#include "tsystem.h"
#include <set>
#include "tropcm.h"
#include "tcolorstyles.h"
#include "tpixelutils.h"
#include "ttile.h"
#include "tpalette.h"
#include "timage_io.h"
#include "trasterimage.h"
#include "tsimplecolorstyles.h"
//#include "tlevel.h"
//#include "ttoonzimage.h"
//#include "tgeometry.h"
//#include "timage_io.h"
extern "C" {
#include "toonz4.6/raster.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define USE_SSE2
#ifdef USE_SSE2
#include <emmintrin.h>
namespace {
DV_ALIGNED(16) class TPixelFloat {
TPixelFloat() : b(0), g(0), r(0), m(0) {}
TPixelFloat(float rr, float gg, float bb, float mm)
: b(bb), g(gg), r(rr), m(mm) {}
TPixelFloat(const TPixel32 &pix) : b(pix.b), g(pix.g), r(pix.r), m(pix.m) {}
float b, g, r, m;
} // anonymous namespace
bool renderRas32(const TTile &tileOut, const TTile &tileIn,
const TPaletteP palette);
const TPixel32 c_transparencyCheckPaint = TPixel32(80, 80, 80, 255);
const TPixel32 c_transparencyCheckInk = TPixel32::Black;
void TRop::convert(const TRaster32P &rasOut, const TRasterCM32P &rasIn,
const TPaletteP palette, bool transparencyCheck) {
int count = palette->getStyleCount();
int count2 =
std::max({count, TPixelCM32::getMaxInk(), TPixelCM32::getMaxPaint()});
// per poter utilizzare lo switch (piu' efficiente) si utilizza 255
// anziche' TPixelCM32::getMaxTone()
assert(TPixelCM32::getMaxTone() == 255);
int rasLx = rasOut->getLx();
int rasLy = rasOut->getLy();
#ifdef _WIN32
if (TSystem::getCPUExtensions() & TSystem::CpuSupportsSse2) {
__m128i zeros = _mm_setzero_si128();
TPixelFloat *paints =
(TPixelFloat *)_aligned_malloc(count2 * sizeof(TPixelFloat), 16);
TPixelFloat *inks =
(TPixelFloat *)_aligned_malloc(count2 * sizeof(TPixelFloat), 16);
std::vector<TPixel32> paints2(count2);
std::vector<TPixel32> inks2(count2);
if (transparencyCheck) {
for (int i = 0; i < palette->getStyleCount(); i++) {
paints2[i] = c_transparencyCheckPaint;
inks2[i] = c_transparencyCheckInk;
paints[i] = TPixelFloat(paints2[i]);
inks[i] = TPixelFloat(inks2[i]);
paints2[0] = TPixel32::Transparent;
paints[0] = TPixelFloat(TPixel32::Transparent);
else if (true)
for(int i=0;i<palette->getStyleCount();i++)
paints2[i] = c_transparencyCheckPaint;
inks2[i] = c_transparencyCheckInk;
paints[i] = TPixelFloat(paints2[i]);
inks[i] = TPixelFloat(inks2[i]);
paints2[i] = TPixel32::Transparent;
paints[i] = TPixelFloat(TPixel32::Transparent);
paints2[0] = TPixel32::Transparent;
paints[0] = TPixelFloat(TPixel32::Transparent);
for (int i = 0; i < palette->getStyleCount(); i++) {
TPixel32 color = ::premultiply(palette->getStyle(i)->getAverageColor());
paints[i] = inks[i] = TPixelFloat(color);
paints2[i] = inks2[i] = color;
float maxTone = (float)TPixelCM32::getMaxTone();
__m128 den_packed = _mm_load1_ps(&maxTone);
for (int y = 0; y < rasLy; ++y) {
TPixel32 *pix32 = rasOut->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *pixIn = rasIn->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *endPixIn = pixIn + rasLx;
while (pixIn < endPixIn) {
int tt = pixIn->getTone();
int p = pixIn->getPaint();
int i = pixIn->getInk();
switch (tt) {
case 255:
*pix32++ = paints2[p];
case 0:
*pix32++ = inks2[i];
default: {
float t = (float)tt;
__m128 a_packed = _mm_load_ps((float *)&(inks[i]));
__m128 b_packed = _mm_load_ps((float *)&(paints[p]));
__m128 num_packed = _mm_load1_ps(&t);
__m128 diff_packed = _mm_sub_ps(den_packed, num_packed);
// calcola in modo vettoriale out = ((den-num)*a + num*b)/den
__m128 outPix_packed = _mm_mul_ps(diff_packed, a_packed);
__m128 tmpPix_packed = _mm_mul_ps(num_packed, b_packed);
outPix_packed = _mm_add_ps(outPix_packed, tmpPix_packed);
outPix_packed = _mm_div_ps(outPix_packed, den_packed);
// converte i canali da float a char
__m128i outPix_packed_i = _mm_cvtps_epi32(outPix_packed);
outPix_packed_i = _mm_packs_epi32(outPix_packed_i, zeros);
outPix_packed_i = _mm_packus_epi16(outPix_packed_i, zeros);
*(DWORD *)(pix32) = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(outPix_packed_i);
} else // SSE2 not supported
#endif // _WIN32
std::vector<TPixel32> paints(count2, TPixel32(255, 0, 0));
std::vector<TPixel32> inks(count2, TPixel32(255, 0, 0));
if (transparencyCheck) {
for (int i = 0; i < palette->getStyleCount(); i++) {
paints[i] = c_transparencyCheckPaint;
inks[i] = c_transparencyCheckInk;
paints[0] = TPixel32::Transparent;
} else
