Blob Blame Raw
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*!	\file colormatrix.h
**	\brief Matrix definitions for 4D affine transformations of color channels
**	$Id$
**	\legal
**	......... ... 2016 Ivan Mahonin
**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	General Public License for more details.
**	\endlegal
/* ========================================================================= */

/* === S T A R T =========================================================== */


/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */

#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>

#include <ETL/stringf>

#include <synfig/angle.h>
#include <synfig/real.h>
#include <synfig/string.h>

#include "color.h"

/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */

/* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */

/* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */

namespace synfig {

/*!	\class ColorMatrix
**	\todo writeme (Matrix 5x5, actually used sub-rectangle 5x4)
class ColorMatrix
	typedef Color::value_type value_type;
	typedef value_type value_row[5];
	typedef value_type value_array[25];
	typedef value_row value_matrix[5];

	typedef value_type (*transform_func_ptr)(const ColorMatrix &m, const Color &src);
	typedef void (*batch_func_ptr)(const ColorMatrix &m, value_type *dest, const Color *src, const Color *src_end);

	class BatchProcessor;

	//! The matrix array
	union {
		value_matrix m;
		value_array c;
			value_type m00, m01, m02, m03, m04;
			value_type m10, m11, m12, m13, m14;
			value_type m20, m21, m22, m23, m24;
			value_type m30, m31, m32, m33, m34;
			value_type m40, m41, m42, m43, m44;

	//!Default constructor makes an identity matrix
		m00(1.0), m01(0.0), m02(0.0), m03(0.0), m04(0.0),
		m10(0.0), m11(1.0), m12(0.0), m13(0.0), m14(0.0),
		m20(0.0), m21(0.0), m22(1.0), m23(0.0), m24(0.0),
		m30(0.0), m31(0.0), m32(0.0), m33(1.0), m34(0.0),
		m40(0.0), m41(0.0), m42(0.0), m43(0.0), m44(1.0) { }

		value_type m00, value_type m01, value_type m02, value_type m03, value_type m04,
		value_type m10, value_type m11, value_type m12, value_type m13, value_type m14,
		value_type m20, value_type m21, value_type m22, value_type m23, value_type m24,
		value_type m30, value_type m31, value_type m32, value_type m33, value_type m34,
		value_type m40, value_type m41, value_type m42, value_type m43, value_type m44
		m00(m00), m01(m01), m02(m02), m03(m03), m04(m04),
		m10(m10), m11(m11), m12(m12), m13(m13), m14(m14),
		m20(m20), m21(m21), m22(m22), m23(m23), m24(m24),
		m30(m30), m31(m31), m32(m32), m33(m33), m34(m34),
		m40(m40), m41(m41), m42(m42), m43(m43), m44(m44)
	{ }

	ColorMatrix(Color axis_r, Color axis_g, Color axis_b, Color axis_a, Color offset):
		m00(axis_r.get_r()), m01(axis_r.get_g()), m02(axis_r.get_b()), m03(axis_r.get_a()), m04(0.0),
		m10(axis_g.get_r()), m11(axis_g.get_g()), m12(axis_g.get_b()), m13(axis_g.get_a()), m14(0.0),
		m20(axis_b.get_r()), m21(axis_b.get_g()), m22(axis_b.get_b()), m23(axis_b.get_a()), m24(0.0),
		m30(axis_a.get_r()), m31(axis_a.get_g()), m32(axis_a.get_b()), m33(axis_a.get_a()), m34(0.0),
		m40(offset.get_r()), m41(offset.get_g()), m42(offset.get_b()), m43(offset.get_a()), m44(1.0)
	{ }

	Color get_axis_r()const { return Color(m00, m01, m02, m03); }
	Color get_axis_g()const { return Color(m10, m11, m12, m13); }
	Color get_axis_b()const { return Color(m20, m21, m22, m23); }
	Color get_axis_a()const { return Color(m30, m31, m32, m33); }
	Color get_offset()const { return Color(m40, m41, m42, m43); }
	Color get_constant()const { return get_offset(); }

	//!set_identity member. Set an identity matrix
	ColorMatrix& set_identity()
		{ return *this = ColorMatrix(); }

	bool is_identity() const
		{ return *this == ColorMatrix(); }

	bool is_zero() const;
	bool is_zero(int channel) const;

	bool is_constant() const;
	bool is_constant(int channel) const;

	bool is_copy() const;
	bool is_copy(int channel) const;

	bool is_transparent() const
		{ return is_zero(3); }
	bool is_affects_transparent() const;

