using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Assistance {
public class Tool {
public enum ModifierTypes {
None = 0,
Tangents = 1,
Segmentation = 2,
Guideline = 4,
Multiline = 8,
All = 15
public readonly Workarea workarea;
public Tool(Workarea workarea)
{ this.workarea = workarea; }
public virtual ModifierTypes getAvailableModifierTypes()
{ return ModifierTypes.None; }
public virtual void activate() { }
public virtual void keyEvent(bool press, Gdk.Key key, InputState state) { }
public virtual void buttonEvent(bool press, Gdk.Device device, uint button, InputState state) { }
// create new painting level and return true, or do nothing and return false
// was: ------O-------O------
// become: ------O-------O------O
public virtual bool paintPush() { return false; }
// paint several track-points at the top painting level
// was: ------O-------O------
// become: ------O-------O------------
public virtual void paintTracks(List<Track> tracks) { }
// try to merge N top painting levels and return count of levels that actually merged
// was: ------O-------O------O------
// become (N = 2): ------O---------------------
public virtual int paintApply(int count) { return 0; }
// reset top level to initial state
// was: ------O-------O------O------
// become: ------O-------O------O
public virtual void paintCancel() { }
// cancel and pop N painting levels
// was: ------O-------O------O------
// become (N = 2): ------O-------
public virtual void paintPop(int count) { }
public virtual void draw(Cairo.Context context) { }
public virtual void deactivate() { }