Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include "tcurves.h"
#include "tstroke.h"
#include "tgl.h" //tglPixelSize
#include "tstrokeoutline.h"

namespace tellipticbrush

//!Tolerance parameter used somewhere throughout this code.
const double tolPar = 1e-6;

//    Geometric Helper Functions

double dist(const TPointD &P1, const TPointD &P2);
double dist(const TThickPoint &P1, const TThickPoint &P2);
double angle(const TPointD &v1, const TPointD &v2);

TPointD intersectionCoords(const TPointD &P0, const TPointD &d0, const TPointD &P1, const TPointD &d1,
						   double detTol = 1e-2);

void buildEnvelopeDirection(const TThickPoint &p, const TThickPoint &d, bool left, TPointD &res);
void buildEnvelopeDirections(const TThickPoint &p, const TThickPoint &d, TPointD &resL, TPointD &resR);
void buildEnvelopeVector(const TThickPoint &p, const TThickPoint &d, bool left, TPointD &res);
void buildEnvelopeVectors(const TThickPoint &p, const TThickPoint &d, TPointD &resL, TPointD &resR);

void buildAngularSubdivision(double radius, double angle, double err, int &nAngles);

TRectD computeBBox(const TStroke &stroke);

//    Options structure

  Structure needed to hold both external and internal outlinization parameters.
struct OutlinizationData {
	TOutlineUtil::OutlineParameter m_options;
	double m_pixSize;

	OutlinizationData() : m_options(), m_pixSize(0.0) {}
	OutlinizationData(const TOutlineUtil::OutlineParameter &options)
		: m_options(options), m_pixSize(sqrt(tglGetPixelSize2()))

//    Centerline Point struct

  CenterlinePoint contains the data a about a discretized centerline stroke point - 
  which includes its position, and eventual forward and backward derivative-like
  directions. Thickness data is included in the structure.

  These informations are necessary and sufficient to build associated outline points,
  and eventual additional points related to caps.
struct CenterlinePoint {
	int m_chunkIdx; //!< The quadratic chunk index containing this point
	double m_t;		//!< The quadratic parameter where this point can be found

	TThickPoint m_p; //!< The point's thick coordinates
	bool m_posBuilt; //!< Wheteher m_p has been calculated

	TThickPoint m_prevD; //!< The backward direction
	bool m_hasPrevD;	 //!< If the point has (envelopable) backward direction

	TThickPoint m_nextD; //!< The forward direction
	bool m_hasNextD;	 //!< If the point has (envelopable) forward direction

	bool m_dirsBuilt; //!< Whether directions have been calculated

	bool m_covered; //!< Whether this point's outline can't be seen

	int m_countIdx; //!< Additional index needed by some procedural style...

	CenterlinePoint() : m_chunkIdx(-1), m_posBuilt(false), m_dirsBuilt(false) {}
	CenterlinePoint(int chunk, double t) : m_chunkIdx(chunk), m_t(t), m_posBuilt(false), m_dirsBuilt(false), m_countIdx(0) {}

	~CenterlinePoint() {}

	void buildPos(const TStroke &stroke);
	void buildDirs(const TStroke &stroke);

	bool operator<(const CenterlinePoint &cp) const
		return m_chunkIdx < cp.m_chunkIdx ? true : m_chunkIdx > cp.m_chunkIdx ? false : m_t < cp.m_t;

//    Linearizator Classes

  The StrokeLinearizator class models a stroke linearization interface that
  extracts points of interest from a succession of stroke quadratics.
class StrokeLinearizator
	const TStroke *m_stroke;

	StrokeLinearizator(const TStroke *stroke) : m_stroke(stroke) {}
	virtual ~StrokeLinearizator() {}

    Adds interesting stroke points to be discretized in the
    chunk-th TThickQuadratic stroke.

