Blob Blame Raw
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*!	\file canvasview.h
**	\brief Template Header
**	$Id$
**	\legal
**	Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
**	Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Chris Moore
**	Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos López
**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	General Public License for more details.
**	\endlegal
/* ========================================================================= */

/* === S T A R T =========================================================== */


/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */

#include <set>
#include <map>

#ifdef WITH_JACK
#include <jack/jack.h>
#include <jack/transport.h>

#include <glibmm/dispatcher.h>

#include <gtkmm/window.h>
#include <gtkmm/image.h>
#include <gtkmm/tooltip.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/statusbar.h>
#include <gtkmm/button.h>
#include <gtkmm/menu.h>
#include <gtkmm/treeview.h>
#include <gtkmm/treestore.h>
#include <gdkmm/device.h>
#include <gtkmm/spinbutton.h>
#include <gtkmm/alignment.h>
#include <gtkmm/toolbar.h>
#include <gtkmm/toolitem.h>
#include <gtkmm/toolbutton.h>
#include <gtkmm/toggletoolbutton.h>
#include <gtkmm/separatortoolitem.h>
#include <gtkmm/scale.h>
#include <gtkmm/uimanager.h>
#include <gtkmm/toggleaction.h>
#include <gtkmm/radioaction.h>

#include <ETL/clock>

#include <synfig/canvas.h>
#include <synfig/context.h>
#include <synfig/string.h>
#include <synfig/time.h>
#include <synfig/rect.h>
#include <synfig/transform.h>
#include <synfig/soundprocessor.h>

#include <synfigapp/canvasinterface.h>
#include <synfigapp/selectionmanager.h>

#include "app.h"
#include "instance.h"
#include "smach.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "duckmatic.h"
#include "timemodel.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "cellrenderer/cellrenderer_timetrack.h"
#include "docks/dockable.h"
#include "dialogs/canvasoptions.h"
#include "dialogs/canvasproperties.h"
#include "dialogs/dialog_keyframe.h"
#include "dialogs/dialog_preview.h"
#include "dialogs/dialog_waypoint.h"
#include "dials/framedial.h"
#include "dials/jackdial.h"
#include "dials/toggleducksdial.h"
#include "dials/resolutiondial.h"
#include "trees/layertree.h"
#include "trees/layertreestore.h"
#include "trees/childrentreestore.h"
#include "trees/childrentree.h"
#include "trees/keyframetreestore.h"
#include "trees/keyframetree.h"
#include "widgets/widget_keyframe_list.h"

#define ONION_SKIN_PAST 10


/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DEBUGPOINT_CLASS(x)		struct debugpointclass_ ## x { debugpointclass_ ## x () { DEBUGPOINT(); } ~debugpointclass_ ## x () { DEBUGPOINT(); } } badfthguae_ ## x ;

/* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */

/* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */

namespace synfig {
	class TransformStack;

namespace studio {

class CanvasViewUIInterface;
class CanvasViewSelectionManager;
class CellRenderer_TimeTrack;
class CellRenderer_ValueBase;
class WorkArea;
class Duckmatic;
class Widget_Enum;
class Preview;
struct PreviewInfo;
class Widget_CanvasTimeslider;
class Widget_Time;
class Dock_Layers;
class Dock_Children;
class Dock_Keyframes;

class LockDucks: public etl::shared_object {
	etl::handle<CanvasView> canvas_view_handle;
	CanvasView *canvas_view;
	explicit LockDucks(const etl::handle<CanvasView> &canvas_view);
	explicit LockDucks(CanvasView &canvas_view);

/*!	\class studio::CanvasView
**	\brief \writeme
**	\writeme
class CanvasView : public Dockable, public etl::shared_object
	friend class Dock_Layers;
	friend class Dock_Children;
	friend class Dock_Keyframes;
	friend class CanvasViewUIInterface;
	friend class CanvasViewSelectionManager;
	friend class Duckmatic;
	friend class LockDucks;

 -- ** -- P U B L I C   T Y P E S ---------------------------------------------
	typedef etl::handle<CanvasView> Handle;
	typedef etl::handle<const CanvasView> ConstHandle;
	typedef etl::loose_handle<CanvasView> LooseHandle;
	typedef LayerTreeStore::Model LayerTreeModel;
	typedef ChildrenTreeStore::Model ChildrenTreeModel;

