Blob Blame Raw
#ifndef x64
#include "texception.h"
#include "tsound.h"
#include "tconvert.h"
#include "tpropertytype.h"
#include "timageinfo.h"
#include "tlevel_io.h"
#include "../avi/tiio_avi.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "tiio_mov.h"
#include "movsettings.h"
// Local namespace stuff
namespace {
const std::string firstFrameKey = "frst"; // First frame atom id
const int firstFrameKeySize = 4 * sizeof(char); //
class QuickTimeCleanUp;
class QuickTimeStuff {
static QuickTimeStuff *instance() {
if (!m_singleton) m_singleton = new QuickTimeStuff();
return m_singleton;
OSErr getStatus() { return m_status; }
~QuickTimeStuff() {}
QuickTimeStuff() : m_status(noErr) {
m_status = InitializeQTML(0);
static QuickTimeStuff *m_singleton;
OSErr m_status;
friend class QuickTimeCleanUp; // questa DEVE essere friend, cosi' posso
// controllare direttamente
// lo stato del singleton.
class QuickTimeCleanUp {
QuickTimeCleanUp() {}
~QuickTimeCleanUp() { /*
Nel caso si arrivasse qui senza il
singleton instanziato, e si facesse direttamente
'delete QuickTimeStuff::instance();'
Quicktime non farebbe in tempo a terminare le
sue routine di inizializzazione (che sono
ANCHE su altri thread) e la chiamata a
TerminateQTML() causerebbe un crash
if (QuickTimeStuff::m_singleton) delete QuickTimeStuff::m_singleton;
QuickTimeCleanUp cleanUp;
QuickTimeStuff *QuickTimeStuff::m_singleton = 0;
enum QTLibError {
QTNoError = 0x0000,
string buildQTErrorString(int ec) {
switch (ec) {
case QTNotInstalled:
return "Can't create; ensure that quicktime is correctly installed on your "
case QTUnknownError:
return "Unknown error";
case QTUnableToOpenFile:
return "can't open file";
case QTCantCreateFile:
return "can't create movie";
case QTUnableToGetCompressorNames:
return "unable to get compressor name";
case QTUnableToCreateResource:
return "can't create resource";
case QTUnableToUpdateMovie:
return "unable to update movie";
case QTBadTimeValue:
return "bad frame number";
case QTUnableToDoMovieTask:
return "unable to do movie task";
case QTUnableToSetTimeValue:
return "unable to set time value";
case QTUnableToSetMovieGWorld:
return "unable to set movie graphic world";
case QTUnableToSetMovieBox:
return "unable to set movie box";
default: { return "unknown error ('" + std::to_string(ec) + "')"; }
inline LPSTR AtlW2AHelper(LPSTR lpa, LPCWSTR lpw, int nChars, UINT acp) {
assert(lpw != NULL);
assert(lpa != NULL);
// verify that no illegal character present
// since lpa was allocated based on the size of lpw
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpa[0] = '\0';
WideCharToMultiByte(acp, 0, lpw, -1, lpa, nChars, NULL, NULL);
return lpa;
inline char *filePath2unichar(const TFilePath &path) {
int _convert = 0;
std::wstring ws = path.getWideString();
LPCWSTR lpw = ws.c_str();
char *name = NULL;
if (lpw) {
_convert = (lstrlenW(lpw) + 1) * 2;
LPSTR pStr = new char[_convert];
name = AtlW2AHelper(pStr, lpw, _convert, 0);
char *outName = new char[1024];
if (QTMLGetCanonicalPathName(name, outName, 1024) == noErr) {
delete[] name;
return outName;
delete[] outName;
return name;
TFilePath getLegalName(const TFilePath &name) {
if (QuickTimeStuff::instance()->getStatus() != noErr) return name;
TFilePath legalName;
char outDir[1024];
TFilePath dirName(name.getParentDir());
char dirNameFp[1024] = "";
OSErr err = QTMLGetCanonicalPathName(dirNameFp, outDir, 1024);
if (err == noErr)
legalName = TFilePath(outDir) + name.withoutParentDir();
legalName = name;
return legalName;
string long2fourchar(TINT32 fcc) {
string s;
s += (char((fcc & 0xff000000) >> 24));
s += (char((fcc & 0x00ff0000) >> 16));
s += (char((fcc & 0x0000ff00) >> 8));
s += (char((fcc & 0x000000ff) >> 0));
return s;
TimeScale frameRateToTimeScale(double frameRate) {
return tround(frameRate * 100.0);
// const std::string CodecNamesId = "PU_CodecName";
// const std::string CodecQualityId = "PU_CodecQuality";
} // namespace
bool IsQuickTimeInstalled() {
return QuickTimeStuff::instance()->getStatus() == noErr;
// TImageWriterMov