for (int i = 0; i < palette->getStyleCount(); i++)
paints[i] = inks[i] =
for (int y = 0; y < rasLy; ++y) {
TPixel32 *pix32 = rasOut->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *pixIn = rasIn->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *endPixIn = pixIn + rasLx;
while (pixIn < endPixIn) {
int t = pixIn->getTone();
int p = pixIn->getPaint();
int i = pixIn->getInk();
if (t == TPixelCM32::getMaxTone())
*pix32++ = paints[p];
else if (t == 0)
*pix32++ = inks[i];
*pix32++ = blend(inks[i], paints[p], t, TPixelCM32::getMaxTone());
static void do_convert(const TTile &dst, const TTile &src,
const TPaletteP palette, bool transparencyCheck,
bool applyFx) {
// assert(palette);
// assert(_rasOut && _rasIn);
// assert(rasOut->getSize() == rasIn->getSize());
if (applyFx && renderRas32(dst, src, palette)) return;
TRaster32P rasOut;
TRasterCM32P rasIn;
if (dst.getRaster()->getSize() != src.getRaster()->getSize()) {
TRect rect = TRect(convert(dst.m_pos), dst.getRaster()->getSize()) *
TRect(convert(src.m_pos), src.getRaster()->getSize());
TRect rectOut = rect - convert(dst.m_pos);
rasOut = dst.getRaster()->extract(rectOut);
TRect rectIn = rect - convert(src.m_pos);
rasIn = src.getRaster()->extract(rectIn);
} else {
rasOut = dst.getRaster();
rasIn = src.getRaster();
TRop::convert(rasOut, rasIn, palette, transparencyCheck);
void TRop::convert(
const TRaster32P &rasOut, const TRasterCM32P &rasIn, TPaletteP palette,
const TRect &theClipRect, // il rect su cui e' applicata la conversione
bool transparencyCheck, bool applyFx) {
assert(rasIn && rasOut);
TRect clipRect(theClipRect);
if (clipRect.isEmpty())
clipRect = rasIn->getBounds();
else {
if (!clipRect.overlaps(rasIn->getBounds())) return;
clipRect = clipRect * rasIn->getBounds();
if (clipRect.isEmpty()) return;
TRect clipRectIn, clipRectOut;
if (applyFx && palette->getFxRects(clipRect, clipRectIn, clipRectOut)) {
TRect rAux = clipRectIn;
TRasterP rAuxIn =
rasIn->extract(clipRectIn); // la extract modifica clipRectIn
if (rAux != clipRectIn && rAux != rasIn->getBounds()) {
TRasterCM32P rNew(rAux.getSize());
TRect tmpRect = clipRectIn - rAux.getP00();
rAuxIn = rNew;
clipRectIn = rAux;
TTile tileIn(rAuxIn, ::convert(clipRectIn.getP00()));
rAux = clipRectOut;
TRasterP rAuxOut =
rasOut->extract(clipRectOut); // la extract modifica clipRectOut
TTile tileOut(rAuxOut, ::convert(clipRectOut.getP00()));
TRop::convert(tileOut, tileIn, palette, transparencyCheck, true);
} else {
TRect clipRectIn = clipRect;
TRect clipRectOut = clipRect;
TRasterP _rasOut = rasOut->extract(clipRectOut);
TRasterP _rasIn = rasIn->extract(clipRectIn);
TTile t1(_rasOut, ::convert(clipRectOut.getP00()));
TTile t2(_rasIn, ::convert(clipRectIn.getP00()));
TRop::convert(t1, t2, palette, transparencyCheck, false);
void TRop::convert(const TTile &dst, const TTile &src, const TPaletteP plt,
bool transparencyCheck, bool applyFxs) {
// if (dst->getSize() != src->getSize())
// throw TRopException("convert: size mismatch");
// assert(plt);
if ((TRaster32P)dst.getRaster())
do_convert(dst, src, plt, transparencyCheck, applyFxs);
else if ((TRaster64P)dst.getRaster()) {
TRaster32P aux(dst.getRaster()->getLx(), dst.getRaster()->getLy());
TTile taux(aux, dst.m_pos);
do_convert(taux, src, plt, transparencyCheck, applyFxs);
TRop::convert(dst.getRaster(), aux);
} else
throw TRopException("unsupported pixel type");
namespace {
TRasterP putSinglePaintInRaster(TRasterCM32P &rasIn, int paintId,
TPixel32 color) {
TRaster32P rasOut;
for (int y = 0; y < rasIn->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixIn = rasIn->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *endPix = pixIn + rasIn->getLx();
TPixel32 *pixOut = 0;
if (rasOut) pixOut = rasOut->pixels(y);
while (pixIn < endPix) {
if (pixIn->getPaint() == paintId) {
if (!rasOut) {
rasOut = TRaster32P(rasIn->getLx(), rasIn->getLy());
pixOut = rasOut->pixels(y) + (pixIn - rasIn->pixels(y));
if (!pixIn->isPureInk()) *pixOut = color;
/*else if (!pixIn->isPureInk())
pixOut->m = pixIn->getTone();
pixOut->r = 255*color.r/pixOut->m;
pixOut->g = 255*color.g/pixOut->m;
pixOut->b = 255*color.b/pixOut->m;
// pixIn->setTone(0);
return rasOut;
TRasterP putSingleInkInRasterGR8(TRasterCM32P &rasIn, int inkId) {
TRasterGR8P rasOut;
for (int y = 0; y < rasIn->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixIn = rasIn->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *endPix = pixIn + rasIn->getLx();