    \note The initial point (P0) of the quadratic is always added by the
    outlinization algorithm before these linearization functions are invoked
    (whereas P2 belongs to the next quadratic).
	virtual void linearize(std::vector<CenterlinePoint> &cPoints, int chunk) = 0;

//    Outline Builder classes

  The OutlineBuilder class is the object used to translate centerline points
  into outline points. The purpose of this class is to take a CenterlinePoint
  instance and build a couple of outline points - at either side of the
  centerline - eventually adding (cap) points to form a smooth outline.
class OutlineBuilder
	double m_pixSize;
	TStroke::OutlineOptions m_oOptions;

	int m_lastChunk;

	typedef void (OutlineBuilder::*OutlineBuilderFunc)(
		std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &outPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	OutlineBuilderFunc m_addBeginCap;
	OutlineBuilderFunc m_addEndCap;
	OutlineBuilderFunc m_addSideCaps;

	typedef void (OutlineBuilder::*BBoxBuilderFunc)(
		TRectD &bbox, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	BBoxBuilderFunc m_addBeginCap_ext;
	BBoxBuilderFunc m_addEndCap_ext;
	BBoxBuilderFunc m_addSideCaps_ext;

    Type-specific outline container functions.
    Used with outline building sub-routines that may be used to supply
    different outline container types.
    For example, a TRectD may be considered a container class to be used
    when building the outline bbox.
	template <typename T>
	void addEnvelopePoint(T &container, const TPointD &oPoint, int countIdx = 0);
	template <typename T>
	void addExtensionPoint(T &container, const TPointD &oPoint, int countIdx = 0);
	template <typename T>
	void addOutlineBuilderFunc(OutlineBuilder::OutlineBuilderFunc func,
							   T &container, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	OutlineBuilder(const OutlinizationData &data, const TStroke &stroke);
	~OutlineBuilder() {}

    Transforms the specified centerline point into outline points, and adds them to
    the supplied outline points vector.
	void buildOutlinePoints(
		std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &outPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	void buildOutlineExtensions(TRectD &bbox, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	void addCircle(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);
	void addCircularArcPoints(
		int idx, std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &outPoints,
		const TPointD &center, const TPointD &ray, double angle, int nAngles,
		int countIdx);

	void addRoundBeginCap(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);
	void addRoundEndCap(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	void addButtBeginCap(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);
	void addButtEndCap(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	template <typename T>
	void addProjectingBeginCap(T &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);
	template <typename T>
	void addProjectingEndCap(T &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

	void addRoundSideCaps(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);
	void addBevelSideCaps(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);
	template <typename T>
	void addMiterSideCaps(T &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint);

//    Explicit specializations of OutlineBuilder's methods

// Container of Outline Points (for common outline extraction)

template <>
inline void OutlineBuilder::addEnvelopePoint(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints,
											 const TPointD &oPoint, int countIdx)
	oPoints.push_back(TOutlinePoint(oPoint, countIdx));

template <>
inline void OutlineBuilder::addExtensionPoint(std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints,
											  const TPointD &oPoint, int countIdx)
	oPoints.push_back(TOutlinePoint(oPoint, countIdx));

template <>
inline void OutlineBuilder::addOutlineBuilderFunc(
	OutlineBuilder::OutlineBuilderFunc func,
	std::vector<TOutlinePoint> &oPoints, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint)
	(this->*func)(oPoints, cPoint);


// Rect (for bounding box extraction)

template <>
inline void OutlineBuilder::addEnvelopePoint(TRectD &bbox, const TPointD &oPoint, int countIdx)

template <>
inline void OutlineBuilder::addExtensionPoint(TRectD &bbox, const TPointD &oPoint, int countIdx)
	bbox.x0 = std::min(bbox.x0, oPoint.x);
	bbox.y0 = std::min(bbox.y0, oPoint.y);
	bbox.x1 = std::max(bbox.x1, oPoint.x);
	bbox.y1 = std::max(bbox.y1, oPoint.y);

template <>
inline void OutlineBuilder::addOutlineBuilderFunc(
	OutlineBuilder::OutlineBuilderFunc func,
	TRectD &container, const CenterlinePoint &cPoint)

//    Standard Outline Builder (from Centerline Points)

void buildOutline(const TStroke &stroke, std::vector<CenterlinePoint> &cPoints,
				  TStrokeOutline &outline, const OutlinizationData &data);

} //namespace tellipticbrush