class TImageWriterMov final : public TImageWriter {
TImageWriterMov(const TFilePath &, int frameIndex, TLevelWriterMov *);
~TImageWriterMov() { m_lwm->release(); }
bool is64bitOutputSupported() override { return false; }
// not implemented
TImageWriterMov(const TImageWriterMov &);
TImageWriterMov &operator=(const TImageWriterMov &src);
void save(const TImageP &) override;
int m_frameIndex;
TLevelWriterMov *m_lwm;
// TImageWriterMov
TImageWriterMov::TImageWriterMov(const TFilePath &path, int frameIndex,
TLevelWriterMov *lwm)
: TImageWriter(path), m_lwm(lwm), m_frameIndex(frameIndex) {
namespace {
void copy(TRasterP rin, PixelXRGB *bufout, int lx, int ly) {
TRaster32P rin32 = rin;
PixelXRGB *rowout = &(bufout[(ly - 1) * lx]);
for (int y = 0; y < rin32->getLy(); y++) {
PixelXRGB *pixout = rowout;
TPixelRGBM32 *pixin = rin32->pixels(y);
TPixelRGBM32 *pixinEnd = pixin + rin32->getLx();
while (pixin < pixinEnd) {
pixout->x = pixin->m;
pixout->r = pixin->r;
pixout->g = pixin->g;
pixout->b = pixin->b;
rowout -= lx;
TWriterInfo *TWriterInfoMov::create(const std::string &)
return new TWriterInfoMov();
TWriterInfoMov::TWriterInfoMov(const TWriterInfoMov&src)
TWriterInfo *TWriterInfoMov::clone() const
return new TWriterInfoMov(*this);
class MovWriterProperties final : public TPropertyGroup {
TEnumProperty m_codec;
TEnumProperty m_quality;
: m_byteOrdering("Byte Order")
, m_compressionType("Compression Type")
, m_matte("Alpha Channel", true)
m_byteOrdering.addValue(L"IBM PC");
#ifdef _WIN32
m_byteOrdering.setValue(L"IBM PC");
CodecType Tiio::MovWriterProperties::getCurrentCodec()const
std::map<wstring, CodecType>::const_iterator it;
it = m_codecMap.find(m_codec.getValue());
return it->second;
wstring Tiio::MovWriterProperties::getCurrentNameFromCodec(CodecType
std::map<wstring, CodecType>::const_iterator it;
CodecType tmp=it->second;
if(it->second==cCodec) break;
return it->first;
wstring Tiio::MovWriterProperties::getCurrentQualityFromCodeQ(CodecQ
std::map<wstring, CodecQ>::const_iterator it;
CodecQ tmp=it->second;
if(it->second==cCodecQ) break;
return it->first;
CodecQ Tiio::MovWriterProperties::getCurrentQuality() const
std::map<wstring, CodecQ>::const_iterator it;
it = m_qualityMap.find(m_quality.getValue());
return it->second;
TPropertyGroup* Tiio::MovWriterProperties::clone() const
MovWriterProperties*g = new MovWriterProperties();
return (TPropertyGroup*)g;
//: m_codec("Codec")
//, m_quality("Quality")
if (InitializeQTML(0) != noErr) return;
ComponentInstance ci =
OpenDefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType, StandardCompressionSubType);
QTAtomContainer settings;
if (SCGetSettingsAsAtomContainer(ci, &settings) != noErr) assert(false);
fromAtomsToProperties(settings, *this);
void TImageWriterMov::save(const TImageP &img) {
m_lwm->save(img, m_frameIndex);
void TLevelWriterMov::save(const TImageP &img, int frameIndex) {
m_firstFrame = std::min(frameIndex, m_firstFrame);
TRasterImageP image(img);
if (!image) throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "Unsupported image type");
int lx = image->getRaster()->getLx();
int ly = image->getRaster()->getLy();
int pixSize = image->getRaster()->getPixelSize();
if (pixSize != 4)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "Unsupported pixel type");
QMutexLocker sl(&m_mutex);
if (!m_videoTrack) {
if (!m_properties) m_properties = new Tiio::MovWriterProperties();
Tiio::MovWriterProperties *prop =
(Tiio::MovWriterProperties *)(m_properties);
QTAtomContainer atoms;
fromPropertiesToAtoms(*prop, atoms);
m_ci = OpenDefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType,
if (SCSetSettingsFromAtomContainer(m_ci, atoms) != noErr) {
assert(!"cannot use that quickTime codec, use default");
m_ci = OpenDefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType,
Rect frame;
QDErr err;
if (QuickTimeStuff::instance()->getStatus() != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTNotInstalled;
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
// First, set the movie's time scale to match a suitable multiple of
// m_frameRate.