	//! Create an instance of this class whenever doing a longer task.
	/*! Make sure that you check the bool value of this class occasionally
	**	to make sure the action has not been canceled. */
	class IsWorking
		CanvasView &canvas_view_;
		IsWorking(CanvasView &canvas_view_);
		operator bool()const;
	friend class IsWorking;

	class ActivationIndex {
		static ActivationIndex last__;
		long long int activation_index;
		long long int creation_index;

		void create() { creation_index = ++last__.creation_index; }
		void activate() { activation_index = ++last__.activation_index; }

		explicit ActivationIndex(bool create = false): activation_index(0), creation_index(0)
			{ if (create) this->create(); }

		bool operator < (const ActivationIndex &other) const
			if (activation_index < other.activation_index) return true;
			if (other.activation_index < activation_index) return false;
			return creation_index < other.creation_index;

	typedef synfigapp::CanvasInterface::Mode Mode;

	void set_grid_snap_toggle(bool flag) { grid_snap_toggle->set_active(flag); }
	void set_grid_show_toggle(bool flag) { grid_show_toggle->set_active(flag); }
	void set_onion_skin_toggle(bool flag) { onion_skin_toggle->set_active(flag); }

	void set_background_rendering_toggle(bool flag) { background_rendering_toggle->set_active(flag); }

	void grab_focus();

 -- ** -- P R I V A T E   D A T A ---------------------------------------------
	WorkArea* get_work_area() const { return work_area; }

	WorkArea *work_area;

	synfig::SoundProcessor soundProcessor;

	ActivationIndex activation_index_;

	synfig::Rect bbox;


	//! State Machine
	Smach smach_;


	etl::loose_handle<Instance> instance_;
	etl::handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface_;
	synfig::ContextParams context_params_;


	//! TreeModel for the layers
	LayerTreeModel layer_tree_model;

	//! TreeModel for the the children
	ChildrenTreeModel children_tree_model;


	std::map<synfig::String,Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> > ref_obj_book_;
	std::map<synfig::String,Gtk::Widget*> ext_widget_book_;
	std::map<synfig::String,AdjustmentGroup::Handle> adjustment_group_book_;

	//! The time_window adjustment governs the position of the time window on the whole time line
	etl::handle<TimeModel> time_model_;

	LayerTree *layer_tree;
	ChildrenTree *children_tree;
	KeyframeTree *keyframe_tree;

	Gtk::TreeRow children_canvas_row;
	Gtk::TreeRow children_valuenode_row;

	Gtk::Statusbar *statusbar;
	Gtk::Button *closebutton;
	Gtk::Button *stopbutton;
	Gtk::ToggleToolButton *background_rendering_button;
	Gtk::ToolButton *refreshbutton;
	Gtk::ComboBoxText *render_combobox;
	Gtk::VBox *timebar;
	Gtk::Toolbar *displaybar;
	Widget_Enum *widget_interpolation;
	Gtk::ToggleButton *animatebutton;
	Gtk::ToggleButton *timetrackbutton;
	Gtk::VBox *timetrack;
	Gtk::Button *keyframebutton;
	Gtk::ToggleButton *pastkeyframebutton;
	Gtk::ToggleButton *futurekeyframebutton;
	bool toggling_animate_mode_;
	FrameDial *framedial;
	JackDial *jackdial;
	Gtk::ToggleButton *jackbutton;
	Widget_Time *offset_widget;
	ToggleDucksDial toggleducksdial;
	bool toggling_ducks_;
	ResolutionDial resolutiondial;
	bool changing_resolution_;
	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Adjustment> future_onion_adjustment_;
	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Adjustment> past_onion_adjustment_;
	Gtk::SpinButton *past_onion_spin;
	Gtk::SpinButton *future_onion_spin;
	Gtk::ToggleToolButton *show_grid;
	Gtk::ToggleToolButton *snap_grid;
	Gtk::ToggleToolButton *onion_skin;
	Gtk::ToolButton *render_options_button;
	Gtk::ToolButton *preview_options_button;
	bool toggling_show_grid;
	bool toggling_snap_grid;
	bool toggling_onion_skin;
	bool toggling_background_rendering;
	//! Shows current time and allows edition
	Widget_Time *current_time_widget;
	void on_current_time_widget_changed();

	//on end time changed
	void on_set_end_time_widget_changed();

	//! Time slider class. Same than the Time track panel
	Widget_CanvasTimeslider *timeslider;

