Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


#include <cmath>
#include <assert.h>

enum {
	FZ_OK = 0,
	FZ_FTOL = 1,
	FZ_XTOL = 2,


//  Use the one at the end instead. This may overshoot - plus, it does not
//  bisecate the interval... (I suppose it has never been used much :) )

template< class  unaryOp        ,
          class  unaryOpDerivate>
bool  findZero_Newton ( double          x0      ,
                        double          x1      ,
                        unaryOp         f       ,
                        unaryOpDerivate fd1     ,
                        double          xtol    ,
                        double          ftol    ,
                        int             maxIter ,
                        double          &x      ,
                        int             &err    )
  double  f_x_n_plus_1  = 0.0   ;
  double  f_x_n         = f(x1) ;
  double  f_x_n_minus_1 = f(x0) ;
  if( f_x_n*f_x_n_minus_1 > 0 ) 
    err = FZ_NOT_ZERO;
    return  false;

  int i;

  if( f_x_n         == 0  ||
      f_x_n_minus_1 == 0    )  
    x   = (f_x_n == 0.0) ? x1 : x0;
    err = FZ_OK; 
    return true;

  double  x_n_plus_1  ;
  double  x_n         ;
  double  x_n_minus_1 ;
  x_n         = x1;   
  x_n_minus_1 = x0;

    // the firts time x_n = x1
    double  fd1_x_n = fd1(x_n);
    assert( fd1_x_n != 0.0 );

    x_n_plus_1 = x_n - f_x_n / fd1_x_n;
    if( fabs(x_n - x_n_plus_1) < xtol )
    f_x_n_plus_1 = f(x_n_plus_1);
    if( fabs(f_x_n_plus_1) < ftol )

    x_n_minus_1   = x_n;
    x_n           = x_n_plus_1;
    f_x_n         = f_x_n_plus_1;
  err = (i == maxIter ? FZ_MAX_ITER : err); 
  return true;



  Bisection algorithm.
  Get an object and a method of object class.
  x1 and x2 are extremes of test and xtol
  is the accuracy.
    the minimum or,
    -2  if min it's unreacheable.
    -1  if min does not exist
    Max iterations numbers is fixed to 100 in in maxIter.
    This value fix the accuracy to 2e-100.
      From Numerical Recipes.

template <class unaryOp>
bool findZero_bisection(double x0,
						double x1,
						unaryOp f,
						double xtol,
						int maxIter,
						double &x,
						int &err)
	int i;
	err = FZ_OK;
	double dx, fx0, fmid, xmid, rtb;

	fx0 = f(x0);
	fmid = f(x1);

	if (fx0 * fmid > 0.0) {
		err = FZ_NOT_ZERO;
		return false;

	if (fx0 == 0 ||
		fmid == 0) {
		x = (fmid == 0.0) ? x1 : x0;
		err = FZ_OK;
		return true;

	rtb = fx0 < 0.0 ? (dx = x1 - x0, x0) : (dx = x0 - x1, x1);

	for (i = 1; i <= maxIter; i++) {
		fmid = f(xmid = rtb + (dx *= 0.5));
		if (fmid <= 0.0)
			rtb = xmid;
		if (fabs(dx) < xtol || fmid == 0.0) {
			x = rtb;
			err = FZ_XTOL;
	err = (i == maxIter ? FZ_MAX_ITER : err);
	return true;

template <class unaryOp>
bool findZero_secant(double x0,
					 double x1,
					 unaryOp f,
					 double xtol,
					 double ftol,
					 int maxIter,
					 double &x,
					 int &err)
	double f_x_n_plus_1 = 0.0,
		   f_x_n = f(x1),
		   f_x_n_minus_1 = f(x0);

	if (f_x_n * f_x_n_minus_1 > 0) {
		err = FZ_NOT_ZERO;
		return false;

	int i;
	err = FZ_OK;

	if (f_x_n == 0 ||
		f_x_n_minus_1 == 0) {
		x = (f_x_n == 0.0) ? x1 : x0;
		return true;

	double x_n_plus_1 = x1,
		   x_n = x1,
		   x_n_minus_1 = x0;

	for (i = 0; i < maxIter; ++i) {
		double den = f_x_n - f_x_n_minus_1;
		assert(den != 0.0);
		if (den == 0.0) {
			x_n = x_n_plus_1;
			err = FZ_FTOL;

		x_n_plus_1 = x_n - (x_n - x_n_minus_1) * f_x_n / den;
		if (fabs(x_n - x_n_plus_1) < xtol) {
			err = FZ_XTOL;

		f_x_n_plus_1 = f(x_n_plus_1);
		if (fabs(f_x_n_plus_1) < ftol) {
			err = FZ_FTOL;

		x_n_minus_1 = x_n;
		x_n = x_n_plus_1;
		f_x_n_minus_1 = f_x_n;
		f_x_n = f_x_n_plus_1;

	x = x_n_plus_1;
	err = (i == maxIter ? FZ_MAX_ITER : err);
	return true;

template <class unaryOp1, class unaryOp2>
bool findZero_Newton(double x0,
					 double x1,
					 unaryOp1 f,
					 unaryOp2 f1,
					 double xtol,
					 double ftol,
					 int maxIter,
					 double &x,
					 int &err)
	double f_0 = f(x0);
	double f_1 = f(x1);
	double f_x_n = f_0, f_x_n_plus_1 = 0.0;

	bool s_0 = (f_0 > 0);
	bool s_1 = (f_1 > 0);
	bool s_n;

	if (s_0 && s_1) {
		err = FZ_NOT_ZERO;
		return false;

	int i;
	err = FZ_OK;

	if (f_0 == 0 ||
		f_1 == 0) {
		x = (f_1 == 0.0) ? x1 : x0;
		return true;

	double x_n = x1, x_n_plus_1;

	for (i = 0; i < maxIter; ++i) {
		double den = f1(x_n);
		if (den > 1e-2)
			x_n_plus_1 = x_n - f_x_n / den;

		if (den <= 1e-2 || x0 > x_n_plus_1 || x1 < x_n_plus_1)
			x_n_plus_1 = 0.5 * (x0 + x1);

		if (fabs(x_n - x_n_plus_1) < xtol) {
			err = FZ_XTOL;

		f_x_n_plus_1 = f(x_n_plus_1);
		if (fabs(f_x_n_plus_1) < ftol) {
			err = FZ_FTOL;

		x_n = x_n_plus_1;
		f_x_n = f_x_n_plus_1;
		s_n = (f_x_n > 0);

		if (s_n == s_0)
			x0 = x_n;
			x1 = x_n;

	x = x_n_plus_1;
	err = (i == maxIter ? FZ_MAX_ITER : err);
	return true;