// The timeScale will be used for both the movie and media.
TimeScale timeScale = ::frameRateToTimeScale(m_frameRate);
SetMovieTimeScale(m_movie, timeScale);
m_videoTrack = NewMovieTrack(m_movie, FixRatio((short)lx, 1),
FixRatio((short)ly, 1), kNoVolume);
if ((err = GetMoviesError() != noErr))
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create video track");
m_videoMedia = NewTrackMedia(m_videoTrack, VideoMediaType, timeScale, 0, 0);
if ((err = GetMoviesError() != noErr))
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create video media");
frame.left = 0; = 0;
frame.right = lx;
frame.bottom = ly;
if ((err = NewGWorld(&(m_gworld), pixSize * 8, &frame, 0, 0, 0)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create movie buffer");
if ((err = ImageCodecGetMaxCompressionSize(Ci, m_gworld->portPixMap, &frame, 0,
quality, codecType, anyCodec,
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't
get max compression size");
if ((err = MemError()) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't allocate img handle");
m_pixmap = GetGWorldPixMap(m_gworld);
if (!LockPixels(m_pixmap))
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't lock pixels");
m_buf = (PixelXRGB *)(*(m_pixmap))->baseAddr;
buf_lx = lx;
buf_ly = ly;
OSErr err = noErr;
if ((err = BeginMediaEdits(m_videoMedia)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't begin edit video media");
Rect frame;
ImageDescriptionHandle img_descr = 0;
Handle compressedData = 0;
frame.left = 0; = 0;
frame.right = lx;
frame.bottom = ly;
TRasterP ras = image->getRaster();
copy(ras, m_buf, buf_lx, buf_ly);
if ((err = SCCompressImage(m_ci, m_gworld->portPixMap, &frame, &img_descr,
&compressedData)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't compress image");
if ((err = CompressImage(m_gworld->portPixMap,
quality, codecType,
img_descr, compressed_data_ptr))!=noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't compress image");
TimeValue sampleTime;
if ((err = AddMediaSample(m_videoMedia, compressedData, 0,
100, // 100 matches the length of 1 frame
img_descr, // in the movie/media's timeScale
0, &sampleTime)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't add image to movie media");
if ((err = EndMediaEdits(m_videoMedia)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't end edit media");
m_savedFrames.push_back(std::pair<int, TimeValue>(frameIndex, sampleTime));
// TLevelWriterMov
TLevelWriterMov::TLevelWriterMov(const TFilePath &path, TPropertyGroup *winfo)
: TLevelWriter(path, winfo)
, m_IOError(QTNoError)
, m_pixmap(0)
, m_gworld(0)
, m_videoMedia(0)
, m_soundMedia(0)
, m_videoTrack(0)
, m_soundTrack(0)
, m_movie(0)
, m_firstFrame((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)()) {
m_frameRate = 12.;
char *pStr = filePath2unichar(m_path);
QDErr err;
FSSpec fspec;
if ((err = NativePathNameToFSSpec(pStr, &fspec, kFullNativePath)) != noErr) {
delete[] pStr;
pStr = 0;
m_IOError = QTUnableToOpenFile;
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
delete[] pStr;
pStr = 0;
if (err = CreateMovieFile(
&fspec, 'TVOD', smCurrentScript,
createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile,
&(m_refNum), &(m_movie)) != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTCantCreateFile;
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define FailIf(cond, handler) \
if (cond) { \
DebugStr((ConstStr255Param) #cond " goto " #handler); \
goto handler; \
} else \
#define FailIf(cond, handler) \
if (cond) { \
goto handler; \
} else \
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define FailWithAction(cond, action, handler) \
if (cond) { \
DebugStr((ConstStr255Param) #cond " goto " #handler); \
{ action; } \
goto handler; \
} else \
#define FailWithAction(cond, action, handler) \
if (cond) { \
{ action; } \
goto handler; \
} else \
void TLevelWriterMov::saveSoundTrack(TSoundTrack *st) {
OSErr myErr = noErr;
if (!st) throw TException("null reference to soundtrack");
if (st->getBitPerSample() != 16)
throw TImageException(m_path, "Only 16 bits per sample is supported");
if (m_soundTrack == 0) {
