Blob Blame Raw

# zlib not required because it is already part of OSX

# Travis-CI workaround
# When we install a package that is already installed inside the travis VM, and we have an outdated brew
# (for faster build), then we get an error and the build fails. Unfortunately brew doesn't have switch to skip
# already installed packages ( and recommends to install using
# brew bundle. But! `brew bundle` can't be run without updating brew and fails with error "Your Homebrew is outdated".
# Yep, i know what and this is what i want. So here is workaround: first we check which package is not already installed,
# and if not then install it.

set -e

if ! ( which brew >/dev/null ); then
    echo "No brew found. Installing..."
    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

WORKDIR=`dirname "$0"`
pushd "${WORKDIR}" > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null

PACKAGES="adwaita-icon-theme autoconf automake ccache libtool intltool imagemagick gettext pkg-config glibmm libxml++ cairo fftw pango mlt boost gtkmm3 sdl2 sdl2_mixer libxml2 libxslt"


export OS=`uname -r | cut -d "." -f1`

if [ $OS -lt 15 ] && [ -z "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" ]; then # For OSX < 10.11
    # We need librsvg package, but the latest version shipped by Homebrew
    # depends on Rust, which is fails to compile on OSX < 10.11.
    # So, we are rolling back Homebrew's history of packages to use older
    # version of librsvg.
    cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/
    git fetch --unshallow || true
    git checkout a91becd6afc177b0cada2cf9cce2e3bde514053b # librsvg 2.40.20 (without rust) 2017.12.16
    cd /usr/local/Homebrew/
    git checkout 1.4.1
    brew info gobject-introspection | grep --quiet 'Not installed' && brew install ${WORKDIR}/autobuild/osx/gobject-introspection.rb

for pkg in $PACKAGES;
    echo "Checking $pkg..."
    brew info "$pkg" | grep --quiet 'Not installed' && brew install "$pkg"

if ! ( which pip >/dev/null ); then
    echo "No pip found. Installing..."
    echo "Running python in sudo (you need root privelegies to do that)..."
    # Dependency for lxml
    curl | sudo python

# Installing lxml using pip
STATIC_DEPS=true sudo pip install lxml

#HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew bundle -no-upgrade --file=-<<-EOF
#brew "autoconf"
#brew "automake"
#brew "boost"
#brew "cairo"
#brew "fftw"
#brew "gettext"
#brew "glibmm"
#brew "gtkmm3"
#brew "intltool"
#brew "libtool"
#brew "libxml++"
#brew "mlt"
#brew "pango"
#brew "pkg-config"