Blob Blame Raw

#include "ttest.h"
#include "tsystem.h"
#include "tfilepath_io.h"

#include "tlevel_io.h"
#include "tfx.h"
#include "tparam.h"
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "ttoonzimage.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "tcolorstyles.h"

#include <set>
#include <sstream>

#if defined(LINUX)
#include <typeinfo>

using namespace std;


class TTestTable
	typedef map<std::string, TTest *> Table;
	typedef set<std::string> SkipTable;
	Table m_table;
	SkipTable m_skipTable;

	static TTestTable *table()
		static TTestTable *theTable = 0;
		if (!theTable)
			theTable = new TTestTable;
		return theTable;

	void add(const std::string &str, TTest *test)
		if (m_table.find(str) != m_table.end()) {
			cout << "*error* Duplicate test name '" << str << "'" << endl;
		m_table[str] = test;

	void skip(const std::string &str)

	void run(const std::string &str)
		if (m_skipTable.find(str) != m_skipTable.end())
		Table::iterator it = m_table.find(str);
		if (it == m_table.end())
			cout << "*error* test '" << str << "' not found" << endl;
		else {
			cout << "\nVerifying " << str << " ... " << endl;
			cout << "OK" << endl;

	void runAll()
		int count = 0;
		cout << "Running all tests:" << endl;
		Table::iterator it;
		for (it = m_table.begin(); it != m_table.end(); ++it) {
		cout << count << " test(s) launched" << endl;

	void runType(string type)
		int count = 0;
		cout << "Running " << type << " tests:" << endl;
		Table::iterator it;
		for (it = m_table.begin(); it != m_table.end(); ++it) {
			string str(it->first);
			int i = str.find("_");
			if (i <= 0)
			string subStr(str, 0, i);
			if (subStr == type)
		cout << count << " test(s) launched" << endl;


TTest::TTest(const std::string &testName)
	TTestTable::table()->add(testName, this);




void TTest::setInstanceCount()
	m_levelInstanceCount = TLevel::getInstanceCount();
	m_imageInstanceCount = TImage::getInstanceCount();
	m_rasterInstanceCount = TRaster::getInstanceCount();
	m_imageReaderInstanceCount = TImageReader::getInstanceCount();
	m_imageWriterInstanceCount = TImageWriter::getInstanceCount();
	m_levelReaderInstanceCount = TLevelReader::getInstanceCount();
	m_levelWriterInstanceCount = TLevelWriter::getInstanceCount();
	m_paramInstanceCount = TParam::getInstanceCount();
	m_fxInstanceCount = TFx::getInstanceCount();


void TTest::verifyInstanceCount()
	assert(m_levelInstanceCount == TLevel::getInstanceCount());
	assert(m_imageInstanceCount == TImage::getInstanceCount());

	// commentata da gmt: in qualche test viene creata un
	// offline gl context con annesso raster che ovviamente non
	// viene liberato.

	assert(m_imageReaderInstanceCount == TImageReader::getInstanceCount());
	assert(m_imageWriterInstanceCount == TImageWriter::getInstanceCount());
	assert(m_levelReaderInstanceCount == TLevelReader::getInstanceCount());
	assert(m_levelWriterInstanceCount == TLevelWriter::getInstanceCount());
	assert(m_paramInstanceCount == TParam::getInstanceCount());
	assert(m_fxInstanceCount == TFx::getInstanceCount());


void TTest::runTests(string name)
	TFilePath testFile = getTestFile(name);

	std::vector<std::string> testType;
	if (name == "verif_image") {
	Tifstream is(testFile);
	if (!is) {
		cout << "*error* test file '" << testFile << "' not found" << endl;
	cout << "Test file : '" << testFile << "'" << endl;
	char buffer[1024];
	while (is.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
		std::istringstream ss(buffer);
		while (ss) {
			string s;
			ss >> s;
			if (s == "")
			if (s[0] == '#' || s[0] == '!')
			//Verifica tutti i test
			if (s == "all") {
			//Verifica una parte dei test che ha come nome iniziale testType[i]
			int i;
			bool isTypeFound = false;
			for (i = 0; i < (int)testType.size(); i++)
				if (s == testType[i]) {
					isTypeFound = true;
			if (isTypeFound)
			if (s[0] == '~')
			else //Verifica il test di nome s