m_soundTrack = NewMovieTrack(m_movie, 0, 0, kFullVolume);
myErr = GetMoviesError();
FailIf(myErr != noErr, CompressErr);
m_soundMedia =
NewTrackMedia(m_soundTrack, SoundMediaType, st->getSampleRate(), NULL,
0); // track->rate >> 16
myErr = GetMoviesError();
FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
SoundDescriptionV1Handle mySampleDesc;
Handle myDestHandle;
SoundComponentData sourceInfo;
SoundComponentData destInfo;
SoundConverter converter;
CompressionInfo compressionInfo;
myDestHandle = NewHandle(0);
FailWithAction(myDestHandle == NULL, myErr = MemError(), NoDest);
*myDestHandle = (char *)st->getRawData();
// start a media editing session
myErr = BeginMediaEdits(m_soundMedia);
FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
sourceInfo.flags = 0x0;
sourceInfo.format = kSoundNotCompressed;
sourceInfo.numChannels = st->getChannelCount();
sourceInfo.sampleSize = st->getBitPerSample();
sourceInfo.sampleRate = st->getSampleRate();
sourceInfo.sampleCount = st->getSampleCount();
sourceInfo.buffer = (unsigned char *)st->getRawData();
sourceInfo.reserved = 0x0;
destInfo.flags = kNoSampleRateConversion | kNoSampleSizeConversion |
kNoSampleFormatConversion | kNoChannelConversion |
kNoDecompression | kNoVolumeConversion |
destInfo.format = k16BitNativeEndianFormat;
destInfo.numChannels = st->getChannelCount();
destInfo.sampleSize = st->getBitPerSample();
destInfo.sampleRate = st->getSampleRate();
destInfo.sampleCount = st->getSampleCount();
destInfo.buffer = (unsigned char *)st->getRawData();
destInfo.reserved = 0x0;
SoundConverterOpen(&sourceInfo, &destInfo, &converter);
myErr =
SoundConverterGetInfo(converter, siCompressionFactor, &compressionInfo);
myErr =
SoundConverterGetInfo(converter, siCompressionFactor, &compressionInfo);
myErr = GetCompressionInfo(fixedCompression, sourceInfo.format,
sourceInfo.numChannels, sourceInfo.sampleSize,
FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
compressionInfo.bytesPerFrame =
compressionInfo.bytesPerPacket * destInfo.numChannels;
// create a sound sample description
// use the SoundDescription format 1 because it adds fields for data size
// information
// and is required by AddSoundDescriptionExtension if an extension is required
// for the compression format
mySampleDesc =
FailWithAction(myErr != noErr, myErr = MemError(), Exit);
(**mySampleDesc).desc.descSize = sizeof(SoundDescriptionV1);
(**mySampleDesc).desc.dataFormat = destInfo.format;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.resvd1 = 0;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.resvd2 = 0;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.dataRefIndex = 1;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.version = 1;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.revlevel = 0;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.vendor = 0;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.numChannels = destInfo.numChannels;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.sampleSize = destInfo.sampleSize;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.compressionID = 0;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.packetSize = 0;
(**mySampleDesc).desc.sampleRate = st->getSampleRate() << 16;
(**mySampleDesc).samplesPerPacket = compressionInfo.samplesPerPacket;
(**mySampleDesc).bytesPerPacket = compressionInfo.bytesPerPacket;
(**mySampleDesc).bytesPerFrame = compressionInfo.bytesPerFrame;
(**mySampleDesc).bytesPerSample = compressionInfo.bytesPerSample;
// add samples to the media
myErr = AddMediaSample(
m_soundMedia, myDestHandle, 0,
destInfo.sampleCount * compressionInfo.bytesPerFrame, 1,
destInfo.sampleCount * compressionInfo.samplesPerPacket, 0, NULL);
FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);
myErr = EndMediaEdits(m_soundMedia);
FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);
// NOTE: Sound media is inserted into the movie track only at destruction
ConverterErr: // Multiple bailout labels just to
NoDest: // separate debugging strings, it seems.
CompressErr: //
Exit: // Should be done better...