TPixelGR8 *pixOut;
if (rasOut) pixOut = rasOut->pixels(y);
while (pixIn < endPix) {
if (pixIn->getInk() == inkId) {
assert(TPixelCM32::getMaxTone() == 0xff);
if (!rasOut) {
rasOut = TRasterGR8P(rasIn->getLx(), rasIn->getLy());
pixOut = rasOut->pixels(y) + (pixIn - rasIn->pixels(y));
*pixOut = 255 - pixIn->getTone();
// pixIn->setInk(0);
return rasOut;
TRasterP putSingleInkInRasterRGBM(TRasterCM32P &rasIn, int inkId) {
TRaster32P rasOut;
for (int y = 0; y < rasIn->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixIn = rasIn->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *endPix = pixIn + rasIn->getLx();
TPixel *pixOut;
if (rasOut) pixOut = rasOut->pixels(y);
while (pixIn < endPix) {
if (pixIn->getInk() == inkId) {
assert(TPixelCM32::getMaxTone() == 0xff);
if (!rasOut) {
rasOut = TRaster32P(rasIn->getLx(), rasIn->getLy());
pixOut = rasOut->pixels(y) + (pixIn - rasIn->pixels(y));
pixOut->r = pixOut->g = pixOut->b = pixOut->m = 255 - pixIn->getTone();
// pixIn->setInk(0);
if (rasOut) pixOut++;
return rasOut;
// filename!!
// interactive!!
bool computePaletteFx(const std::vector<std::pair<TColorStyle *, int>> &fx,
const TTile &tileOut, const TTile &tileIn,
const TPaletteP plt) {
int i;
TRasterCM32P rasIn = tileIn.getRaster();
TRaster32P rAux32, rasOut = tileOut.getRaster();
TRasterGR8P rAuxGR;
int frame = plt->getFrame();
std::vector<TRasterP> paintLayers(fx.size());
std::vector<TRasterP> inkLayers(fx.size());
// tolgo dal raster d'ingresso gli ink e i paint con gli effetti, mettendoli
// in dei raster layer
for (i = 0; i < (int)fx.size(); i++) {
TRasterStyleFx *rfx = fx[i].first->getRasterStyleFx();
if (rfx->isPaintStyle())
paintLayers[i] = putSinglePaintInRaster(rasIn, fx[i].second,
if (rfx->isInkStyle()) {
if (rfx->inkFxNeedRGBMRaster())
inkLayers[i] = putSingleInkInRasterRGBM(rasIn, fx[i].second);
inkLayers[i] = putSingleInkInRasterGR8(rasIn, fx[i].second);
// raster d'ingresso senza i colori fx, viene renderizzato nel raster d'uscita
do_convert(tileOut, tileIn, plt, false, false);
// ogni layer viene "effettato".; se il risultato e' non nullo, viene
// sovrapposto sul raster d'uscita
// prima vengono messi tutti i layer di paint, poi quelli di ink
TRect rectOut =
TRect(convert(tileOut.m_pos), tileOut.getRaster()->getSize()) -
for (i = 0; i < (int)fx.size(); i++)
if (paintLayers[i]) {
TRasterStyleFx::Params params(paintLayers[i], convert(tileIn.m_pos),
rasIn, fx[i].second, frame);
if (fx[i].first->getRasterStyleFx()->compute(params))
TRop::over(rasOut, paintLayers[i]->extract(rectOut), rasOut);
for (i = 0; i < (int)fx.size(); i++)
if (inkLayers[i]) {
TRasterStyleFx *rfx = fx[i].first->getRasterStyleFx();
TRasterStyleFx::Params params(inkLayers[i], convert(tileIn.m_pos), rasIn,
fx[i].second, frame);
if (rfx->compute(params)) {
if (rfx->inkFxNeedRGBMRaster())
TRop::over(rasOut, rasOut, inkLayers[i]->extract(rectOut));
TRop::over(rasOut, inkLayers[i]->extract(rectOut),
return true;
} // namespace
bool renderRas32(const TTile &tileOut, const TTile &tileIn,
const TPaletteP palette) {
assert(TRect(convert(tileIn.m_pos), tileIn.getRaster()->getSize())
// Shrink = shrink;
// INIT_TCM(rin)
/* mark up are made apart */
// computeMarkup(rasIn, palette);
std::vector<std::pair<TColorStyle *, int>> fxArray;
for (int i = 0; i < palette->getStyleCount(); i++)
if (palette->getStyle(i)->isRasterStyle())
fxArray.push_back(std::pair<TColorStyle *, int>(palette->getStyle(i), i));
if (fxArray.empty()) return false;
TTile _tileIn(tileIn.getRaster()->clone(), tileIn.m_pos);
computePaletteFx(fxArray, tileOut, _tileIn, palette);
return true;
namespace {
void addColor(TPaletteP plt, int index, const TPaletteP &upPlt,
std::map<int, int> &usedInks) {
TColorStyle *cs = upPlt->getStyle(index);
if (cs && cs->getMainColor() == plt->getStyle(index)->getMainColor()) {
usedInks[index] = index;
int firstStyleId = plt->getFirstUnpagedStyle();
if (firstStyleId == -1) firstStyleId = plt->getStyleCount();
usedInks[index] = firstStyleId;
void addColor(TPaletteP plt, int index, std::map<int, int> &usedInks) {
int firstStyleId = plt->getFirstUnpagedStyle();
if (firstStyleId == -1) firstStyleId = plt->getStyleCount();
usedInks[index] = firstStyleId;
// Check if the downPlt has the same style (same color, same index) and use it.
