Blob Blame Raw
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*!	\file workarea.h
**	\brief Template Header
**	$Id$
**	\legal
**	Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
**	Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Chris Moore
**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	General Public License for more details.
**	\endlegal
/* ========================================================================= */

/* === S T A R T =========================================================== */


/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */

#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>

#include <ETL/smart_ptr>
#include <ETL/handle>

#include <gtkmm/drawingarea.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/adjustment.h>
#include <gtkmm/ruler.h>
#include <gtkmm/image.h>
#include <gdkmm/pixbuf.h>
#include <gdkmm/cursor.h>
#include <gdkmm/device.h>

#include <synfig/time.h>
#include <synfig/vector.h>
#include <synfig/general.h>
#include <synfig/renddesc.h>
#include <synfig/canvas.h>

#include "zoomdial.h"
#include "duckmatic.h"
#include "instance.h"

/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */

/* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */

/* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */

namespace etl {

template <typename T_, typename C_=std::less<T_,T_> >
class dereferenced_compare
	typedef etl::loose_handle<T_> first_argument_type;
	typedef etl::loose_handle<T_> second_argument_type;
	typedef bool result_type;


namespace synfigapp { class CanvasInterface; };

namespace synfig { class Layer; };
namespace Gtk { class Frame; };

namespace studio
class WorkAreaTarget;
class WorkAreaTarget_Full;

class Instance;
class CanvasView;
class WorkArea;
class WorkAreaRenderer;
class AsyncRenderer;
class DirtyTrap
	friend class WorkArea;
	WorkArea *work_area;
	DirtyTrap(WorkArea *work_area);

class WorkArea : public Gtk::Table, public Duckmatic
	friend class WorkAreaTarget;
	friend class WorkAreaTarget_Full;
	friend class DirtyTrap;
	friend class WorkAreaRenderer;
	friend class WorkAreaProgress;

 -- ** -- P U B L I C   T Y P E S ---------------------------------------------


	void insert_renderer(const etl::handle<WorkAreaRenderer> &x);
	void insert_renderer(const etl::handle<WorkAreaRenderer> &x,int priority);
	void erase_renderer(const etl::handle<WorkAreaRenderer> &x);
	void resort_render_set();

	enum DragMode

 -- ** -- P R I V A T E   D A T A ---------------------------------------------


	std::set<etl::handle<WorkAreaRenderer> > renderer_set_;

	etl::handle<studio::AsyncRenderer> async_renderer;

	etl::loose_handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface;
	etl::handle<synfig::Canvas> canvas;
	etl::loose_handle<studio::Instance> instance;
	etl::loose_handle<studio::CanvasView> canvas_view;

	// Widgets
	Gtk::DrawingArea *drawing_area;
	Gtk::Adjustment scrollx_adjustment;
	Gtk::Adjustment scrolly_adjustment;
	Gtk::VRuler *vruler;
	Gtk::HRuler *hruler;
	Gtk::Button *menubutton;
	Gtk::Frame *drawing_frame;

	GdkDevice* curr_input_device;

	// Bleh!
	int	w;						//!< Width of the image (in pixels)
	int	h;						//!< Height of the image (in pixels)
	synfig::Real	canvaswidth;	//!< Width of the canvas
	synfig::Real	canvasheight;	//!< Height of the canvas
	synfig::Real	pw;				//!< The width of a pixel
	synfig::Real	ph;				//!< The height of a pixel
	float zoom;					//!< Zoom factor
	float prev_zoom;			//!< Previous Zoom factor
	synfig::Point window_tl;		//!< The (theoretical) top-left corner of the view window
	synfig::Point window_br;		//!< The (theoretical) bottom-right corner of the view window

	guint32 last_event_time;

	int bpp;
	//unsigned char *buffer;

	//! ???
	synfig::ProgressCallback *progresscallback;

	//! ???
	synfig::RendDesc desc;

	//! This flag is set if the user is dragging the video window
	/*! \see drag_point */
	DragMode dragging;

	etl::handle<Duckmatic::Duck> clicked_duck;
	etl::handle<Duckmatic::Duck> hover_duck;

	//! When dragging the viewport, this is set to the origin of the drag
	synfig::Point drag_point;

	synfig::Point curr_point;

	//! ???
	synfig::Point previous_focus;

	//! This flag is set if the grid should be drawn
	bool show_grid;

	//! This flag is set if the guides should be drawn
	bool show_guides;

	bool low_resolution;

	bool meta_data_lock;

	//! This flag is set if the entire frame is rendered rather than using tiles
	bool full_frame;

	//Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pix_buf;