	ColorMatrix& set_scale(value_type r, value_type g, value_type b, value_type a = value_type(1.0));
	ColorMatrix& set_scale_rgba(value_type rgba)
		{ return set_scale(rgba, rgba, rgba, rgba); }
	ColorMatrix& set_scale_rgb(value_type rgb)
		{ return set_scale(rgb, rgb, rgb); }
	ColorMatrix& set_scale(const Color &c)
		{ return set_scale(c.get_r(), c.get_g(), c.get_b(), c.get_a()); }

	ColorMatrix& set_translate(value_type r, value_type g, value_type b, value_type a = value_type(0.0));
	ColorMatrix& set_translate(const Color &c)
		{ return set_translate(c.get_r(), c.get_g(), c.get_b(), c.get_a()); }

	ColorMatrix& set_encode_yuv();
	ColorMatrix& set_decode_yuv();
	ColorMatrix& set_rotate_uv(const Angle &a);

	ColorMatrix& set_constant(const Color &c);
	ColorMatrix& set_replace_color(const Color &c);
	ColorMatrix& set_replace_alpha(value_type x);
	ColorMatrix& set_brightness(value_type x);
	ColorMatrix& set_contrast(value_type x);
	ColorMatrix& set_exposure(value_type x);
	ColorMatrix& set_hue_saturation(const Angle &hue, value_type saturation);
	ColorMatrix& set_hue(const Angle &x)
		{ return set_hue_saturation(x, 1.0); }
	ColorMatrix& set_saturation(value_type x)
		{ return set_hue_saturation(Angle::deg(0.0), x); }
	ColorMatrix& set_invert_color();
	ColorMatrix& set_invert_alpha();

	Color get_transformed(Color color) const;

	value_row& operator[] (int r) { return m[r]; }
	const value_row& operator[] (int r) const { return m[r]; }

	bool operator==(const ColorMatrix &rhs) const;
	bool operator!=(const ColorMatrix &rhs) const
		{ return !(*this == rhs); }

	//! operator*=. Multiplication and assignment of one matrix by another
	//! @param rhs the right hand side of the multiplication operation
	//! @return the modified resulting matrix
	ColorMatrix operator*=(const ColorMatrix &rhs);

	//! operator*=. Multiplication and assignment of one matrix by a scalar
	//! @param rhs the number to multiply by
	//! @return the modified resulting matrix
	ColorMatrix operator*=(const value_type &rhs);

	//! operator*. Multiplication of one matrix by another
	//! @param rhs the right hand side of the multiplication operation
	//! @return the resulting matrix
	ColorMatrix operator*(const ColorMatrix &rhs)const
		{ return ColorMatrix(*this) *= rhs; }

	//! operator*. Multiplication of one matrix by a number
	//! @param rhs the number to multiply by
	//! @return the resulting matrix
	ColorMatrix operator*(const value_type &rhs)const
		{ return ColorMatrix(*this) *= rhs; }

	//!Get the string of the ColorMatrix
	//!@return String type. A string representation of the matrix
	String get_string(int spaces = 0, String before = String(), String after = String())const;

class ColorMatrix::BatchProcessor
	ColorMatrix matrix;

	bool zero_all;
		bool zero[4];
		struct { bool zero_r, zero_g, zero_b, zero_a; };

	Color constant_value;
	bool constant_all;
		bool constant[4];
		struct { bool constant_r, constant_g, constant_b, constant_a; };

	bool copy_all;
		bool copy[4];
		struct { bool copy_r, copy_g, copy_b, copy_a; };

	bool affects_transparent;

		transform_func_ptr transform_funcs[4];
		struct { transform_func_ptr transform_func_r, transform_func_g, transform_func_b, transform_func_a; };

		batch_func_ptr batch_funcs[4];
		struct { batch_func_ptr batch_func_r, batch_func_g, batch_func_b, batch_func_a; };

	BatchProcessor(const ColorMatrix &matrix = ColorMatrix());

	bool is_zero() const { return zero_all; }
	bool is_constant() const { return constant_all; }
	bool is_copy() const { return copy_all; }
	bool is_affects_transparent() const { return affects_transparent; }

	const Color& get_constant_value() const { return constant_value; }

	const ColorMatrix& get_matrix() const { return matrix; }
	void process(Color *dest, int dest_stride, const Color *src, int src_stride, int width, int height) const;

}; // END of namespace synfig
