Blob Blame Raw
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*!	\file filesystem.h
**	\brief FileSystem
**	$Id$
**	\legal
**	......... ... 2013 Ivan Mahonin
**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	General Public License for more details.
**	\endlegal
/* ========================================================================= */

/* === S T A R T =========================================================== */


/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */

#include <cstdio>

#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <vector>

#include <ETL/handle>

#include "string.h"

/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */

/* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */

/* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */

namespace synfig

	class FileSystem : public etl::shared_object
		typedef etl::handle<FileSystem> Handle;
		typedef std::vector<String> FileList;

		class Stream : public etl::shared_object
			typedef etl::handle<Stream> Handle;

			FileSystem::Handle file_system_;
			Stream(FileSystem::Handle file_system);
			virtual ~Stream();
			FileSystem::Handle file_system() const { return file_system_; }

		class ReadStream :
			public Stream,
			private std::streambuf,
			public std::istream
			typedef etl::handle<ReadStream> Handle;

			char buffer_;

			ReadStream(FileSystem::Handle file_system);
			virtual int underflow();
			virtual size_t internal_read(void *buffer, size_t size) = 0;

			size_t read_block(void *buffer, size_t size)
				{ return read((char*)buffer, size).gcount(); }
			bool read_whole_block(void *buffer, size_t size)
				{ return size == read_block(buffer, size); }
			template<typename T> bool read_variable(T &v)
				{ return read_whole_block(&v, sizeof(T)); }

		class WriteStream :
			public Stream,
			private std::streambuf,
			public std::ostream
			typedef etl::handle<WriteStream> Handle;

			WriteStream(FileSystem::Handle file_system);
	        virtual int overflow(int ch);
			virtual size_t internal_write(const void *buffer, size_t size) = 0;

			bool write_block(const void *buffer, size_t size)
				for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
					if (!put(((const char*)buffer)[i]).good())
						return i;
				return size;
			bool write_whole_block(const void *buffer, size_t size)
				{ return size == write_block(buffer, size); }
			bool write_whole_stream(std::streambuf &streambuf)
				{ return (*this << &streambuf).good(); }
			bool write_whole_stream(std::istream &stream)
				{ return write_whole_stream(*stream.rdbuf()); }
			bool write_whole_stream(ReadStream::Handle stream)
				{ return !stream || write_whole_stream(*(std::istream*)&(*stream)); }
			template<typename T> bool write_variable(const T &v)
				{ return write_whole_block(&v, sizeof(T)); }

		class Identifier {
			FileSystem::Handle file_system;
			String filename;
			Identifier() { }
			Identifier(const FileSystem::Handle &file_system, const String &filename):
				file_system(file_system), filename(filename) { }

			bool empty() const { return file_system; }
			operator bool () const { return !empty(); }

			bool operator < (const Identifier &other) const
				if (file_system < other.file_system) return true;
				if (other.file_system < file_system) return false;
				if (filename < other.filename) return true;
				if (other.filename < filename) return false;
				return false;

			bool operator > (const Identifier &other) const
				{ return other < *this; }
			bool operator == (const Identifier &other) const
				return file_system == other.file_system
				    && filename == other.filename;

			bool operator != (const Identifier &other) const
				{ return !(*this == other); }			

			/*bool operator < (const Identifier &other) const
				if (file_system.get() < other.file_system.get()) return true;
				if (other.file_system.get() < file_system.get()) return false;
				if (filename < other.filename) return true;
				if (other.filename < filename) return false;
				return false;
			bool operator > (const Identifier &other) const
				{ return other < *this; }
			bool operator != (const Identifier &other) const
				{ return *this > other || *this < other; }
			bool operator == (const Identifier &other) const
				{ return !(*this != other); }*/

			ReadStream::Handle get_read_stream() const;
			WriteStream::Handle get_write_stream() const;

		virtual ~FileSystem();

		virtual bool is_file(const String &filename) = 0;
		virtual bool is_directory(const String &filename) = 0;

		virtual bool directory_create(const String &dirname) = 0;
		virtual bool directory_scan(const String &dirname, FileList &out_files) = 0;

		virtual bool file_remove(const String &filename) = 0;
		virtual bool file_rename(const String &from_filename, const String &to_filename);
		virtual ReadStream::Handle get_read_stream(const String &filename) = 0;
		virtual WriteStream::Handle get_write_stream(const String &filename) = 0;
		virtual String get_real_uri(const String &filename);

		inline bool is_exists(const String filename) { return is_file(filename) || is_directory(filename); }

		String get_real_filename(const String &filename);
		Identifier get_identifier(const String &filename) { return Identifier(this, filename); }

		bool directory_create_recursive(const String &dirname);
		bool remove_recursive(const String &filename);

		static bool copy(Handle from_file_system, const String &from_filename, Handle to_file_system, const String &to_filename);
		static bool copy_recursive(Handle from_file_system, const String &from_filename, Handle to_file_system, const String &to_filename);

		static String fix_slashes(const String &filename);

		///!@brief Read a stream line by line even '\r\n' ended
		static std::istream& safe_get_line(std::istream& is, String& t);

	//! Always empty filesystem (dummy)
	class FileSystemEmpty : public FileSystem
		typedef etl::handle<FileSystemEmpty> Handle;

		virtual ~FileSystemEmpty();

		virtual bool is_file(const String & /*filename*/)
			{ return false; }
		virtual bool is_directory(const String &filename)
			{ return fix_slashes(filename).empty(); }

		virtual bool directory_create(const String &dirname)
			{ return is_directory(dirname); }
		virtual bool directory_scan(const String &dirname, FileList &out_files)
			{ out_files.clear(); return is_directory(dirname); }

		virtual bool file_remove(const String &filename)
			{ return !is_directory(filename); }
		virtual bool file_rename(const String &from_filename, const String &to_filename)
			{ return is_directory(from_filename) && is_directory(to_filename); }
		virtual FileSystem::ReadStream::Handle get_read_stream(const String &/*filename*/)
			{ return ReadStream::Handle(); }
		virtual FileSystem::WriteStream::Handle get_write_stream(const String &/*filename*/)
			{ return WriteStream::Handle(); }

/* === E N D =============================================================== */
