Blob Blame Raw
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*!	\file synfig/renddesc.h
**	\brief Class that defines the parameters needed by the Renderer to
* render a context to a surface.
**	$Id$
**	\legal
**	Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
**	Copyright (c) 2008 Chris Moore
**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	General Public License for more details.
**	\endlegal
/* ========================================================================= */

/* === S T A R T =========================================================== */


/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */

#include "vector.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "types.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "rect.h"
#include "matrix.h"

/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */

#ifndef DPM2DPI
#define DPM2DPI(x)	(float(x)/39.3700787402f)
#define DPI2DPM(x)	(float(x)*39.3700787402f)

/* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */

/* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */

namespace synfig {

/*!	\class RendDesc
**	\todo writeme
class RendDesc
	enum Lock
		PX_ASPECT      = (1<< 0), // "Pixel Aspect" in Locks and Links
		PX_AREA        = (1<< 1), // not used
		PX_W           = (1<< 2), // "Pixel Width" in Locks and Links - not used
		PX_H           = (1<< 3), // "Pixel Height" in Locks and Links - not used

		IM_ASPECT      = (1<< 4), // "Image Aspect" in Locks and Links
		IM_SPAN        = (1<< 5), // "Image Span" in Locks and Links
		IM_W           = (1<< 6), // "Image Width" in Locks and Links
		IM_H           = (1<< 7), // "Image Height" in Locks and Links
		IM_ZOOMIN      = (1<< 8), // not used
		IM_ZOOMOUT     = (1<< 9), // not used

		LINK_PX_ASPECT = (1<<10), // not used
		LINK_PX_AREA   = (1<<11), // not used
		LINK_IM_ASPECT = (1<<12), // "Width and Height pixel ratio" in Image Size
		LINK_IM_SPAN   = (1<<13), // not used
		LINK_IM_CENTER = (1<<14), // not used
		LINK_RES       = (1<<15)  // Resolution ratio in Image Size

	//! Width and height of the composition in pixels
	int w_,h_;
	//! Width and height used for fixed ratio
	int w_ratio_, h_ratio_;
	//! Horizontal resolution of the composition in pixels per meter
	Real x_res;
	//! Vertical resolution of the composition in pixels per meter
	Real y_res;
	//! Horizontal resolution for fixed ratio
	Real x_res_ratio_;
	//! Vertical resolution for fixed ratio
	Real y_res_ratio_;
	//! The Top Left and the Bottom Right Points of the composition
	Point tl_, br_;
	//! The Focus Point of the composition. Used when zooming in
	Point focus;
	//! Anti-alias value
	int a;
	//! The background color used when alpha is not supported or avoided
	Color background;
	//! The result of the flags combination.
	//! \see enum Lock
	int flags;
	//! Interlaced flag for targets that supports it
	bool interlaced;
	//! Clamp flag to decide if color must be clamped or not
	bool clamp;
	//! When \c true layers with exclude_from_rendering flag should be rendered
	bool render_excluded_contexts;
	//! Frame rate of the composition to be rendered
	float frame_rate;
	//! Begin time and end time of the Composition to render
	Time time_begin, time_end;
	//! Transformation matrix which should be applied for each primitive before rendering
	Matrix transformation_matrix;
	//! Root outline grow value
	Real outline_grow;
	//! Gamma value
	Gamma gamma;

	//! Default Constructor
		w_                      (480),
		h_                      (270),
		w_ratio_                (1),
		h_ratio_                (1),
		x_res                   (DPI2DPM(72.0f)),
		y_res                   (DPI2DPM(72.0f)),
		x_res_ratio_            (1),
		y_res_ratio_            (1),
		tl_                     (-4,  2.25),
		br_                     ( 4, -2.25),
		focus                   (0, 0),
		a                       (2),
		background              (Color::gray()),
		flags                   (0),
		interlaced              (false),
		clamp                   (false),
		frame_rate              (24),
		time_begin              (0),
		time_end                (0),
		outline_grow            (0),
		gamma                   ()
	{ }

	static RendDesc zero()
		RendDesc desc;
		desc.set_wh(0, 0);
		return desc;

	bool is_zero() const
		{ return get_w() <= 0 || get_h() <= 0; }

	//! Gets the background color
	const Color &get_bg_color()const;

	//! Sets the background color
	RendDesc &set_bg_color(const Color &bg);

	//! Return the width of the composition in pixels
	int get_w()const;

	//! Set the width of the composition in pixels.
	/*! The other parameters are adjusted according to the
	**	constraints placed on the flags.
	* Seems to be incomplete and doesn't use all the possible
	* flags.
	* \todo write the needed code to keep the flags usage
	RendDesc &set_w(int x);

	//! Return the height of the composition in pixels
	int	get_h()const;

	//! Set the height of the composition in pixels.
	/*! The other parameters are adjusted according to the
	**	constraints placed on the flags.
	* Seems to be incomplete and doesn't use all the possible
	* flags.
	* \todo write the needed code to keep the flags usage
	RendDesc &set_h(int y);

	//!	Sets the width and height of the composition in pixels
	RendDesc &set_wh(int x, int y);

    //! Returns the horizontal resolution (in dots per meter)
	Real get_x_res()const;

	//! Sets the horizontal resolution (in dots per meter)
	RendDesc &set_x_res(Real x);

    //! Returns the vertical resolution (in dots per meter)
	Real get_y_res()const;

	//! Sets the vertical resolution (in dots per meter)
	RendDesc &set_y_res(Real y);

	//! Return the physical width of the composition in meters
	Real get_physical_w()const;

	//! Return the physical height of the composition in meters
	Real get_physical_h()const;

	//! Set the physical width of the composition in meters
	RendDesc &set_physical_w(Real w);