	//! This vector holds all of the tiles for this image
	std::vector< std::pair<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>,int> > tile_book;

	//! This integer describes the total times that the work are has been refreshed
	int refreshes;

	//! This list holds the queue of tiles that need to be rendered
	//std::list<int> tile_queue;

	int tile_w, tile_h;

	gint render_idle_func_id;

	//! The coordinates of the focus the last time a part of the screen was refreshed
	synfig::Point last_focus_point;

	bool canceled_;

	int quality;
	int low_res_pixel_size;

	bool dirty_trap_enabled;

	int dirty_trap_queued;

	bool onion_skin;
	//! stores the future [1] and past [0] onion skins based on keyframes
	int onion_skins[2];

	etl::loose_handle<synfig::ValueNode> selected_value_node_;

	bool allow_duck_clicks;
	bool allow_layer_clicks;
	bool cancel;
	bool curr_guide_is_x;
	bool dirty;
	bool queued;
	bool rendering;

 -- ** -- P U B L I C   D A T A -----------------------------------------------


	const etl::loose_handle<synfig::ValueNode>& get_selected_value_node() { return  selected_value_node_; }
	const synfig::Point& get_drag_point()const { return drag_point; }
	std::vector< std::pair<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>,int> >& get_tile_book(){ return tile_book; }
	int get_refreshes()const { return refreshes; }
	bool get_canceled()const { return canceled_; }
	bool get_queued()const { return queued; }
	bool get_rendering()const { return rendering; }
	bool get_updating()const;
	void stop_updating(bool cancel = false);
	bool get_full_frame()const { return full_frame; }
	//int get_w()const { return w; }
	//int get_h()const { return h; }

	int get_tile_w()const { return tile_w; }
	int get_tile_h()const { return tile_h; }

	bool get_allow_layer_clicks() { return allow_layer_clicks; }
	void set_allow_layer_clicks(bool value) { allow_layer_clicks=value; }

	bool get_allow_duck_clicks() { return allow_duck_clicks; }
	void set_allow_duck_clicks(bool value) { allow_duck_clicks=value; }

	// used in renderer_ducks.cpp
	bool solid_lines;

	// used in renderer_guides.cpp
	GuideList::iterator curr_guide;

	// used in renderer_timecode.cpp
	int timecode_width, timecode_height;

 -- ** -- P R I V A T E   M E T H O D S ---------------------------------------


	//unsigned char *get_buffer() { return buffer; }
	bool set_wh(int w, int h,int chan=3);

	int next_unrendered_tile(int refreshes)const;
	int next_unrendered_tile()const { return next_unrendered_tile(refreshes); }

 -- ** -- S I G N A L S -------------------------------------------------------


	sigc::signal<void,GdkDevice* > signal_input_device_changed_;

	//! One signal per button
	sigc::signal<void,synfig::Point> signal_user_click_[5];

	sigc::signal<void> signal_popup_menu_;

	sigc::signal<void> signal_cursor_moved_;
	sigc::signal<void> signal_rendering_;

	sigc::signal<void> signal_onion_skin_changed_;

	//! Signal for when the user clicks on a layer
	sigc::signal<void, etl::handle<synfig::Layer> > signal_layer_selected_;

	sigc::signal<void> signal_view_window_changed_;


	sigc::signal<void>& signal_onion_skin_changed() { return signal_onion_skin_changed_; }

	sigc::signal<void>& signal_rendering() { return signal_rendering_; }

	sigc::signal<void>& signal_cursor_moved() { return signal_cursor_moved_; }

	sigc::signal<void>& signal_view_window_changed() { return signal_view_window_changed_; }
	void view_window_changed() { signal_view_window_changed()(); }

	sigc::signal<void,GdkDevice* >& signal_input_device_changed() { return signal_input_device_changed_; }

	sigc::signal<void> &signal_popup_menu() { return signal_popup_menu_; }

	//! One signal per button (5 buttons)
	sigc::signal<void,synfig::Point> &signal_user_click(int button=0){ return signal_user_click_[button]; }

	sigc::signal<void, etl::handle<synfig::Layer> >& signal_layer_selected() { return signal_layer_selected_; }