// If the same style is not found, then add it as a new style.
void tryMergeInkOrAddColor(TPaletteP downPlt, const TPaletteP matchPlt,
int index, std::map<int, int> &usedInks) {
if (0 <= index && index < downPlt->getStyleCount() &&
index < matchPlt->getStyleCount()) {
TSolidColorStyle *solidDownStyle =
dynamic_cast<TSolidColorStyle *>(downPlt->getStyle(index));
TSolidColorStyle *solidMatchStyle =
dynamic_cast<TSolidColorStyle *>(matchPlt->getStyle(index));
if (solidDownStyle && solidMatchStyle &&
solidDownStyle->getMainColor() == solidMatchStyle->getMainColor()) {
usedInks[index] = index;
addColor(downPlt, index, usedInks);
// std::map<int,int>& usedInk upInkId -> downInkId
void doMergeCmapped(TRasterCM32P rasOut, const TRasterCM32P &rasUp,
const TPaletteP &pltOut, const TPaletteP &matchPlt,
bool onlyInks, int matchlinePrevalence,
std::map<int, int> &usedInks, bool mergePalette) {
double val = matchlinePrevalence / 100.0; // matchlinePrevalence ==0 always
// ink down; matchlinePrevalence ==
// 100 always ink up;
assert(rasOut && rasUp);
assert(rasOut->getSize() == rasUp->getSize());
TPaletteP downPlt = pltOut->clone();
std::map<int, int>::iterator it;
for (it = usedInks.begin(); it != usedInks.end(); it++)
for (int y = 0; y < rasOut->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixDown = rasOut->pixels(y),
*endPix = pixDown + rasOut->getLx();
TPixelCM32 *pixUp = rasUp->pixels(y);
while (pixDown < endPix) {
// there is lines in matchline
if (!pixUp->isPurePaint()) {
int toneDown = pixDown->getTone();
int toneUp = pixUp->getTone();
if (usedInks.find(pixUp->getInk()) == usedInks.end()) {
if (mergePalette)
tryMergeInkOrAddColor(downPlt, matchPlt, pixUp->getInk(), usedInks);
addColor(downPlt, pixUp->getInk(), usedInks);
if (val == 1) { // Matchline is on top, with gap
} else if (val == 0) { // Matchline is on bottom, with gap
if (pixDown->isPurePaint()) {
} else {
//*pixOut = *pixDown;
} else {
if ((val > 0 && toneUp < toneDown) ||
(val == 0 && toneDown == 255)) //(toneUp<toneDown)
if ((255 - toneDown) * (1 - val) <=
val * (255 - toneUp - 1)) // val==0 -> if (toneDown== 255)....
// val==0.5 -> if (toneup<toneDown)...
// val==1 -> if (toneup<255)...
int paintIndex;
if (!onlyInks && (paintIndex = pixUp->getPaint()) > 0) {
if (usedInks.find(paintIndex) == usedInks.end())
addColor(downPlt, paintIndex, usedInks);
// pixOut++;
void addColors(const TPixelCM32 &color, TPaletteP plt, const TPaletteP &upPlt,
std::map<int, int> &usedColors) {
if (usedColors.find(color.getInk()) == usedColors.end())
addColor(plt, color.getInk(), upPlt, usedColors);
if (usedColors.find(color.getPaint()) == usedColors.end())
addColor(plt, color.getPaint(), upPlt, usedColors);
void addColors(const TPixelCM32 &color, TPaletteP plt,
std::map<int, int> &usedColors) {
if (usedColors.find(color.getInk()) == usedColors.end())
addColor(plt, color.getInk(), usedColors);
if (usedColors.find(color.getPaint()) == usedColors.end())
addColor(plt, color.getPaint(), usedColors);
void doApplyMatchLines(TRasterCM32P rasOut, const TRasterCM32P &rasUp,
int inkIndex, int matchlinePrevalence) {
double val = matchlinePrevalence / 100.0; // matchlinePrevalence ==0->always
// ink down; matchlinePrevalence ==
// 100 always ink up;
assert(rasOut && rasUp);
assert(rasOut->getSize() == rasUp->getSize());
for (int y = 0; y < rasOut->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixDown = rasOut->pixels(y),
*endPix = pixDown + rasOut->getLx();
TPixelCM32 *pixUp = rasUp->pixels(y);
while (pixDown < endPix) {
if (!pixUp->isPurePaint()) {
int toneDown = pixDown->getTone();
int toneUp = pixUp->getTone();
if (val == 1) { // Matchline is on top, with gap
} else if (val == 0) { // Matchline is on bottom, with gap
if (pixDown->isPurePaint()) {
} else {
//*pixOut = *pixDown;
if ((val > 0 && toneUp < toneDown) || (val == 0 && toneDown == 255))
if ((255 - toneDown) * (1 - val) <=
val * (255 - toneUp - 1)) // val==0 -> if (toneDown == 255)....
// val==0.5 -> if (toneup<toneDown)...
// val==1 -> if (toneup<255)...