// Utility

TFilePath getTestFile(string name)
	TFilePath testFile;

	TFilePath parentDir = TSystem::getBinDir().getParentDir();
#ifndef _WIN32
	parentDir = parentDir.getParentDir();

	TFilePath relativePath;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	relativePath = parentDir + TFilePath("projects\\test\\") + TFilePath(name);
	if (name == "verify_tnzcore")
		testFile = relativePath + TFilePath(name).withType("txt");
	else if (name == "verify_toonzlib")
		testFile = relativePath + TFilePath(name).withType("txt");
	else if (name == "verify_image")
		testFile = relativePath + TFilePath(name).withType("txt");
		testFile = parentDir + TFilePath(name).withType("txt");

	return testFile;


*  Return true if \b ra raster and \b rb raster are equal, with an error
*  less than \b err; return false otherwise.
*  To verify rasters parity check pixel raster; if rasters are different is
*	 showed an error message.
*  \b err max variance allowed to value pixels.
*  OSS.: Usually \b ra is check image and \b rb reference image.
int areEqual(TRasterP ra, TRasterP rb, double err)
	if (!ra && !rb)
		return true;
	int y, x;
	if (typeid(ra) != typeid(rb))
		return false;

	if (!ra || !rb)
		return false;
	if (ra->getSize() != rb->getSize())
		return false;
	const int rowSize = ra->getRowSize();

	TRaster32P ra32 = ra;
	TRaster64P ra64 = ra;
	TRasterGR8P raGR8 = ra;
	TRasterCM32P raCM32 = ra;

	if (ra32) {
		TRaster32P rb32 = rb;
		if (!rb32)
			return 2;
		for (y = 0; y < ra->getLy(); y++)
			for (x = 0; x < ra->getLx(); x++) {
				TPixel32 *apix = (TPixel32 *)ra->getRawData(x, y);
				TPixel32 *bpix = (TPixel32 *)rb->getRawData(x, y);
				int rA = apix->r;
				int gA = apix->g;
				int bA = apix->b;
				int mA = apix->m;

				int rB = bpix->r;
				int gB = bpix->g;
				int bB = bpix->b;
				int mB = bpix->m;
				if (!areAlmostEqual(double(rA), double(rB), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(gA), double(gB), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(bA), double(bB), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(mA), double(mB), err)) {
					cout << "MISMATCH: x=" << x << " y=" << y
						 << ". Pixel a = (" << (int)rA << "," << (int)gA << ","
						 << (int)bA << "," << (int)mA << ")"
						 << ". Pixel b = (" << (int)rB << "," << (int)gB << ","
						 << (int)bB << "," << (int)mB << ")" << endl;
					return false;
	} else if (ra64) {
		TRaster64P rb64 = rb;
		if (!rb64)
			return 2;
		for (y = 0; y < ra->getLy(); y++)
			for (x = 0; x < ra->getLx(); x++) {
				TPixel64 *apix = (TPixel64 *)ra->getRawData(x, y);
				TPixel64 *bpix = (TPixel64 *)rb->getRawData(x, y);
				int rA = apix->r;
				int gA = apix->g;
				int bA = apix->b;
				int mA = apix->m;