MediaErr: //
if (mySampleDesc != NULL) DisposeHandle((Handle)mySampleDesc);
if (converter) SoundConverterClose(converter);
if (myErr != noErr) throw TImageException(m_path, "error saving audio track");
TLevelWriterMov::~TLevelWriterMov() {
if (m_pixmap) UnlockPixels(m_pixmap);
if (m_gworld && m_gworld->portPixMap) UnlockPixels(m_gworld->portPixMap);
if (m_gworld) DisposeGWorld(m_gworld);
if (m_ci) CloseComponent(m_ci);
QDErr err;
OSStatus mderr;
if (m_videoTrack) {
// Insert the saved Frames into the track.
// NOTE: Holes in the frames sequence will be intended as still frames,
// rather than left blank.
// I'm quite unsure whether this behavior is actually useful - or used
// at all.
// In particular, the last frame is an exception, and does NOT drag to
// the end of the
// movie (see below). I think it's not used - frames are consecutive
TimeValue movieTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale(m_movie);
int savedFramesSize = (int)m_savedFrames.size() - 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < savedFramesSize; ++i) {
TimeValue mediaPosition = m_savedFrames[i].second;
TimeValue trackPosition =
((m_savedFrames[i].first - m_firstFrame) * movieTimeScale) /
TimeValue duration = m_savedFrames[i + 1].first - m_savedFrames[i].first;
Fixed ratio = tround(fixed1 / (double)duration);
if ((err = InsertMediaIntoTrack(m_videoTrack, trackPosition,
mediaPosition, 100, ratio)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't insert media into track");
if (savedFramesSize >= 0) {
TimeValue mediaPosition = m_savedFrames[i].second;
TimeValue trackPosition =
((m_savedFrames[i].first - m_firstFrame) * movieTimeScale) /
// The last frame has duration 1 (frame):
// duration = 1 => ratio = fixed1
if ((err = InsertMediaIntoTrack(m_videoTrack, trackPosition,
mediaPosition, 100, fixed1)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't insert media into track");
QTMetaDataRef metaDataRef;
if ((mderr = QTCopyMovieMetaData(m_movie, &metaDataRef)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(),
"can't access metadata informations");
if ((mderr = QTMetaDataAddItem(
metaDataRef, kQTMetaDataStorageFormatUserData,
kQTMetaDataKeyFormatUserData, (const UInt8 *)firstFrameKey.c_str(),
firstFrameKeySize, (const UInt8 *)(&m_firstFrame), sizeof(int),
kQTMetaDataTypeUnsignedIntegerBE, 0)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(getFilePath(),
"can't insert metadata informations");
if (m_soundTrack) {
if (0 != (err = InsertMediaIntoTrack(
m_soundTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(m_soundMedia), fixed1)))
throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't insert sound into track");
short resId = movieInDataForkResID;
if (m_movie) {
if ((err = AddMovieResource(m_movie, m_refNum, &resId, 0)) !=
noErr) // Why no thrown exception here?
} // throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "Can't add resource"); //
if (m_videoMedia) // And anyway, how exceptions
DisposeTrackMedia(m_videoMedia); // deal with absence of corresponding
if (m_videoTrack) // disposals?
DisposeMovieTrack(m_videoTrack); // I guess se should use RAII here... -.-'
if (m_soundMedia) DisposeTrackMedia(m_soundMedia);
if (m_refNum) CloseMovieFile(m_refNum);
TImageWriterP TLevelWriterMov::getFrameWriter(TFrameId fid) {
if (m_IOError) throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
if (fid.getLetter() != 0) return TImageWriterP(0);
int index = fid.getNumber() - 1;
TImageWriterMov *iwm = new TImageWriterMov(m_path, index, this);
return TImageWriterP(iwm);
TLevelReaderMov::TLevelReaderMov(const TFilePath &path)
: TLevelReader(path)
, m_IOError(QTNoError)
, m_track(0)
, m_movie(0)
, m_depth(0)
, m_readAsToonzOutput(false)
, m_yMirror(true)
, m_loadTimecode(false) {
FSSpec fspec;
QDErr err;
Boolean dataRefWasChanged;
if (QuickTimeStuff::instance()->getStatus() != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTNotInstalled;
char *pStr = filePath2unichar(m_path);
if ((err = NativePathNameToFSSpec(pStr, &fspec, kFullNativePath)) != noErr) {
delete[] pStr;
pStr = 0;
throw TImageException(path, "can't open file");
delete[] pStr;
pStr = 0;
if ((err = OpenMovieFile(&fspec, &m_refNum, fsRdPerm))) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToOpenFile;
short resId = 0;
Str255 name;
err = NewMovieFromFile(&m_movie, m_refNum, &resId, name, fsRdPerm,
int numTracks = GetMovieTrackCount(m_movie);
if (numTracks < 1) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToOpenFile;
assert(numTracks == 1 || numTracks == 2);
m_track =
GetMovieIndTrackType(m_movie, 1, VideoMediaType, movieTrackMediaType);
ImageDescriptionHandle imageH;
imageH = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(ImageDescription));
TINT32 index = 1;
Media theMedia = GetTrackMedia(m_track);
GetMediaSampleDescription(theMedia, index, (SampleDescriptionHandle)imageH);
ImageDescriptionPtr imagePtr = *imageH;
if ((imagePtr->cType >> 16) == 0x4458 /*'DX'*/ &&
path.getType() == "avi") // DIVX - compressed, QT is unable to read it.