} // namespace
#ifdef LEVO
void TRop::eraseColors(TRasterCM32P ras, vector<int> &colorIds, bool eraseInks,
bool keepColor) {
vector<int> curColorIds;
std::sort(colorIds.begin(), colorIds.end());
if (!keepColor)
curColorIds = colorIds;
else {
// prendo tutti i colori ECCETTO quelli nel vettore colorIds
unsigned int count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
int size = eraseInks ? TPixelCM32::getMaxInk() : TPixelCM32::getMaxPaint();
curColorIds.resize(size + 1 - colorIds.size());
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (count1 < colorIds.size() && colorIds[count1] == i)
curColorIds[count2++] = i;
for (int y = 0; y < ras->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pix = ras->pixels(y), *endPix = pix + ras->getLx();
while (pix < endPix) {
unsigned int i;
int color = eraseInks ? pix->getInk() : pix->getPaint();
if (color != 0)
for (i = 0; i < curColorIds.size() && curColorIds[i] <= color; i++)
if (color == curColorIds[i]) {
*pix = eraseInks ? TPixelCM32(0, pix->getPaint(),
: TPixelCM32(pix->getInk(), 0, pix->getTone());
void TRop::eraseColors(TRasterCM32P ras, std::vector<int> *colorIds,
bool eraseInks) {
if (colorIds) std::sort(colorIds->begin(), colorIds->end());
for (int y = 0; y < ras->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pix = ras->pixels(y), *endPix = pix + ras->getLx();
for (; pix < endPix; pix++) {
unsigned int i = 0;
int color = eraseInks ? pix->getInk() : pix->getPaint();
if (color == 0) continue;
if (colorIds) {
while (i < colorIds->size() && (*colorIds)[i] < color) i++;
if (i == colorIds->size() || color != (*colorIds)[i]) continue;
if (eraseInks) {
} else
void TRop::overaCmapped(TRasterCM32P rasOut, const TRasterCM32P& rasUp, const
TPaletteP &pltOut, int matchlinePrevalence, std::map<int,int>& usedColors)
doMergeCmapped(rasOut, rasUp, pltOut, false, matchlinePrevalence, usedColors);
void TRop::applyMatchLines(TRasterCM32P rasOut, const TRasterCM32P &rasUp,
const TPaletteP &pltOut, const TPaletteP &matchPlt,
int inkIndex, int matchlinePrevalence,
std::map<int, int> &usedInks) {
assert(matchlinePrevalence >= 0);
if (inkIndex == -1)
doMergeCmapped(rasOut, rasUp, pltOut, matchPlt, true, matchlinePrevalence,
usedInks, false);
else if (inkIndex == -2)
doMergeCmapped(rasOut, rasUp, pltOut, matchPlt, true, matchlinePrevalence,
usedInks, true);
doApplyMatchLines(rasOut, rasUp, inkIndex, matchlinePrevalence);
void TRop::eraseStyleIds(TToonzImage *image, const std::vector<int> styleIds) {
TRasterCM32P ras = image->getRaster();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)styleIds.size(); i++) {
int styleId = styleIds[i];
for (int y = 0; y < ras->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pix = ras->pixels(y), *endPix = pix + ras->getLx();
while (pix < endPix) {
bool isPaint = (pix->getPaint() == styleId);
bool isInk = (pix->getInk() == styleId);
if (!isPaint && !isInk) {
} else if (isPaint && !isInk)
*pix = TPixelCM32(pix->getInk(), 0, pix->getTone());
else if (!isPaint && isInk)
*pix = TPixelCM32(0, pix->getPaint(), TPixelCM32::getMaxTone());
else if (isPaint && isInk)
*pix = TPixelCM32(0, 0, pix->getTone());
inline bool isTransparent(TPixelCM32 *pix) {
return (((*((ULONG *)pix)) & 0x000fffff) == 0xff);
void TRop::overlayCmapped(TRasterCM32P rasOut, const TRasterCM32P &rasUp,
const TPaletteP &pltOut, const TPaletteP &upPlt,
std::map<int, int> &usedColors) {
assert(rasOut && rasUp);
assert(rasOut->getSize() == rasUp->getSize());
TPaletteP downPlt = pltOut->clone();
std::map<int, int>::iterator it;
for (it = usedColors.begin(); it != usedColors.end(); it++)
for (int y = 0; y < rasOut->getLy(); y++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixDown = rasOut->pixels(y);
TPixelCM32 *pixUp = rasUp->pixels(y);
for (int x = 0; x < rasOut->getLx(); x++, pixUp++, pixDown++) {
if (isTransparent(pixUp)) // WARNING! cannot check transparent pixels
// with *pixup==TPixelCM32() since also
// 0x183000ff i.e., is a valid transparent
// value
int tone = pixUp->getTone();
if (isTransparent(pixDown) || tone == 255 || tone == 0 ||
pixUp->getPaint() !=
0) // up e' punto interno, o esterno non antialiasato
addColors(*pixUp, downPlt, upPlt, usedColors);
} else if (tone <= pixDown->getTone() || tone < 128) // up e' bordo
// esterno
// antialiasato piu'
// opaco di down
int ink = pixUp->getInk();
if (usedColors.find(ink) == usedColors.end())
addColor(downPlt, ink, upPlt, usedColors);
pixDown->setTone(tone < 128 ? 0 : tone);
namespace {
#define MAGICFAC (257U * 256U + 1U)
#define PIX_CM32_PENMAP_IDX(PIX) ((PIX)>>12 & 0xfff00 | (PIX) & 0xff)
#define PIX_CM32_COLMAP_IDX(PIX) ((PIX) & 0xfffff)
{ \
ULONG _r = (PIX); \
(RES) = *(LPIXEL *)(&_s); \
void fillCmapRamp (RAS_CMAP& cmap, const TPixel32& color, int index)
index = index << cmap.info.tone_bits;
int xedni = index + cmap.info.n_tones-1;
TPixel32 _color=color;
UINT fac = MAGICFAC * _color.m;
_color.r=(UINT)(_color.r * fac + (1U<<23))>>24;
_color.b=(UINT)(_color.b * fac + (1U<<23))>>24;
_color.g=(UINT)(_color.g * fac + (1U<<23))>>24;
for (int tone = 0; tone < cmap.info.n_tones; tone++)
UINT magic_tone = tone * MAGICFAC;
val.r = (UCHAR)((_color.r * magic_tone + (1<<23)) >> 24);
val.g = (UCHAR)((_color.g * magic_tone + (1<<23)) >> 24);
val.b = (UCHAR)((_color.b * magic_tone + (1<<23)) >> 24);
val.m = (UCHAR)((_color.m * magic_tone + (1<<23)) >> 24);
cmap.colbuffer[index++] = val;
cmap.penbuffer[xedni--] = val;
} // namespace
// \b NOTE: Starting from Toonz 6.1, some important improvements are introduced:
// a) The passed raster is now referenced by the returned _RASTER*, just the
// same way
// smartpointer to rasters do.