				int rB = bpix->r;
				int gB = bpix->g;
				int bB = bpix->b;
				int mB = bpix->m;
				if (!areAlmostEqual(double(rA), double(rB), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(gA), double(gB), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(bA), double(bB), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(mA), double(mB), err)) {
					cout << "MISMATCH: x=" << x << " y=" << y
						 << ". Pixel a = (" << (int)rA << "," << (int)gA << ","
						 << (int)bA << "," << (int)mA << ")"
						 << ". Pixel b = (" << (int)rB << "," << (int)gB << ","
						 << (int)bB << "," << (int)mB << ")" << endl;
					return false;
	} else if (raGR8) {
		TRasterGR8P rbGR8 = rb;
		if (!rbGR8)
			return 2;
		for (y = 0; y < ra->getLy(); y++)
			for (x = 0; x < ra->getLx(); x++) {
				TPixelGR8 *apix = (TPixelGR8 *)ra->getRawData(x, y);
				TPixelGR8 *bpix = (TPixelGR8 *)rb->getRawData(x, y);
				int rA = apix->value;
				int rB = bpix->value;
				if (!areAlmostEqual(double(rA), double(rB), err)) {
					cout << "MISMATCH: x=" << x << " y=" << y
						 << ". Pixel a = (" << (int)rA << ")"
						 << ". Pixel b = (" << (int)rB << ")" << endl;
					return false;
	} else if (raCM32) {
		TRasterCM32P rbCM32 = rb;
		if (!rbCM32)
			return 2;
		for (y = 0; y < ra->getLy(); y++)
			for (x = 0; x < ra->getLx(); x++) {
				TPixelCM32 *apix = (TPixelCM32 *)ra->getRawData(x, y);
				TPixelCM32 *bpix = (TPixelCM32 *)rb->getRawData(x, y);
				int rAink = apix->getInk();
				int rAtone = apix->getTone();
				int rAPaint = apix->getPaint();

				int rBink = bpix->getInk();
				int rBtone = bpix->getTone();
				int rBPaint = bpix->getPaint();

				if (!areAlmostEqual(double(rAink), double(rBink), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(rAtone), double(rBtone), err) ||
					!areAlmostEqual(double(rAPaint), double(rBPaint), err)) {
					cout << "MISMATCH: x=" << x << " y=" << y
						 << ". Pixel a = (Ink: " << (int)rAink << ",Tone: " << (int)rAtone << ",Paint: " << (int)rBPaint << ")"
						 << ". Pixel b = (Ink: " << (int)rBink << ",Tone: " << (int)rBtone << ",Paint: " << (int)rBPaint << ")" << endl;
					return false;
	} else
		return 2;
	return true;

*  Return true if \b va vector image and \b vb vector image are equal, with an
*	 error less than \b err; return false otherwise.
*  To verify vector image parity check stroke count, control point count and
*	 control point position; if vector image are different is showed an error message.
*  \b err max percentage variance, related to save box, allowed to control point
*					position.
*  OSS.: Usually \b va is check image and \b vb reference image.
int areEqual(TVectorImageP va, TVectorImageP vb, double err)
	if (!va && !vb)
		return true;
	int aStrokeCount = va->getStrokeCount();
	int bStrokeCount = vb->getStrokeCount();
	if (aStrokeCount != bStrokeCount) {
		cout << "MISMATCH: image stroke count = " << aStrokeCount
			 << ". Reference image stroke count = " << bStrokeCount << "." << endl;
		return false;

	TRectD aRect = va->getBBox();
	double lxErr = 0.00001;
	double lyErr = 0.00001;
	if (err != 0) {
		lxErr = (aRect.getLx() * err) * 0.01;
		lyErr = (aRect.getLy() * err) * 0.01;
	TRectD bRect = vb->getBBox();
	if (!areAlmostEqual(bRect.getLx(), aRect.getLx(), lxErr) ||
		!areAlmostEqual(bRect.getLy(), aRect.getLy(), lyErr)) {
		cout << "MISMATCH: different save box rect." << endl;
		return false;

