Blob Blame Raw
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*!	\file synfig/module.h
**	\brief Base class for all libraries modules
**	$Id$
**	\legal
**	Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
**	Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Chris Moore
**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	General Public License for more details.
**	\endlegal
/* ========================================================================= */

/* === S T A R T =========================================================== */


/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */

#include <ETL/handle>
#include <map>
#include "string.h"
#include "releases.h"
#include <utility>
#include "vector.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "layer.h"
#include "canvas.h"

//#include "value.h"

/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */

//! Marks the start of a module description
#define MODULE_DESC_BEGIN(x) struct x##_modclass : public synfig::Module { x##_modclass(synfig::ProgressCallback *callback=NULL);

//! Sets the localized name of the module
#define MODULE_NAME(x) 			virtual const char * Name() { return x; }

//! Sets a localized description of the module
#define MODULE_DESCRIPTION(x)	virtual const char * Desc() { return x; }

//! Sets the name of the module's author
#define MODULE_AUTHOR(x)		virtual const char * Author() { return x; }

//! Sets the version string for the module
#define MODULE_VERSION(x)		virtual const char * Version() { return x; }

//! Sets the copyright string for the module
#define MODULE_COPYRIGHT(x)		virtual const char * Copyright() { return x; }

//! Describes the module's construction function
#define MODULE_CONSTRUCTOR(x)	bool constructor_(synfig::ProgressCallback *cb) { return x(cb); }

//! Describes the module's destruction function
#define MODULE_DESTRUCTOR(x)	virtual void destructor_() { return x(); }

//! Marks the end of a module description
#define MODULE_DESC_END };

//#if 0
#ifdef __APPLE__
//! Marks the start of a module's inventory
#define MODULE_INVENTORY_BEGIN(x)  extern "C" {		\
	synfig::Module* _##x##_LTX_new_instance(synfig::ProgressCallback *cb) \
	{ if(SYNFIG_CHECK_VERSION()){x##_modclass *mod=new x##_modclass(cb); mod->constructor_(cb); return mod; }\
	if(cb)cb->error(#x": Unable to load module due to version mismatch."); return NULL; } \
	}; x##_modclass::x##_modclass(synfig::ProgressCallback */*cb*/) {
//! Marks the start of a module's inventory
#define MODULE_INVENTORY_BEGIN(x)  extern "C" {		\
	synfig::Module* x##_LTX_new_instance(synfig::ProgressCallback *cb) \
	{ if(SYNFIG_CHECK_VERSION()){x##_modclass *mod=new x##_modclass(cb); mod->constructor_(cb); return mod; }\
	if(cb)cb->error(#x": Unable to load module due to version mismatch."); return NULL; } \
	}; x##_modclass::x##_modclass(synfig::ProgressCallback */*cb*/) {

//! Marks the start of the layers in the module's inventory
#define BEGIN_LAYERS {

// Really? ^^ The INCLUDE_LAYER(class) macro is defined in a cpp file and
// is undefined a few lines later. In fact the INCLUDE_LAYER is only
// used in the layer.cpp file and the functionality is the same. Even
// more, I think that we should use register_in_book call because maybe
// the Layer class would like to do something else when register the class.
//! Register a Layer class in the book of layers
#define LAYER(class)																			\
	synfig::Layer::register_in_book(															\
		synfig::Layer::BookEntry(class::create,													\
								 class::name__,													\
								 dgettext("synfig", class::local_name__),						\
								 class::category__,												\
								 class::cvs_id__,												\

//! Register a Layer class in the book of layers with an alias
#define LAYER_ALIAS(class,alias)																\
	synfig::Layer::register_in_book(															\
		synfig::Layer::BookEntry(class::create,													\
								 alias,															\
								 alias,															\
								 CATEGORY_DO_NOT_USE,											\
								 class::cvs_id__,												\

//! Marks the end of the layers in the module's inventory
#define END_LAYERS }

//! Marks the start of the targets in the module's inventory

#define TARGET(x)														\
	synfig::Target::book()[synfig::String(x::name__)].factory =			\
		reinterpret_cast<synfig::Target::Factory> (x::create);			\
	synfig::Target::book()[synfig::String(x::name__)].filename =		\
		synfig::String(x::ext__);										\
	synfig::Target::book()[synfig::String(x::name__)].target_param =	\
		synfig::TargetParam();													\