// b) The cache is made aware of the passed raster, mainly because these old 4.6
// raster
// structures are essentially used for memory-consuming operations with tlv
// fxs and may
// need to be shipped to hard disk on critical situations (a matter handled
// by the cache).
// c) The lockRaster and unlockRaster functions are provided. They are meant to
// specify whether
// the raster is actively referenced by the raster pointer, or is rather in a
// lazy state -
// so that the cache may move it to hard disk if necessary.
static const TCM_INFO Tcm_my_default_info = { 8, 8, 12, 20, 12,
0x0000, 0x00ff,
256, 4096, 256
inline LPIXEL premultiplyLPIXEL(const TPixel32 &pix) {
// int MAGICFAC = (257U * 256U + 1U);
UINT fac = MAGICFAC * pix.m;
out.r = ((UINT)(pix.r * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24);
out.g = ((UINT)(pix.g * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24);
out.b = ((UINT)(pix.b * fac + (1U << 23)) >> 24);
out.m = pix.m;
return out;
_RASTER *TRop::convertRaster50to46(const TRasterP &inRas,
const TPaletteP &inPalette) {
int lx = inRas->getLx();
int ly = inRas->getLy();
int wrap = inRas->getWrap();
assert(lx > 0 && ly > 0);
TRasterGR8P rgr8 = (TRasterGR8P)inRas;
TRasterGR16P rgr16 = (TRasterGR16P)inRas;
TRaster32P r32 = (TRaster32P)inRas;
TRaster64P r64 = (TRaster64P)inRas;
TRasterCM32P rcm = (TRasterCM32P)inRas;
RASTER *rout = new RASTER;
memset(rout, 0, sizeof(RASTER));
std::string id(TImageCache::instance()->getUniqueId());
rout->cacheIdLength = id.size();
rout->cacheId = new char[rout->cacheIdLength];
memcpy(rout->cacheId, id.data(), sizeof(char) * rout->cacheIdLength);
TImageP img;
if (rcm)
img = TToonzImageP(rcm, rcm->getBounds()); // saveBox is not considered
// in RASTER struct anyway
img = TRasterImageP(inRas);
TImageCache::instance()->add(id, img);
rout->buffer = inRas->getRawData();
TRasterP parent = inRas->getParent();
rout->native_buffer = (parent) ? parent->getRawData() : inRas->getRawData();
rout->lx = lx;
rout->ly = ly;
rout->wrap = wrap;
if (rgr8)
rout->type = RAS_GR8;
else if (rgr16)
rout->type = RAS_GR16;
else if (r32)
rout->type = RAS_RGBM;
else if (r64)
rout->type = RAS_RGBM64;
else if (rcm)
rout->type = RAS_CM32;
assert(!"raster type not convertible!");
if (rout->type != RAS_CM32) return rout;
if (!inPalette) {
assert(!"missing palette!");
return NULL;
rout->cmap.info = Tcm_32_default_info;
rout->cmap.buffer = new LPIXEL[TCM_CMAP_PENBUFFER_SIZE(rout->cmap.info)];
// rout->cmap.penbuffer = new LPIXEL[TCM_CMAP_PENBUFFER_SIZE
// (rout->cmap.info)];
// rout->cmap.colbuffer = new LPIXEL[TCM_CMAP_COLBUFFER_SIZE
// (rout->cmap.info)];
for (int i = 0; i < inPalette->getStyleCount(); i++)
rout->cmap.buffer[i] =
// fillCmapRamp (rout->cmap, inPalette->getStyle(i)->getMainColor(), i);
return rout;
void TRop::releaseRaster46(_RASTER *&r, bool doReleaseBuffer) {
// Buffer release no more supported. These are now intended as smart
// pointers to rasters - they release themselves on their own.
