Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include <vector>

using std::vector;

#include "tfarmtask.h"
//#include "texception.h"
#include "tconvert.h"
//#include "tfilepath.h"

class TFilePath;


#ifdef _WIN32
#define TFARMAPI __declspec(dllexport)
#define TFARMAPI __declspec(dllimport)
#define TFARMAPI


enum ServerState {

class ServerIdentity
	ServerIdentity(const QString &id, const QString &name)
		: m_id(id), m_name(name) {}

	QString m_id;
	QString m_name;

class ServerInfo
	QString m_name;
	QString m_ipAddress;
	QString m_portNumber;

	ServerState m_state;

	QString m_platform;

	int m_cpuCount;
	unsigned int m_totPhysMem;
	unsigned int m_totVirtMem;

	// the following fields can be used just if the server state is not Down
	unsigned int m_availPhysMem;
	unsigned int m_availVirtMem;
	QString m_currentTaskId;


class TaskShortInfo
	TaskShortInfo(const QString &id, const QString &name, TaskState status)
		: m_id(id), m_name(name), m_status(status) {}

	QString m_id;
	QString m_name;
	TaskState m_status;


class TFARMAPI TFarmController
	virtual ~TFarmController() {}

	virtual QString addTask(const TFarmTask &task, bool suspended) = 0;

	virtual void removeTask(const QString &id) = 0;
	virtual void suspendTask(const QString &id) = 0;
	virtual void activateTask(const QString &id) = 0;
	virtual void restartTask(const QString &id) = 0;

	virtual void getTasks(vector<QString> &tasks) = 0;
	virtual void getTasks(const QString &parentId, vector<QString> &tasks) = 0;
	virtual void getTasks(const QString &parentId, vector<TaskShortInfo> &tasks) = 0;

	virtual void queryTaskInfo(const QString &id, TFarmTask &task) = 0;

	virtual void queryTaskShortInfo(
		const QString &id,
		QString &parentId,
		QString &name,
		TaskState &status) = 0;

	// used (by a server) to notify a server start
	virtual void attachServer(const QString &name, const QString &addr, int port) = 0;

	// used (by a server) to notify a server stop
	virtual void detachServer(const QString &name, const QString &addr, int port) = 0;

	// used by a server to notify a task submission error
	virtual void taskSubmissionError(const QString &taskId, int errCode) = 0;

	// used by a server to notify a task progress
	virtual void taskProgress(
		const QString &taskId,
		int step,
		int stepCount,
		int frameNumber,
		FrameState state) = 0;

	// used by a server to notify a task completion
	virtual void taskCompleted(const QString &taskId, int exitCode) = 0;

	// fills the servers vector with the identities of the servers
	virtual void getServers(vector<ServerIdentity> &servers) = 0;

	// returns the state of the server whose id has been specified
	virtual ServerState queryServerState2(const QString &id) = 0;

	// fills info with the infoes about the server whose id is specified
	virtual void queryServerInfo(const QString &id, ServerInfo &info) = 0;

	// activates the server whose id has been specified
	virtual void activateServer(const QString &id) = 0;

	// deactivates the server whose id has been specified
	// once deactivated, a server is not available for task rendering
	virtual void deactivateServer(const QString &id, bool completeRunningTasks = true) = 0;


class TFARMAPI ControllerData
	ControllerData(const QString &hostName = "", const QString &ipAddr = "", int port = 0)
		: m_hostName(hostName), m_ipAddress(ipAddr), m_port(port)

	bool operator==(const ControllerData &rhs)
		return m_hostName == rhs.m_hostName &&
			   m_ipAddress == rhs.m_ipAddress &&
			   m_port == rhs.m_port;

	QString m_hostName;
	QString m_ipAddress;
	int m_port;


class TFARMAPI TFarmControllerFactory
	int create(const ControllerData &data, TFarmController **controller);
	int create(const QString &hostname, int port, TFarmController **controller);


void TFARMAPI loadControllerData(const TFilePath &fp, ControllerData &data);