	//!Keyframe list slider
	Widget_Keyframe_List *widget_kf_list;

	std::list<sigc::connection> duck_changed_connections;

	//! Menu members
	Gtk::Menu parammenu;

	Gtk::UIManager::ui_merge_id merge_id_popup_;
	Gtk::UIManager::ui_merge_id merge_id_toolbar_;

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> grid_snap_toggle;
	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> grid_show_toggle;
	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> onion_skin_toggle;

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> background_rendering_toggle;

	Gtk::RadioButtonGroup low_res_pixel_size_group;

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ActionGroup> action_group;
	bool _action_group_removed;

	etl::handle<synfigapp::UIInterface> ui_interface_;
	etl::handle<synfigapp::SelectionManager> selection_manager_;

	etl::handle<LockDucks> ducks_playing_lock;
	sigc::connection playing_connection;
	etl::clock playing_timer;
	synfig::Time playing_time;

	sigc::signal<void> signal_deleted_;

	sigc::connection queue_rebuild_ducks_connection;

	bool jack_enabled;
	bool jack_actual_enabled;
	int jack_locks;
	bool jack_enabled_in_preview;

	#ifdef WITH_JACK
	Glib::Dispatcher jack_dispatcher;
	jack_client_t *jack_client;
	bool jack_synchronizing;
	bool jack_is_playing;
	synfig::Time jack_time;
	bool toggling_jack;

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action_mask_bone_setup_ducks, action_mask_bone_recursive_ducks;

	int ducks_locks;
	bool ducks_rebuild_requested;
	bool ducks_rebuild_queue_requested;

 -- ** -- P U B L I C   D A T A -----------------------------------------------

	void queue_rebuild_ducks();
	sigc::signal<void>& signal_deleted() { return signal_deleted_; }

	//! This is for the IsWorking class.
	int working_depth;

	bool cancel;

 -- ** -- D I A L O G S -------------------------------------------------------


	CanvasProperties canvas_properties;
	CanvasOptions *canvas_options;
	RenderSettings render_settings;
	Dialog_Waypoint waypoint_dialog;
	Dialog_Keyframe keyframe_dialog;
	Dialog_Preview preview_dialog;

 -- ** -- P R I V A T E   M E T H O D S ---------------------------------------


	// Constructor is private to force the use of the "create()" constructor
	CanvasView(etl::loose_handle<Instance> instance,etl::handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface);

	//! Constructor Helper - Initializes all of the menus
	void init_menus();

	bool duck_change_param(const synfig::Point &value,synfig::Layer::Handle layer, synfig::String param_name);

	void refresh_time_window();

	void on_time_changed();

	void refresh_rend_desc();

	void mask_bone_ducks();

	//! Constructor Helper - Create the workarea and connect data and signal
	/*! \see popup_main_menu() */
	Gtk::Widget *create_work_area();

	Gtk::Widget *create_time_bar();

	Gtk::ToolButton* create_action_toolbutton(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> &action);
	Gtk::SeparatorToolItem* create_tool_separator();
	Gtk::Widget* create_display_bar();

	//! Pop up menu for the bezier (bline, draw) tool (?)
	void popup_param_menu_bezier(float location, synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc)
	{ popup_param_menu(value_desc,location,true); }

	//! Pop up menu for the tools but not the bezier ones.
	void popup_param_menu(synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc, float location=0, bool bezier=false);

	void workarea_layer_selected(synfig::Layer::Handle layer);

	void selected_layer_color_set(synfig::Color color);

	void register_layer_type(synfig::Layer::Book::value_type &lyr,std::map<synfig::String,Gtk::Menu*>*);

	//! Rebuilds the "new layer" menu
	void build_new_layer_menu(Gtk::Menu &menu);

	void decrease_low_res_pixel_size();
	void increase_low_res_pixel_size();
	void toggle_low_res_pixel_flag();
	void set_onion_skins();
	void toggle_show_grid();
	void toggle_snap_grid();
	void toggle_onion_skin();
	void toggle_background_rendering();

	void toggle_animatebutton();
	void toggle_timetrackbutton();

	void toggle_render_combobox();

	void on_play_timeout();

	void interpolation_refresh();
	void on_interpolation_changed();

	static void save_all();

