#pragma once
#include "tools/tool.h"
#include "tproperty.h"
#include "toonz/strokegenerator.h"
#include "tools/tooloptions.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
class RGBPickerTool : public TTool
bool m_firstTime;
int m_currentStyleId;
TPixel32 m_oldValue, m_currentValue;
TRectD m_selectingRect;
TRectD m_drawingRect;
TPropertyGroup m_prop;
TEnumProperty m_pickType;
TBoolProperty m_passivePick;
std::vector<RGBPickerToolOptionsBox *> m_toolOptionsBox;
//Aggiunte per disegnare il lazzo a la polyline
StrokeGenerator m_drawingTrack;
StrokeGenerator m_workingTrack;
TPointD m_firstDrawingPos, m_firstWorkingPos;
TPointD m_mousePosition;
double m_thick;
TStroke *m_stroke;
TStroke *m_firstStroke;
std::vector<TPointD> m_drawingPolyline;
std::vector<TPointD> m_workingPolyline;
bool m_makePick;
/*-- ToolOptionBox上にPassiveに拾った色を表示するため --*/
void setToolOptionsBox(RGBPickerToolOptionsBox *toolOptionsBox);
ToolType getToolType() const { return TTool::LevelReadTool; }
void updateTranslation();
// Used to notify and set the currentColor outside the draw() methods:
// using special style there was a conflict between the draw() methods of the tool
// and the genaration of the icon inside the style editor (makeIcon()) which use
// another glContext
void onImageChanged();
void draw();
void leftButtonDown(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
void leftButtonDrag(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
void leftButtonUp(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &);
void leftButtonDoubleClick(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
void mouseMove(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e);
void pick(TPoint pos);
void pickRect();
void pickStroke();
bool onPropertyChanged(std::string propertyName);
void onActivate();
TPropertyGroup *getProperties(int targetType);
int getCursorId() const;
void doPolylinePick();
//!Viene aggiunto \b pos a \b m_track e disegnato il primo pezzetto del lazzo. Viene inizializzato \b m_firstPos
void startFreehand(const TPointD &drawingPos, const TPointD &workingPos);
//!Viene aggiunto \b pos a \b m_track e disegnato un altro pezzetto del lazzo.
void freehandDrag(const TPointD &drawingPos, const TPointD &workingPos);
//!Viene chiuso il lazzo (si aggiunge l'ultimo punto ad m_track) e viene creato lo stroke rappresentante il lazzo.
void closeFreehand();
//!Viene aggiunto un punto al vettore m_polyline.
void addPointPolyline(const TPointD &drawingPos, const TPointD &workingPos);
//!Agginge l'ultimo pos a \b m_polyline e chiude la spezzata (aggiunge \b m_polyline.front() alla fine del vettore)
void closePolyline(const TPointD &drawingPos, const TPointD &workingPos);
/*--- RGBPickerToolをFlipbookで有効にする ---*/
void showFlipPickedColor(const TPixel32 &pix);