Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


// TnzBase includes
#include "trasterfx.h"

// TnzCore includes
#include "tregion.h"
#include "tvectorimage.h"

// Qt includes
#include <QWidget>
#include <QKeyEvent>

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR


//    Forward declarations

class TFilePath;
class TPropertyGroup;
//enum TRenderSettings::ResampleQuality;

class QHBoxLayout;


namespace ImageUtils

  \brief    Notify that a task on a single frame is completed.
class DVAPI FrameTaskNotifier : public QObject

	int m_errorCount,
	bool m_abort;

	FrameTaskNotifier() : m_errorCount(0), m_warningCount(0), m_abort(false) {}
	~FrameTaskNotifier() {}

	void notifyFrameCompleted(int frame) { emit frameCompleted(frame); }
	void notifyError()
		emit error();
	void notifyLevelCompleted(const TFilePath &fullPath) { emit levelCompleted(fullPath); }

	bool abortTask() { return m_abort; }
	void reset() { m_abort = false; }

	int getErrorCount() const { return m_errorCount; }


	void frameCompleted(int);
	void levelCompleted(const TFilePath &fullPath);
	void error();

protected slots:

	void onCancelTask() { m_abort = true; }


TFilePath DVAPI duplicate(const TFilePath &levelPath);

void DVAPI premultiply(const TFilePath &levelPath);

void DVAPI convert(
	const TFilePath &source,					 //!< Level path to convert from.
	const TFilePath &dest,						 //!< Level path to convert to.
	const TFrameId &from,						 //!< First source frame to convert. Supports TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME
												 //!  to specify conversion from the beginning of level.
	const TFrameId &to,							 //!< Last source frame to convert. Supports TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME
												 //!  to specify conversion to the end of level.
	double framerate,							 //!< Frame rate for destination movie formats.
	TPropertyGroup *prop,						 //!< Format properties for the destination level.
	FrameTaskNotifier *frameNotifier,			 //!< Observer class for frame success notifications.
	const TPixel &bgColor = TPixel::Transparent, //!< Destination Background color.
	bool removeDotBeforeFrameNumber = false		 /*-- ConvertPopup での指定に合わせて、[レベル名].[フレーム番号].[拡張子]のうち、
																     [レベル名]と[フレーム番号]の間のドットを消す。 --*/
	);											 //!< Converts a saved level to fullcolor, and saves the result.

void DVAPI convertNaa2Tlv(
	const TFilePath &source,		  //!< Level path to convert from.
	const TFilePath &dest,			  //!< Level path to convert to.
	const TFrameId &from,			  //!< First source frame to convert.
	const TFrameId &to,				  //!< Last source frame to convert.
	FrameTaskNotifier *frameNotifier, //!< Observer class for frame success notifications.
	TPalette *palette = 0);			  //!< Special conversion function from an antialiased level to tlv.
									  //!  \sa  Function ImageUtils::convert().

double DVAPI getQuantizedZoomFactor(double zf, bool forward);

void DVAPI getFillingInformationOverlappingArea(
	const TVectorImageP &vi,
	std::vector<TFilledRegionInf> &regs,
	const TRectD &area1,
	const TRectD &area2 = TRectD());

void DVAPI getFillingInformationInArea(
	const TVectorImageP &vi,
	std::vector<TFilledRegionInf> &regs,
	const TRectD &area);

void DVAPI assignFillingInformation(
	TVectorImage &vi,
	const std::vector<TFilledRegionInf> &regs);

void DVAPI getStrokeStyleInformationInArea(
	const TVectorImageP &vi,
	std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &strokesInfo, // pair:strokeIndex, styleIndex
	const TRectD &area);

//    FullScreenWidget  declaration

  \brief    Temporary class used to deal with QTBUG #7556 - QGLWidgets going fullscreen \a need
            a containing widget that leaves a small margin to prevent the widget from covering other
            widgets (specifically, context menus).

class DVAPI FullScreenWidget : public QWidget

	QWidget *m_widget; //!< (Owned) The content widget.

	FullScreenWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);

	void setWidget(QWidget *widget); //!< Sets the content, surrendering ownership.
	QWidget *widget() const { return m_widget; }

public slots:

	bool toggleFullScreen(bool quit = false);

//    ShortcutZoomer  declaration

  \brief    The ShortcutZoomer abstract base class is used by viewer widget to access
            shortcut-related commands.

  \details  This class is a wrapper for shortcuts established by the CommandManager

            Subclass it defining the required view commands, then implement a
            \p keyPressEvent() event handler in the viewer widget you want:

            void MyViewer::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* ke)

              return MyViewerBase::keyPressEvent(ke);

  \warning  Use the FullScreenWidget class to wrap a viewer class that
            needs to go fullscreen.

class DVAPI ShortcutZoomer
	QWidget *m_widget; //!< Viewer widget being processed.

	ShortcutZoomer(QWidget *viewerWidget); //!< Constructs on the specified viewer widget.

	QWidget *getWidget() { return m_widget; } //!< Returns the processed viewer widget.

	bool exec(QKeyEvent *event); //!< Processes a key event for shortcuts related to
								 //!  viewer commands.
								 //!  \return  Whether a shortcut was recognized.
	virtual bool zoom(bool zoomin, bool resetZoom) = 0; //!< Handler for zoom commands. Required.
	virtual bool fit() { return false; }				//!< Handler for 'fit to image' commands.
	virtual bool setActualPixelSize() { return false; } //!< Handler for 'use actual pixel size' commands.
	virtual bool toggleFullScreen(bool quit = false)	//!  Handler for 'toggle fullscreen' commands.
		return false;

} // namespace ImageUtils
