessa
std::vector<TFxP>::const_iterator it = orederedFxs.begin();
for (; it != orederedFxs.end(); ++it)
// i nodi di ingresso vengono messi in collegamento con le
// porte di ingresso della macro
for (int i = 0; i < (int)leafs.size(); i++) {
TFxP fx = leafs[i];
int k = 0;
int count = fx->getInputPortCount();
for (; k < count; k++) {
TFxPort *port = fx->getInputPort(k);
std::string portName = fx->getInputPortName(k);
std::string fxId = ::to_string(fx->getFxId());
portName += "_" + std::to_string(macroFx->getInputPortCount()) + "_" + fxId;
TFx *portFx = port->getFx();
if (portFx) {
// se la porta k-esima del nodo di ingresso i-esimo e' collegata
// ad un effetto, la porta viene inserita solo se l'effetto non fa
// gia' parte della macro
if (std::find_if(orederedFxs.begin(), orederedFxs.end(), MatchesFx(portFx)) == orederedFxs.end())
macroFx->addInputPort(portName, *port);
} else
macroFx->addInputPort(portName, *port);
// le porte di uscita di root diventano le porte di uscita della macro
int count = root->getOutputConnectionCount();
int k = count - 1;
for (; k >= 0; --k) {
TFxPort *port = root->getOutputConnection(k);
// tutti i parametri delle funzioni figlie diventano parametri della macro
return macroFx;
bool TMacroFx::canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame)
return m_root->canHandle(info, frame);
std::string TMacroFx::getAlias(double frame, const TRenderSettings &info) const
std::string alias = getFxType();
alias += "[";
// alias degli effetti connessi alle porte di input separati da virgole
// una porta non connessa da luogo a un alias vuoto (stringa vuota)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < getInputPortCount(); i++) {
TFxPort *port = getInputPort(i);
if (port->isConnected()) {
TRasterFxP ifx = port->getFx();
alias += ifx->getAlias(frame, info);
alias += ",";
// alias dei valori dei parametri dell'effetto al frame dato
for (int j = 0; j < (int)m_fxs.size(); j++) {
alias += (j == 0) ? "(" : ",(";
for (i = 0; i < m_fxs[j]->getParams()->getParamCount(); i++) {
if (i > 0)
alias += ",";
TParam *param = m_fxs[j]->getParams()->getParam(i);
alias += param->getName() + "=" + param->getValueAlias(frame, 2);
alias += ")";
alias += "]";
return alias;
void TMacroFx::compatibilityTranslatePort(int major, int minor, std::string &portName)
// Reroute translation to the actual fx associated to the port
const std::string &fxId = portName.substr(portName.find_last_of('_') + 1,
if (TFx *fx = getFxById(::to_wstring(fxId))) {
size_t opnEnd = portName.find_first_of('_');
std::string originalPortName = portName.substr(0, opnEnd);
fx->compatibilityTranslatePort(major, minor, originalPortName);
portName.replace(0, opnEnd, originalPortName);
// Seems that at a certain point, the port name got extended...
if (VersionNumber(major, minor) == VersionNumber(1, 16)) {
for (int i = 0; i < getInputPortCount(); ++i) {
const std::string &name = getInputPortName(i);
if (name.find(portName) != std::string::npos) {
portName = name;
void TMacroFx::loadData(TIStream &is)
VersionNumber tnzVersion = is.getVersion();
std::string tagName;
while (is.openChild(tagName)) {
if (tagName == "root") {
TPersist *p = 0;
is >> p;
m_root = dynamic_cast<TFx *>(p);
} else if (tagName == "nodes") {
while (!is.eos()) {
TPersist *p = 0;
is >> p;
// NOTE: In current implementation p is sharedly owned by is - it's automatically
// released upon stream destruction if the below assignment fails
if (TFx *fx = dynamic_cast<TFx *>(p)) {
} else if (tagName == "ports") {
int i = 0;
while (is.matchTag(tagName)) {
if (tagName == "port") {
std::string name = is.getTagAttribute("name");
if (tnzVersion < VersionNumber(1, 16) && name != "") {
TRasterFxPort *port = new TRasterFxPort();
addInputPort(name, *port);
} else {
name = is.getTagAttribute("name_inFx");
if (tnzVersion < VersionNumber(1, 17) && tnzVersion != VersionNumber(0, 0))
name.insert(name.find("_"), "_" + std::to_string(i));
compatibilityTranslatePort(tnzVersion.first, tnzVersion.second, name);
std::string inPortName = name;
inPortName.erase(inPortName.find("_"), inPortName.size() - 1);
std::string inFxId = name;
inFxId.erase(0, inFxId.find_last_of("_") + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_fxs.size(); i++) {
std::wstring fxId = m_fxs[i]->getFxId();
if (fxId == ::to_wstring(inFxId)) {
if (TFxPort *port = m_fxs[i]->getInputPort(inPortName))
addInputPort(name, *port);
} else
throw TException("unexpected tag " + tagName);
} else if (tagName == "super") {
} else
throw TException("unexpected tag " + tagName);
void TMacroFx::saveData(TOStream &os)
int i;
TPersist *p = m_root.getPointer();
os << p;
for (i = 0; i < (int)m_fxs.size(); i++) {
TFxP fx = m_fxs[i];
TPersist *p = fx.getPointer();
os << p;
for (i = 0; i < getInputPortCount(); i++) {
std::string portName = getInputPortName(i);
std::map<std::string, std::string> attr;
attr["name_inFx"] = portName;
os.openCloseChild("port", attr);
FX_IDENTIFIER(TMacroFx, "macroFx")