Blob Blame Raw
/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*!	\file polynomial_root.cpp
**	\brief Template File
**	$Id$
**	\legal
**	Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
**	This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
**	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
**	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
**	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
**	This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	General Public License for more details.
**	\endlegal
/* ========================================================================= */

/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */

#ifdef USING_PCH
#	include "pch.h"
#	include <config.h>

#include "polynomial_root.h"
#include <complex>


/* === U S I N G =========================================================== */

using namespace std;
//using namespace etl;
//using namespace synfig;

/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */

/* === G L O B A L S ======================================================= */
typedef complex<float>	Complex;

/* === P R O C E D U R E S ================================================= */

/* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */

#define EPSS 1.0e-7
#define MR 8
#define MT 10
#define MAXIT (MT*MR)

/*EPSS is the estimated fractional roundoff error.  We try to break (rare) limit
cycles with MR different fractional values, once every MT steps, for MAXIT total allowed iterations.

/*	Explanation:

	A polynomial can be represented like so:
	Pn(x) = (x - x1)(x - x2)...(x - xn)	where xi = complex roots

	We can get the following:
	ln|Pn(x)| = ln|x - x1| + ln|x - x2| + ... + ln|x - xn|

	G := d ln|Pn(x)| / dx =
	+1/(x-x1) + 1/(x-x2) + ... + 1/(x-xn)


	H := - d2 ln|Pn(x)| / d2x =
	+1/(x-x1)^2 + 1/(x-x2)^2 + ... + 1/(x-xn)^2

	which gives
	H = [Pn'/Pn]^2 - Pn''/Pn

	Laguerre's formula guesses that the root we are seeking x1 is located
	some distance a from our current guess x, and all the other roots are
	located at distance b.

	Using this:

	1/a + (n-1)/b = G


	1/a^2 + (n-1)/b^2 = H

	which yields this solution for a:

	a = n / G +- sqrt( (n-1)(nH - G^2) )

	where +- is determined by which ever yields the largest magnitude for the denominator.
	a can easily be complex since the factor inside the square-root can be negative.

	This method iterates (x=x-a) until a is sufficiently small.

/* Given the degree m and the m+1 complex coefficients a[0..m] of the polynomial sum(i=0,m){a[i]x^i},
and given a complex value x, this routine improves x by laguerre's method until it converges,
within the achievable roundoff limit, to a root of the given polynomial.  The number of iterations taken
is returned as `its'.
void laguer(Complex a[], int m, Complex *x, int *its)
	int iter,j;
	float abx, abp, abm, err;
	Complex dx,x1,b,d,f,g,h,sq,gp,gm,g2;

	//Fractions used to break a limit cycle
	static float frac[MR+1] = {0.0,0.5,0.25,0.75,0.13,0.38,0.62,0.88,1.0};

	for(iter = 1; iter <= MAXIT; ++iter)
		*its = iter; //number of iterations so far

		b 	= a[m]; 	//the highest coefficient
		err	= abs(b);	//its magnitude

		d = f = Complex(0,0); //clear variables for use
		abx = abs(*x);	//the magnitude of the current root

		//Efficient computation of the polynomial and its first 2 derivatives
		for(j = m-1; j >= 0; --j)
			f = (*x)*f + d;
			d = (*x)*d + b;
			b = (*x)*b + a[j];

			err = abs(b) + abx*err;

		//Estimate the roundoff error in evaluation polynomial
		err *= EPSS;

		//Are we on the root?
		if(abs(b) < err)

		//General case: use Laguerre's formula
		//a = n / G +- sqrt( (n-1)(nH - G^2) )
		//x = x - a

		g = d / b; 	//get G
		g2 = g * g; //for the sqrt calc

		h = g2 - 2.0f * (f / b);	//get H

		sq = pow( (float)(m-1) * ((float)m*h - g2), 0.5f ); //get the sqrt

		//get the denominator
		gp = g + sq;
		gm = g - sq;

		abp = abs(gp);
		abm = abs(gm);

		//get the denominator with the highest magnitude
		if(abp < abm)
			abp = abm;
			gp = gm;

		//if the denominator is positive do one thing, otherwise do the other
		dx = (abp > 0.0) ? (float)m / gp : polar((1+abx),(float)iter);
		x1 = *x - dx;

		//Have we converged?
		if( *x == x1 )

		//Every so often take a fractional step, to break any limit cycle (itself a rare occurrence).
		if( iter % MT )
			*x = x1;
			*x = *x - (frac[iter/MT]*dx);

	//very unusual - can occur only for complex roots.  Try a different starting guess for the root.
	//nrerror("too many iterations in laguer");

#define EPS 2.0e-6
#define MAXM 100	//a small number, and maximum anticipated value of m..

/* 	Given the degree m and the m+1 complex coefficients a[0..m] of the polynomial a0 + a1*x +...+ an*x^n
	the routine successively calls laguer and finds all m complex roots in roots[1..m].
	The boolean variable polish should be input as true (1) if polishing (also by Laguerre's Method)
	is desired, false (0) if the roots will be subsequently polished by other means.
void RootFinder::find_all_roots(bool polish)
	int i,its,j,jj;
	Complex x,b,c;
	int m = coefs.size()-1;

	//make sure roots is big enough

	if(workcoefs.size() < MAXM) workcoefs.resize(MAXM);

	//Copy the coefficients for successive deflation
	for(j = 0; j <= m; ++j)
		workcoefs[j] = coefs[j];

	//Loop over each root to be found
	for(j = m-1; j >= 0; --j)
		//Start at 0 to favor convergence to smallest remaining root, and find the root
		x = Complex(0,0);
		laguer(&workcoefs[0],j+1,&x,&its); //must add 1 to get the degree

		//if it is close enough to a real root, then make it so
		if(abs(x.imag()) <= 2.0*EPS*abs(x.real()))
			x = Complex(x.real());

		roots[j] = x;

		//forward deflation

		//the degree is j+1 since j(0,m-1)
		b = workcoefs[j+1];
		for(jj = j; jj >= 0; --jj)
			c = workcoefs[jj];
			workcoefs[jj] = b;
			b = x*b + c;

	//Polish the roots using the undeflated coefficients
		for(j = 0; j < m; ++j)

	//Sort roots by their real parts by straight insertion
	for(j = 1; j < m; ++j)
		x = roots[j];
		for( i = j-1; i >= 1; --i)
			if(roots[i].real() <= x.real()) break;
			roots[i+1] = roots[i];
		roots[i+1] = x;