{ // Done externally with the... AVI reader o_o.
m_IOError = QTUnableToDoMovieTask;
// Retrieve the timecode media handler
Track tcTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(m_movie, 1, TimeCodeMediaType,
Media tcMedia = GetTrackMedia(tcTrack);
m_timecodeHandler = GetMediaHandler(tcMedia);
m_lx = imagePtr->width;
m_ly = imagePtr->height;
m_depth = imagePtr->depth;
m_info = new TImageInfo();
m_info->m_lx = m_lx;
m_info->m_ly = m_ly;
m_info->m_frameRate = GetMediaTimeScale(theMedia) /
100.0; // REMOVE THIS! Not all movs have this
// kind of format - only those from Toonz...
Tiio::MovWriterProperties *prop = new Tiio::MovWriterProperties();
m_info->m_properties = prop;
TLevelReaderMov::~TLevelReaderMov() {
if (m_refNum) CloseMovieFile(m_refNum);
if (m_movie) DisposeMovie(m_movie);
void TLevelReaderMov::loadedTimecode(UCHAR &hh, UCHAR &mm, UCHAR &ss,
UCHAR &ff) {
hh = m_hh, mm = m_mm, ss = m_ss, ff = m_ff;
void TLevelReaderMov::setYMirror(bool enabled) { m_yMirror = enabled; }
void TLevelReaderMov::setLoadTimecode(bool enabled) {
m_loadTimecode = enabled;
void TLevelReaderMov::enableRandomAccessRead(bool enable) {
m_readAsToonzOutput = enable;
// TImageReaderMov
class TImageReaderMov final : public TImageReader {
TLevelReaderMov *m_lrm;
TImageInfo *m_info;
int m_frameIndex;
TImageReaderMov(const TFilePath &, int frameIndex, TLevelReaderMov *,
TImageInfo *);
~TImageReaderMov() { m_lrm->release(); }
TImageP load() override;
void load(const TRasterP &rasP, const TPoint &pos = TPoint(0, 0),
int shrinkX = 1, int shrinkY = 1);
TDimension getSize() const { return m_lrm->getSize(); }
TRect getBBox() const { return m_lrm->getBBox(); }
const TImageInfo *getImageInfo() const override { return m_info; }
// Not copyable
TImageReaderMov(const TImageReaderMov &);
TImageReaderMov &operator=(const TImageReaderMov &);
TImageReaderMov::TImageReaderMov(const TFilePath &path, int frameIndex,
TLevelReaderMov *lrm, TImageInfo *info)
: TImageReader(path), m_lrm(lrm), m_frameIndex(frameIndex), m_info(info) {
TLevelP TLevelReaderMov::loadInfo() {
if (m_readAsToonzOutput) // Mov files written with Toonz support special
return loadToonzOutputFormatInfo(); // metadata atoms - separate procedure
// Level is NOT a recognized mov from Toonz. Just read each movie's
// interesting image as a consecutive
// level frame.