if (r->type == RAS_CM32) {
delete[] r->cmap.buffer;
// delete [] r->cmap.penbuffer;
// delete [] r->cmap.colbuffer;
if (doReleaseBuffer && r->native_buffer == r->buffer)
delete r->buffer; // Should not happen
// Unlock if locked, and remove the cache reference
if (r->buffer) unlockRaster(r);
TImageCache::instance()->remove(std::string(r->cacheId, r->cacheIdLength));
delete[] r->cacheId;
delete r;
r = 0;
void TRop::lockRaster(RASTER *raster) {
TImageP img(TImageCache::instance()->get(
std::string(raster->cacheId, raster->cacheIdLength), true));
TRasterP cacheRas;
if (raster->type == RAS_CM32)
cacheRas = TToonzImageP(img)->getRaster();
cacheRas = TRasterImageP(img)->getRaster();
raster->buffer = cacheRas->getRawData();
TRasterP parent = cacheRas->getParent();
raster->native_buffer =
(parent) ? parent->getRawData() : cacheRas->getRawData();
void TRop::unlockRaster(RASTER *raster) {
TImageP img(TImageCache::instance()->get(
std::string(raster->cacheId, raster->cacheIdLength), true));
TRasterP cacheRas;
if (raster->type == RAS_CM32)
cacheRas = TToonzImageP(img)->getRaster();
cacheRas = TRasterImageP(img)->getRaster();
raster->buffer = 0;
raster->native_buffer = 0;
_RASTER *TRop::readRaster46(const char *filename) {
// No more called in Toonz...
TImageP img;
TImageReader::load(TFilePath(filename), img);
if ((TToonzImageP)img) return 0;
TRasterImageP rimg = (TRasterImageP)img;
if (!rimg) return 0;
TRasterP ras = rimg->getRaster();
return TRop::convertRaster50to46(ras, 0);
namespace {
inline TPixel32 getPix32(const TPixelCM32 &pixcm,
const std::vector<TPixel32> &colors) {
int t = pixcm.getTone();
int p = pixcm.getPaint();
int i = pixcm.getInk();
if (t == TPixelCM32::getMaxTone())
return colors[p];
else if (t == 0)
return colors[i];
return blend(colors[i], colors[p], t, TPixelCM32::getMaxTone());
} // namespace
// from 4.6
#ifdef LEVO
void TRop::zoomOutCm32Rgbm(const TRasterCM32P &rin, TRaster32P &rout,
const TPalette &plt, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int newx, int newy, int absZoomLevel) {
TPixelCM32 *rowin, *pixin, *in, win;
TPixel32 *rowout, *pixout, valin, valout;
int tmp_r, tmp_g, tmp_b, tmp_m;
int wrapin, wrapout;
int x, y, lx, ly, xlast, ylast, xrest, yrest, i, j;
int factor, fac_fac_2_bits;
int fac_fac, yrest_fac, fac_xrest, yrest_xrest;
int fac_fac_2, yrest_fac_2, fac_xrest_2, yrest_xrest_2;
int fac_fac_4;
int count = plt.getStyleCount();
int count2 =
std::max(count, TPixelCM32::getMaxInk(), TPixelCM32::getMaxPaint());
std::vector<TPixel32> colors(count2);
for (i = 0; i < plt.getStyleCount(); i++)
colors[i] = ::premultiply(plt.getStyle(i)->getAverageColor());
lx = x2 - x1 + 1;
ly = y2 - y1 + 1;
factor = 1 << absZoomLevel;
xrest = lx & (factor - 1);
yrest = ly & (factor - 1);
xlast = x2 - xrest + 1;
ylast = y2 - yrest + 1;
fac_fac = factor * factor;
fac_fac_2 = fac_fac >> 1;
fac_fac_4 = fac_fac >> 2;
fac_fac_2_bits = 2 * absZoomLevel - 1;
yrest_fac = yrest * factor;
yrest_fac_2 = yrest_fac >> 1;
fac_xrest = factor * xrest;
fac_xrest_2 = fac_xrest >> 1;
yrest_xrest = yrest * xrest;
yrest_xrest_2 = yrest_xrest >> 1;
wrapin = rin->getWrap();
wrapout = rout->getWrap();
valout.m = 0xff;
rowin = (TPixelCM32 *)rin->getRawData() + wrapin * y1 + x1;
rowout = (TPixel32 *)rout->getRawData() + wrapout * newy + newx;
for (y = y1; y < ylast; y += factor) {
pixin = rowin;
pixout = rowout;
for (x = x1; x < xlast; x += factor) {
tmp_r = tmp_g = tmp_b = tmp_m = 0;
in = pixin;
for (j = 0; j < factor; j += 2) {
for (i = 0; i < factor; i += 2) {
win = *in;
valin = getPix32(win, colors);
tmp_r += valin.r;
tmp_g += valin.g;
tmp_b += valin.b;
tmp_m += valin.m;
in += wrapin;
win = *in;
valin = getPix32(win, colors);
tmp_r += valin.r;
tmp_g += valin.g;
tmp_b += valin.b;
tmp_m += valin.m;
in -= wrapin;
in += 2 * wrapin - factor;
valout.r = (tmp_r + fac_fac_4) >> fac_fac_2_bits;
valout.g = (tmp_g + fac_fac_4) >> fac_fac_2_bits;
valout.b = (tmp_b + fac_fac_4) >> fac_fac_2_bits;
valout.m = (tmp_m + fac_fac_4) >> fac_fac_2_bits;
*pixout++ = valout;
