Blob Blame Raw

#include <memory>

// TnzCore includes
#include "tgeometry.h"
#include "tfilepath.h"

// TnzBase includes
#include "tparam.h"
#include "tparamchange.h"

// STD includes
#include <set>

#undef DVAPI
#undef DVVAR


//    Forward declarations

class TDoubleParam;
class TDoubleKeyframe;
class TMeasure;
class TExpression;
class TDoubleKeyframe;

namespace TSyntax
class Grammar;
class CalculatorNodeVisitor;

#ifdef WIN32
template class DVAPI TPersistDeclarationT<TDoubleParam>;


//    TDoubleParam  declaration

class DVAPI TDoubleParam : public TParam

	class Imp;
	std::unique_ptr<Imp> m_imp;

	TDoubleParam(double v = 0.0);
	TDoubleParam(const TDoubleParam &src);

	TDoubleParam &operator=(const TDoubleParam &);

	TParam *clone() const { return new TDoubleParam(*this); }
	void copy(TParam *src);

	string getMeasureName() const;
	void setMeasureName(string name);
	TMeasure *getMeasure() const;

	void setValueRange(double min, double max, double step = 1.0);
	bool getValueRange(double &min, double &max, double &step) const;

	double getDefaultValue() const;
	void setDefaultValue(double value);

	double getValue(double frame, bool leftmost = false) const;
	// note: if frame is a keyframe separating two segments of different types
	// (e.g. expression and linear) then getValue(frame,true) can be != getValue(frame,false)

	bool setValue(double frame, double value);

	// returns the incoming speed vector for keyframe kIndex. kIndex-1 must be speedinout
	// if kIndex is not speedinout and handle are linked then recomputes speed.y taking
	// in account the next segment
	TPointD getSpeedIn(int kIndex) const;

	// returns the outcoming speed vector for keyframe kIndex. kIndex must be speedinout
	TPointD getSpeedOut(int kIndex) const;

	//TPointD getSpeed(double frame);

	// a specific grammar defines expressions as 'peg2.ns' and allows to
	// create a link to the appropriate data source (e.g.
	// the correct stageobject tree)
	const TSyntax::Grammar *getGrammar() const;
	void setGrammar(const TSyntax::Grammar *grammar); // doesn't get ownership.

	void accept(TSyntax::CalculatorNodeVisitor &visitor);

	//! cycle controls extrapolation after the last keyframe
	void enableCycle(bool enabled);
	bool isCycleEnabled() const;

	int getKeyframeCount() const;
	void getKeyframes(std::set<double> &frames) const;
	double keyframeIndexToFrame(int index) const;

	const TDoubleKeyframe &getKeyframe(int index) const;
	const TDoubleKeyframe &getKeyframeAt(double frame) const;

	//! assign k to the kIndex-th keyframe; postcondition: m_frame order is maintained
	void setKeyframe(int kIndex, const TDoubleKeyframe &k);

	//! call setKeyframe(it.first,it.second) for each it in ks; postcondition: m_frame order is maintained
	void setKeyframes(const std::map<int, TDoubleKeyframe> &ks);

	//! create a keyframe in k.m_frame (if is needed) and assign k to it
	void setKeyframe(const TDoubleKeyframe &k);

	bool isKeyframe(double frame) const;
	bool hasKeyframes() const;
	void deleteKeyframe(double frame);
	void clearKeyframes();

	int getClosestKeyframe(double frame) const;
	int getNextKeyframe(double frame) const;
	int getPrevKeyframe(double frame) const;

	void assignKeyframe(
		double frame,
		const TParamP &src, double srcFrame,
		bool changedOnly);

	bool isAnimatable() const { return true; }

	void addObserver(TParamObserver *observer);
	void removeObserver(TParamObserver *observer);

	const std::set<TParamObserver *> &observers() const;

	//! no keyframes, default value not changed
	bool isDefault() const;

	void loadData(TIStream &is);
	void saveData(TOStream &os);
	string getStreamTag() const;

	string getValueAlias(double frame, int precision);
