#include "tsystem.h"
#include "tconvert.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define UNICODE // per le funzioni di conversione da/a UNC
#include <windows.h>
#include <lm.h>
bool TSystem::isUNC(const TFilePath &path)
// si assume che il path e' gia' in formato UNC se inizia con "\\"
std::wstring pathStr = path.getWideString();
return pathStr.length() > 2 && pathStr.substr(0, 2) == L"\\\\";
TFilePath TSystem::toUNC(const TFilePath &fp)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (QString::fromStdWString(fp.getWideString()).startsWith('+'))
return fp;
if (isUNC(fp))
return fp;
std::string fpStr = ::to_string(fp);
if (fpStr.length() > 1 && fpStr.c_str()[1] == ':') {
std::string drive = fpStr.substr(0, 3);
UINT uiDriveType = GetDriveTypeA(drive.c_str());
if (uiDriveType & DRIVE_REMOTE) {
// il drive e' montato
DWORD cbBuff = _MAX_PATH; // Size of buffer
char szBuff[_MAX_PATH]; // Buffer to receive information
// Pointers to head of buffer
DWORD dwResult = WNetGetUniversalNameW(::to_wstring(fpStr).c_str(),
switch (dwResult) {
case NO_ERROR:
return TFilePath(::to_string(puni->lpUniversalName));
// The network connection does not exists.
throw TException("The path specified doesn't refer to a shared folder");
// The device is not currently connected,
// but it is a persistent connection.
throw TException("The shared folder is not currently connected");
throw TException("Cannot convert the path specified to UNC");
} else {
// It's a local drive so search for a share to it...
PSHARE_INFO_502 BufPtr, p;
DWORD er = 0,
tr = 0,
resume = 0,
int iBestMatch = 0;
std::string csTemp,
do {
res = NetShareEnum(NULL, 502, (LPBYTE *)&BufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &er, &tr, &resume);
// If the call succeeds,
if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS || res == ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
p = BufPtr;
// Loop through the entries;
for (i = 1; i <= er; i++) {
if (p->shi502_type == STYPE_DISKTREE) {
//#ifdef IS_DOTNET
// shi502_path e' una wstring, aanche se la dichiarazione di PSHARE_INFO_502 non lo sa!
std::wstring shareLocalPathW = (LPWSTR)(p->shi502_path);
std::string shareLocalPath = ::to_string(shareLocalPathW);
//string shareLocalPath = toString(p->shi502_path);
if (toLower(fpStr).find(toLower(shareLocalPath)) == 0) {
std::string hostName = TSystem::getHostName().toStdString();
// #ifdef IS_DOTNET
// shi502_netname e' una wstring, anche se la dichiarazione di PSHARE_INFO_502 non lo sa!
std::wstring shareNetNameW = (LPWSTR)(p->shi502_netname);
std::string shareNetName = ::to_string(shareNetNameW);
// #else
//string shareNetName = toString(p->shi502_netname);
std::string fp(fpStr);
std::string uncpath = "\\\\" + hostName + "\\" +
fp.replace(0, shareLocalPath.size(), shareNetName);
return TFilePath(uncpath);
// Free the allocated buffer.
} else {
//TRACE(_T("Error: %ld\n"), res);
// Continue to call NetShareEnum while
// there are more entries.
} while (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA); // end do
//throw TException("Cannot convert the path specified to UNC");
return fp;
//throw TException("Cannot convert the path specified to UNC");
return fp;
TFilePath TSystem::toLocalPath(const TFilePath &fp)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!isUNC(fp))
return TFilePath(fp);
std::string pathStr = ::to_string(fp);
// estrae hostname e il nome dello share dal path UNC
std::string::size_type idx = pathStr.find_first_of("\\", 2);
if (idx == std::string::npos)
throw TException("The path specified is not a valid UNC path");
std::string hostname = pathStr.substr(2, idx - 2);
if (toLower(hostname) != toLower(TSystem::getHostName().toStdString()))
throw TException("The UNC path specified does not refer to the local host");
std::string::size_type idx2 = pathStr.find_first_of("\\", idx + 1);
if (idx2 == std::string::npos)
throw TException("The path specified is not a valid UNC path");
std::string fpShareName = pathStr.substr(idx + 1, idx2 - idx - 1);
std::string path = pathStr.substr(idx2 + 1, pathStr.size() - idx2);
do {
PSHARE_INFO_502 BufPtr, p;
DWORD er = 0, tr = 0, resume = 0;
res = NetShareEnum(NULL, 502, (LPBYTE *)&BufPtr, DWORD(-1), &er, &tr, &resume);
// If the call succeeds,
if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS || res == ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
p = BufPtr;
// Loop through the entries;
for (int i = 1; i <= (int)er; i++) {
if (p->shi502_type == STYPE_DISKTREE) {
//#ifdef IS_DOTNET
//shi502_netname e' una wstring, anche se la dichiarazione di PSHARE_INFO_502 non lo sa!
std::wstring shareNetNameW = (LPWSTR)(p->shi502_netname);
std::string shareNetName = ::to_string(shareNetNameW);
// #else
//string shareNetName = toString(p->shi502_netname);
if (toLower(fpShareName) == toLower(shareNetName)) {
//#ifdef IS_DOTNET
// shi502_path e' una wstring, anche se la dichiarazione di PSHARE_INFO_502 non lo sa!
std::wstring shareLocalPathW = (LPWSTR)(p->shi502_path);
std::string shareLocalPath = ::to_string(shareLocalPathW);
//string shareLocalPath = toString(p->shi502_path);
std::string localPath = shareLocalPath + path;
return TFilePath(localPath);
// Free the allocated buffer.
} else {
//TRACE(_T("Error: %ld\n"), res);
// Continue to call NetShareEnum while
// there are more entries.
} while (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA); // end do
throw TException("Cannot convert to a local path");
throw TException("Cannot convert to a local path");