pixin += factor;
if (xrest) {
tmp_r = tmp_g = tmp_b = tmp_m = 0;
for (j = 0; j < factor; j++)
for (i = 0; i < xrest; i++) {
win = pixin[i + j * wrapin];
valin = getPix32(win, colors);
tmp_r += valin.r;
tmp_g += valin.g;
tmp_b += valin.b;
tmp_m += valin.m;
valout.r = (tmp_r + fac_xrest_2) / fac_xrest;
valout.g = (tmp_g + fac_xrest_2) / fac_xrest;
valout.b = (tmp_b + fac_xrest_2) / fac_xrest;
valout.m = (tmp_m + fac_xrest_2) / fac_xrest;
*pixout = valout;
rowin += wrapin * factor;
rowout += wrapout;
if (yrest) {
pixin = rowin;
pixout = rowout;
for (x = x1; x < xlast; x += factor) {
tmp_r = tmp_g = tmp_b = tmp_m = 0;
for (j = 0; j < yrest; j++)
for (i = 0; i < factor; i++) {
win = pixin[i + j * wrapin];
valin = getPix32(win, colors);
tmp_r += valin.r;
tmp_g += valin.g;
tmp_b += valin.b;
tmp_m += valin.m;
valout.r = (tmp_r + yrest_fac_2) / yrest_fac;
valout.g = (tmp_g + yrest_fac_2) / yrest_fac;
valout.b = (tmp_b + yrest_fac_2) / yrest_fac;
valout.m = (tmp_m + yrest_fac_2) / yrest_fac;
*pixout++ = valout;
pixin += factor;
if (xrest) {
tmp_r = tmp_g = tmp_b = tmp_m = 0;
for (j = 0; j < yrest; j++)
for (i = 0; i < xrest; i++) {
win = pixin[i + j * wrapin];
valin = getPix32(win, colors);
tmp_r += valin.r;
tmp_g += valin.g;
tmp_b += valin.b;
tmp_m += valin.m;
valout.r = (tmp_r + yrest_xrest_2) / yrest_xrest;
valout.g = (tmp_g + yrest_xrest_2) / yrest_xrest;
valout.b = (tmp_b + yrest_xrest_2) / yrest_xrest;
valout.m = (tmp_m + yrest_xrest_2) / yrest_xrest;
*pixout = valout;
#ifdef LEVO
void TRop::makeIcon(TRaster32P &_rout, const TRasterCM32P &rin,
const TPaletteP &palette, bool onBlackBg) {
int i, j;
int lx = rin->getLx();
int ly = rin->getLy();
int count = palette->getStyleCount();
int count2 =
std::max(count, TPixelCM32::getMaxInk(), TPixelCM32::getMaxPaint());
std::vector<TPixel32> colors(count2);
for (i = 0; i < palette->getStyleCount(); i++)
colors[i] =
/*::premultiply(*/ palette->getStyle(i)->getAverageColor(); //);
TDimension dim(_rout->getSize());
TRaster32P rout;
double arIn = (double)lx / ly;
double arOut = (double)dim.lx / dim.ly;
if (!areAlmostEqual(arIn, arOut, 1e-2)) // do not want a stretched icon! I
// extract a subraster with same
// aspect ration of rin
int newlx, newly;
if (arOut < arIn) {
newlx = dim.lx;
newly = dim.lx / arIn;
} else {
newly = dim.ly;
newlx = dim.ly * arIn;
rout = _rout->extract((dim.lx - newlx) / 2, (dim.ly - newly) / 2,
(dim.lx - newlx) / 2 + newlx - 1,
(dim.ly - newly) / 2 + newly - 1);
dim = rout->getSize();
} else
rout = _rout;
TPixel32 *pixOut0 = (TPixel32 *)rout->getRawData();
int countY = 0;
bool newRow = true;
int currTone = TPixelCM32::getMaxTone();
for (i = 0; i < ly; i++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixIn = (TPixelCM32 *)rin->pixels(i);
TPixel32 *pixOut = pixOut0;
int countX = 0;
for (j = 0; j < lx; j++) {
if (newRow || currTone > pixIn->getTone()) {
currTone = pixIn->getTone();
if (onBlackBg)
*pixOut = overPixOnBlack(getPix32(*pixIn, colors));
*pixOut = overPixOnWhite(getPix32(*pixIn, colors));
countX += dim.lx;
if (countX >= lx)
countX -= lx, pixOut++, currTone = TPixelCM32::getMaxTone();
countY += dim.ly;
if (countY >= ly) {
countY -= ly;
pixOut0 += rout->getWrap();
currTone = TPixelCM32::getMaxTone();
newRow = true;
} else
newRow = false;
void TRop::makeIcon(TRasterCM32P &_rout, const TRasterCM32P &rin) {
int i, j;
int lx = rin->getLx();
int ly = rin->getLy();
TDimension dim(_rout->getSize());
TRasterCM32P rout;
rout = _rout;
TPixelCM32 *pixOut0 = (TPixelCM32 *)rout->getRawData();
int countY = 0;
bool newRow = true;
for (i = 0; i < ly; i++) {
TPixelCM32 *pixIn = (TPixelCM32 *)rin->pixels(i);
TPixelCM32 *pixOut = pixOut0;
int countX = 0;
bool newColumn = true;
for (j = 0; j < lx; j++) {
if ((newRow && newColumn) || pixOut->getTone() > pixIn->getTone())
*pixOut = *pixIn;
countX += dim.lx;
if (countX >= lx) {
countX -= lx, pixOut++;
newColumn = true;
} else
newColumn = false;
countY += dim.ly;
if (countY >= ly) {
countY -= ly;
pixOut0 += rout->getWrap();
newRow = true;
} else
newRow = false;