	//! Set the physical height of the composition in meters
	RendDesc &set_physical_h(Real h);

	//!	Return the index of the first frame
	int get_frame_start()const;

	//! Set the index of the first frame
	RendDesc &set_frame_start(int x);

	//!	Return the index of the last frame
	int get_frame_end()const;

	//! Set the index of the last frame
	RendDesc &set_frame_end(int x);

	//!	Return the starting time of the animation
	const Time get_time_start()const;

	//!	Set the time that the animation will start
	RendDesc &set_time_start(Time x);

	//! Return the end time of the animation
	const Time get_time_end()const;

	//!	Set the time that the animation will end
	RendDesc &set_time_end(Time x);

	//!	Setup for one frame at the given time
	RendDesc &set_time(Time x);

	//!	Setup for one frame
	RendDesc &set_frame(int x);

	//!	Return the frame rate (frames-per-second)
	const float &get_frame_rate()const;

	//! Set the frame rate (frames-per-second)
	RendDesc &set_frame_rate(float x);

	//! Return the status of the interlaced flag
	const bool &get_interlaced()const;

	//! Set the interlace flag
	RendDesc &set_interlaced(bool x);

	//! Return the status of the clamp flag
	const bool &get_clamp()const;

	//! Set the clamp flag
	RendDesc &set_clamp(bool x);

	//! Return the status of the render_excluded_contexts flag
	const bool &get_render_excluded_contexts()const;

	//! Set the render_excluded_contexts flag
	RendDesc &set_render_excluded_contexts(bool x);

	//! Set constraint flags
	RendDesc &set_flags(const int &x);

	//! Clear constraint flags
	RendDesc &clear_flags();

	//! Get constraint flags
	int get_flags()const;

	//!	Return the aspect ratio of a single pixel
	Point::value_type get_pixel_aspect()const;

	//!	Return the aspect ratio of the entire image
	Point::value_type get_image_aspect()const;

	//! Set the pixel ratio for LINK_IM_ASPECT flag
	void set_pixel_ratio(const int &x, const int &y);

	//! Get the reduced pixel ratio (based on euclide reduction)
	void get_pixel_ratio_reduced(int &w_ratio_reduced, int &h_ratio_reduced);

	//! Set the resolution ratio for LINK_RES flag
	void set_res_ratio(const Real &x, const Real &y);

	//! Return the antialias amount
	const int &get_antialias()const;

	//! Set the antialias amount
	RendDesc &set_antialias(const int &x);

	//! Return the distance from the bottom-right to the top-left
	Real get_span()const;

	//! Set the span distance
	RendDesc& set_span(const Real &x);

	//! Gets the focus Point
	const Point &get_focus()const;
	//! Sets the focus Point
	RendDesc &set_focus(const Point &x);
	//! Gets the top left point of the compostion
	const Point &get_tl()const;
	//! Sets the top left point of the compostion
	RendDesc &set_tl(const Point &x);
	//! Gets the bottom right point of the compostion
	const Point &get_br()const;
	//! Sets the bottom right point of the compostion
	RendDesc &set_br(const Point &x);
	//! Sets the top left and the bottom right of the composition
	// Use this when the individual set_tl or set_br
	// produce degenerate w or h
	RendDesc &set_tl_br( const Point &x, const Point &y);
	//! Returns the rectangle of the composition
	Rect get_rect()const { return Rect(get_tl(),get_br()); }
	//! Sets the view port by the top left and right bottom corners
	RendDesc &set_viewport(const Point &__tl, const Point &__br);
	//! Sets the view port by the four corners values
	RendDesc &set_viewport(Vector::value_type a,Vector::value_type b,Vector::value_type c,Vector::value_type d);
	//! Returns the width of one pixel
	Real get_pw()const;
	//! Returns the height of one pixel
	Real get_ph()const;
	//! Sets viewport to represent the screen at the given pixel coordinates
	RendDesc &set_subwindow(int x, int y, int w, int h);
	//! Sets the duration of the animation.
	// Keeps the start time and modifies the end time to match the duration
	RendDesc &set_duration(Time t);
	//! Gets the duration of the animation
	const Time get_duration();
	//! Sets the transformation matrix
	void set_transformation_matrix(const Matrix &x) { transformation_matrix = x; }
	//! Gets the transformation matrix
	const Matrix& get_transformation_matrix() const { return transformation_matrix; }

	Matrix get_world_to_pixels_matrix() const
		const Real epsilon = 1e-20;
		Vector size = get_br() - get_tl();
		Vector ratio(
			fabs(size[0]) < epsilon ? 0.0 : 1.0/size[0] * Real(get_w()),
			fabs(size[1]) < epsilon ? 0.0 : 1.0/size[1] * Real(get_h()) );
		return Matrix(
			ratio[0], 0.0, 0.0,
			0.0, ratio[1], 0.0,
			-get_tl()[0]*ratio[0], -get_tl()[1]*ratio[1], 1.0 );

	Matrix get_pixels_to_world_matrix() const
		return Matrix(
			(get_w() > 0 ? 0.0 : 1.0/Real(get_w())*(get_br()[0] - get_tl()[0])), 0.0, 0.0,
			0.0, (get_h() > 0 ? 0.0 : 1.0/Real(get_h())*(get_br()[1] - get_tl()[1])), 0.0,
			get_tl()[0], get_tl()[1], 1.0 );

	Real get_outline_grow() const { return outline_grow; }
	void set_outline_grow(Real x) { outline_grow = x; }

	const Gamma& get_gamma() const { return gamma; }
	void set_gamma(const Gamma &x) { gamma = x; }
};	// END of class RendDesc

}; /* end namespace synfig */

/* === E N D =============================================================== */