 -- ** -- P U B L I C   M E T H O D S -----------------------------------------

	void set_onion_skin(bool x);
	bool get_onion_skin()const;
	void toggle_onion_skin() { set_onion_skin(!get_onion_skin()); }
	void set_onion_skins(int *onions);

	void set_selected_value_node(etl::loose_handle<synfig::ValueNode> x);

	bool is_dragging() { return dragging!=DRAG_NONE; }

	DragMode get_dragging_mode() { return dragging; }

	WorkArea(etl::loose_handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface);
	virtual ~WorkArea();

	void set_cursor(const Gdk::Cursor& x);
	void set_cursor(Gdk::CursorType x);

	const synfig::Point& get_cursor_pos()const { return curr_point; }

	Gtk::Adjustment *get_scrollx_adjustment() { return &scrollx_adjustment; }
	Gtk::Adjustment *get_scrolly_adjustment() { return &scrolly_adjustment; }
	const Gtk::Adjustment *get_scrollx_adjustment()const { return &scrollx_adjustment; }
	const Gtk::Adjustment *get_scrolly_adjustment()const { return &scrolly_adjustment; }

	void set_instance(etl::loose_handle<studio::Instance> x) { instance=x; }
	void set_canvas(etl::handle<synfig::Canvas> x) { canvas=x; }
	void set_canvas_view(etl::loose_handle<studio::CanvasView> x) { canvas_view=x; }
	etl::handle<synfig::Canvas> get_canvas()const { return canvas; }
	etl::handle<studio::Instance> get_instance()const { return instance; }
	etl::loose_handle<studio::CanvasView> get_canvas_view()const { return canvas_view; }

	void refresh_dimension_info();

	//! Enables showing of the grid
	void enable_grid();

	//! Disables showing of the grid
	void disable_grid();

	//! Toggles the showing of the grid
	void toggle_grid();

	//! Returns the state of the show_grid flag
	bool grid_status()const { return show_grid; }

	void toggle_grid_snap() { Duckmatic::toggle_grid_snap(); }

	bool get_show_guides()const { return show_guides; }
	void set_show_guides(bool x);
	void toggle_show_guides() { set_show_guides(!get_show_guides()); }

	bool get_low_resolution_flag()const { return low_resolution; }
	void set_low_resolution_flag(bool x);
	void toggle_low_resolution_flag();

	//! ???
	void queue_scroll();

	//! Sets the size of the grid
	void set_grid_size(const synfig::Vector &s);

	//! ??
	void popup_menu();

	int get_quality()const { return quality; }
	int get_low_res_pixel_size()const { return low_res_pixel_size; }

	void set_quality(int x);
	void set_low_res_pixel_size(int x);

	int get_w()const { return w; }
	int get_h()const { return h; }
	int get_bpp()const { return bpp; }

	//! ??
	const synfig::RendDesc &get_rend_desc()const { return desc; }

	//! ??
	void set_rend_desc(const synfig::RendDesc &x) { desc=x; }

	//! Converts screen coords (ie: pixels) to composition coordinates
	synfig::Point screen_to_comp_coords(synfig::Point pos)const;

	//! Converts composition coordinates to screen coords (ie: pixels)
	synfig::Point comp_to_screen_coords(synfig::Point pos)const;

	float get_pw()const { return pw; }
	float get_ph()const { return ph; }

	const synfig::Point &get_window_tl()const { return window_tl; }
	const synfig::Point &get_window_br()const { return window_br; }

	bool async_update_preview();
	void async_update_finished();
	void async_render_preview(synfig::Time time);
	void async_render_preview();

	bool sync_update_preview();
	bool sync_render_preview(synfig::Time time);
	bool sync_render_preview();
	void sync_render_preview_hook();

	void queue_render_preview();

	void queue_draw_preview();

	void zoom_in();
	void zoom_out();
	void zoom_fit();
	void zoom_norm();
	float get_zoom()const { return zoom; }

	void set_zoom(float z);

	void set_progress_callback(synfig::ProgressCallback *x)	{ progresscallback=x; }
	synfig::ProgressCallback *get_progress_callback() { return progresscallback; }

	void set_focus_point(const synfig::Point &x);

	synfig::Point get_focus_point()const;

	void done_rendering();

	bool refresh(GdkEventExpose*bleh=NULL);

	void reset_cursor();
	void refresh_cursor();

	void save_meta_data();
	void load_meta_data();

 -- ** -- S I G N A L   T E R M I N A L S -------------------------------------

	bool on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey* event);
	bool on_drawing_area_event(GdkEvent* event);
	bool on_hruler_event(GdkEvent* event);
	bool on_vruler_event(GdkEvent* event);

 -- ** -- S T A T I C   P U B L I C   M E T H O D S ---------------------------


 -- ** -- S T A T I C   P R I V A T E   M E T H O D S -------------------------


	static gboolean __render_preview(gpointer data);

}; // END of class WorkArea

}; // END of namespace studio

/* === E N D =============================================================== */
