Blob Blame Raw
PACKET_BUILD_DIR=/data/builder             # where you will store a build data
                                           # default value is env-builder-data/build
                                           # but we recommend to use directory outside of project sources

# PROXY=                # if you are behind a proxy
# CHROOTER_BUILD_OPTIONS="--build-arg=http_proxy=$PROXY --build-arg=https_proxy=$PROXY"
# CHROOTER_RUN_OPTIONS="-e http_proxy=$PROXY -e https_proxy=$PROXY"

chrooter() {                               # configure chrooter command
#   export CHROOTER_PREFIX="/tmp"          # where to mount a virtual environment
                                           # if you will build os images from scratch you need 10Gb of free space
    $BASE_DIR/chrooter/ $@      # chrooter is required, it is to commnads in virtual environment

# gen_name_template() {                    # here you may override a naming rules for out packages
#     local NAME="$1"                      # see build-*.sh, publish/
#     local TAG="$2"
#     local PLATFORM="$3"
#     local ARCH="$4"
#     local SUFFIX="$4"
#     if [ ! -z "$TAG" ]; then
#         TAG="-$TAG"
#     fi
# }

# OPENTOONZ_TESTING_TAG="test"             # uses in for naming out packages
# SYNFIGSTUDIO_TESTING_TAG="test"          # uses in for naming out packages