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < aStrokeCount; i++) {
		TStroke *aStroke = va->getStroke(i);
		TStroke *bStroke = vb->getStroke(i);
		int aStrCPCount = aStroke->getControlPointCount();
		int bStrCPCount = bStroke->getControlPointCount();
		if (aStrCPCount != bStrCPCount) {
			cout << "MISMATCH: image stroke " << i << "_mo control point count = " << aStrCPCount
				 << ". Reference image stroke " << i << "_mo control point count = " << bStrCPCount
				 << "." << endl;
			return false;

		int j;
		for (j = 0; j <= aStrCPCount; j++) {
			TThickPoint aControlPoint = aStroke->getControlPoint(j);
			TThickPoint bControlPoint = bStroke->getControlPoint(j);
			if (!areAlmostEqual(aControlPoint.x, bControlPoint.x, lxErr)) {
				cout << "MISMATCH: different control point x position." << endl;
				return false;
			if (!areAlmostEqual(aControlPoint.y, bControlPoint.y, lyErr)) {
				cout << "MISMATCH: different control point y position." << endl;
				return false;
			if (!areAlmostEqual(aControlPoint.thick, bControlPoint.thick)) {
				cout << "MISMATCH: different control point thickness." << endl;
				return false;
	/* Non controllo i punti di controllo!!!
	int aStrCPCount = aStroke->getControlPointCount();
	int bStrCPCount = bStroke->getControlPointCount();
	if(aStrCPCount != bStrCPCount)
		cout << "MISMATCH: image stroke " << i << "_mo control point count = " << aStrCPCount
				 << ". Reference image stroke " << i << "_mo control point count = " << bStrCPCount
				 << "." << endl;
		return false;

	int j;
	for(j=0; j<=aStrCPCount; j++)
		TThickPoint aControlPoint = aStroke->getControlPoint(j);
		TThickPoint bControlPoint = bStroke->getControlPoint(j);
		if(!areAlmostEqual(aControlPoint.x, bControlPoint.x, lxErr))
			cout << "MISMATCH: different control point x position." << endl;
			return false;
		if(!areAlmostEqual(aControlPoint.y, bControlPoint.y, lyErr))
			cout << "MISMATCH: different control point y position." << endl;
			return false;
		if(!areAlmostEqual(aControlPoint.thick, bControlPoint.thick))
			cout << "MISMATCH: different control point thickness." << endl;
			return false;
	return true;

*  Return true if images \b a and \b b are equal, with an error
*  less than \b err; return false otherwise.
*  If images are rasters recall
*  \b bool areEqual(TRasterP ra, TRasterP rb)
*  else if image are vectorImage recall
*  \b bool areEqual(TVectorImageP ra, TVectorImageP rb)
int areEqual(TImageP a, TImageP b, double err)
	if (!a && !b)
		return true;
	if (!a || !b)
		return false;
	if (a->getType() != b->getType())
		return false;

	TRasterImageP ra(a);
	TRasterImageP rb(b);
	if ((!ra && rb) || (ra && !rb))
		return false;
	if (ra && rb)
		return areEqual(ra->getRaster(), rb->getRaster(), err);

	TToonzImageP ta(a);
	TToonzImageP tb(b);
	if ((!ta && tb) || (ta && !tb))
		return false;
	if (ta && tb)
		return areEqual(ta->getRaster(), tb->getRaster(), err);

	TVectorImageP va(a);
	TVectorImageP vb(b);
	if (va && vb)
		return areEqual(va, vb, err);

	return false;


bool areEqual(const TPalette *paletteA, const TPalette *paletteB)
	if (paletteA->getStyleCount() != paletteB->getStyleCount() ||
		paletteA->getPageCount() != paletteB->getPageCount()) {
		cout << "PALETTE style count MISMATCH" << endl;
		return false;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < paletteA->getStyleCount(); i++) {
		TColorStyle *styleA = paletteA->getStyle(i);
		TColorStyle *styleB = paletteB->getStyle(i);
		if (styleA->getMainColor() == styleB->getMainColor())
		cout << "PALETTE style MISMATCH" << endl;
		return false;
	return true;


bool areEqual(TLevelP la, TLevelP lb)
	if (la->getFrameCount() != lb->getFrameCount()) {
		cout << "FRAME COUNT MISMATCH" << endl;
		return false;
	if (!areEqual(la->getPalette(), lb->getPalette()))
		return false;

	TLevel::Iterator ait = la->begin(), bit = lb->begin();
	for (; ait != la->end(); ait++, bit++) {
		assert(bit != lb->end());
		if (!areEqual(ait->second, bit->second))
			return false;
	return true;