TLevelP level;
if (m_IOError != QTNoError)
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
OSType mediaType = VisualMediaCharacteristic;
TimeValue nextTime, currentTime;
currentTime = 0;
nextTime = 0;
int f = 0; // 0 is the first frame index
// io vorrei fare '|', ma sul manuale c'e' scritto '+'
GetMovieNextInterestingTime(m_movie, nextTimeMediaSample + nextTimeEdgeOK, 1,
&mediaType, currentTime, 0, &nextTime, 0);
if (nextTime != -1) {
TFrameId frame(f + 1);
level->setFrame(frame, TImageP());
currentTimes[f] = nextTime;
currentTime = nextTime;
while (nextTime != -1) {
GetMovieNextInterestingTime(m_movie, nextTimeMediaSample, 1, &mediaType,
currentTime, 0, &nextTime, 0);
if (nextTime != -1) {
TFrameId frame(f + 1);
level->setFrame(frame, TImageP());
currentTimes[f] = nextTime;
currentTime = nextTime;
return level;
TLevelP TLevelReaderMov::loadToonzOutputFormatInfo() {
TLevelP level;
if (m_IOError != QTNoError)
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
OSStatus mderr;
// Retrieve the first frame of movie. This info has been put in a metadata
// atom.
QTMetaDataRef metaDataRef;
if ((mderr = QTCopyMovieMetaData(m_movie, &metaDataRef)) != noErr)
throw TImageException(m_path, "can't access metadata informations");
QTMetaDataItem firstFrameItem;
// Find the metadata atom
mderr = QTMetaDataGetNextItem(
metaDataRef, kQTMetaDataStorageFormatUserData,
kQTMetaDataItemUninitialized, kQTMetaDataKeyFormatUserData,
(const UInt8 *)firstFrameKey.c_str(), firstFrameKeySize, &firstFrameItem);
// Try to read the value. If the atom was not found, just assume firstFrame =
// 0.
int firstFrame = 0;
if (mderr == noErr) {
// The atom was found. Then, retrieve the value
if ((mderr = QTMetaDataGetItemValue(metaDataRef, firstFrameItem,
(UInt8 *)(&firstFrame), sizeof(int),
0) != noErr))
throw TImageException(m_path, "can't read metadata informations");
mderr = 0;
OSType mediaType = VisualMediaCharacteristic;
TimeValue nextTime = 0, currentTime = 0;
TimeValue movieDuration = GetMovieDuration(m_movie);
std::vector<TimeValue> interestingTimeValues;
// io vorrei fare '|', ma sul manuale c'e' scritto '+'
GetMovieNextInterestingTime(m_movie, nextTimeMediaSample + nextTimeEdgeOK, 1,
&mediaType, currentTime, 0, &nextTime, 0);
if (nextTime != -1) {
currentTime = nextTime;
while (nextTime != -1) {
GetMovieNextInterestingTime(m_movie, nextTimeMediaSample, 1, &mediaType,
currentTime, 0, &nextTime, 0);
if (nextTime != -1) {
currentTime = nextTime;
if (currentTime != -1) {
double frameRate = m_info->m_frameRate;
TimeScale movieTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale(m_movie);
int firstFrameTimeValue = movieTimeScale * firstFrame;
std::vector<TimeValue>::iterator it;
for (it = interestingTimeValues.begin(); it != interestingTimeValues.end();
++it) {
int frame =
firstFrame +
tround((*it * frameRate) /
(double)movieTimeScale); // (Daniele) There was a ceil here,
TFrameId frameId(frame + 1); // before. But I honestly don't remember
TImageP()); // WHY I placed it there. Round seems more
currentTimes[frame] = *it; // appropriate...
return level;
TImageP TImageReaderMov::load() {
TRasterPT<TPixelRGBM32> ret(m_lrm->getSize());
m_lrm->load(ret, m_frameIndex, TPointI(), 1, 1);
return TRasterImageP(ret);
void TImageReaderMov::load(const TRasterP &rasP, const TPoint &pos, int shrinkX,
int shrinkY) {
if ((shrinkX != 1) || (shrinkY != 1) || (pos != TPoint(0, 0)))
TImageReader::load(rasP, pos, shrinkX, shrinkY);
m_lrm->load(rasP, m_frameIndex, pos, shrinkX, shrinkY);
inline void setMatteAndYMirror(const TRaster32P &ras) {
TPixel32 *upRow = ras->pixels();
TPixel32 *dwRow = ras->pixels(ras->getLy() - 1);
int hLy = (int)(ras->getLy() / 2. + 0.5); // piccola pessimizzazione...