 -- ** -- P U B L I C   M E T H O D S -----------------------------------------

	ActivationIndex get_activation_index() { return activation_index_; }

	void activate();
	void deactivate();
	void present();

	bool jack_is_locked() const { return jack_locks > 0; }
	void jack_lock();
	void jack_unlock();
	bool get_jack_enabled_in_preview() const { return jack_enabled_in_preview; }
	void set_jack_enabled_in_preview(bool x) { jack_enabled_in_preview = x; }

	#ifdef WITH_JACK
	bool get_jack_enabled() const { return jack_enabled; }
	bool get_jack_actual_enabled() const { return jack_actual_enabled; }
	void set_jack_enabled(bool value);

	synfig::Rect& get_bbox() { return bbox; }

	Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> get_ref_obj(const synfig::String& x);
	Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::ObjectBase> get_ref_obj(const synfig::String& x)const;
	void set_ref_obj(const synfig::String& x, Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> y);

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> get_tree_model(const synfig::String& x);
	Glib::RefPtr<const Gtk::TreeModel> get_tree_model(const synfig::String& x)const;
	void set_tree_model(const synfig::String& x, Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> y);

	Gtk::Widget* get_ext_widget(const synfig::String& x);
	void set_ext_widget(const synfig::String& x, Gtk::Widget* y);

	AdjustmentGroup::Handle get_adjustment_group(const synfig::String& x);
	void set_adjustment_group(const synfig::String& x, AdjustmentGroup::Handle y);

	Gtk::UIManager::ui_merge_id get_popup_id();
	void set_popup_id(Gtk::UIManager::ui_merge_id popup_id);
	Gtk::UIManager::ui_merge_id get_toolbar_id();
	void set_toolbar_id(Gtk::UIManager::ui_merge_id toolbar_id);

	//std::map<synfig::String,Gtk::Widget*>& tree_view_book() { return tree_view_book_; }
	//std::map<synfig::String,Gtk::Widget*>& ext_widget_book() { return ext_widget_book_; }

	//! Pop up menu for the main menu and the caret menu (not tools and not the bezier ones).
	/*! Signal handler for work_area->signal_popup_menu */
	/*! \see create_work_area(), popup_param_menu(), popup_param_menu_bezier() */
	void popup_main_menu();

	bool is_ducks_locked() { return ducks_locks > 0; }

	Smach& get_smach() { return smach_; }
	const Smach& get_smach()const { return smach_; }

	Smach::event_result process_event_key(EventKey x);

	void popup_layer_menu(synfig::Layer::Handle layer);

	virtual ~CanvasView();

	const synfig::ContextParams& get_context_params()const { return context_params_; }
	void set_context_params(const synfig::ContextParams &x) { context_params_ = x; }

	void set_mode(Mode x) { canvas_interface()->set_mode(x); }
	Mode get_mode()const { return canvas_interface()->get_mode(); }

	etl::handle<TimeModel> time_model() { return time_model_; }

	etl::handle<synfigapp::UIInterface> get_ui_interface() { return ui_interface_;}

	etl::handle<synfigapp::SelectionManager> get_selection_manager() { return selection_manager_; }

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> layer_tree_store() { return get_tree_model("layers"); }
	Glib::RefPtr<const Gtk::TreeModel> layer_tree_store()const { return get_tree_model("layers"); }

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> children_tree_store() { return get_tree_model("children"); }
	Glib::RefPtr<const Gtk::TreeModel> children_tree_store()const { return get_tree_model("children"); }

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> keyframe_tree_store() { return get_tree_model("keyframes"); }
	Glib::RefPtr<const Gtk::TreeModel> keyframe_tree_store()const { return get_tree_model("keyframes"); }

	void set_time(synfig::Time t) { time_model()->set_time(t); }
	synfig::Time get_time() { return time_model()->get_time(); }

	const etl::handle<synfig::Canvas>& get_canvas()const { return canvas_interface_->get_canvas(); }
	const etl::loose_handle<Instance>& get_instance()const { return instance_; }

	const etl::handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface>& canvas_interface() { return canvas_interface_; }
	etl::handle<const synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface()const { return canvas_interface_; }

	void add_actions_to_menu(Gtk::Menu *menu,   const synfigapp::Action::ParamList &param_list, synfigapp::Action::Category category=synfigapp::Action::CATEGORY_ALL)const;

	//! Updates the title of the window
	void update_title();

	//! Closes this document
	bool close_instance();

	//! Closes this canvas view
	bool close_view();

	//!	Stops the currently executing action
	/*! \see get_cancel_status(), reset_cancel_status(), IsWorking */
	void stop() { cancel=true; }