#define TARGET_EXT(x,y) synfig::Target::ext_book()[synfig::String(y)]=x::name__;

//! Marks the end of the targets in the module's inventory
#define END_TARGETS }

//! Marks the start of the importers in the module's inventory

//! Register an Importer class in the book of importers by one file extension string
#define IMPORTER_EXT(x,y) \
		synfig::Importer::book()[synfig::String(y)]=synfig::Importer::BookEntry(x::create, x::supports_file_system_wrapper__);

//! Register an Importer class in the book of importers by the default extension
#define IMPORTER(x) IMPORTER_EXT(x,x::ext__)

//! Register an Importer class in the book of importers by one file extension string
#define CAIROIMPORTER_EXT(x,y) \
		synfig::CairoImporter::book()[synfig::String(y)]=synfig::CairoImporter::BookEntry(x::create, x::supports_file_system_wrapper__);

//! Register an CairoImporter class in the book of importers by the default extension

//! Marks the end of the importers in the module's inventory

//! Marks the start of the valuenodes in the module's inventory
#define BEGIN_VALUENODES { synfig::LinkableValueNode::Book &book(synfig::LinkableValueNode::book());

//! Registers a valuenode that is defined in the module's inventory
#define VALUENODE(class,name,local,version)														\
	book[name].factory=reinterpret_cast<synfig::LinkableValueNode::Factory>(&class::create);	\
	book[name].check_type=&class::check_type;													\
	book[name].local_name=local;																\

//! Marks the end of the valuenodes in the module's inventory

//! Marks the start of the optimizers in the module's inventory

//! Registers a optimizer with order and other extra parameters that is defined in the module's inventory
#define OPTIMIZER_ORDER_EXT(renderer, order, optimizer) \
	::synfig::rendering::Renderer::get_renderer(renderer)-> \
	 	 register_optimizer(order, optimizer);

//! Registers a optimizer with extra parameters that is defined in the module's inventory
#define OPTIMIZER_EXT(renderer, optimizer) \
	::synfig::rendering::Renderer::get_renderer(renderer)-> \

//! Registers a optimizer that is defined in the module's inventory
#define OPTIMIZER(optimizer_class) \
	OPTIMIZER_EXT("safe", new optimizer_class()) \
	OPTIMIZER_EXT("software", new optimizer_class()) \
	OPTIMIZER_EXT("gl", new optimizer_class())

//! Marks the end of the optimizers in the module's inventory

//! Marks the end of a module's inventory

/* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */

/* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */

namespace synfig {

class ProgressCallback;

/*!	\class Module
**	\todo writeme
class Module : public etl::shared_object
	bool constructor_(synfig::ProgressCallback */*cb*/) { return true; }
	virtual void destructor_() { }

	typedef etl::handle<Module> Handle;
	typedef etl::loose_handle<Module> LooseHandle;
	typedef etl::handle<const Module> ConstHandle;

	//! Type that represents a pointer to a Module's constructor by name.
	//! As a pointer to the member, it represents a constructor of the module.
	typedef Module* (*constructor_type)(ProgressCallback *);
	typedef std::map<String, Handle > Book;
	static Book* book_;
	static Book& book();

	//! Inits the book of importers and add the paths to search for the
	//! ltdl library utilities.
	static bool subsys_init(const String &prefix);
	static bool subsys_stop();
	//! Register not optional modules
	static void register_default_modules(ProgressCallback *cb=NULL);

	//! Register Module by handle
	static void Register(Handle mod);
	//! Register Module by name
	static bool Register(const String &module_name, ProgressCallback *cb=NULL);
	//!Register Module by instance pointer
	static inline void Register(Module *mod) { Register(Handle(mod)); }

	//! Virtual Modules properties wrappers. Must be defined in the modules classes
	virtual const char * Name();
	virtual const char * Desc();
	virtual const char * Author();
	virtual const char * Version();
	virtual const char * Copyright();

	virtual ~Module() { destructor_(); }

}; // END of namespace synfig

/* === E N D =============================================================== */