int wrap = ras->getWrap();
int lx = ras->getLx();
TPixel32 *upPix = 0;
TPixel32 *lastPix = ras->pixels(hLy);
while (upPix < lastPix) {
upPix = upRow;
TPixel32 *dwPix = dwRow;
TPixel32 *endPix = upPix + lx;
while (upPix < endPix) {
TPixel32 tmpPix(upPix->r, upPix->g, upPix->b, 0xff);
*upPix = *dwPix;
upPix->m = 0xff;
*dwPix = tmpPix;
upRow += wrap;
dwRow -= wrap;
void TLevelReaderMov::load(const TRasterP &rasP, int frameIndex,
const TPoint &pos, int shrinkX, int shrinkY) {
GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld = 0;
QMutexLocker sl(&m_mutex);
if (m_IOError != QTNoError)
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
TRaster32P ras = rasP;
Rect rect;
rect.right = pos.x + ras->getLx();
rect.left = pos.x;
rect.bottom = pos.y + ras->getLy(); = pos.y;
OSErr err;
err = QTNewGWorldFromPtr(&offscreenGWorld, k32BGRAPixelFormat, &rect, 0, 0,
0, ras->getRawData(), ras->getWrap() * 4);
if (err != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToCreateResource;
goto error;
SetMovieBox(m_movie, &rect);
err = GetMoviesError();
if (err != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToSetMovieBox;
goto error;
SetMovieGWorld(m_movie, offscreenGWorld, GetGWorldDevice(offscreenGWorld));
err = GetMoviesError();
if (err != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToSetMovieGWorld;
goto error;
if (currentTimes.empty()) loadInfo();
std::map<int, TimeValue>::iterator it = currentTimes.find(frameIndex);
if (it == currentTimes.end()) goto error;
TimeValue currentTime = it->second;
SetMovieTimeValue(m_movie, currentTime);
err = GetMoviesError();
if (err != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToSetTimeValue;
goto error;
err = UpdateMovie(m_movie);
if (err != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToUpdateMovie;
goto error;
MoviesTask(m_movie, 0);
err = GetMoviesError();
if (err != noErr) {
m_IOError = QTUnableToDoMovieTask;
goto error;
if (m_yMirror) {
if (m_depth != 32)
if (m_loadTimecode) {
// Also build current Timecode
TimeCodeRecord tc;
HandlerError err = TCGetCurrentTimeCode(m_timecodeHandler, 0, 0, &tc, 0);
m_hh = tc.t.hours;
m_mm = tc.t.minutes;
m_ss = tc.t.seconds;
m_ff = tc.t.frames;
if (offscreenGWorld) DisposeGWorld(offscreenGWorld);
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
void TLevelReaderMov::timecode(int frameIndex, UCHAR &hh, UCHAR &mm, UCHAR &ss,
UCHAR &ff) {
hh = mm = ss = ff = 0xff;
if (!m_timecodeHandler) return;
QMutexLocker sl(&m_mutex);
if (m_IOError != QTNoError) goto error;
if (currentTimes.empty()) loadInfo();
std::map<int, TimeValue>::iterator it = currentTimes.find(frameIndex);
if (it == currentTimes.end()) goto error;
TimeValue currentTime = it->second;
TimeCodeRecord tc;
HandlerError err =
TCGetTimeCodeAtTime(m_timecodeHandler, currentTime, 0, 0, &tc, 0);
hh = tc.t.hours;
mm = tc.t.minutes;
ss = tc.t.seconds;
ff = tc.t.frames;
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
TImageReaderP TLevelReaderMov::getFrameReader(TFrameId fid) {
if (m_IOError != QTNoError)
throw TImageException(m_path, buildQTErrorString(m_IOError));
if (fid.getLetter() != 0) return TImageReaderP(0);
int index = fid.getNumber() - 1;
TImageReaderMov *irm = new TImageReaderMov(m_path, index, this, m_info);
return TImageReaderP(irm);
TLevelReader *TLevelReaderMov::create(const TFilePath &f) {
TLevelReaderMov *reader = new TLevelReaderMov(f);
if (reader->m_IOError != QTNoError && f.getType() == "avi") {
delete reader;
return new TLevelReaderAvi(f);
} else
return reader;
// You can use the SCSetInfo function with the scSettingsStateType selector to
// retrieve a handle
// containing the current compression settings; this might be useful if you
// were allowing the user
// to compress a series of images and wanted to preserve the user's settings
// from one image to the
// next (instead of reverting to the defaults for every image). Note, however,
// that the data in
// that handle is byte-ordered according to the platform the code is running
// on. As a result, you
// should not store that data in a file and expect that file to be valid on
// other platforms. To
// get a handle of data in a platform-independent format, use the function
// SCGetSettingsAsAtomContainer
// (introduced in QuickTime 3); to restore the settings in that handle, use the
// related function
// SCSetSettingsAsAtomContainer.