	//! Returns the cancel status
	/*! \see stop(), reset_cancel_status(), IsWorking */
	bool get_cancel_status()const { return cancel; }

	//! Resets the cancel status
	/*! \see stop(), get_cancel_status(), IsWorking */
	void reset_cancel_status() { cancel=false; }

	void new_child_canvas();

	//! Rebuilds layer_tree_store_ from the Canvas. Maintains selected items.
	void rebuild_tables();

	//! Builds layer_tree_store_ from the Canvas. Does not maintain selected items.
	void build_tables();

	//! Refreshes the data for the tables
	void refresh_tables();

	//! \writeme
	void rebuild_ducks();

	void play_async();
	void stop_async();

	//! Show/hide the tables (Layer/Children). TODO: seems deprecated
	void show_tables() { }
	void hide_tables() { }
	bool tables_are_visible() { return false; }

	//! Shows the time bar
	void show_timebar();

	//! Hides the time bar
	void hide_timebar();

	//! Enables or disables interaction with the timebar
	void set_sensitive_timebar(bool sensitive);

	void time_zoom_in();
	void time_zoom_out();

	void add_layer(synfig::String x);

	void show_keyframe_dialog();
	void on_keyframe_toggle();
	void on_keyframe_description_set();

	void image_import();

	void on_waypoint_clicked_canvasview(synfigapp::ValueDesc,std::set<synfig::Waypoint,std::less<synfig::UniqueID> >, int button);

	void preview_option() {on_preview_option();}

	bool is_playing() { return ducks_playing_lock; }

	//! Toggle given handle type
	//! \Param[in]  type The Duckmatic::Type to toggle
	//! \Sa             DuckMatic::set_type_mask(), DuckMatic::get_type_mask()
	void toggle_duck_mask(Duckmatic::Type type);
	//! Toggle between none/last visible handles
	//! \Sa             DuckMatic::set_type_mask_state(), DuckMatic::get_type_mask_state()
	void toggle_duck_mask_all();

 -- ** -- S I G N A L   T E R M I N A L S -------------------------------------

	void on_select_layers();
	void on_unselect_layers();
	void on_input_device_changed(GdkDevice*);
	void on_hide();
	bool on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton *event);
	bool on_keyframe_tree_event(GdkEvent *event);
	void on_dirty_preview();
	bool on_children_user_click(int, Gtk::TreeRow, ChildrenTree::ColumnID);
	bool on_layer_user_click(int, Gtk::TreeRow, LayerTree::ColumnID);
	void on_mode_changed(synfigapp::CanvasInterface::Mode mode);
	void on_waypoint_changed();
	void on_waypoint_delete();
	void on_refresh_pressed();
	void on_id_changed();
	void on_interface_time_changed();
	void on_keyframe_add_pressed();
	void on_keyframe_duplicate_pressed();
	void on_keyframe_remove_pressed();
	void on_animate_button_pressed();
	void on_keyframe_button_pressed();
	void on_preview_option();
	void on_preview_create(const PreviewInfo &);
	void on_layer_toggle(synfig::Layer::Handle);
	void on_edited_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc,synfig::ValueBase);
	void on_drop_drag_data_received(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext>& context, int x, int y, const Gtk::SelectionData& selection_data, guint info, guint time);
	void on_play_pause_pressed();
	void on_meta_data_changed();
	bool on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey* event); //!< Keyboard event dispatcher following window priority
	bool on_delete_event(GdkEventAny* event);

	Gtk::Widget* create_tab_label();
	void toggle_past_keyframe_button();
	void toggle_future_keyframe_button();
	bool focused_widget_has_priority(Gtk::Widget * focused);
	bool close_instance_when_safe();

 -- ** -- S T A T I C   P U B L I C   M E T H O D S ---------------------------
	static etl::handle<studio::CanvasView> create(etl::loose_handle<Instance> instance,etl::handle<synfig::Canvas> canvas);
	static std::list<int>& get_pixel_sizes();

	#ifdef WITH_JACK
	void on_jack_sync();
	void on_jack_offset_changed();
	void toggle_jack_button();
	synfig::Time get_jack_offset()const;
	void set_jack_offset(const synfig::Time &value);
	static int jack_sync_callback(jack_transport_state_t state, jack_position_t *pos, void *arg);
}; // END of class CanvasView

}; // END of namespace studio

/* === E N D =============================================================== */
